
Marvel Heroes Omega Review: Packed with content but fails to become a marvel | FingerGuns

Sean @ FG: Gazillion’s Marvel MMO has finally smashed its way onto consoles and it’s an enjoyable if repetitive jaunt through comic book battles. The Finger Guns Review of Marvel Heroes Omega;

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2555d ago

Why Aren't Superhero MMOs Hugely Successful?

Considering the genre's explosive popularity, why aren't superhero MMOs hugely successful? Shannon gets to the bottom of the matter.

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gangsta_red2335d ago

Why aren't there more super hero games? You would think it would be a no brainer with all the material right there for the picking.

And yet we have really only had less than a handful become popular.


Marvel Heroes Omega to Shut Down - Developer Gazillion Closing

Gazillion has announced the game and studio will cease operation shortly.

rdgneoz32378d ago

Took a while for this article to get approved? Cause they both (game and studio) shut down 2 days ago... Even the tweet is from 2 days ago.

ThatDudeMunkee2378d ago

It did. The article was from the Nov. 27th.