
Fallout 4 VR Listed for PS4/PSVR Release

Pure PlayStation: Well, how’s this one to start the day: Fallout 4 VR might, just might be getting a PS4/PSVR release. Maybe.

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Babadook72545d ago

Guess their plans to make a splash on "Scorpio" didn't pan out: as there doesn't seem to be any plan - at least not for 2017. Cool to see they figured out how to get it running on og PS4.

NewMonday2545d ago

It will be hilarious when FalloutVR only releases for PSVR and not XboneX after it was hyped as only possible on Scorpio

Leeroyw2545d ago

I'm in.
The game itself was already very immersive. Just missed the magic of F3 and FNV.

S2Killinit2545d ago

Wow that would be intense. Skyrim is going to blow minds, and now Fallout.

lodossrage2545d ago

I figured this would happen eventually.

They're already getting Doom VFR and Skyrim VR, so why not complete the Bethesda VR set?

Ron_Danger2545d ago

Unless it would be your first time buying it which would be my first time.

Mr-Dude2545d ago

Still, paying full price for a 6 years old game is kinda awful. VR or not...

Ron_Danger2545d ago (Edited 2545d ago )

Fallout 4 came out Nov 10, 2015...

"Still, paying full price for a 6 years old game is kinda awful. VR or not..."

6 years really flies by I guess when you don't understand basic time.

Babadook72545d ago

I would pay full price to play many 6 year old games in vr actually. (Bioshock)

GrubsterBeater2545d ago


Did you even consider the possibility that he's a timecop? No, you didn't....

Mr-Dude2545d ago (Edited 2545d ago )

Lol haha, I meant Skyrim VR as example for the 59,99 price

Damn those timetravels... smh!!

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Perjoss2545d ago

Thing is theres only about 1 million PSVR headsets out there so they have to price this in a way that will cover the costs of modifying the original game to work well in VR.

Lilrizky2545d ago

As a psvr owner with no rpgs and no 100+ hour experiences this is a steal

Fallout has more hours than the whole psvr catalogue combined

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Silver_ShadoWolf401d ago

I guess the only question here is… why does this exist?