
X3A: GC 2008: Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Preview

Dan Webb writes:

"Red Alert 3 not only looks like another great RTS title for the Command & Conquer series but being able to play the campaign in co-op over Live is a fantastic addition because come on, there is nothing better than kicking ass with a mate. With an all star cast and plenty of bright vibrant environments as well, Red Alert surely has what it takes to rival the other RTS games that we'll see over the coming months."

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Red Alert 3: Upheaval Mod Released

Bibber has released a new update for its Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 mod Upheaval, now available for download.

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I Want That Old Time RTS

"I love real time strategy (RTS) games. I love the thrill of building up an impregnable fortress; watching your villagers expand your economy, attacking an enemy with a well rounded army. Those are the things I crave in an RTS. When I was young, I constantly played games like Age of Empires II, Starcraft and Rise of Nations (I still play them today), as well as Empire Earth, Command and Conquer, Homeworld, and Age of Mythology. Those games define the "classic" era of RTS games. Nowadays, the classic RTS games are impossibly hard to find. It seems that the industry has hit a slump. Sure, there are some bright spots (like Sins of a Solar Empire), but overall there are very few RTS games on the market. How did the RTS market come to this? How did a flourishing genre suddenly grind to a halt? The answers are very unsettling." -from Reid!

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kr90915448d ago (Edited 5448d ago )

A good RTS is hard to come by now. I miss the good ol days when i used to play Command & Conquer, Age of Empires 3, Rise of Nations, all those classic games that i would spend hours on every day...its a shame there are no developers that are willing to step up to the plate and create a true killer, next-gen RTS.


Apple Games Features C&C Red Alert 3

Apple Games latest feature article turns the spotlight on Command & Conquer Red Alert 3. The real time strategy title follows the action as the Allies face off against the Soviet war machine and the Empire of the Rising Sun in a fictional futuristic setting. Apple's article includes commentary from associate producer Matt Ott, an explanation of the game's alternate timeline, and tips and tricks for success.