
Is Rare's Sea of Thieves Further Away Than We Thought?

The latest developer update suggests that Rare's online shared world pirate game Sea of Thieves is still far from reaching the coveted land, with the studio heavily working on the NPCs system.

A delay into 2018 seems like a concrete possibility at this point.

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ShadowKnight2601d ago (Edited 2601d ago )

Not surprise if true. I don't think Crackdown 3 will release this year either

Festano2601d ago

Me neither but Phil better have other exclusives in his pocket

Brave_Losers_Unite2601d ago

His pockets have holes in them

Concertoine2601d ago

If either of these games are delayed, i will probably not get future xbox hardware.

There is no excuse for software revealed in 2014 being delayed 2-3 years from when they were promised into 2018.

KenichiEbina2601d ago

I truly hope phil has more hidden exclusives so that when he cancels the next one, he could again say that it's good for xbox gamers.

Critic4l_Strik32601d ago

hes got the Scorpio, which is something...*insert sarcasm*

KillBill2601d ago

@Concertoine - I would assume then that you would not be getting any future PS hardware either seeing Sony does the exact same thing.

Utalkin2me2600d ago


By all means please list me all of games that was showed during E3 as console exclusives, to try to get people to purchase said console only to cancel games. I can think of only one game. Also, Sony keeps feeding out original exclusives and puts out way more then what MS does. Youre playing what Halo Wars 2 and 2 remastered games so far this year....Sounds like a launch lineup if you ask me and its on year 3.

No reason to defend, people with a half a brain knows Sony puts out way more exclusives then MS and always had. Sony allows for creativity and original content. While MS normally buys deals and makes the big 3 over and over, sprinkled in with some new games.

krypt19832600d ago (Edited 2600d ago )

@concertoine so half of sonys game get delayed for up to 10yrs what's your point, its always to delay a good game then to ship a bad game remember that!

@talkin2m3 i hardly doubt microsoft think this game is going to be a system seller and plenty of sony games got delayed, tlou,hzd,tlg list goes on, you realize sony has been in the console buisness way longer they should have more studios, only game sony launched this year has been hzd everything else is 3rd party console exclusive and japenese, it facts that the Japanese culture takes pride and only supports japenese products anything else is niche to them unless its a iphone, so no matter how great the xbox is you wouldn't see them games on xbox. You just show how petty and immature the ps community is you obviously have no interest in xbox or ses of thieves your only in here to repeat the xbox has no games cliché ponies wasn't saying that the first 3years when they didn't have games it was all resolution and power next .

Gibreel872600d ago

"only game sony launched this year has been hzd everything else is 3rd party console exclusive and japenese"

-Gravity rush 2 devolped and published by Sony interactive entertainment (PS4 exlusive) MC 80
-Ni Oh published by Sony interactive entertainment(in the west)(ps4 exclusive) MC 88
-Horizon zero dawn developed and published by Sony interactive entertainment (PS4 exclusive) MC 89
- MLB the show 17 developed and published by Sony interactive (PS4 exclusive) MC 85
- Drawn to death published by Sony interactive (PS4 exclusive) MC 54

Sony published and/or developed games with confirmed dates in 2017
-wipeout omega collection. (June)
-Uncharted lost lagacy (August)
-Everybody's Golf (August)

What I'm trying to say... You are wrong.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2600d ago
Liqu1d2601d ago

Crackdown has to release, they can't afford to delay it anymore.

Alexious2601d ago

Yeah, I think Crackdown 3 will definitely release this year. They also teased new info coming soon via Twitter

morganfell2601d ago

I don't think it is coming this year. A beta maybe but the game seems unlikely. When Scalebound was canceled it was the time for MS to show something they had in their pocket in order to restore the faith of the disappointed. Anything. Small games get a trailer and a release 6 months later. A major AAA title shows gameplay and releases within 6 months? Seems unlikely. It could happen, but the fact they did nothing to alleviate the Scalebound disappointment shows that either titles aren't shipping this year or MS just simply has very little to show and are having to sit on any titles due this year.

rainslacker2601d ago

If the full game isn't ready, which is possible given how little we've seen of it, then I expect them to release something. A beta or something like a prologue in the GT vein.

MS just can't rely on Forza this holiday, and I doubt SoT...assuming it's still slated for this year...is going to drive console sales to the point of making a difference.

So unless they have some big IP behind the curtains, CD3 will get something this year.

LordJamar2600d ago

yes they can i dont want a broken unfinished game

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2600d ago
Kribwalker2601d ago

I'm in the alpha and it's extremely polished and they have now moved into weekly testing from once a month (every Wednesday) and are about to up the big test they have done on Saturdays, which was once every month or two where they add players and more things to the game to an extra 30,000 players (putting it close to 60,000 players in it at one time) that will be in the alpha now. It's further along then this man is suggesting

Alexious2601d ago

Really? It sounds like they just added basic NPCs support and they're working to make it a lot more complex.

I don't think they're releasing before they have that. Maybe there'll be a beta in late 2017, but a full release seems doubtful.

WeAreLegion2601d ago

Thanks for the info. How is it?

Kribwalker2601d ago

I've had a lot of fun. The real key is to have a team of people with headsets, its way better that way, but it's really a lot of fun. I had this rare chest from one island and we were trying to get it back to the mainland when we got jumped by 2 ships of guys and had a 3 ship open sea battle going when one guy from another ship swam to ours while we were on the cannons and took us out and stole the treasure lol....definitely a great teamwork game

2601d ago
freshslicepizza2601d ago

"Not surprise if true. I don't think Crackdown 3 will release this year either"

are you going to get them if they do come this year?

ShadowKnight2601d ago (Edited 2601d ago )

On PC but I'm more interested in Crackdown though

freshslicepizza2601d ago

"On PC but I'm more interested in Crackdown though"

good, i look forward to you actually talking about the games

Razzer2600d ago Show
Fist4achin2601d ago

It just keeps drifting away!

I really hope it doesn't go the way of scalebound. I'm really upset about Xbox one's game lineup.

MoonConquistador2601d ago

So are MS. Just that you can't do anything about it. They can but it would appear that they choose not to address it.

LordJamar2600d ago

my god stop with the scalebound crap

LackTrue4K2601d ago

Wouldn't be surprise of these games got canceled too.

mark_parch2601d ago

there is no way these games are getting cancelled. trust me. i'm in the sea of thieves alpha and they could easily have a game ready for release later this year and then keep adding to it like minecraft for example but i hope they just bring it out in 2018 when it's a complete game

XanderZane2600d ago

Very doubtful. Sea of Thieves being more of a MMO, they could still get it released at the end of the year and steadily add more content to it throughout 2018 and beyond. I think Crackdown 3 is further along then people think. That game will probably launch with the Scorpio.

dumahim2600d ago

I bet people thought the same thing about Fable Legends.

mark_parch2601d ago

i'm pretty confident we will see crackdown 3 this year but no chance of sea of thieves

Mystogan2600d ago (Edited 2600d ago )

Nah, I see no reason why Crackdown 3 won't be released this year.
They haven't shown much, but from what we've seen the core Crackdown gameplay was already there.
It was probably delayed because of server structure I'm guessing. They need everything to work on day one.

sea of thieves on the other hand. We've seen 1 video every week for months now and it still Looks very barebones. They recently added resource management. which should add some depth.
That said this is just Alpha, Maybe they are holding tons of content back.

But i'll see how much the gameplay holds this game up tomorrow. I got invited in the alpha, and I have to say I'm excited.


OH NO!!!!!!!!! but those were the most expected games of all time!

Obviously they weren't but for a starved xbot, those suddenly became the most coveted games!

2600d ago
frostypants2600d ago

By the time Crackdown 3 comes out it'll be Scorpio-only and all that cloud stuff will be unnecessary.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2600d ago
Imp0ssibl32601d ago

Scorpio won't matter at all if there are no exclusive games....What are you doing, Microsoft?

2601d ago
FallenAngel19842601d ago

It won't have exclusives since it's an iterative console 😑

WeAreLegion2601d ago

He means Xbox, in general, won't sell without exclusives. So, Scorpio is screwed.

XanderZane2600d ago

If you say so....

Phil: "We’re gonna have games only released on the PC. We’re gonna have games only released on console. And PC gaming is critically important to the company.”"

Utalkin2me2600d ago


Ahhhh....People falling for more PR talk. Dont talk just do. There is alot of things MS said and did a 180 on. But hey as long as the wave something shiny in your face, you forget.

343_Guilty_Spark2601d ago (Edited 2601d ago )

Why don't you wait til damn E3. While you do that I'll be waiting for the Pro to get true 4k/60. I think we know who will be waiting longer.

SpaceRanger2601d ago

"Why don't you wait til damn E3."

That's all we hear EVERY year!

"While you do that I'll be waiting for the Pro to get true 4k/60. I think we know who will be waiting longer."

Yeah we definitely know who will be waiting longer...as always YOU will. Thanks for reminding us.


aconnellan2601d ago


"That's all we hear EVERY year!"

That's because every E3, MS announces a bunch of new games, some being new IP, some being console exclusive. Yet every year they get ignored because it doesn't fit the narrative that they don't have any games

2601d ago
LackTrue4K2601d ago

The yearly Xbox owner war cry.

"Wait for E3!!"

Prince_TFK2601d ago (Edited 2601d ago )

@SpaceRanget "Thats all we hear EVERY year!"

Weren't most of the games that they revealed during E3 got released? Why do you pretend that they never release any games after their E3 showing?

Critic4l_Strik32601d ago

Ill be playing lots of exclusive and 3rd party games on the PS4 while you wait for some games to show up

gangsta_red2601d ago


"That's all we hear EVERY year"

Maybe because every year there's an E3.

trooper_2601d ago

Wait till E3.
-no new games are announced-

Wait till next E3!

Do you guys ever get tired of saying that?

Z5012601d ago

Isn't it sad that people have to wait til E3 every year?
Been hearing "Wait til E3" since January.

2600d ago
Utalkin2me2600d ago


You still have stuff from E3 3 years ago thats not even out or got canceled. When will you people get it...

MorpheusX2600d ago (Edited 2600d ago )



How many E3's do you think the XB1 userbase should wait on? Its been 3 so far....

smh, damn moron.

CaptainObvious8782600d ago

I guess that means you already have a PS4 Pro and never bought the underpowered xbone, since power is apparently so important to you.

You can keep waiting if you like, but I'm playing games right now.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2600d ago
morganfell2601d ago


Apparently he had one nerve and you were on it. All you did was make an extremely valid point. I would like to know what they are doing. I still have 3 MS consoles in this house that are dormant. Or at least I would like to believe they are dormant and not dead. But with everything available on my PC, mere dormancy seems unlikely.

mark_parch2601d ago

what like crackdown 3, state of deacy 2, motorsport 7, tacoma, below, cuphead and at least one other unannounced game and that's if sea of theives doesn't release this year

2601d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2600d ago
ccgr2601d ago

Better late and fixed than early and broken

yomfweeee2601d ago

Like Quantum Break. Worth the wait..... not.

2601d ago
LordofYogurt2601d ago

Quantum Break is actually really good

KenichiEbina2601d ago

That 5hr game is not $60 good. I'd rather watch that abysmal experience on youtube.

mark_parch2601d ago

quantum break is a good game you should try it

Prince_TFK2601d ago

Or like Drive Club...wait that was a super duper great game.

XanderZane2600d ago

No Man's Sky wasn't worth the wait either. Neither was The Order 1886. DriveClub? Nope.. not worth the wait or the $60. Don't act like XBox is the only platform that gets exclusives that aren't worth the money or the wait. PS4 had plenty of those as well and so did Nintendo. Quantum Break wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible either. Not worth $60 though. I agree with that. NMS isn't even worth $40.

Kribwalker2600d ago

Or the last guardian. Totally worth the 10 year wait.......smh

Utalkin2me2600d ago


After all the issues the game had. Sony stuck it out for the fans and released it. MS wouldn't do the same.

Liqu1d2600d ago

@Kribwalker How do you know TLG wasn't worth the wait? You haven't even played the game.

Kribwalker2600d ago

Have most of the people on here played quantum break? Or are they just going of the metacritic of 77 vs TLG 82?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2600d ago
MrSec842601d ago

Seems like Forza Motorsport 7, Crackdown 3 and State of Decay 2 will be Microsoft's Q3/4 2017 games, if Sea of Thieves is still in Alpha but Beta is a ways off it's likely a 2018 release.
Maybe SoT will come out by May 2018.

Cuphead is supposed to be Mid 2017, so maybe that will get a release date soon.

Gaming4Life19812601d ago

I want all the games you mentioned but i really want cuphead, just release the game already and the same for below. They clearly showed these games off way too early but im looking forward to them all.

I hope sea of thieves makes it out this year looks very interesting.

Gh05t2600d ago (Edited 2600d ago )

Cuphead isnt the same game that was shown though. I mean Cuphead had an initial date in 2014 then 2015, then 2016... I just really wish they would have released the original boss battle game... i dont think what they are doing is going to make it better, but we will see whenever it finally comes out. This was one of the indie games I have wanted for 3 years now.

2600d ago
mark_parch2601d ago

ive still got fingers crossed for below releasing this year

Gaming4Life19812600d ago

Yea i know below looks so damn good. I have no clue why you got disagrees for wanting a game to release this year but i hope it does as well.

TheCommentator2601d ago

"Concrete possibility"... 🤔 ...it's a definite maybe confirmed!

Chris122601d ago

Yeh, 'concrete possibility' is hilarious. Terrible writing but that's the crap we have to read these days.

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Stellar Blade Tops Circana April Charts

The latest US sales data is out, and while hardware may be down for the big 3, software is ruling the day, including Stellar Blade topping the charts

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helicoptergirl5d ago

Must be weird for Xbox fans to see Sea Of Thieves at number 4 on the NPD charts

ravens524d ago

The "best selling" game!?!? Lol. The narratives, I swear.

PhillyDonJawn4d ago

No it's more funny than weird. Cause ps fans swore SoT was bad and didn't interest them at all 😂

helicoptergirl3d ago

Everyone knows a game can change in 6 years. The beta testers on xbox one are apparently laughing so you tell me. Well the definitive edition players look to be enjoying themselves. Thanks for your service

PhillyDonJawn3d ago

"A game can change in 6 years" 😂 no game ever.

CrimsonWing694d ago

Well, would you look at that Sony! Guess there’s an audience after all for this stuff.

JEECE4d ago

I wonder where the change from "NPD" to "Circana" ranks on the chart of lamest rebrands? And yes I know it changed awhile ago it just annoys me every time I see it.

anast4d ago

People like this game, despite the big puritan push against it.

Hugodastrevas4d ago

Stellar Blade deserves it, it's just a gorgeous well-optomized working right out of the box game. Would plat all over again.

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PlayStation Store: April 2024’s top downloads

Last month’s most downloaded games chart features newcomers and old favorites alike.

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Jin_Sakai25d ago

This should be a warm welcome to all other Xbox games heading to PlayStation.

XiNatsuDragnel25d ago

A sign that xbox will become 3rd party in the future since there games sell better on playstation

P_Bomb25d ago

Sea of Thieves is a hit! Sadly Hi Fi Rush looks like it fell off.

VersusDMC25d ago

Love to see Stellar blade selling well. 2nd only to helldivers 2 in the US. Currently going for that platinum.

Where the F is Rebirth?! I wonder if people just don't know it's the sequel to remake. It is too good to be overlooked.

solideagle25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

I have been playing Rebirth for few days now but it feels like a mini game galore than an actual Final Fantasy 7 remake sequel. Too many mini games, I still think they could do whole Final Fantasy 7 in 1 or maximum 2 parts rather trilogy. This is my opinion

VersusDMC24d ago

Well i am not one for asking a developer to censor themselves by asking them to cut stuff out of their game...but you do you.

Remake and Rebirth are GOTY to me and you always have the original for you.


Review: Sea of Thieves on PlayStation 5 | Console Creatures

`Court writes, "Sea of Thieves can be whatever the player wants, which is part of the game's magic."

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