
Mike Ybarra on Twitter

“Developers are free to choose how they use the power of Project Scorpio for games. We have no requirements limiting framerate or fidelity.”

Obscure_Observer2553d ago

That´s great news! Devs are allowed to use the Scorpio´s power as they see fit. If things go south, it´s all on them.

Gamers will be aware of lazy devs and crappy studios as the time passes. I´ll do a list of crappy devs on my own then i´ll know what dev/studios i should support in the future.

Gazondaily2552d ago

Good news indeed. 4K native res is nice I'm sure but for those of us who don't have a 4K tv yet, and just generally, I want that power out to good use in terms of frame rate or better visuals etc.

freshslicepizza2552d ago

I am glad they are not folling in the footsteps on their closest rival. Everything Microsoft is doing for Scorpio seems to be very well thought out. Even all the Xbox One games will get an upgrade on Scorpio, including supersampling and better aliasing for 1080p owners. They are going through each game engine to make sure every game works and benefits with Scorpio.

What I find very amusing is how so many before couldn't really tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps or that nothing is wrong with 30fps games but when you mention there could be differences online all of the sudden it's a huge deal, lol. Forza Horizon 3 already supports the PC and Xbox One crossplay and the PC runs at an unlocked frame rate.

donthate2552d ago

Uncompromised native 4K with high resolution textures is going to be glorious. Bring the monster!

4Sh0w2551d ago

Yeah I like it, let the devs use it how they see fit, if a game doesn't take advantage of the extra power then that's on them.

tyasia02551d ago (Edited 2551d ago )

So Microsoft doesn't only support Pay to Win games they also support Pay to Win consoles.

Sony said multiplayer fps should be the same on PS4 and PS4 Pro for the gamers. The goal was to keep things on even footing for all players.

Now instead of skill deciding who wins in multiplayer lets give an advantage to the person with the faster console.

It's unfortunate that people support this or act like it's a good thing for the Xbox community.

Chris122551d ago

@tyasia0 - your trolling is descending to childish levels. Scorpio really has got you triggered right now. What FUD are you working on next buddy?

donthate2551d ago


Sony president Shuhei Yoshida said that higher resolution allows you to “be a better gamer”, but doesn't that mean that PS4 Pro is a pay-to-win too?

It seems, your only option is to game on Switch, the one device that really doesn't have MP games. Lucky you! XD

Source: https://www.gamespot.com/ar...

DrumBeat2551d ago

Agreed. I'm so tired of resolution, and it doesn't look like this ridiculous obsession is going away anytime soon.

vegasgamerdawg2551d ago

@tyasia0 Where do you get that from? All the article said is it's up to the developers. If the developers want parity, there will be parity. Who are you to tell others how to make their game? You're just projecting and guessing. I smell a fanBOY "It's the way Sony does so it' right"...lol. Not all games are the same, it will matter for some and maybe the developer will ask for parity, it will not matter in other games so no parity needed. Why dictate? Pc been doing it for years and I don't see them crying.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2551d ago
2552d ago
Rude-ro2552d ago

Yet you support Microsoft for the last 6 years?
Or is that on top of the list?

fathertime44642552d ago

I've supported MS for the past 12yrs. Sony bored me out of gaming, MS brought me back to gaming

Rude-ro2552d ago

That literally makes no sense. Half of that 12 years had been what to make it exciting? Kinect over AAA?
Repetitive titles?
And if what they have to offer is so great... why the need for a new console?

Obscure_Observer2551d ago


I´ve been supporting Microsoft since the original Xbox days. Same goes for Sony and Nintendo original Playstation and NES.

You see? I got passion for GAMES.

B1uBurneR2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

Let's not forget this guy works for MS brace for policy reversal.

DigitalRaptor2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

So people will call out "lazy devs" for not supporting well enough what is an extremely niche, potentially quite expensive, mid-generation upgrade, that most current or future Xbox gamers won't care about investing in?

I'm sorry but the onus is on MS to make developers want to support it. You can preemptively damage control bad support all day, but you would have a better point if this was a brand new console with a better chance at reaching a larger number of gamers.

Obscure_Observer2551d ago


"So people will call out "lazy devs" for not supporting well enough what is an extremely niche, potentially quite expensive, mid-generation upgrade, that most current or future Xbox gamers won't care about investing in?"

Are they working on or giving their games to both Pro and Scorpio owners for free? NO! So, since they want MY money, they better work hard as i do to deserve it!

"I'm sorry but the onus is on MS to make developers want to support it. You can preemptively damage control bad support all day, but you would have a better point if this was a brand new console with a better chance at reaching a larger number of gamers."

Good luck while you wait for the PS5 playing your base PS4. Neither Sony or Microsoft are forcing you to buy anything. It´s an option for gamers who wants more of console gamming. Don´t like upgrade consoles? Blame on Sony! They started this trend!

4Sh0w2551d ago


I never go as so far as calling a dev lazy, sometimes I completely understand that devs might not be able to do much more to optimize for a specific console, but there are times when it's clear devs just didn't do a good job utilizing the hardware strengths and YES we should expect them to do that on ps4pro and Scorpio because the only way any platform grows is because 1st and 3rd parties support them long before they had 30mil install base.

DigitalRaptor2551d ago

@ Obscure_Observer

"Are they working on or giving their games to both Pro and Scorpio owners for free? NO! So, since they want MY money, they better work hard as i do to deserve it!"

These developers didn't ask Sony or MS for mid-gen versions. They are not required to support anything. So the onus is not on them, but on the manufacturer.

"Good luck while you wait for the PS5 playing your base PS4. Neither Sony or Microsoft are forcing you to buy anything. It´s an option for gamers who wants more of console gamming. Don´t like upgrade consoles? Blame on Sony! They started this trend!"

Ummm.. what? How does that have anything to do with my comment? And no, Sony didn't start any trend of the sort, they just released theirs first. PS4 Neo were just rumours at the time and both were probably in planning around the same time. PS4 Pro was officially announced in September 2016, and Scorpio was officially announced in June 2016.

Obscure_Observer2551d ago


"These developers didn't ask Sony or MS for mid-gen versions. They are not required to support anything. So the onus is not on them, but on the manufacturer."

You can try and defend the developers all you want. I´m tired of lazy devs blaming consoles for its limitations to excuse their bad optimized games. With the PS4Pro and Scorpio they can´t blame on hardware and they will have to WORK to prove their game is worth. Destiny 2 is just a trash game which uses OLD GEN TECH that relies on CPU bound tasks. You think PS4 Pro owners as fools? They know about BF1 which runs above 1080p at rock solid 60fps on the Pro, a game with bigger maps, bettter graphics, 32vs32 players count, more MP modes, heavy phisics, destructible environments, vehicles, ships, customizations and more, MUCH more. Are you willing to give Bungie a pass? Be my guess! You´re not a PS4 Pro owner anyway and will never be one. Keep on waiting your PS5.

"PS4 Pro was officially announced in September 2016, and Scorpio was officially announced in June 2016."

Wrong again!



Check your sources!

Bigpappy2551d ago

Not sure about the Pro, but they did ask for the Scorpio. Go back and watch the reveal video again. Its on Youtube. They clearly sated about Scorpio "this is the console developers asked us to built" Then they showed Bethesda, DICE and Coalition talking about what they can do with it. So Scorpio will be supported. No doubt about that from where I stand.

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2552d ago Replies(1)
Nyxus2552d ago

I don't know how I should feel about this as a launch Xbox One owner.

Bigpappy2552d ago

Why? thee game still works on OG X1 just fine as it always have. All games will work better on the more powerful hardware.

Nyxus2552d ago

Yes, but giving Scorpio owners an advantage in multiplayer, that's what I'm talking about. For single player it's a different story.

donthate2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )


You may not have realized or heard, but it has already happened. Forza Horizon 3 and Gears 4 does it already. More will come and it's going to be glorious.

Death2552d ago

Games have been optimized for a very long time to level the playing field online for various configurations. The online advantage will be minimal at best and not a replacement for skill. I don't see a difference in how well I play Gears online on my gaming PC vs using my Xbox One. It's more fluid and crisp, but my kill counts don't seem to change much.

PlayableGamez-2552d ago

Sorry Nyxus but that's something you have take up with the dev's not MS. MS isn't going to dictate what devs should do with their games. So if dev's decide to give Scorpio owners an edge with higher frame rate, that's their choice and you should take it up with them. And it should be that way. It's funny because Sony is supose to be the company that allows devs creative freedom. But it's bad when MS allows it

The 10th Rider2551d ago

Honestly, if you're used to playing 30fps in a game and you're going against someone who is used to playing 60fps, the framerate is going to be pretty far down in terms of what determines whether you win or lose. Skill is still going to be, by far, the biggest factor in who wins. Even after that there's way more important things, such as internet connection. After that I'd say input lag is important as well. Unless you're a serious online gamer who has a TV with loooow input lag and motion blur and have your console hooked up to an Ethernet cable with a solid internet connection, the possibility going against someone playing in 60fps is a relatively small concern.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2551d ago
JasonKCK2552d ago

You have had over 4 years with the launch console, and over a year of Scorpio news to get over it.

PC has been running games at various FPS for years, so just stop.

Nyxus2552d ago

4 years? The Xbox One came out here in September 2014.

JasonKCK2552d ago

"The Xbox One was released on November 22, 2013" And you claim you have one?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wi... Where do you live China?

OMGitzThatGuy2552d ago

Still not "over 4 years". But you dont know what framerate your opponent is playing at so you cant really say there is no problem when there are no actual stats. We need leaderboards with average framerates included to see any patterns to decide.

Nyxus2552d ago

@ JasonKCK: The Netherlands, look it up.

Death2552d ago


Your internet connection has a much bigger impact then anything else since speed and lag play a much larger part then how many frames per second someone is playing at. Your monitor or TV also has lag which can play a part in gaming.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2552d ago
Gazondaily2552d ago

But PC gamers have been playing with Xbox owners and cross play has been no issue. You could easily limit the advantages by capping frame rate on mp modes etc.

TheColbertinator2552d ago

Exactly. Screw the original Xbox 1,time for Scorpio from here on out.

Death2552d ago

Software developers have been dealing with inconsistencies in hardware for decades. I'm not sure why Sony nerfed the Pro by forcing parity. They aren't new to online gaming so I can only believe it was a marketing move to keep their PS4 base from getting upset over nonexistent issues.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

Developers are not going to simply ignore the 30 million Xbox One owners just to make games for Scorpio and it's niche/lower install base. You have to realize that right?

Sony didn't want standard/Slim PS4 owners to be left out or skipped over. See Colbinator's comment.

Death2551d ago


Then why even make or even buy the Pro if they are going to downgrade its performance to appease the people that don't own it?

Let's put things in perspective, I just bought a $700 GPU for my PC. If MSI nerfed it to 1050 specs to be "fair", why spend the extra $500 on the higher end GPU? Software developers found a way to level the playing field on PC many years ago. FPS is addressed in similar ways input lag and connection speeds were addressed long ago. This is why we see things like auto aim included in games, devs can use algorithms to determine what gamers are going to do before they even do them. This makes things like lag which is a much bigger factor a non issue. The FPS advantage people are complaining about is a made up issue by Sony either for marketing reasons or their inability to do what other devs have been doing for a long time.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2551d ago (Edited 2551d ago )


Just like Scorpio and PS4 Pro, developers aren't making exclusive games for your $700 GPU and there really is a simple reason for that which I have already stated above. No developer is going to ignore the core audiences on Standard PS4/PS4 Slim, Xbox One/Xbox One S, and the vast majority of PC gamers who have the equivalent of a GTX 970/RX 480 or weaker in order to make exclusive games for a few million gamers. It's the same reason why Activision, EA, and Ubisoft have not made AAA games for VR/PSVR.


Death2551d ago


Devs aren't making games exclusively for my 1080 GT, but the games sure look and play much better than they do on my older gaming PC. When devs target Windows 10, they are making a game that scales to the hardware being used.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2551d ago
moegooner882552d ago

Pretty much screw original Xb1 owners at this point from MS perspective. They made it clear.

Raiden2552d ago

Idiotic fools, there will always be a fidelity issue between the 2013 and 2017 consoles, otherwise what's the point in the mid-gen refresh in the first place, the question is what do gamers prefer, frame rate or graphics, 2013 console owners need to understand that in some way they are going to lose out, question is on what?? At the moment pspro owners are wondering was it worth buying the upgrade console and for some it's a big fat hell yeah, but others feel cheated as there is nit much difference between the ps4 and pspro, but where there are no reported differences are in the frame rate, but in res there is, now Scorpio will have better frame and res than all the others, now for me frame rate is king in gaming, it's line between refresh rate and death, it's ok if the res makes the game look great but not when the frame drops bottlenecks and gets you killed, all game are capable of 60fps but that means the res most drop to allow this 720/900p @60fps with improve Dev kits would help greatly, also other developers that can do amazing things should be sharing this info which will help too, but at the end of the day no gamers are left BEHIND, none on ps4/X1, it's a choice to upgrade if you want, you are still getting that great game no matter the year of the console be it 2013/2016/2017

donthate2552d ago

No Xbox gamer left behind is the tag line so don't worry! You will be included, even if you able to resist the power of Scorpio. XD

Condemnedman2552d ago

Well nothing. time moves on and the games you pay on the xbox will still play the same so why should it bother you?

chrisoadamson2552d ago

I'm a day one owner and am delighted with this news. ps pro is a failure due to this parity bs. will be a day one scorpio owner too

Braveheart_NZ2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

You should feel nothing. You have enjoyed your launch console over the years just like I have. I will now buy a Xbox Scorpio if I want higher frame rates and higher resolution in my games, just like I would upgrade any other device that I own, because it has got older, and something better with more advanced tech inside of it has come onto the market. It is your choice to do that or not, just like it is mine and for any other person out there. Your launch console, that you have had for years now, will still play the same games as the Scorpio, be it at a lower resolution and lower fps. Such is life.

Nyxus2551d ago

I haven't really enjoyed it all that much, but you're right, not much I can do about it anyway.

LexHazard792552d ago

Feel whatever way you want. At one point I was a launch Xbox One owner.
And Im ok with Scorpio outperforming the base model. Its suppose to be premium, it should do things the others cant even if you feel at a disadvantage.

_LarZen_2552d ago

There is zero multiplayer games on the PS4Pro that has a advantage in multiplayer. It's better graphics and more stable frame rate. It's not like on PC where it's like the wild west with some at everything from ~30 to 200 fps/Hz.

Death2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

Someone should come out with a custom match making service that looks at multiple things like connection speed and skill level to determine which players should play in a match to keep the Wild West from happening. Maybe they could call it "Live" or something catchy like that...

Obscure_Observer2551d ago


"There is zero multiplayer games on the PS4Pro that has a advantage in multiplayer."



_LarZen_2551d ago


I'm well aware of BF1. The game is supposed to run at a 60 fps at all times on both the PS4 and PS4Pro. Something it is not on either consoles. DigitalFoundry reports the game is smoother and more responsive because of the extra power in the Pro. It has a 10-15fps advantage in some situations.

It's an advantage but it's hitting what both versions should run at.

So when we suddenly start talking about 30fps on one system and 60fps on a other you can only imagine what the headline would be and the outrage of console gamers being killed by owners with a 30fps+ advantage. It's not gonna happen. Not on consoles. Just forget about it already.

fathertime44642552d ago

You shouldn't​feel anything either way man. I'm a launch owner and an Appointment owner. I can't wait to see how the Scorpio takes advantage of my 4k TV. No difference than the launch 360 and then the upgraded elites​.

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Xbox President Sarah Bond's Bloomberg Interview Is Corporate Fakery At Its Best

Saad from eXputer: "After Arkane Austin & Tango were shutdown, Xbox President Sarah Bond spoke with Bloomberg in what I believe to be utter corporate fakery."

gold_drake2d ago

im not really surprised by that, shes always been more a "let me talk about something else than what u want to know" kinda gal

Cacabunga1d 17h ago

If what they are doing is that good, what’s the point of hiding the true story?

anast1d 21h ago

She's a caricature of the shareholders.

PRIMORDUS1d 19h ago

"Shareholders" I call them cancer, they are already rich to begin with but need more and more. It's like a disease, with no cure.

__y2jb1d 3h ago

If you have a pension then you are likely to be a shareholder in these big tech companies yourself. To demonize them as 'heartless rich people' shows you have no idea what you're talking about.

anast1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )


Of course, it isn't about that. You are attempting to set up a self-righteous strawman to stir up some kind of ignorant mob mentality.

And by the way, most everyone is a touch heartless or we wouldn't be able to consume the products we do knowing very well how they are made. People have to be this way because of self-preservation and convenience.

__y2jb23h ago

@anast please explain to me how what i said is self righteous or a strawman. I simply pointed out that categorizing all shareholders as cancer is ridiculous.

Leeroyw1d 17h ago

I own shares in game companies. I'm not anything near a major share holder. I just want them to make good games and be successful because of that. I think it's the senior management that's the problem. They are the ones that should be making it clear to the shareholders what creates growth and ensures a future of their business. Not this weasle words garbage that she did on the interview. It was horrific. I don't know a shareholder that would be happy with any of them for this.

Profchaos1d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

Same and I'm not rich by any stretch like most people's I'm just trying to keep my head above water these days most company's shareholders are made up of everyday people it's amazing how companies think we want something but the reality is we don't.

Disney are probably the worse at the moment it's shareholders voted on ending a lot of the crap and outing the current execs the execs turned around and said no we disagree with the shareholder vote

PRIMORDUS1d 11h ago

I meant at the rich fucks who have millions in the bank already. They are making so much per year, that if they don't make what they are expecting they go into a panic, when in reality it will not even hurt them at all. Those are greedy assholes.

anast1d 2h ago

"you have a pension then you are likely to be a shareholder"

Pensioners don't make any decisions about anything. Obviously that is not what this is about.

CrimsonWing691d 21h ago

Yea, it was and it’s insulting that they think we’re dumb enough to fall for this. Look, the truth was you took a gamble on these studios and while they released some games to critical praise and great reception they just aren’t bringing in a ROI. Be transparent, you’re not a politician.

Just tell everyone you spend money on projects big and small and when money isn’t being made you go over the potential of revenue a studio can bring in vs those that can’t and make the hard decision to chop them.

She says this whole thing about “success” doesn’t fit one meaning for each studio. Well yea, a small budget production isn’t going to expect to sell the same as a large budget production.

One thing I wish they did though was let Tango be an independent studio.

TheGamingHounds1d 20h ago

disheartening to see no regard for the human cost of business anymore
the bad decisions and judgements of these CEOs severely impact the frontliners
these fake responses are just salt on wounds

RoadRacer1d 20h ago

imagine havin the audacity to say "we need more games like hifi rush" right after closing the studio that made it lol
followin up with this show of "deflecting every question" was in poor taste

StormSnooper1d 17h ago

MS is all about lip service.

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