
Daily Joystick Podcast Episode 249 – PS4 Pro can’t run Destiny 2 at 60fps

Paul from DJP writes "On this week’s episode of the DJ Podcast we discuss how Sony’s PS4 Pro can’t run Destiny 2 at 60fps and why? Also making news was the Nintendo Switch and it’s continued sales success, plus we talk about Mario Kart’s rude gesture.  This plus more on the DJ Podcast."

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DaGamingKing2569d ago

In a recent bit of news, apparently nothing can be said about the Scorpio version of Destiny 2 until E3? Hmm the plot thickens.

Testfire2569d ago (Edited 2569d ago )

Scorpio will run Destiny at 30 fps, this has been confirmed already. You can't have part of the player base running at 30fps and others in the same lobby at 60fps. Unfortunately we will see this going forward on all competitive shooters and probably fighting and sports games too.

BTW, the reason for it running at 30fps was my opinion, not reasons given by the dev.

DaGamingKing2568d ago (Edited 2568d ago )

That makes sense but the Xbox Scorpio player base is different to the PS4 player base. Unless they separate say the Xbox One player base (running at 30fps potentially) from the Scorpio player base (running at 60fps).
I totally understand the reasons why they'd not pair 30fps with 60fps.

Testfire2568d ago

@DaGamingKing, I've been trying to find more info on this but there's just a bunch of theories and no concrete answers at this point. But I don't think it's the PS4 Pro holding back the Scorpio. The answer I found that made the most sense was the unoptimized poor engine Bungie is using. This article was helpful for me: http://wccftech.com/destiny...


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