
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Could Still Come To PS4

Despite earlier reports, Bluehole Studios has not said that the game will remain an Xbox One exclusive indefinitely.

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gangsta_red2540d ago

After watching The Belko Experiment I am actually pumped for this game.

Gardenia2539d ago

What does he mean "could"? It's a Xbox launch exclusive, it will come to PS4 later

gangsta_red2539d ago

I don't know, maybe it's because of the latest tweet.


Overload2539d ago

It's releasing on PS4/Xbox at the same time, the early access is Xbox exclusive.

KillBill2539d ago

@Overlord - not sure where you are getting your info but they have tweeted so far that "We are definitely launching it on Xbox exclusively but we don't have any other specific plans as of now." - poopieQueen.

XB1 has the preview option so it is easy for them to place the game on there in a beta state until it is released. It will likely spend at least a year on XB1 in beta form and then release officially before even thinking about PS4.

Berenwulf2539d ago

It's a timed exclusive I think and probably they are not allowed to talk about other consoles. That's how microsoft creates "exclusives". It's gonna come to PS4 sooner or later.

tee_bag2422539d ago

You fanboy's always try to score points and slap an "exclusive" label on anything to use as fodder - lame. Nothing exclusive about it. It's been out on PC for 6 months already.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2539d ago
subtenko2539d ago

dude what? First of all that was a crappy movie, second of all, these dont relate at all.......

4Sh0w2540d ago (Edited 2540d ago )

Well this tweet also suggests the only console will be Xbox for now:


- It sounds to me they just want to leave their options open for a future ps4 release but right now they are just focusing on Xbox and pc....sort of like Law Breakers.

- I never played but sounds like it's become very popular on pc, looks fun.

2540d ago Replies(10)
Gh05t2540d ago (Edited 2540d ago )

Its not a game for everyone. I waited to get it but it is a blast to play to me. I like a little bit of stress and anxiety in my survival games :)

Its being streamed all the time, I would say watch two good streams and you will probably know if you want it or not.

seanpitt232540d ago

Yeah they are not going to miss out on the 60+ million install Base, for the time being Microsoft would of handed them a big cheque to have it timed exclusive and to keep the ps4 talk on the low low

2539d ago
Sunny_D2539d ago


Blame the practice on MS from last gen. They did it so much, it's pretty much synonymous with their name. Blame MS for also making it okay for other companies to do the same as well.

conanlifts2539d ago (Edited 2539d ago )

I mentioned below, but what if exclusivity is dependant on sales. If it fails to sell a minimum number maybe they have a get out clause. If so the misinformation could be deliberate. It would also be a smart move from a developer perspective.

Rude-ro2539d ago

He did an interview some time ago... way before e3 and he already slipped the reveal and also that it will be timed released on the PS4.
How long? Who knows, but the console release for Xbox one will basically still be the beta as is the pc version.

conanlifts2539d ago (Edited 2539d ago )

Yes. That could still be the case, but it may have also changed with a new deal. The truth is we don't really know.

OB1Biker2539d ago

They say launching just like Ms said 'launch' exclusive on the presentation. I never doubted it would be timed.

Overload2539d ago (Edited 2539d ago )

The early access is Xbox exclusive. The game release is on PS4 and Xbox One.

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generic-user-name2540d ago

You have to pay real close attention to the deceptive wording that comes from those MS E3 conferences. They say it's an Xbox console exclusive 'for 2017'. For all we know it's an early 2018 game for PS4 based on that wording.

ElementX2539d ago

Deceptive? "Console launch exclusive" is self explanatory.

conanlifts2539d ago (Edited 2539d ago )

No its not. It could mean launching on xbox first then pc. Launching on xbox and then ps4. Launching with xbox x on nov 7th. Or it could also turn into an exclusive. It is not really self explanatory and could actually mean whatever they want it to. It gives them room if something changes.

generic-user-name2539d ago

You serious? 'console launch exclusive' is a term that didn't even exist before MS's conference, it was literally created so that Phil could make the bogus claim that they had 22 exclusives to show off at their show.

Hats off to MS, absolute masters of manipulating the truth and stretching it to it's limits.

ElementX2539d ago

I knew immediately that it meant when the game comes to consoles, it'll exclusively launch (aka be available on) Xbox first. Maybe a lot of people just overthink things or are just idiots. It's not the best wording, but I knew what they meant. They could've said first on Xbox and PC.

Liqu1d2539d ago

@sd11 The is already available on PC, it is clearly launching on PS4 later so just accept it.

conanlifts2539d ago (Edited 2539d ago )

@liqu1d. Its funny because your comment just helped prove your lack of knowledge.This game has not fully released on pc. It is an early access game only. It's full release is scheduled next year. So yes it could have a full release on console first ( launch exclusive), followed by a pc release 1 week later.
It could also come to ps4, but we don't actually know that for sure. The term is misleading.
MS have created a pretty clever term that can be used for whatever they want it for.

Aenea2539d ago

Which is deceptive in it's own right. Don't give me this bull that it's clear what it means, yes it is, now, since we now know what it means, it wasn't clear when they first used it. Even tho I assumed it meant what it means I wasn't certain, like many people weren't. Heck, I've heard stories of people believing they were true exclusives which is precisely why MS used this non-clear term in the first place.

JasonKCK2539d ago

It's only confusing to Sony fans

j15reed2539d ago Show
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conanlifts2539d ago

I do agree. But its so misleading. In the reveal playground unknown said "coming exclusively to xbox" At the end of the gameplay video it said " xbox exclusive". But the start did say " launch exclusive" . I have said repeatedly the term is misleading. Maybe the full game will actually release first on xbox over pc as it is still early access. Maybe their exclusivity deal is dependant on it selling a minimum number of copies on xbox. If it underperforms maybe they have a get out clause. If so it could be deliberately vague. Regardless they should just be open about it.
As it stands though there is no ps4 version guaranteed and it may not happen.

OB1Biker2539d ago

It's exactly what I thought when they announced it. RoTomb Raider taught us the way they make announcements and they haven't changed one bit. Unfortunately people who don't follow gaming news are easily deceived.

Gh05t2539d ago

"You have to pay real close attention to the deceptive wording that comes from those MS E3 conferences."

"You serious? 'console launch exclusive' is a term that didn't even exist before MS's conference,"

2013 says hello.

I dont remember anyone having trouble understanding or calling out "Exclusive Console Debut" when Sony said it.

Console Launch Exclusive == Exclusive Console Debut

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2539d ago
NotSoMad2540d ago

Pretty sure they worked out a deal to have it on their console first. They not gonna keep it away from PS4's ever growing base. That would just be bad business for them.

ElementX2539d ago

They've made $60m already, I really don't think money is a concern for them

BlackTar1872539d ago

60 million is not much if you want your next project to be more ambitious with a larger scope.

Chevalier2539d ago

Yeah because who the heck wants more money right? What stupid logic is that?

ElementX2539d ago (Edited 2539d ago )

I said money wasn't a concern, I never said they couldn't use more money. The PC crowd has been good to them, it's one of the most popular games on Steam. They could probably make all of the money they want on PC alone, without any help from consoles. If they were hurting for cash then they could've announced a PS4 version without forming some sort of agreement with MS.

Gh05t2539d ago

With this logic no game would ever be exclusive EVER!

quenomamen2540d ago (Edited 2540d ago )

Sounds like a "ARK" all over. MS wrote a check that said "Never mention PS4" in small type at the bottom.

Tedakin2539d ago

Sort of like Sony did with the Destiny series. There were people who didn't even know the first game was coming to Xbox One.

aconnellan2539d ago

Don't know why you're getting disagrees. Bungie was pretty much not allowed to mention the word Xbox during Destiny's original marketing - to everyone disagreeing, don't you remember that Microsoft had to create that 'Destiny Fragrance' ad to just plain make people aware that it was a multiplat game?

XMarkstheSpot2539d ago (Edited 2539d ago )

Or the fact that Xbox has a early access program and PS does not

Edit: Meant to reply to quen but cant delete comment and reply

Aenea2539d ago

Then those people are stupid...

Gh05t2539d ago


Stupid like all the people who dont know or cant figure out what console launch exclusive means, that kind of stupid?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2539d ago
krypt19832539d ago

Microsoft didn't write ark a check, ark was first on xbox because xbox has a game preview program and sony does not which means no ark until it is a finished product you sony kids try to hard

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Krafton profits up to $171.5 million despite lowest quarter since 2020

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The company reported that it saw revenues of $328.5 million and net profits of $171.5 million, the latter marking a year-on-year improvement of 27%.

Krafton also announced it plans to acquire Neon Giant, the developer behind The Ascent, and open a new studio in Canada."

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PUBG is too violent and must be banned, says Taliban

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deleted624d ago

Taliban is too violent and must be banned, says PUBG.

blacktiger623d ago (Edited 623d ago )

incase you didn't know Taliban is a place not Al qaeda or however you spell them. Just saying

CobraKai624d ago (Edited 624d ago )

“Says Taliban”. 😂😂😂

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