
Can Dynasty Warriors 9 Really Turn Things Around For The Series?

If what Koei Tecmo are saying is true, Dynasty Warriors 9 could be the much-needed shake up fans of the series have been waiting for. For the past few years the publisher has continued to experiment with various sequels, spin-offs, and remixes, though each one derives from the same core Warriors template. That formula – which debuted in 2000’s Dynasty Warriors 2 – has evolved over time, but after seventeen years it’s truly starting to show its age. To combat this long-running fatigue, developer Omega Force is proposing some fundamental changes to its flagship franchise.

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Majin-vegeta2575d ago

I.hope this installment innovates the DW series just like DW2.

Gif of day/night cycle

madforaday2575d ago

I hope so to because I think it's time for a new DW because I know I will buy this day 1 just for the fact it is open world and it looks like they are keeping the same formula wile adding some new features in it which is what I personally want. I love playing and finding new weapons and new armor so when I do see Lu Bu I can try and take him. It was fun first meeting Lu Bu and you were too weak to beat him. Once you get some good gear and than having that 30 minute fight with him and taking him out. The solely reason you do that so you can see the look of the face of the officers when you take him out and see their moral DROP!.

Majin-vegeta2575d ago

Dude I think a gear system would work great for Dynasty warriors.like RPGS

madforaday2574d ago

I thought DW games did have a gear system. I could be totally wrong because its been a while but I thought armor can be dropped and picked up?

madforaday2575d ago

I got into the series with DW 3 and I was hooked ever since!

Bushwick2574d ago

Me too. Seems like forever ago!

Razzer2575d ago

Are these games stand alone like Persona and Final Fantasy?

ripper_roo2575d ago

Nope, each one tells the same story, albeit with an updated roster of characters.

It's a very strange way of doing a game series to be honest. For example, there's a level called The Battle For Hu Lao Gate which has featured in every Dynasty Warriors games but is a little different each time.

bacrec12575d ago

DW 8 was loaded with features. Probably my favorite since 4. Looking forward to the new one.

andrewsquall2575d ago

The series needs to turn things around? Since when? If its not broke don't fix it. Now if its Mass Effect Andromeda then.......................... http://i647.photobucket.com... fix it.

Fishy Fingers2575d ago (Edited 2575d ago )

Since the last 3 or 4 games have been mediocre at best....?

shaun mcwayne2574d ago

Agreed the last few have been meh.

ripper_roo2574d ago

While not exactly broken, the past couple of mainline games have done very little to advance the core Warriors template.

2574d ago
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The Most Disappointing Video Game Sequels - Part Seven

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Whatever the reasons may be, SPC is back with a look at six more disappointing video game sequels that failed to deliver or failed to satisfy for one reason or another."

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New Dynasty Warriors Games Games Celebrating 20th Anniversary Will Be Announced in The Near Future

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Rangerman12081396d ago (Edited 1396d ago )

I just hope they learned their lessons from DW9. The open world feature was personally unnecessary.

phoenixwing1395d ago

I bought dw9 specifically because it was open world