
Crazy Mini Golf on Nintendo Wii Goes Gold

IGN: The United States have won The Ryder Cup for the first time since 1999, ending a run of three successive victories for Europe, after an epic encounter at Valhalla Golf Club. The European team was odds on favourite to win for a fourth time but, sadly, European Captain Nick Faldo couldn't pull it out of the bag -- so now we are going to have to suffer two years of American smugness until we can challenge for the prestige cup again... On a lighter note, however, Data Design Interactive -- a successful video games publisher and games developer, are pleased to announce that their Nintendo Wii game entitled Kidz Sports: Crazy Mini Golf to be released on their Popcorn Arcade label has Gone Gold. So, instead of sulking about the Ryder Cup defeat, grab your putter, choose your character and aim for the entrance to the windmill...!


RealGamer: Kidz Sport - Crazy Mini Golf Review

RealGamer writes: "The Wii isn't short of Golf games, as the actual movements for the sport fit the control style of the console so well. With this in mind you would think games developers would spend quite some time perfecting the control methods, however many have not and Data Design are no exception to this rule with their Kidz Sport Crazy Mini Golf.

In the game up to four players can take part in a single hole or championship over 9 or 18 holes. The game includes four different courses to play on. The games holes are fairly well designed offering various different obstacles to overcome. Sadly though the games courses are lacking a little in challenge and most players will easily be able to clear the courses with very little thought or strategy."

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Darkzero: Kidz Sports - Crazy Mini Golf review

As it stands, Kidz Sports Crazy Mini Golf represents everything that is wrong with the Nintendo Wii's casual market. There's plenty of potential for fantastic games, but companies like DDI are more than happy to churn out any old rubbish, chuck in a plastic accessory to pique interest and watch as the easy money comes rolling in. To mention Wii Sports in the same sentence as Crazy Mini Golf is something of a travesty, but the former is a million times better, far more accessible and comes free with the Wii console. Crazy Mini Golf however should be avoided at all costs.

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Week in Games: Prison Tycoon?

Kotaku writes: "Big week for new releases to take advantage of the Labor Day weekend shopping. Tuesday, Tiger Woods gets his Jesus on and Disgaea 3 comes out. Thursday, the highly anticipated Castle Crashers finally arrives on XBLA. And Friday, we have not only The Sims 2: Apartment Life, but also Prison Tycoon. If you rent in San Mateo, don't buy both, one will cover your entire range of experience."