
Sony's Conference Rings Hollow Once Again With Far Off Exclusives

Twinfinite Writes: With another PlayStation E3 conference come and gone, we see if Sony's delivered something truly memorable or more empty promises.

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Gazondaily2528d ago

Which is surprising considering the fact that they had the chance to truly kill it this year. Maybe people are really reluctant to show off titles even further away from release.

Sucker Punch's new IP
Death Stranding

Just to name a few.

Rimeskeem2528d ago

I assume they don't exactly have control over whether they show those things. Kojima has control over Death Stranding and said he wasnt going to be there. I assume Sony asks their studios if they want to show something big at E3 and if they don't want to yet they dont.

Also, Most of the titles they showed should come out within the next year (most stated they were early 2018). Not sure how those are exactly "far off".

Lightning Mr Bubbles2528d ago (Edited 2528d ago )

I don't really agree with the title of this article. In fact I think this year they held back and focused on the games coming in 2017-2018 for the most part. That's probably why no Bloodborne 2, or Last of Us 2, or Death Stranding, no Shemue 3, not Sucker Punch new IP, no new Final Fantasy 7 footage. No Fallout 5 VR, I'm just making that one up but games like fallout 5 might be in development who knows.

They just showed great gameplay of exclusives and big third party games like Destiny 2 and Call of Duty WW2 coming out this year or in 2018.

DonkeyWalrus2528d ago

The problem is they showed all of these games last year. So this E3 show was pretty much pointless. No major new announcements.

Kingthrash3602528d ago

Xbox showed off the same games for 3 years . Crackdown, sea of theives, state of decay2, yearly forza. Crazy to see people complain about stuff that happens every year with both comsoles. They both showed old and new stuff, songs show had way more quality games where xbox showed off the power of xbox with old pc games and indie games.
It's bad when you best exclusive shown is a indie game.

4Sh0w2528d ago (Edited 2528d ago )

Well check Kaz Harai Twitter. He said:

"I told them to stop announcing new games until they release some."

-Kaz is hilarious but yeah everybody probably just doesn't want to announce too early anymore beacuase then all the pressure of a release date, delays and mostly for fear of an unexpected cancellation.

rainslacker2527d ago

It's far off because they needed an article to imply that Sony announces games too early.

This whole thing where announcing games 2-3 years before release being a bad thing, as if it's something entirely new in recent years is getting old. Most games get announced 2-3 years ahead of time. Some get delayed, but for the most part, they still come out within 2-3 years unless cancelled or delayed heavily. Go compare every conference for the past 20 years, or print magazine for the 10-15 years prior and you'll find that every publisher, every console maker, or every developer announces their games at least a year out, and usually 2-3 years before release.

Guess it's a byproduct of today's society of instant gratification, where patience is replaced with entitlement.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2527d ago
2528d ago
Kribwalker2528d ago (Edited 2528d ago )

Yep. After MS show I thought Sony was gonna wipe the floor with them this year. Then this happened. It's interesting, I'm pretty sure MS showed off more new games (13) then Sony did, and almost all of them are out before the next E3 with 22 of them fully or timed exclusive

Doabarrelroll2528d ago

I wasnt aware showing only indies/multiplats was cool now when sony did it they got hated on

Salooh2528d ago

Since e3 existing the fight was mainly about exclusives after revealing new gen of consoles. I hope you truly happy about ms show and not fooling others or in denial...

Kribwalker2528d ago


I thought showing the same franchises year after year was frowned upon, yet Uncharted has been at every E3 this gen, and 2 separate DLCs were some of the biggest things shown from the Sony conference

Chevalier2528d ago

Pretty sad when Sony's DLC destroys literally EVERY xbox announcement.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2528d ago
showtimefolks2528d ago (Edited 2528d ago )


Most games shown are coming out within year or so

People forget what Sony has already gotten as exclusives are enough for most other big publishers

Gravity rush 2
The last guardian
Persona 5
Mlb the show
Yakuza zero

Uncharted lost legacy
Yakuza kiwame
Ni nu Kuni 2

Still to come

God of War early 2018

Seriously people have no right to complain

Days gone
Yakuza 6
Mlb the show
God of War
GT sport

All coming in 2018

Next E3

The last of us 2
Death stranding
New ratchet and clank game
Shenmue 3
Ff7 remake

And more

Sony has delivered so much doesn't mean we should start to under appreciate them

Rude-ro2528d ago

Why invest into a Sony console? All the games coming that we know about and have proven to be in full swing as far as development goes.
Why invest in Xbox? ... yet to be seen and is tainted with false hype of "the cloud" or "the focus on in house games" and show 5x the third party support of timed exclusives over in house games.
The conferences are there to show off why one should invest and purchase.
Sony already has 3 game of the year contenders this year exclusively and they showed off three more game of the year contenders for next year exclusively...
Microsoft showed off a racer of the year contender that litterally looks like the last version with x enhancements.
The x is great for Xbox only gamers.., but they have not convinced other gamers why they should get their consoles if they are not interested now.

feraldrgn2528d ago (Edited 2528d ago )

You do realise that Sony has more shows to attend than E3 right?
Can't blow their load early & have no reason for people to tune into their own show or others.

jugo142528d ago

I knew there was one I was missing. We didn't see sucker punch's new game. I was excited for that one. probably wasn't ready though

ssj272527d ago (Edited 2527d ago )

I am the only one who wants a new Socom online like confrontation but well done polished?
Snack 2 or however its called. Really sony? They even doing this socom alike game that for a second i though it was socom and to make it worse it was a vr game.

I couldn't believe shadows of the colossus!!! got so excited put my hand on my head and turn on my ps4 pro since literally the day i buy it on day one.. have not play any games literally and finished the last guardian! Amazing game plaed until 5am lol.. Slow pace but perfect. Sure you need to be patient and relax to play the game and enjoy it

BlakHavoc2527d ago

The funny thing about this argument is that it's not like Sony isn't providing great games in the meantime. They by far have had the strongest lineup of games not only this year but this gen. And it's looking like they'll continue that this fall. 2018 looks like another strong year for PS, while 2019 will probably see the releases of TLOU2, DS, and Sucker Punches new IP. Who cares if they're showing us games that are a couple years off, we're more than occupied with games we're getting in the present time. And FYI, they're not the only company announcing games way out in advance...

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2527d ago
FallenAngel19842528d ago

We're still receiving plenty of exclusives for the rest of this year, more so than any other platform

DonkeyWalrus2528d ago

Lol you mean Knack 2 and GT Sport?

Rimeskeem2528d ago

Crash, Horizon expansion, The Lost Legacy, etc

Also, one does not simply lol at GT m8.

DonkeyWalrus2528d ago

A remake and a DLC? Please. GT Sport looks like garbage. And yeah I guess I forgot about Uncharted: The SJW Legacy. Thanks Sony for cucking one of my favorite PS exclusives. Will not buy.

Liqu1d2528d ago

You guys are certainly dedicated I'll give you that.

AspiringProGenji2528d ago

Why you people ask for what games are coming then proceed to take a dump on each game?

DonkeyWalrus2528d ago (Edited 2528d ago )

Only dumping on the games releasing this year because they are lame. The good games still don't have release dates. Crash remake is cool for Crash fans but nothing new/exciting. DLC does not count as a new game. Sony dumped on Uncharted themselves. GT Sport trailer made me cringe. First Knack was bad I have no interest in the sequel.

GOW and Spiderman look like good games and I will definitely play them, but we've known about them for over a year and they are still not releasing until 2018. I only leave out Days Gone because I personally have no interest in the zombie games genre so my opinion there is meaningless.

MS literally left the door wide open for Sony to stomp them this year, but Sony failed. And I will call them out for it just like I called out MS.

AspiringProGenji2528d ago (Edited 2528d ago )

Calling them out dor releasing games? One thing is them relasing games, another one is your opinion on them

I'm sure I'm gonna rock Crash, GT sport, Hellblade, Knack, Materfall, and Uncharted, Horizon DLC, and more. That is enough to keep me ocupied until there's more

If you have no interest in any then that is your problem.

"And yeah I guess I forgot about Uncharted: The SJW Legacy."

Yeah okay...

Neonridr2528d ago

DLC should not count as exclusives.

littlezizu2528d ago

ni no kuni 2, hell blade, matterfall, crash, uncharted ll, GT sports, knack etc

CernaML2528d ago

You could sum up all of your posts by simply stating that you have terrible taste in games.

DeadSilence2528d ago

keep playing halo wars 2 lmao Xbox is so bad.

MainstreamGamer2528d ago

@DonkeyWalrus , "cucks" and "SJW", ah yes the battle cry of a Trump supporter. I'm surprised that you didn't throw in the word snowflake during your little tantrum.

WillyC0092528d ago

Those games are lame? Must be hard to please I guess. If those are lame....what are Crackdown, Sea of Thieves and State of Decay 2? Yikes...

kayoss2528d ago (Edited 2528d ago )

So what games are you playing on your Xbox this year???

Ill wait...

kenwonobi2528d ago

Dumping on games I see. Plus the VR support. Plus the great Indies. The Sony machine oozes games.

JimmyDM902528d ago

Don't forget Ni No Kuni 2!

Roronoa04112528d ago

Uncharted is SJW because they're using women as main characters? Are you 12? Horizon is more of an expansion, GT looks amazing and Knack 2 according to early previews is really good. So keep trying.

DonkeyWalrus2528d ago

Looks like I made some of you babies cry.

I don't own Halo Wars 2, and don't plan on ever owning it. Halo ain't as good as it used to be.

Lol okay not a Trump supporter and I would say he's also a cuck. But you are a precious little snowflake aren't you?

I have mentioned many times on this site how disappointed I was in the Xbox conference as well. I have never said that those games were great. Nice try.

Uncharted isn't SJW because they are female leads. Plenty of great games with female leads. It's SJW because there is literally no reason for this game to exist other than to please SJWs.

You guys have done a pathetic job trying to paint me as some Xbox fanboy, yet I own both consoles and enjoy games on both of them. And I criticize Xbox quite frequently. Halo 5 is the worst Halo game ever made. Xbox E3 was lame. Sony E3 was lame. You guys are the reason why we are getting such bad games, and it's pretty sad that you will accept anything Sony makes even it's pure shit. Looks like Greatness is still Awaiting... I am not happy with the games releasing this year. I expect better. I am however looking forward to Sony's 2018 games, but again they were all shown last year. And yes, I don't think MS has any exclusives that are of much interest to me right now. So try again babies.

Chevalier2528d ago

Better than that trash indies Xbox announced. The best Xbox had was an indie game. Lol. Desperation and salt.

QUIMICOMORTAL2527d ago (Edited 2527d ago )

And nino kuni 2, hellblade , lost legacy, Crash bandicoot! With those two you Mentioned there are 6 exclusives remaining this year. Plus the 15 already out. What system has more than 20 exclusives this year?

Lol at yourself

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 2527d ago
alexgibson2528d ago

I'm not sure what people were expecting really. A game in the fall would have been nice, but there hasn't been a single notable PS4 game in the fall in its entire lifecycle. Sony leans on third party in autumn and then takes the limelight in spring. Besides, do we really need more exclusives at this time? So much to play!!!

Gamist2dot02528d ago

The spoiled haters will always find reasons to complain so they can complain all they want. I thought it was good. I enjoyed it, Shadow of Colossus trailer was epic even though I've never played the game...yet, and the others all showed gameplay and release dates so I'm happy.

AspiringProGenji2528d ago

2018 is not far off. How come as soon as game you want is not coming the same year then everything else goes over your heads?

They confirmed GT Sport, Knack 2, Materfall, Crash Bandicoot, Uncharted TLG, and DLC for one of this year's top games...

...B ut Noooooooooo. Let's continue the tantrum.

Neonridr2528d ago

a sequel to a game nobody asked for, a remake trilogy and 2 DLC's. GT Sport looks awesome, but you really are "fluffing" up your list there aren't you?

Nyxus2528d ago

Uncharted The Lost Legacy is a standalone expansion.

Neonridr2528d ago

@Nyxus - fair enough, I guess we can liken it to Infamous First Light then.

My apologies.

AspiringProGenji2528d ago (Edited 2528d ago )

I am not fluffing my list those are GAMES that are actually coming for us to play

And a sequel nobody asked for? Is that the best you can come up with? The devs deserve the privilege to try, and props to Sony for letting them try amd funding them. With attitude like yours is no wonder MS isn't even trying. I hope you are one of those they shut their mouths when they succeed

Neonridr2528d ago

@AspiringProGenji - I don't own an Xbox, so what MS does is of little concern to me. I do however own a PS4 Pro and a Switch, so what Sony does is of great concern to me. And Knack 2 isn't giving me goosebumps.

I was merely pointing out that what you listed isn't exactly sending shockwaves through the video game world.

moegooner882528d ago

What's funny is that his list is better than the Switch's entire year. Yet, here you are

ocelot072528d ago (Edited 2528d ago )

Please don't speak on my behalf again thanks. Knack was an ok game much like The Order 1886 was an ok game. I put both games in the same light as Assassin's Creed 1. Both were ok like Assassin's Creed 1. Both could of been so much more like Assassin's Creed 1. Both games in my opinion (I don't speak for everyone like some people) deserve a sequel. I hope with Knack 2 they take player feedback and build on it. Like Ubisoft did with Assassin's Creed 2.

I think AspiringProGenji list is pretty good no "fluffing" to see here. However, if he wanted to "fluff" his list. All he has to do add the the likes of Everybody's Golf, MLB The Show, DJMax Respect, Fallen Legion, Matterfall.
I take it you are going to attempt to move the goal posts and try and tell me how those titles I added to the list don't count for some reason right? Or maybe you will speak on everyone's behalf again and tell me how nobody is interested in any of them?

Neonridr2528d ago (Edited 2528d ago )

@moegooner08 - yes, you really got me there. This list beats Zelda, Mario Odyssey, MK8, Splatoon 2, etc. I really hope you honestly don't believe that, let's not get carried away here. I know you love to defend Sony.. but still

@ocelot07 - fair enough, you thought Knack was ok. I hope you enjoy the sequel. Sadly, it won't be on my list of must play games. Matterfall was already listed by Aspiring, and MLB the Show has already been released (March 28th). I mean are we now included previously released games in an "upcoming list of games to play this fall"? I don't mean to nitpick..

_-EDMIX-_2528d ago (Edited 2528d ago )

I mean the sequel likely exists because of demand in the first place somebody liked it enough to cover a sequel.

A remake is still a game I'm sorry but he's not fluffing up any list what he's listing are still games regardless of how you personally feel about those games your personal attachment or lack thereof of those games is irrelevant to the point being made.

So you have to like and love the game for it to count?

I mean based on your logic if you're just trying to count games that you think is awesome you could technically say the entire press event for all Publishers is bad because you hate all games...

DLC simply means downloadable content being able to download any game will technically refer to DLC in regards to the distribution method I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about or how that has anything to do with the content being displayed.

To my understanding the Uncharted game is coming out on disc stand alone like a normal game so where it exists chronologically within the Uncharted series is actually pretty irrelevant that's like saying Halo ODST isn't really a game simply because it precedes Halo 3 or it's a prequel to it or something like that but at the end of the day that doesn't actually mean it's not a game or should it be listed or anything like that

You don't even know if the Horizon footage they showed is supposed to be Standalone like the Uncharted game.

I'm sorry but your post just comes off as extremely defensive and immature because you're basically saying the threshold for these games to count is based on whether you like them or not 😂😂😂

Ok pal

Yet you're commenting on a full remake of the game and all Nintendo was doing for 90% of the titles on the switch this year are just ports from their previous platform?

Buddy seriously there's no way you should be down playing any game that's being put on that person's list only for you to come back with a list that is chock-full of ports...

So you're trying to downplay new experiences as well as a remake from a game 12 years ago yet you post ports from last gen?

😂😂😂&# 128514; Surrrrrrrre

Shadowlee2528d ago

Neo went in. It was lackluster cant deny it.

kayoss2528d ago (Edited 2528d ago )

Hows gears of war 4? by this time, you should have finished your 6th play through.

Chevalier2527d ago (Edited 2527d ago )

Like how you are fluffing up yours? What have you guys had all year? A sequel that no one bought in Halo Wars 2? Crackdown 3 which looks nothing like promised and the yearly Forza? And some indies?

So Xbox has Forza, Crackdown and Halo Wars.

PS4 already has Nioh, Nier Automata, Persona 5, MLB 17, Horizon Zero Dawn then from now rolling into the fall we got:

Uncharted Lost Legacy
Knack 2
Gran Turismo Sport
Horizon Zero Dawn Expansion
Ni No Kuni II
FF XIV expansion
Yakuza Kiwami
Danganronpa Ultra Despair and part 3
Warriors All Star
Gundam Versus
Zero Time Dilemma 3

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2527d ago
AspiringProGenji2528d ago (Edited 2528d ago )

I didn't necessarily mean you own an xbox with that attitude

"I was merely pointing out that what you listed isn't exactly sending shockwaves through the video game world."

Lol what? Do you play games based on that imaginary thing? One thing is the media, another is you or me. Well, have fun with that. I'm sure these games will give me entertainment and everyone who wants as well

Neonridr2528d ago

I didn't discount that, I merely said that the list wasn't impressive like say Sony's first half of the year was.

littlezizu2528d ago

Add ni no kuni 2 and hell blade

mark3214uk2528d ago

they only had to turn up to beat ms e3, but i think there saving some games and announcments for the playstation experiance

Tussin1872528d ago

And Paris and TGS. Most likely From Software will be a TGS. Sucker Punch I say is for either Paris or experience. They have to show something this year I hope. Those guys have been working on a new game for awhile now.

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Days Gone, 5 Years Later

Almost unbelievably, Days Gone has just turned 5 years old after launching on April 26th, 2019. What's changed in that time?

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mkis00719d ago

Such a good game to me. Crazy how different peoples opinions can get.

Crows9019d ago (Edited 19d ago )

For me it wasn't that surprising. There was some bad press before. There's also the matter and element of a person's disposition when trying out a certain game. Sometimes you're just not really into the type of game that you're playing so you put it down because you don't like it. Not necessarily because it's a bad game but because you're just not up for something like this. Reviewers have a tough because no matter what they feel like playing they've got to play what's releasing.

I have many times gone back to games that I put down only to thoroughly enjoy them the second time around because either there wasn't another exciting game coming out around the same time or I just had no other games to play and haven't played that type of game in a while. I'm not the type of person that can just play a souls game through all this iterations one after the other without getting burnt out on the formula.

In my opinion this game was great from the start. Some bugs here and there but nothing worse than the most AAA releases during the same time after and before. All I did was wait one week and I had a phenomenal time with the game. No other zombie survival game comes close to how I thoroughly enjoyed this one

Cacabunga18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

game is outstanding. I was addicted to it until I got that platinum to pop.

i understand some people who find it thin in terms of content in comparison to RDR2 which released 1 year before it but DG has very fresh good ideas.

it has been my favorite PS4 game......until I played RDR2.
PS have one more gem in their crazy catalogue of exclusives...

-Foxtrot19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Yeah I thought it was pretty decent, it had its flaws but for their first big console single player open world game it's a solid 8/10.

I have never seen an AAA "zombie" game feature as many enemies as the horde sections did, you really had to think about your surroundings and plan carefully.

I feel journalists had an issue with this game from the moment it was announced, they really didn't like the Biker characters and the overall Biker gang theme. If they were anything else I feel it would have had a better chance or at least they'd overlook some of the flaws like they do for certain other open world games. They don't mind waiting weeks or months for a patch knowing its coming but a game that has it Day 1 it's suddenly a big no no? Yeah this was one of those moments that showed you how they cherry pick who to suddenly decide to go harsh on when they want to.

mkis00719d ago

Ill never forget the reviewer who tried to claim the "ride me like you ride your bike" line was anything but a joke...they (sarah and deacon) explicitly call it a joke and the reviewer still misinformed the reader about it as if it was a literal thing.

Michiel198919d ago

the score on metacritic is 71 from journos, its 9 points lower than your review so stop making stuff up. They didn't hate it from the start, they on average just liked it slightly less than you.

-Foxtrot19d ago (Edited 19d ago )


I'm not making anything up, they held a grudge against it and made stuff up themselves like mkis007 has just pointed out. That 71 on Metacritic is why it didn't get a sequel.

Anyway how can I make anything up when I didn't even mention metacritic in my original post?

Michiel198918d ago

@fox it was maybe 2 outlets that made a stupid woke statement, not every journo. Not even close.
I think the director himself crying about that the game should have gotten better reviews might have had something to do with not getting a sequel. That was just a pathetic display on his part.

anast18d ago

Most reviewers are a certain type of person that won't allow them to explore those types of themes.

PhillyDonJawn18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Nah the game is 7. The only good thing you even said about it was the horde/enemy count. If that's the only positive it's not an 8 lol

Crows9018d ago

As you can see...some are so blind because of fanboyism that they honestly can't see the writing on the wall. It wasn't just 1 or 2 reviewers...it was a lot of them. Some more direct than others ..just like with stellar blade.

They all coordinate with each other...especially evident seeing as they start submitting the same type of article over the exact same issues within 20 minutes of each other or nearly the same time..that's not a coincidence.

We all know it happened...some are just oblivious so feel free to ignore them.


Why are we pretending there's some huge difference between a 7 and a 8, don't both of them mean "above average/good"? On a 5 star system they would both be 4 stars, no? Heck, I simply put games on either of 3 cateorgies, it's either bad (don't play), good (play once if you can), great (make the effort to play and keep it), it's enough for me to make a logical decision or to recomend a game to someone or not... I'd say Days Gone was something between good and great but closer to good, so 7 sound fair to me anyway.

At the end of the day the reviews, be it journalists or users, on average or a punctual review, decimal or star based or whatever measuring stick we get... Reviews simply weren't the reason the game didn't get a sequel, it's performance on the market was. Reviews could say it was dogshit or the second coming, it wouldn't make a difference, or at the very least they are not the deciding factor, the game selling under Sony's expectations was the real issue... Heck, I'm sure the studio's issues and the lead director running his mouth figured way higher on the list of reasons for not making a sequel than any review ever was.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 18d ago
Babadook718d ago (Edited 18d ago )

I concur. It’s main problem of frame rate slowdown is gone with a ps5.

Leeroyw19d ago

Second act of that game far surpassed the first. Which is why people felt it didn't live up to the hype of the trailers. Personally I loved it. But it was a slog to get your bike and weapons up to skill.

Pyrofire9518d ago

I hear it's big enough that it could have just been 2 games. Maybe that would have worked out better, with some changes to make it fit that mold better. Idk, I haven't played it much.

mkis00718d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Just the first section was a slog...but I never found it boring if that can make sense. You don't have much of an arsenal until after about 6 hours if memory serves. Some more half-step bike upgrades and a few more weapons could have filled the gaps.

Inverno19d ago

Was gonna post a brick wall of text but I'll keep it short. Pardon my French but f**k the media for the hate they gave this game. If you have a PC to play it on you can get it as low as 10 bucks, and if you have a PS then it's a no brainer. Totally worth a play.

phatak19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

I don't even comment here often but had to for this game, I still stand by my opinion that this was one of the top 10 games of the ps4 generation, I preferred days gone over god of war, horizon and last of us 2, the launch version was definitely piss poor and that messed up the reviews for this game, honestly some games deserve a re-review or post patch review as the metacritic score stays forever but the reality is its not even the same game anymore, the ps5 patch is amazing and the pc version which I play on nowadays is one of the best looking games ever, complete shame that we wont get a sequel, god of war got one, horizon got one, last of us got one, spider man got one,ghosts of tshushima about to get one but this game wont get one, sucks to be honest.

Ps3/360 era had some hidden underated games for me it was shadows of the damned, alice madness returns that deserved more sales and a sequel/ higher scores, and similarly for the ps4 era it was days gone, and dying light 1 that deserved much more love, dying light atleast got a sequel, everyone needs to play this game once and judge for themselves, for me its officially the most underrated game of the ps4 era, go play it if you haven't.

andy8519d ago

Awesome game. Just bought it for my laptop last week

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Fluke_Skywalker94d ago (Edited 94d ago )

Never say never, I really didn't expect to ever see Space Marine 2 and 12 years later its almost here.
So there is still hope for all these games.

Chocoburger94d ago

I've completed 5 of the games on the list, but the author forgot to include Advent Rising. It was supposed to be a trilogy, but it bombed hard, and the two sequels never got made. It was Mass Effect, a console generation before Mass Effect.

The game is buggy and unpolished, it needed a few more months of development, but the potential was there. At the end of the game, you have all these super abilities, I remember the stomp attack that created a shockwave being especially powerful.

shinoff218394d ago

I personally think days gone will recieve some sort of sequel at some point. I'm personally also hoping it's not the rumored multiplayer online stuff. I'd think most that enjoyed it would rather thisnto.

Knightofelemia94d ago

Sony needs to dust off Sly Cooper and Days Gone so needs a sequel two of my favorite Sony titles. Bulletstorm I love great game wish it also got a sequel. And I wish Namco would finally give Enslaved a sequel another great game.