
35 Original Xbox Games We Hope Return for Backwards Compatibility

With the new Xbox originals backwards compatibility initiative, here are 35 original xbox games we hope make their return.

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Kallisti2544d ago

Def Jam: Fight for NY, make it happen

XanderZane2543d ago

I'd say SW: Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2, Rallisport Challenge, Jet Set Radio Future, Timesplitter 2, Jade Empire (would love to see an exclusive sequel for XB1X), Panzer Dragoon Orta, Ninja Gaiden Black, Mechassault 1 & 2, Conker, Gunvalkyrie, etc.. Most of these games could be played no where else, but on the XBox.

darthv722544d ago

It will be interesting to see how this plays out mainly due to the use of licensed content back then has either expired or the companies have gone belly up and therefor no license renewal is possible.

Case in point, Sega no longer has the Ferrari license so the likeliness of something like outrun 2 coming the bc is pretty slim. I can hope but it isnt going to make it happen. But i know my og xb still works (for now) and my copy still plays on that as well as the 360 so if Outrun does not get a fresh coat of bc paint I can still race the way it was intended.

AndreR2544d ago

it would be exciting if they made it run every xbox game disc on it at launch

luckytrouble2544d ago

Won't happen. Like darthv72 pointed out, it will be impossible to get a fair few games on there, as license buying and renewal is not possible. With the way Microsoft does BC on the One, basically using your physical disc to authorize a digital download of an enhanced copy, they would either have to just add essentially an Xbox emulator, something no human has bothered with to a significant degree, to allow the discs to straight up work with no frills, or skip that game entirely and go on with their lives. The latter seems more likely.

Bigpappy2543d ago (Edited 2543d ago )

It think they will do the same as 360 and compile digital versions. But it would be nice if we have the option to play from existing disk if we still have them (as I do).

XanderZane2543d ago

You can play disk versions of the XBox 360 games on XBox One. Don't need to repurchase the digital version. Pretty sure it will be the same for the OG XBox games as well. Just put your disk in, game will be installed and you play.

TranceHop 2544d ago

Hopefully NFL 2K5 makes a return. I wish 2K Sports still made Football games

luckytrouble2544d ago

Perusing their list, I realize I own half of those games in definitive editions in my Steam library already. That said, they should really see about getting the old From Software games on there. They had some solid IP that hasn't seen the light of day in a long while.

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Every Street United – A bore of two halves

James writes "Every Street United wanted to bring street football to a worldwide audience, choosing to launch itself as an Xbox Originals TV show, with full viewer interaction around the time of the World Cup in Brazil. Throw a couple of world class, well known footballers into the mix too and surely you’re onto a winner?"

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neil3633589d ago

I was looking forward to Every Street United but only managed to sit through about 15 minutes of the first episode before getting bored.

Seriously disappointed with the interactive features on offer too. Could have made so much more of it.


The final episode of Every Street United is out now

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It’s time for a draft as Episode 7 of Every Street United is released

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