
Farpoint review | Eurogamer

PlayStation VR gets some much-needed support from Sony, but unfortunately Farpoint is a hollow novelty.

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gangsta_red2554d ago

Dont see what the fuss was about. The actual gameplay looked like a regular FPS from the golden years of Doom. I guess the co-op part was a great addition but as of now not really anything needed to play in VR.

Gazondaily2554d ago

Well aside from the corridor style movement, I think it shows that VR can greatly enhance a FPS experience .

The tech is there. Sony just need a great shooter and then we'll see something to really make VR a great proposition.

I did think this title had potential to be something special at best.

gangsta_red2554d ago

"Well aside from the corridor style movement,"

That is what i gathered from the original trailer which is why i was wondering what the anticipation was.

I personally dont think the tech is there, not enough to make a person have an advantage in a mp game or it be necessary to play the game in.

It is a novelty gimmick for now.

Gazondaily2554d ago

"I personally dont think the tech is there, not enough to make a person have an advantage in a mp game or it be necessary to play the game in. "

Why not? If its engrossing enough and the gameplay is good then what part of the tech is not there?

il-JumperMT2554d ago

Good luck playing VR when you have to turn 360 degrees to kill enemies

gangsta_red2554d ago

"If its engrossing enough and the gameplay is good then what part of the tech is not there?"

Those are big "ifs" and so far the game design may be a different spin on the same formula but its the same formula none the less.

There's no real reason to spend an extra 400 bux to turn your head right and left rather than how you originally did it on a controller to do the same action in game.

81BX2554d ago (Edited 2554d ago )

I think this compliments a mech game nicely.

donthate2554d ago (Edited 2554d ago )


It's not that the technology isn't there, but rather that developers hasn't figured out how to do it well yet. Think when Halo was built for controllers, and Bungie added auto-aim. A small feature, but had major impact on the user experience.

Aside from that, PS VR is barely good enough VR, so it has it's shortcomings compared to a PC quality headset like Rift and Vive. The real short coming is actually by making PS VR compatible with PS4. It is making me sick, and a lot of others sick too.

oONinjavitiSOo2554d ago

I've played for a couple hours and actually haven't had any 360 movement issues. I think enemies return to a position in front of the player. Didn't really think/notice this issue until i read your comment. No probs with this yet. I'll try to be a little more observant and get back to you.

IamTylerDurden12554d ago

@il jumperMT

Again, misinformation and ppl who don't own the tech sounding foolish. You don't have to turn your head 360 degrees bc there is something called a Right Stick. You can look around freely with your head, aim independently with the AIM Controller, move in any direction with the Left Stick, and turn with the Right Stick. If you want to turn completely around you use the Right Stick. This is what makes the AIM Controller so great is that it's a motion controlled gun with a DUALSHOCK 4 button layout. There it is..

IamTylerDurden12554d ago

@Septic and Gangsta

"Corridor style movement"

You guys are spreading misinformation based on a quote from an inaccurate review. What do you think, you can only move forward? No. Farpoint has 100% free movement in any direction, you can certainly go back. The game is linear but it is most certainly NOT anything close to on-rails, it's an FPS with free movement. It is linear but you are not funneled into tight corridors. It's a linear FPS that gives the illusion of an expansion open setting, it works well.

"I personally don't think the tech is there, not enough to make a person have an advantage in a mp game or to be necessary to play the game in"

The tech on the AIM Controller is there, you are just merely giving a biased opinion based on what you want to believe, rather than personal experience with the device. I have it, i've played it and the AIM absolutely gives you an advantage and after you've tried it it certainly feels necessary in Farpoint/VR FPS. Right after using it i actually said "wow, the tech is so good and so accurate that a competitive mp FPS would work brilliantly withe the AIM" and it would. Ppl running around with AIM guns shooting at each other in mp would be amazing, and ppl would accurate af.

Babadook72554d ago

The Aim controller makes this simplistic fps fun.

gangsta_red2554d ago


"Right after using it i actually said "wow, the tech is so good and so accurate that a competitive mp FPS would work brilliantly withe the AIM" and it would."

When filming this promotion did you look straight into the camera with a serious face or did you look out on to the ocean as the sun set for a more dramatic effect?

nveenio2553d ago

When I was a kid, VR was at the most expensive arcade within 100 miles and it cost $6 for about 90 seconds of play. You stood on a platform with a rail circling you about waist high, and you couldn't walk around or anything. You wore a giant, heavy helmet with anaconda-like cables snaking out of it, and everything in the game was made up of green, Atari-style lines. You had to turn around and around and around, and the player character never moved anywhere.

And we thought it was awesome.

What has come around within the last couple of years is what we've been waiting for since the 80s. VR isn't about having a giant 3D screen strapped to your head. It's about being immersed. And if that means you have to turn around, duck, jump, etc, then that's fine with us. Because that's what we've been waiting for. Even if it's on rails (which this isn't), we're cool with it. Because we don't see it as a replacement for all of the other games we love. Just like we didn't see the old-fashioned VR as a replacement for Donkey Kong or Skee Ball. It's a different kind of experience. It's a different platform. It's go-karts versus mini golf. It's bowling versus ultimate frisbee.

What I'm saying is that we don't have to choose. No one is asking us to choose. We have the VR we've been waiting for since the 80s. And we're complaining? No. We're not. The only people complaining are the ones who don't remember what VR was before, and what we always hoped it would become.

Neonridr2553d ago (Edited 2553d ago )

@IamTylerDurden1 - while turning your head in game isn't required because there is a stick to handle the same thing, it's a terrible excuse for VR as a whole. The entire point to using a headset is so that you can freely look and turn around at will. Restricting players to using a control stick instead of the headset and body for turning creates a huge barrier of engagement. PSVR will always be limited in that sense anyways since there is only one camera. Rift and Vive at least allow players to fully turn and engage themselves in any direction without much fear of occlusion.

The right stick turning was created as a direct result of that, since you can't exactly hold the aim controller facing away from the camera with your body blocking it since the tracking will disappear at that point.

Nobody wants to turn their head to the side, to then only have to use a control stick to turn your in game body. It sort of defeats the purpose of VR a little since it isn't exactly natural movement at that point and can definitely break immersion.

That being said, I am sure the devs did a good job implementing what needed to be done to get it to work properly and I look forward to giving my copy a go in the next day or two.

as for the aim controller tech itself, it's still limited by the light tracking of the PS Camera. Sadly this sort of tech pales when compared to the LED emitters found inside the Rift and Vive controllers. You think it's precise and super awesome, but I would beg you to try those out to see a basis for comparison.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2553d ago
TankCrossing2554d ago (Edited 2554d ago )

Level structure, narrative, various other elements of the game may be familiar, but "gameplay" is fundamentally different. The way you interact with and control the game is core to gameplay. Pointing a gun at an enemy isn't that similar to using a right analogue stick or a mouse to aim your crosshairs. Physically dodging incoming fire by leaning/moving/ducking isn't akin to keyboard or pad movement.

That's ignoring the huge benefit to immersion that you get from simply wearing the headset and looking around the environment.

I'm not sold on Farpoint or PSVR, but I don't think you can call it "same old".

gangsta_red2554d ago (Edited 2554d ago )

I understand the 'immersion' part but how long does that carry weight for games that are still mediocre and only have that single aspect going for itself? So far most of these VR fps games have been on rail type shooters with a common gimmick.

UltraNova2554d ago


Its called one step at a time. This is the first free movement FPS in VR worth talking about. You cant master a new concept out of the gate. Be patient we are obviously getting there.

MadMax2554d ago

It's all about using the aim controller with this game and future fps games. I'm hearing lots of good things about this game using the aim controller. People are saying it's the best fps experience you can have, and will completely immerse you. VR is better than you think and there are a little handful of some real gems for it. Starblood arena is an incredible VR game! Will pick up the farpoint bundle today and see for myself.

oONinjavitiSOo2554d ago

The aim controller is really really dope the game is pretty decent. Hit me up if you want to co-op.

JackBNimble2554d ago

Gansta is only hating on vr because of the platform it's on. Nothing you say or do will change the coarse of anything Sony, so please give it a rest. No one gives a shit about your baseless opinions on a console that you have absolutely zero interest in.

plmkoh2554d ago

We call these 'stealth trolls' or 'concerned trolls', they masquerade as someone trying to discuss things but are actually trying to steer things towards the negativity. Come the same topic on their preferred platform you will see the goal posts move.

gangsta_red2553d ago

Yes, I hate VR because it's exclusive to Sony and no where else. And hopefully with me giving my opinion on the game and VR as a whole I can somehow change the course of Sony and the past history of Sony themselves through quantum reverse physics of comments.

"No one gives a shit about your baseless opinions..."

Sure you guys do.

"Come the same topic on their preferred platform you will see the goal posts move."

Oh yea? Any proof of this...I'll wait...

oONinjavitiSOo2554d ago

Well I actually have the game and it's pretty awesome! So far i would give it a 7.8. The light gun definitely adds another layer of movement which is actually very smooth absolutely zero motion sickness. Although the only motion sickness i felt was on eve valkyrie on the day psvr launched went back the day after and had zero issues with motion sickness. You guys that keep talking trash about vr clearly aren't playing any vr games and it definitely shows. Again i actually own psvr and farpoint and its pretty dope. The gun is super awesome and a game changer for psvr the game story is alright. If anyone want to co-op pm me.

Irishguy952554d ago (Edited 2554d ago )

Its kinda sad to see VR failing like this, Sony are leading it to be fair, no one has released a great VR game yet, not on PsVR, Occulus or HTC vive.

I really hope it pulls through. You don't pay hundreds of dollars for a lesser gameplay experience! Kinect and Motion controls showed that. If VR isn't there yet then imo, developers jumped the gun on it. An FPS without actually being in control of where you go is not an FPS.

generic-user-name2553d ago

"An FPS without actually being in control of where you go is not an FPS."

What are you talking about? You are in total control of where you go in Farpoint.

IamTylerDurden12554d ago

The first 4 comments are from Septic and Gangsta..

You have no idea what you are talking about and this "review" is god awful and factually wrong in sections.

What? The gameplay looks like 90's DOOM? What are you talking about?

The "great addition" is the fantastic piece of tech known as the AIM controller and the fact that this is a VR FPS with 100% free movement, an actual narrative with cutscenes that you are right in the middle of, high production value, and superb locomotion/combat that isn't nausea inducing. It is a technical achievement in VR and shows just how well FPS mechanics can work. It's also a showcase for the AIM, which already has 5 confirmed games that will support it in 2017 including Arizona Sunshine.

Gazondaily2554d ago

Ah so this review is wrong...shat about all others? It's sitting at 71 on metacritic.

"actual narrative with cutscenes that you are right in the middle of, high production value, and superb locomotion/combat"

This sounds like the press release.

"It is a technical achievement in VR and shows just how well FPS mechanics can work"

Minus the expected hyperbole, isn't this what I said? VR enhances the fps experience. Now we just need a GOOD PSVR fps.

gangsta_red2554d ago


You seem to be bragging a lot about the tech of the AIM controller but you're not really bragging about the actual game. Youre using a lot of generic terms to describe the production and presentation of the game but it sounds straight off a pamphlet handed to investors.

In your replies i seriously dont think i read if you had actual fun with the game itself.

EatCrow2554d ago

Golden years of doom? Game looked nothing like doom.

1Victor2554d ago

Be afraid Sony fanboys are letting you Xbox fanboys troll all over their articles saving the energy for project Scorpio price reveals to drop on you like Big Bang and make you 😭 like a 👶💦

generic-user-name2553d ago

You actually don't have a clue what the actual gameplay is like unless you've experienced it in VR. Judging it based on 2D vids...you should know better by now. Of course, you'd be praising this if it was on Scorpio so whatevs.

gangsta_red2553d ago

Yup, if it was on Scorpio I would be having a massive heart attack.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2553d ago
Gazondaily2554d ago

"By default the movement is set so you cannot turn your body. Instead you push ever forwards, sidestepping around rocks as you stumble through a dust storm, searching for other survivors"

Oh what? I thought this was a proper FPS game not a corridor shooter.

"Farpoint is a budget game, sold and promoted as a AAA title. "

Well yeah that sucks. If Sony wants to do right by VR, it needs to release proper AAA titles that do the tech justice. This year's E3 and their VR games will show us how serious Sony is taking VR

TankCrossing2554d ago (Edited 2554d ago )

I remember reading that turning was disabled for all the previews, and wondered why so few of them mentioned it. Turning is a big contributor to motion sickness. Surprised it is still completely disabled on release though, I expected options for smooth turning, step turning, teleport turning and such. It is kind of an important skill if you want to navigate a level.

Of course there wouldn't be such a need for turning if PSVR had a better tracking system...

TankCrossing2554d ago

According to the review on uploadvr you can enable step turning or smooth turning, which is good news if you have your VR legs.

2554d ago Replies(11)
dillydadally2554d ago

There's a basic problem right now with VR that will just take time to get over and that's adoption rate vs profitability. PSVR is expensive and still difficult to find in stock for a lot of people, meaning that the install base isn't very high and so the amount of people available to buy games for it isn't very high. The result is making a AAA game for it isn't a good financial investment because even if everyone who has a PSVR bought it, they wouldn't break even. So their only option right now to make profitable games are lower budget games.

Once prices drop and the install base gets large enough, VR games will go AAA as well and then we'll see some really awesome results.

Athos2554d ago

It wont be supported long enough to get AAA support.

Petebloodyonion2554d ago

It didn't stop Nintendo from making some for Switch
I'm sure Arms is the main reason to get a Switch today

Here's some simple logic, SONY needs to make AAA games for PSVR so ppl buys them thus in return give a reason for a 3rd party to create some.

skwidd2554d ago

@dillydadally That's one way of thinking/going about it. You can argue that if you truly want to move hardware you have to release it with a killer app. This is what always drove sales, the content. Nintendo did it with Mario, Sega did it with Sonic, Microsoft with Halo and Sony has been doing it with tons of games, GT being a big one. Even if you make a AAA game with small install base you can sell more hardware because of it and that maybe more important than making a profit. You sell that many hardware and you will make more money from other games. Thinking in a one to one correlational profit may not be thinking big. Its about brand name, install base and things bigger than what one game can profit a developer.

generic-user-name2553d ago

"By default the movement is set so you cannot turn your body."


Xbots reading comprehension goes downhill if it means they can concern troll.

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CR7JUVE18972554d ago

Reviews have been around a 7.5 average, which a good/solid score. I just hope that this is a "Cutting their teeth" moment for these types of games, and not dissuade developers to not try to push it further.

ninsigma2554d ago

Sounds like another game that needed to be cheaper to match what it offers. I'm disappointed at how farpoint seems to have turned out but I'm not overly surprised either. The trailers didn't make it seem particularly special except for it being PSVRs first full on FPS. Think I'll wait on this for a bit.

ApexWolf222554d ago

I managed to get the game and gun bundle for around $55, at that entry point I'm reasonably content with 7.5's, I'm just hoping this doesn't become another useless peripheral...

ninsigma2554d ago

With trade ins I should be able to get it for about 35 to 40 euro. Which is a fine price but at the same time, I'm not sure I wanna use the trade ins for it.

2554d ago
ninsigma2554d ago

How much have you played of it so far and what positives and negatives do you have?? My worry is that it's actually a mediocre shooter masked by the immersion of VR.

2554d ago
ninsigma2554d ago

Cool stuff. Still in 2 minds but it's good to hear what gamers are saying. Hope you enjoy it 😊

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2554d ago
OB1Biker2554d ago

Reviews seem decent enough

ninsigma2554d ago

I'm more going by what I've seen from the trailers. I'm certain that the experience offered with the headset and gun is vastly superior to what I can see in a you tube video, that much is obvious, but I don't want to fall into the real of buying something that I would otherwise find boring/bad if it werent for the immersion of VR anf have the novelty wear off half way through. I'll see what people on here think of it when they get their hands on it. I can always buy it and sell to CEX if I don't like it anyway.

TheColbertinator2554d ago

Once again VR crumbles to basic expectations.

Show all comments (110)

Farpoint Studio Tease Cryptic Message for Upcoming VR Game

Its due for release later this year.

PrimeVinister1167d ago

Farpoint VR may be surpassed by other VR first-person shooters in the future but it is an important part of the genre's development in VR.

Neonridr1167d ago

I mean HL: Alyx is probably the best representation of first person implementation into a VR game to date. But it's exciting to see what's on the horizon. I will particularly be interested in the next gen version of PSVR to see what sorts of new interactions we can get with the controller

Abnor_Mal1167d ago

Farpoint was a great shooter with the Aim controller on PSVR, I'm excited to see what the studio is doing next and if its another shooter that will use the Aim again.

"There’s also no mention of what platforms it’ll support, presumably PlayStation VR will get a look in as Farpoint was exclusive to the headset. But there have been fewer and fewer for Sony’s device. With a 2021 launch window, VRFocus would expect an Oculus Quest version due to its popularity."

Sony just announced today five to six new games that will be releasing this year, so the idea of fewer and fewer games on the device is not correct, and there are a good set of games. Whether the game is exclusive or not it would be welcomed either way. How many Oculus Quest HMDs have been sold to date, and are they close to or already closed the lead of Sonys headset?


Amazon Slashes Up To 83% Off On Several PSVR, PS4 Exclusive & AAA Games

Daily Video Game writes: "It’s the weekend again! The largest e-commerce platform Amazon is running various games on sale with huge savings for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One right now! If you want to play new games without breaking your wallet on your PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, this is your chance to save up to 83% off on PSVR games, PS4 exclusives, and AAA titles."

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ccgr1444d ago

Thanks for the head's up!

PhoenixRising371444d ago

impatiently waiting for nioh 2 to be under 30 bucks!


Guide: The 50 Best PSVR Games You Can Play Right Now

Pure PlayStation: If you woke up to a brand new PSVR headset on Christmas morning then you’ll no doubt be wanting some advice on what to play. Well, unless you already did your due diligence.

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ApocalypseShadow1964d ago

Games are subjective I guess. But this list is weak. Some of the titles named aren't that good. I could have came up with a better list. And some of the best and latest releases aren't even on this list.

Article could have been better.