
Professor Layton 3 Official Site is Live

The upcoming DS exclusive goes live.

Cheeseknight285727d ago

Meh. We still haven't even received Layton 2 stateside, which I've been dying to play for over half a year now...

Hopefully Level-5 hasn't forgotten us.

armycore4757d ago

Sometimes, I really hate that guy.

LocO_o4757d ago

I justb got all the Pro Letton games and 38 more other DSI games for $40.


GamingBuddha094757d ago

phoenix wright will put him in his place

edsoliz4757d ago

I've never played any of the Phoenix Wright games, might have to check those out

Alos884757d ago

"Reason #5: He's british"
Way to go, you killed my interest in under a minute, you racist asshole.

armycore4757d ago

Making fun of British = racist? WTF?

Alos884757d ago

Let's say you replaced Britain with, say, the Middle East.
"He's evil because he's from the Middle East"
Sounds racist, right? So quit applying your double standards to Britain.

armycore4756d ago

Say it's "prejudice" against the Brits or "stereotyping" the Brits because that would make more sense, not racist.

Now if you excuse me, I need to go complain about some Christians, who happen to be white, so that they can call me racist as well since I'm sure religious background = race in your eyes as well.

Pocket Gamer - E3 2010: Hands on with Professor Layton and the Unwound Future

Pocket Gamer:

Previously known as The Last Time Travel, the next Professor Layton game has now been named The Unwound Future (at least in North America).

As either title highlights, the underlining plot to the many puzzles you'll be tackling this time is time travel, with the E3 demo revealing the opening story, developed once again by series creator Level-5.

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Professor Layton And The Unwound Future Sleuthed

Every puzzle has an answer and Professor Layton and the Unwound Future isn’t much of a riddle.

Level 5 registered a trademark for Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. While it’s not a direct Japanese translation, the subtitle suggests Layton (and his sidekick Luke) are heading to the future. That’s basically the plot of the final game in this Layton trilogy.

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