
‘Star Wars Battlefront II’ – The Sexism Strikes Back

EA’s hotly anticipated Star Wars Battlefront II is set to be released this year, and light saber fanatics the world over are excited to face off in yet another cluster of force fueled showdowns. Unlike its predecessor, Star Wars Battlefront II boasts a single player campaign, offering offline entertainment for those who don’t see the appeal in competing with complete strangers around the world whilst being called a string of racist and homophobic expletives over voice chat.

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2595d ago
2595d ago
OB1Biker2595d ago

Haha its just funny that people go to take these things so seriously.
There's no denying that there r more female leads nowadays and some people are not so fond of that. Ultimately though, its the same problem as people whining about MGS V being sexist.
I personally think in this instance a female lead is fitting to the story they r going for and I'm looking forward to it.

BiggerBoss2595d ago

I don't mind a female lead, but why are ALL Star Wars leads female now?

bloop2595d ago

It's not just Star Wars, it's everything. Like yourself, I have no problem with a female lead either, but it's starting to get a bit tired now.

Kreisen2595d ago

Personally im just kinda tired of this 180 going on. Instead of all male casts we are slowly making a turn for all female. This movement is very noticeable in modern entertainment.

senorfartcushion2595d ago

Then you clearly have a problem lol

It is the "but."

InTheLab2595d ago

Why don't people complain when it's the reverse? That's what you should ask yourself. As a man, you probably consider that normal so when 2 films pop up in the same universe, it seems odd when it really shouldn't be. The reaction should be..... "oh there's a female lead? So what. Is it any good?"

Highlife2595d ago

Not just that but it seems like every show I watch has to have some token gay person. It's like it's the cool thing to do.

_-EDMIX-_2595d ago (Edited 2595d ago )

Because the artist wants it.

Is that a problem or?

@Bloop- "I have no problem with" ? Then... " it's starting to get a bit tired now." So you have a problem with it..


@InTheLab- Agreed.

Cy2595d ago

And why are all the antagonists white males? You want real diversity, have the next sith lord be a black woman. Stop playing it safe with female leads and white male bad guys.

Omnislashver362595d ago (Edited 2595d ago )

I saw a new male(Finn) and female(Rey) lead in Star Wars TFW... Carrie Fisher, Solo, Poe, and Luke make 4 male leads and 2 female...

I don't see the problem... And most female leads in western media are really shallow forgettable roles(boring action movies, classic Hollywood low voice characterization). I don't see how we're moving from all male to all female in media. We hardly even get a GOOD female role. I think Rey was pretty good myself so I don't see the problem.

bloop2595d ago

@EDMIX: No. I meant exactly what I said there. I don't have a problem with a female lead. I liked Jyn in rogue one and I like Rey too. Horizon is one of my favourite games this gen and I loved Aloy as a character. What I do have a problem with is the fact that absolutely everything these days seems to purposely have a female lead for the sake of diversity. It's no coincidence that there's so many films and games recently that all these lead artists/writers just happened to decide on a female protagonist.

TWB2595d ago

I dont even mind the 180 per se, but what bothers me is that this very much feels like pandering to all of the whining that started around 2013/2014, and that bothers me.

Krysis2595d ago

Maybe it's to try and bring females more into the gaming culture. I mean if his article is correct and woman abstain from gaming because of underlying sexism, then maybe the big publishers are trying to increase their market share by adding more audience. If they are doing it for a reason, I guarantee profit is behind that reasoning. But with that said as long as the story is good I'm OK with it

sampson31212595d ago

because they know they already have the boys on board and they, like any good company, want to make more profit by enticing females to spend their money too.

There is nothing wrong with that. it will even its self out in the near future.

myself, i don't care, i just want the game to be f-ing good.

sampson31212595d ago

@bloop: games are still about 90% male leads. so i don't understand how you can get tired of it.

uth112595d ago

The OT had too few women, but now they've swung too far in the other direction. But if you just want to see a balance of male and female protagonists you're called sexist now

Omnislashver362595d ago (Edited 2595d ago )

How do the new ones have too many females? We've got Carrie Fisher, Rey, Poe, Finn, Solo, and Luke which is still 4:2 male to female... I hate to say it but now that Carrie Fisher has passed and Solo is gone it's 3:1 now. What the hell.

Even I'd you count Rogue One there's the Solo movie... I think you're just whining now. I didn't even like Rogue One, not because of the female lead but because of the generic low-voiced acting and faux-melodrama... The females are still out numbered by male leads by a long shot.

2595d ago
_-EDMIX-_2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

@Bloop- "What I do have a problem with is the fact that absolutely everything these days seems to purposely have a female lead for the sake of diversity"

How do you know? Do you have proof? Did a writer come out and state that was the sole reason for the character and nothing else? Link?

I mean...do you not get that what you are saying is not fact, it is simply an unproven, baseless theory?

That is no different then a SJW saying

"What I do have a problem with is the fact that absolutely everything these days seems to purposely have a male lead for the sake of the majority"

buddy..I hate SJW that use that line with ZERO PROOF. Did you suddenly think I would side with your post with zero evidence.

How do you know that was not the writers choice? Again...we don't have as much proof that SJW's strange assumptions that ALL game developers have this agenda to just have male leads just because, any more then we have proof of your strange assumptions that game developers have this agenda to have female leads just because.

Sorry, but if you feel that way, it also means you clearly have to admit SJW are right about something in that regard of developers um "purposely" having certain roles for the sake of something outside of the game design itself.

its seems to be something many on here have trouble dealing with, in fact every time I make this point...zero proof is shown and many seem to be scared or emotionally upset that they were compared to SJW in the first place.

Well....look at your post, you have an assumption that sometime is being added to a game with ZERO proof of this conspiracy, its claim based on nothing.

If someone came out and stated that about their game ie "for the sake of diversity" and NOTHING MORE, then sure, that is wrong and very much hurtful for the industry for forks to be adding things outside of the concept of design.

Your assumption though is just as bad as SJW assuming that about males though. Its legit the same.

" It's no coincidence that there's so many films and games recently that all these lead artists/writers just happened to decide on a female protagonist"


" It's no coincidence that there's so many films and games recently that all these lead artists/writers just happened to decide on a male protagonist."

Sooo no. Come with some real evidence and proof of someone who made the damn game saying that or your argument is basically a SJW argument for dudes lol

You are the male version of Anita Sarkeesian bud. My issue with her had nothing to do with her being a female, it had to do with lots of assumptions with ZERO evidence from the actual creators that such a thing was their intention in the first place. I mean...dear god, look at your post, you are mad at an assumption, you have no proof and yet your making it sound as if something is being forced or done that you can't even prove.

Don't like SJW, but trust me, you are no different, you are a male SJW, I dislike you for the same, exact reason....

Lord_Sloth2594d ago

Ezra Bridger says hello.

As for the movies, Rey is the lead Jedi but the story isn't just hers. You could argue it's also Finn's story.

bloop2594d ago

EDMIX: Proof this, proof that, link this blah blah blah. There's no proof needed and if you can't see the trend in mainstream media you're blind. Stop being so altruistic. It's nearly more annoying than SJW.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 2594d ago
senorfartcushion2595d ago

And at that point: There actually AREN'T more female leads nowadays lol

There are SOME as opposed to NONE.

NapalmSanctuary2595d ago

There were never none, at least as far back as I can remember, and thats late 70s

annoyedgamer2595d ago

So wrong. Dont make things up.

Chexs19902595d ago

Ahh, Lara Croft bro? Final Fantasy?

senorfartcushion2595d ago

Napalm sanctuary
Annoyed gamer

Give me 10 female-led FPS games. I'll wait.

Christopher2595d ago

***Give me 10 female-led FPS games. I'll wait.***

Why the very limited genre limitation? Especially one where your race or sex means even less since noone sees their character?

As to your original comment, you are wrong (there definitely are more female leads now) and wrong again (there were female leads before, like Lara and Samus). Both of your sentences contradict one another and attempt to write a history that isn't at all true.

It's cool to see the industry grow, but ignoring any elements of the past to further hyperbolize the situation does a disservice to those who took the first steps in the industry.

Cussing2595d ago

Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Timesplitters 2
Time Crisis 3
House of the Dead 3+4
Jurassic Park: Trespasser
The Metroid Prime series
Mirror’s Edge 1&2
The Operative: No One Lives Forever
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.’s Way
The Perfect Dark series
Portal 2
To say that there aren't any female leads in FPS games is the most asinine thing I have read today.

_-EDMIX-_2595d ago

@Senor- I agree with your general point, but I don't know if for a fact we ever had a point in modern gaming with zero ie none.

We have more yes which is good that the industry has that type of freedom, but can't say "NONE".

Also, 10 FPS games with female leads?

Perfect Dark
Mirror's Edge


@Cuss- Yes and no. Yes I agree with your list, we have female leads in FPS, based on your list we clearly don't really have as much as many might think. Respect to that list too.

But easily, its much easiler off the top of my head right now to name several FPS titles with males.

Look at this, not trying either.

Half Life
Deus Ex
Metro 2033
Call Of Duty


Legit took me a few seconds.

but still agree with "To say that there aren't any female leads in FPS games is the most asinine thing I have read today"

Yes. No reason to go 100% all in on "NONE" as it just makes ZERO sense. From what I've read going on in the industry, we still have a long ways to go. Lots of publishers have no issue with female leads, but some publishers legit want that cookie cutter, bro dude shooter, marine, in space...twice, DLC day 1, season pass etc lol

Its getting better, but its never been in a "NONE" situation. We always had some publishers and developers that ran their own studios or had lots of freedom to make what they wanted.

Agree with you, but Senor has a point to that they are not more female leads, simply just not that we had "NONE" at some point lol

Everyone is making good points, lets stay focused on them.


Stuff like this, I wish just never happened, but its the reality of the industry. If someone wants male or female lead ,gay, straight etc, they need to stick to their guns if they develop a game. Dontnod was turned down by SEVERAL publishers citing that they wanted a male lead. If it was a big enough deal for them to say no and not fund the game, its not really some sort of conspiracy theory then.

It happened, its likely still happening and its a huge issue. Never mind JUST female roles, what about other elements? Story? Are they also turning down complex stories for easy ones to sell to the mass market? Are they also changing content to sell later? If a publisher wants to ALTER a developers work for the sake of sales, its something gamers need to be talking about.

We want to play the developers game as they intended, not simply what the publisher wanted to cut out for sales and market appeal.

FriedGoat2595d ago (Edited 2595d ago )

Are you actually joking? Why is it that these people who shout sexism don't actually look at the biological differences between men and women?

When it comes the the genre of FPS, of course it is going to be dominated by male leads. Ever wondered why there aren't any female majority armies? Ever wondered why the majority of the police force are not women?
Here let me show you a video to demonstrate https://youtu.be/6hhv_sEh3-... .

This is an average male who is handcuffed taking down a trained female police office with ease. There are many videos like this, because they are simply not built for the job.

It's easy to say "oh well games aren't real blah blah" but it is unrealistic for a woman to be in that role, sure there are going to be some strong women, but even still, it's clear why it is a male dominated genre. It's not about sexism unfortunately it is about the facts of biology. Something I wish people paid more attention to.

2595d ago
suicidalblues2594d ago


Quite possibly one of the stupidest things I've read today.

There aren't more, so some is LESS than none?

senorfartcushion2594d ago

So with that, the answer to the overexaggeration of "none" are

15 games with....at least 6 of them not being led by a female (co-op) and/or not being an FPS (Mirror's Edge 2)

And those 15 items aren't from one year (I think there were more than 15 between 2007 to 2008 alone for men)

So you managed to get at least 9 games since gaming began 40 years ago.

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itplrbear2595d ago

The SJW/PC stuff nowadays is like a Mormon coming to your door constantly asking you to join the church. I believe it's a natural reaction for a human to swat away something that's being forced upon them, but this is getting old...

itplrbear2595d ago


you're what's wrong with society.. always complaining about something that doesn't fit your personal tastes.

I hate SJW with all my heart, hope they get hit by a train

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CorndogBurglar2595d ago (Edited 2595d ago )

It doesn't bother me at all. I like strong female characters. In fighting games I tend to use more female characters than men because they are usually faster.

There is a point to be made with the Star Wars universe in the sense that it seems like they are purposely using females over men for everything lately, though. The Force Awakens and new trilogy has Rey as its main character, a female. Rogue One had a female lead with Jyn Erso. And now this has a female lead with whatever her name is. I'm fine with it because Rey and Erso are awesome characters. I can't say anything about the Storm Trooper in this yet, but she seems cool too.

The point I'm trying to make is that there's nothing wrong with using a female lead in itself. What i hate is when companies purposely go out of their way to NOT use other groups.

Look at Marvel comics. They removed all of their white men from their superhero mantles and replaced them with women or other races....all at the same time. So now you have no white males in the most popular character mantles. That wasn't a natural progression. Thats Marvel purposely trying to be PC and going overboard. Thor is a woman. Captain America is a black man. Spider-Man is half black, half latino. Wolverine is a woman. Hulk is asian. Iron Man is a black teen. I know Im missing a couple others also, but my point is they pjrposely removed all their white males from their most popular characters at the same time. There's nothing wrong at all with using women and different races, but create new characters, don't replace beloved, classic characters with people no one cares about. And I dont mean they dont care because of their race or sex. These are just not very interesting characters, except Falcon.

So yeah. Use different sexes and races all you want. But don't do it to make a point. Don't do it to at the expense of other sexes and races.

The 10th Rider2595d ago

Exactly. All of that happened since Disney bought Marvel and now it's happening to Star Wars since Disney bought Star Wars.

The sad thing is that well-written, already existing female characters fell by the wayside, too. Leia was a great character. In the Force Awakens however, she's uninteresting and stereotypical.

Its also clear diversity is a bigger focus than the actual plot. The reception for Marvel Comics has tanked so much since they started pushing diversity that one of the higher ups in marketing came out and said that sales are falling because people don't want forced diversity. Characters should be written because they make sense, not to check of diversity boxes. I barely get excited for anything Disney anymore because it's all so formulamatic. The sad thing is people still eat it up anyway. Reviews complained Doctor Strange tread the same plot points as Iron Man and then awarded it 9/10 anyways. Iron Man 3 easily had as many problems as Man of Steel but it got great reviews anyway. And I'm no DC fan either, as I think their movies are embarrassingly bad. It's just sad to see Disney getting a pass for following the same formula over and over.

CorndogBurglar2595d ago

Well, I'm not sure Disney has anything to do with Marvel's nonsense. They could.....but I don't think so. Disney bought Marvel in 2009. Its been 6 years and Marvel is just now doing this diversity nonsense (it started in 2016). So i'm not so sure Disney is to blame. I blame Marvel's Editor in Chief, Axel Alonso.

But what you're saying isn't wrong at all. I totally agree with the rest. Look at the Netflix show, Iron Fist. People were complaining that Iron Fist should have been played by an Asian actor? Iron Fist is a white guy lol. Why change the race for no reason? Or is it because only Asians should be able to do Martial Arts and have ties to Asian culture? Isn't that in itself being non-diverse?

I don't know, I hate all this PC nonsense these days, especially when it comes to removing beloved characters and replacing them with other people for no reason than to be PC. Characters have had to step away from their mantles and be replaced by other characters throughout the history of comics. Rhodey replaced Stark as Iron Man back in the day. Rhodes is black, and you know what? It made sense for him to be the one to take his place. Falcon actually makes sense to be the new Cap also, but when you replace ALL your most popular characters with other races and sexes and leave none as white males, its being done on purpose only to make some kind of point, and the story suffers for it.

The 10th Rider2595d ago

Well, they made Miles Morales Spiderman in 2011, Captain Marvel a Muslim in 2013, and Thor was made a woman in 2014, so it has been going on to some extent long before 2016.

Omnislashver362595d ago (Edited 2595d ago )

How can you compare Leia in the original series to the new one... She's gotten older, geez. They roled her correctly, she was a general. But to put her in the action scenes wouldn't have turned out good. If she were a bit younger I'm sure they would have kept her in them. She defined the badass princess role in western media as well as the testy love interest. If she could have fulfilled that again I'm sure they would have. Nobody has forgotten how good she was, not even Disney or JJAbrams.

The 10th Rider2595d ago


So Leia couldn't be as awesome as she used to be because Carrie Fisher was old . . . But Han Solo could even though Harrison Ford is nearly 14 years older?

Besides, just because she's older doesn't mean they couldn't have included any of her attitude. I mean, watch this scene: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

There should be some sort of bickering between her and Han Solo considering they haven't seen each other in a long time, but she just sits there and smiles at him? She basically just takes on a sympathetic motherly type of character, stripped of all the qualities that original made Leia great.

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senorfartcushion2595d ago

""There is a point to be made with the Star Wars universe in the sense that it seems like they are purposely using females over men for everything lately, though.""

Are you saying a film series gets there main characters by accident?

CorndogBurglar2595d ago (Edited 2595d ago )

No, dude.

I'm saying it seems like they are PURPOSELY choosing to create female characters INSTEAD of men. More than likely to try to be diverse. Like they didn't just create 3 strong female leads and then say, "hey, how bout that, we just happened to create 3 females", after the fact. If you read the rest of my post its pretty obvious what I meant.

Luckily, those females have been cool, especially Jyn Erso.

_-EDMIX-_2595d ago

@Corn- "I'm saying it seems like they are PURPOSELY choosing to create female characters INSTEAD of men"

Well yes.....if they are making a story and have a female lead, that was done on purpose...I mean, as suppose to what exactly?

CorndogBurglar2594d ago


Again, I'm saying they are purposely choosing to use ONLY females as leads in their movies. They didn't just make 3 stories with females leads individually and then look at it after the fact as a coincidence. It seems to be their plan to only use female leads in their movies.

This isn't a hard concept and the funny thing is I explained this in the very post that you quoted.

Bobafret2595d ago

The problem with those changes Marvel made is that it is lazy and takes from one group and gives to another rather than forging ahead with new characters.

EatCrow2595d ago

The correct way is to not be racist and create NEW super heroes that fit those races and genders. Not replace all the white dudes.

But we live in an era where PC is the law of the land.
If you're not PC you can get in trouble.

The most frustrating part is, to me, the people who agree with this crap. They don't even realize they're positioning themselves to lose all freedom.

_-EDMIX-_2594d ago

"So yeah. Use different sexes and races all you want. But don't do it to make a point"


Also get back to use when this is even proven on some of this, not saying it doesn't happen, simply this is going into SJW territory with very little facts ie writers confirming such things.

I'm sure some artist or writer for Marvel or DC can come out and confirm their work as been altered for no reason other then propaganda or something.

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anast165d ago

Game companies are not mature enough to handle this concept without turning it into a casino.

shadowknight203165d ago

The remakes of battlefront should have been more simular to the originals. CoD/battlefield reskinned as Star Wars was not the anwser.


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mastershredder208d ago

Remembering or celebrating? It's Halloween yo, that's what people are celebrating.

franwex207d ago

The first game was really fun. I remember being disappointed with this one when it first released.

I went back last month actually, and had more fun than when released-but I still think the first one is superior. Do like the soundtrack!

ThichQuangDuck468d ago

To think of all the characters we have been asked to kill since No Russian

468d ago