
We Played Marvel Heroes Omega on PS4 - IGN

Former IGN editor-turned-designer Anthony Gallegos drops by to show us the debut of Marvel Heroes omega on PS4.

cbuc11252603d ago

Disappointed in the graphics for 2017.

CorndogBurglar2603d ago (Edited 2603d ago )

Its an old game that is being ported to PS4. It originally released in 2013 for PC as free to play. This isn't new by any means.

Elda2603d ago

The graphics do look dated.

KwietStorm_BLM2603d ago

I don't know many MMOs that amaze in graphics. The game is very fun regardless.

2603d ago
DivineAssault 2603d ago

This should be made for the vita instead

KwietStorm_BLM2603d ago

Playing an MMO on a portable would not be the best route. Maybe, MAYBE also on Vita, but not instead.

DivineAssault 2603d ago

Its an ugly looking last gen title though.. Theres wifi hot spots all over the place too.. Doesnt matter i suppose since im not bothering with it regardless

KwietStorm_BLM2603d ago

So you don't care, but they should make it for the Vita instead. Wifi hotspots for a MMO? LOL really? You don't care about a really good game, a completely free MMO, because you think it looks like an ugly last gen game. The gaming community is inconceivable sometimes.

DivineAssault 2602d ago

Nah i really dont care for MMO's.. Also i like playing the vita online and im sure many others do too.. Whats wrong with that?

KwietStorm_BLM2602d ago

There's nothing wrong with wanting to play online on your Vita, but you're saying something different every time. It should be on the Vita instead of PS4, and it's an ugly looking last gen game even though all MMOs pretty much have a low graphical ceiling, but you're not bothered with the game regardless, and now you don't like MMOs in the first place, which like I said, an MMO on a portable..no. So all of this for a good game that you don't even care about. If you say so.

DivineAssault 2601d ago

I guess i phrased it wrong.. Im not saying there shouldnt be a PS4 version.. That'd mean less people can try it.. I meant it shouldve been on vita AS WELL AS the PS4.. It couldve been a nice little option for people looking for a game on it.

SaveFerris2603d ago

This looks a lot like Marvel: Ultimate Alliance.

KwietStorm_BLM2603d ago

It's a cross between that and Diablo.

Cmv382603d ago

I will try it out because its free. But it looks empty. Even compared to marvel alliance which was a 2009 game.


Why Aren't Superhero MMOs Hugely Successful?

Considering the genre's explosive popularity, why aren't superhero MMOs hugely successful? Shannon gets to the bottom of the matter.

Read Full Story >>
gangsta_red2335d ago

Why aren't there more super hero games? You would think it would be a no brainer with all the material right there for the picking.

And yet we have really only had less than a handful become popular.


Marvel Heroes Omega to Shut Down - Developer Gazillion Closing

Gazillion has announced the game and studio will cease operation shortly.

rdgneoz32378d ago

Took a while for this article to get approved? Cause they both (game and studio) shut down 2 days ago... Even the tweet is from 2 days ago.

ThatDudeMunkee2378d ago

It did. The article was from the Nov. 27th.