
Cladun Returns: This Is Sengoku Review (PS4) | Rice Digital

"Cladun series is a franchise that spun on the beloved PlayStation Portable console starting with Cladun: This is an RPG. A sequel called Cladun X2 was available on both PSP and Steam. Now after a considerable wait we are more than ready for a new installment in the series."

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Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku! Review | DarkZero

"Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku! can offer a amusing challenge that scratches an addictive itch, but those will need to stomach some of its frustrations to find what makes it a good game and reap the rewarding gameplay after taking a few missteps inside its challenging dungeons."

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Amazon Pre-Christmas Game Sale

Amazon is offering up to 83% off on tons of video games for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, and PS Vita. Even before Christmas approaches us, you could save up to 83% on Amazon right now.

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TGG_overlord2357d ago

Nice =) At I'm all dead inside atm though thanks to a flu...

Pookandpie2357d ago

That sucks, bro. Hope you feel better.

-Random stranger on the Internet who feels your pain


Cladun Returns: This Is Sengoku! review - ChristCenteredGamer

Once your character is created, they’ll wake up in a land called Arcanus Cella. Upon being told that they’ve died, they take the news fairly well. Until their memories return and they come to terms with their death, they’ll have to help other souls settle their affairs so they can reincarnate in peace. Upon talking to a troubled soul, a new dungeon will open up. Each dungeon has several floors that unlock as the previous one is cleared.

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Alexious2378d ago

Love the gameplay in this one, great ideas.