
The Day After: Release Month Announced, First Screenshot of the Mutations Unveiled

The Unreal Engine 4 co-op open world survival game The Day After will be released this year in September for pc on Steam via Early Access. 2018 for PS4 and Xbox One. Check out the very first screenshot of the mutations in The Day After after the break!

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The Day Before just confirmed their servers are getting killed so don’t you dare buy a Steam key

A week after The Day Before left the Steam marketplace, a new announcement from developer Fntastic means you should hold off on that grey market purchase.

EvertonFC162d ago

Isn't MOST Kickstarter projects scams, I haven't seen many actually release or turn out any good.

just_looken162d ago

This was a social media/influencer scam

porkChop161d ago (Edited 161d ago )

As others have said this wasn't a Kickstarter. But still, I rarely support Kickstarter anymore. Of the many projects I've backed none release on time, many take multiple extra years or never release, and what does release is rarely ever good or what was promised. Kickstarter had real potential but the platform offers zero protection for the backers, so it's become a paradise for scams and over promising but under delivering.

EvertonFC161d ago

I can't think of any kickstarters that actually came out or at least what they were supposed of been or anything other than 5/10 shite.

Inverno162d ago

Well steam is retroactively refunding people whether they want or not so there's really no reason at this point. I could see maybe people connecting to private servers but who knows.

ZeekQuattro162d ago

I'm still confused by this game. This wasn't the studios first game on steam so they know they werent getting paid upfront so why try to scam people knowing the refund policy. 🤔

PaulFiend162d ago

ruzzians just want to scam...

Sephiroushin161d ago

they scammed the investors / publishers not gamers valve customers perse…
they will be back with another developer name blahblahnlah

PaulFiend161d ago

oh, they will, no doubts about it


Check out this Incredible Batman 1989 Fan Project

Tim Burton’s vision of Gotham brought to life by passionate fans.

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Gridknac1125d ago

Wow! That is badass. WB needs to make this happen now.

WoodsRatesGames1125d ago

Right? Thanks for checking it out!

Minute Man 7211124d ago

Fans??? This is done by one person

WoodsRatesGames1123d ago

Someone else was commissioned to do the music and another person modelled the batmobile. Links to all involved are included in the article.

Gaming4Life19811124d ago

They should have been made a batman game for the best batman movie. This looks amazing and now I must watch the movie.

1123d ago Replies(2)

Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight Unreal Engine 4 Remake recreates Rimmer's Rest

YouTube's 'ackehallgren' has recreated the Rimmer's Rest from Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight in Unreal Engine 4.

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