
Should you buy Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia DLC?

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia caused quite the controversy when its DLC season pass ended up costing more than the game itself. At the same time, Fire Emblem fans have been talking about how good and, in some instances, necessary the Echoes DLC is. So which DLC packs are worth the cash, and which are just a cash grab?

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Tross2561d ago

I haven't actually checked out a Fire Emblem game since Awakening, and I haven't even finished that, though I did enjoy it for what it's worth. I kind of do want to catch up on this series though. That said, it sounds like I should finish Awakening, and I think there were other games released before this latest one that I should also check out first. Have they and their DLC gone down in price or have they followed Nintendo's ripoff rule of never dropping the price unless something becomes a Select?

It's also pretty clear even as far back as Awakening that Ninty are trying to be "hip" by releasing a game with a lot of DLC, because "that's what the kids are into right?" They're like somebody's grandparent discovering a piece of technology or some kind of app for the first time and going wild with it while having no idea why "the kids" are into it or how exactly they use it. I mean, maybe they deserve props for actually trying to use a feature of modern gaming since that's amazing for them, but there's a right and wrong way to use it.

TekoIie2561d ago


I think it's a cash grab. Game didn't need any dlc.

Mr Marvel2561d ago

I've never tried a Fire Emblem game, but I might give the series a try when they release the Switch one.


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ZeekQuattro984d ago

It was limited but I'd like the exploration in the game. I wouldn't mind another FE gsme like it.


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