
Crackdown 3 May Actually Convince You To Buy An Xbox

Crackdown 3 was the most fun Liz had on the show floor of E3, so much so it may be the deciding factor in her finally picking up an Xbox.

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Bigpappy2518d ago

I am not a fan of this type of game, bit I at least have an open mind.

4Sh0w2518d ago

Well no doubt I'm buying an X1X if nothing else to improve my existing games, play 3rd parties better and of course now in 4K....but C3 dissapointed me at E3, they better come hard or stay home next time.

b163o12518d ago (Edited 2518d ago )


Completely agree, after all that time behind the scenes that game looks like KaKa. As far as the the XXX I'll pass, I'm a Sony guy, but I'm excited for M$ fans lets hope M$ investes in a few 1st Party studios

thekhurg2518d ago

I'll pass. I have a high end gaming PC. Don't need xbox consoles anymore unless MS changes game policies.

4Sh0w2518d ago (Edited 2518d ago )


Well that's cool for you, thats exactly why Microsoft put their games on pc, so pc gamers and ps fans who don't want an X1 can join the Xbox Ecosystem via pc...... BUT I take it she isn't much a pc gamer given she describes herself as a die hard ps fangirl and most people definitely don't have a 4K capable pc so X1X is a cost effective option if they are looking to get this game while also getting into 4K gaming.

Godmars2902518d ago

Open enough to put down $60? $560 if your PC can't run it.

andrewsquall2518d ago

@Bigpappy So Crackdown 3 has or hasn't convinced you that any Xbone console is now a must buy? (people seem to be under the impression this is referring to the XboneX when she talking about ANY Xbone console)

So for you its clearly extremely important that people are buying consoles to "get into 4K gaming". Wouldn't some stunning games worthy of being dubbed a current 8th generation console game be the reason on if you would buy an XboneX? For example, Recore running at 4k 30fps on XboneX isn't going to sell consoles when it didn't even do good sales to 20 million Xboners the first time.

SCW19822518d ago

I have an open mind as well and the first game was a lot of fun. Collecting orbs was very addicting to me but buying an XBox for this game over something like Sunset Overdrive (Best Xbox Exclusive this gen) is wrong.

EatCrow2518d ago


What does that have to do with his answer. He was talking about getting the game not the console....

Skull5212518d ago

Owning a PS4 the only reason I'd tell you to buy one is Bloodborne. Then again if you were my friend I'd just loan it to you since I've already made the investment and I'm done with it for good.

Arnon2518d ago (Edited 2518d ago )


I agree, with MS changing their policies so that all Xbox games are on PC, I'll just stick with my PC.


The article is regarding the game as being a reason to buy the console. Thekhurg brought his point up because if you already have a PC capable of playing these games, then Crackdown 3 isn't necessarily a console seller since you can get the game elsewhere.

Bigpappy2518d ago

@andrewsquall: Once again, I am not Buy X1X for exclusives. I really do not care rather or not a game is exclusive. I am looking forward to Anthem and Assassins Creed from E3 to play on my X. Because PS4 fans get to play it too never crossed my mind as a negative. But if it is about bragging rights, My version will always be the best console version.

2517d ago
Kribwalker2517d ago

What's your gamer tag? I can add you and we can play some crossplay

dirkdady2517d ago (Edited 2517d ago )

Well difference is I'll stick to the Steam eco system forget microsofts Games for windows or whatever it's called eco system on the PC.

S2Killinit2517d ago

Yeah this game really dissapointed at E3. It looked like it was last gen or something.

Scatpants2517d ago

You must not have seen the trailer then.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2517d ago
joab7772518d ago

It would have to be one hell of a game for $500. Crackdown wasn't for me the first time. It was a bonus for owning a 360, but not a reason to buy one.

spartan112g2518d ago

Xbox One S is $200. X isn't the standard.

2518d ago Replies(11)
NeoGamer2322518d ago

David Jones the visionary behind the Grand Theft Auto franchise created Crackdown.

It is no joke.

I think most people would agree that this guy makes brilliant sand box action games.

tyasia02518d ago

Well... seems like he really made a huge mistake somewhere along the way. Because GTA is one of the biggest and highest earning franchises and Crackdown has never been more than a dollar store Saints Row.

SCW19822518d ago

Crackdown one was a fun diversion for sure. But lets not act like this is a triple AAA series when its clearly not. The copy pasta Crackdown 2 shows how much they really cared about this series, and for as much hype and talk about "Da Powa of Da Cloud" this game has generated this E3 showed enough to prove Microsoft has no faith in this title. No gameplay was shown at all just a hyped up trailer, me thinks this game has gone through some serious development hell and now Sumo has picked it up.

letsa_go2518d ago

He only worked on GTA 1 & 2...didn't have anything to do with the series after that. He was also the "visionary" for the huge failure which was APB (with that awesome 58 metascore), so cool....enjoy!

Sam Fisher2518d ago

Lmfao lmfao i open n4g and the first thing i see is the title!!!! Lmao 😂

Oh god..... that was funny..... im tearing 🤣😂🤣

Gazondaily2518d ago (Edited 2518d ago )

Plot twist- you were actually taking a selfie 🤣

Jk 😜

Allsystemgamer2517d ago

Septic that was bad...really bad

LackTrue4K2518d ago

Part 1 sold good cuz of the halo demo in the case.
Part 2 was a flop.
I love part one, it's fun to be over powerd heros in a city.
But keep in mind, the game has a unique taste for gamers.
Arcadey type

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2518d ago

No this game isn't good enough to sell consoles.

2518d ago
LexHazard792518d ago

uhhhh, did you play it?
that way I know if I want to agree or disagee. thanks.

jcole972518d ago

nope, people have different tastes than you

trooper_2517d ago

It's the biggest joke I ever heard, rofl.

houyi1112517d ago

To be honest, there are better games on xbox to convince people to get one. It just feels silly to play a 10 minutes demo then to decide to buy a console. But good to her I guess.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2517d ago
2518d ago Replies(1)
DigitalRaptor2518d ago

The game comes out in 5 months and was supposed to have an online beta many months ago. Are they not confident in how it's shaping up or something? Very odd considering the only reason people have been talking about this game since it was announced was the power of the cloud and what it could do for the game.

Seems like a few people are quietly putting those expectations to rest and talking about how fun someone said the single player is despite the lofty promises of the online destructibility via cloud compute. Maybe it's best to keep expectations in check at this point, so that it can surprise.

showtimefolks2517d ago


this will be a very average game like crackdown 2. MS sgould invest heavily into this IP because it has potential but they are pushing hard to make a average game and they will achieve that

cleft52517d ago

I will definitely play Crackdown 3... on the PC. Crackdown is yet another reason to upgrade to Windows 10.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2517d ago
2518d ago Replies(4)
PhoenixUp2518d ago

Rare Replay does a better job of that

4Sh0w2518d ago (Edited 2518d ago )

Uh just ps fanboy with multiple accounts and amnesia.

Edit, dammm this response was to your question below.

trooper_2517d ago

They're losing it. Don't pay them any mind.

Phish2518d ago

I really liked the first Crackdown, and I have an X1S, but I would probably just play this on my PC in 4K. As much as I want the X1X, I'm having a hard time justifying the cost.

4Sh0w2518d ago (Edited 2518d ago )

No need to justify the cost if you already have a X1 and a 4K capable pc then play it on your pc. Most people don't have 4K capable pc's though, so X1X is a very good cost+value option....I know you have an X but for those who dont and or have a just a pc thats exactly why Microsoft put the their games on pc= so pc gamers can buy and join in the Xbox brand ecosystem.

I personally prefer consoles but these options are there for us to enjoy.

steveo1234562518d ago

Most people with PC's wont pay M$ store (console) prices for games though and detest M$ policy of universal apps

Bigpappy2518d ago

@steveo123456: So then you are not part of this conversation. This is about buying Xbox for CD3. One guy is saying he will play it on PC. You can only play it on PC if you use Xbox store on PC. So I don't really get what you are saying. It is completely irrelevant.

4Sh0w2518d ago

Yeah Bigpappy, I don't get what his comment has to do with my comment or the topic of this thread.

Automatic792518d ago (Edited 2518d ago )


No need to justify the cost. Crackdown is a play anywhere game that you can enjoy on the Xbox One S and your PC. Don't worry about cost. Just enjoy games and pay no mind to the same like minded individuals who continue to try to knock Xbox One games when there is a plethora to play or when there is a slow period. They will be here in a few months trying to downplay all the hot Xbox exclusive games while praising third party games because there system lacks a great first party game. Vice a versa they will knock in the new year the opposing counsel for enjoying great Third party games and praise the hell out of there first party games due to being on there system of choice. Its endless hypocrisy that has gone on for 4 years. If you a gamer enjoy all games.

letsa_go2518d ago

There are a bunch of xbox exclusive games coming in the next few months? Why didn't they show them at E3?

EatCrow2518d ago

If you already have a 4k machine why do you want it???
Don't get it.

You're all set.

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Tencent to buy Crackdown and Sackboy developer Sumo in $1.3bn deal

Tencent is set to buy Sumo Group in a deal worth $1.27bn (£919m), the companies have announced.

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Darkborn1036d ago

Tencent is really buying up everything. I'm surprised everyone is selling to them like this.

Rebel_Scum1036d ago

They want/need capital I guess.

darthv721036d ago

No way they are worth that much. They are a support studio. I guess tencent decided to throw them an insane price that Sumo would be crazy to turn down.

Its like the godfather. "Im going to make you an offer you cant refuse"

UltraNova1036d ago

Always the case.

Who owns the rights to Crackdown and Sackboy IPs though?

boing11036d ago

I've heard some time ago, that they created a special unit that has a mission to search for acquirable devs all around the globe.

-Foxtrot1036d ago

Going off their business practices they seem like a cancer in this industry

1036d ago
blacktiger1036d ago

chinese currency, no limit in printing, but they are selling in USD

PrinceAli1036d ago

Maybe because they're a publisher of games with a history of success loool..?

barom1036d ago

Even Microsoft can’t compete with that kind of money.

Zeref1036d ago (Edited 1036d ago )

Uhm yes they can.. What do you mean?

Zeref1036d ago

Money talks, Besides, those developers don't need to worry about income anymore.

enkiduxiv1036d ago

I doubt anyone that matters to the actual production of the games is getting a raise. The only thing that has changed is that now they can't buy any Winnie the Poo products for their kids.

senorfartcushion1036d ago

Well they’re allowed. America and China are leading the world in toxic capitalism.

n1kki61036d ago

As publicly traded companies it's either they sell and potentially get more, or tencent initiates a hostile takeover and buys at least 51% of the shares. These companies might not even be amicable to the buy out but opt to take it because hostile takeovers are terrible.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1036d ago
frostypants1036d ago (Edited 1036d ago )

Yep. A company that built itself by ripping off IP of small, innovative developers and out-marketing them. Tencent is everything wrong not just with gaming but corporate ethics in general, and the assymetric regulatory playing field we for some reason permit from the Chinese government. Egregiously corrupt companies like Tencent should be banned from the US market.

senorfartcushion1036d ago

The US market would take Tencent to dinner and have it naked on the bed by midnight if it could. America and China are as bad as each other

Lightning771036d ago

They can take Sumo those devs really aren't that great. Sack boys big adventure scored good however but Crackdown 3 wasn't great. They're 50/50 Sony will find a suitable replacement for Sack boy. MS desperately needs a suitable replacement for crackdown, if it's not already too late in terms of fanfare at this point.

Sumo to me isn't that big of a deal there are better devs out there.

senorfartcushion1036d ago

Crackdown 3 was cancelled and remade a few times. Hardly their fault.

darthv721036d ago

This is the same Sumo who made Outrun 2, 2006 Coast to Coast, Sonic Racing Transformed as well as Forza Horizon 2 on the 360. I think they are better than you give them credit for.

Wulfer1036d ago

You might want to walk this statement back. Why else do you think this game goes for over $200 now?


1036d ago Replies(1)
ScootaKuH1036d ago

I'm surprised Sumo are valued so high

solideagle1036d ago

yeah, thats what I thought. $1.3 billion is very high, Insomniac sounds like a bargain deal for Sony!

chadwarden1036d ago

And they likely bought Housmarque and Bluepoint for even less than Insomniac.

phoenixwing1036d ago

at the two above me,
it's easy to sell for less when you know you're in good hands business and culture wise. I mean sure you could scratch out some extra money elsewhere but are all the people you know going to be taken care of when you get bought out? Sony takes care of them. Basically you can tell who's a scheming money scumbag by what ceo's/execs choose to be bought by. In the end money talks but there's extras to consider sometimes.

roadkillers1036d ago

I am as well. They do not own any IPs from my understanding...

DOMination-1036d ago

Me too! After looking them up, it seems like they were the parent of other game studios: Lab42, Red Kite, Sumo India, The Chinese Room and PixelAnt Games and also have some cryptocurrency technology.

They may also still hold the IP for back when they were Gremlin Interactive.. back in the Amiga days they were really a dev of some repute.

ScootaKuH1036d ago

Gremlin. Now there's a name that takes me back. Ocean as well.

Teflon021036d ago

They're not, it's likely them just throwing money around to make sure they have no opposition. Sumo is a valuable developer as they've assisted in alot of great games. They did LBP3, Sackboy, Sonic Transformed, I believe Assisted in both ModNation Racers and LBPK, Team Sonic racing, just to name the few off the top of my head that I own.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1036d ago
IRetrouk1036d ago

I honestly thought ms or Sony would have nabbed them, seeing as they have worked for both on their respective ips, colour me surprised.

Bennibop1036d ago

It's a lot of money for a group with no ips, what would they have worked on to keep so many studios and staff employed. For now at least they continue working on ips for the likes of Sony and Microsoft.

IRetrouk1036d ago

Sony and ms have more than enough ips to keep em busy, the price would have been an issue though, that I agree with, just surprised is all🤷‍♂️

frostypants1036d ago (Edited 1036d ago )

Tencent doesn't exactly pride themselves on original IP anyway. They just steal someone else's. They only need developer drones.

Sephiroushin1036d ago

They have enough to make them busy but there is no point in buying the studio that high, they could just make the developers some offers and thats it... heck every single developer could just quit the studio and with what is tensen left? no point in buying a studio with no IP you dont own the developers

IRetrouk1036d ago

I already agreed that the price was high, still don't take away that they could have been used, and be useful to either ms or sony

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Xbox Cloud Gaming PC Preview/Hands on Impressions (BETA) - CG

Microsoft recently released their Xbox Cloud Gaming PC Beta which allows users the opportunity to stream Xbox games to their Windows 10 PCs or laptops. This follows on from being able to use the cloud gaming on mobile devices which works very well but is limited to the size of your screen. Having the option to play Xbox games with a larger display has its obvious benefits.

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1121d ago

Crackdown 3 8K 60 FPS - Possible at Low-Medium Settings with an RTX 3090

CG writes: Nvidia’s claims that the RTX 3090 can render games in 8K at 60 FPS, ring true for us in this video. We put the game Crackdown 3 through its paces with some interesting results.

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bunt-custardly1313d ago

If you've ever super-sampled anything you would know why it can make things look better.

bouzebbal1313d ago

Let's talk about powahhhh of da clawwdd for a second 🤣did they give up with this thing?

bunt-custardly1313d ago

Oh right, I didn't get the joke sorry, it just clicked. Hmm, is Crackdown 3 really that bad/universally hated especially as it's on gamepass?

SullysCigar1313d ago

My attempt at humour could have been clearer, in hindsight..!

Yeah, sadly Crackdown 3 had been hyped so hard and so long by Microsoft, that when it launched as a mediocre game, it got panned. It was mainly the broken promises about the power of the cloud I think that did it. This was the 'cloud power' poster child for years and it all amounted to nothing, which is a real shame, because if they'd realised their initial vision it could have been special.

bunt-custardly1313d ago

I do remember the original vision where entire buildings could be demolished but wasn't that feature relegated to the multiplayer mode? For me, Crackdown 3 comes across quite generic. I suppose if it had the full destruction in the story mode that would have been bad-ass. If Red Faction Guerrilla can do it why not CD?

FanboySpotter1313d ago

Crackdown 3 was made for crackdown fans. Hated by non crackdown fans. Enjoyed by crackdown fans.

MadLad1313d ago

I played it on PC for a little while via gamepass. It's not nearly as terrible as people would try to make it out to be, but it's the definition of a "meh" game.
There's fun to be had if you're bored.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1313d ago
andy851313d ago

It's good it's possible but who would pick this over 4K60 on ultra? It would look far better

IanTH1313d ago

100%. This is obviously just showing what can be done with the current highest end hardware, rather than what should be. And if you're splashing out for an RTX 3090 over a 3080 for gaming (small performance delta if not using that huge buffer for productivity), then I guess you'll also consider splashing out for an 8k screen. And, I mean, you'll want to be able to do *something* with it lol.

outsider16241313d ago

Let's be honest here, even with extra high settings at 8k 120fps... it'll still look like crap. Sorry.

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