
PS4 Exclusive Gran Turismo Sport Gets Glorious 1080p Screenshots; Reveals New Tracks and More

Sony Interactive Entertainment releases three new tracks and more with a new batch of Gran Turismo Sport screenshots.

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S2Killinit2609d ago

this game is going to be awesome. I got my set up read to go!

2608d ago
2608d ago
2608d ago
Vasto2609d ago

After seeing what Turn 10 is doing with Forza on Scorpio I have lost interest in GT Sport.

Majin-vegeta2609d ago

Sure buddy what ever you say😉

hercules_2608d ago (Edited 2608d ago )

our resident xbox cheerleader

mikeslemonade2608d ago

Racing is lame. Should be photorealistic to the naked eye and it isn't there. Forza and GT are both underperforming to my standards.

2608d ago
jhoward5852608d ago

To mikeslemonade
Should be photorealistic to the naked eye and it isn't there. Forza and GT are both underperforming to my standards. My friend me and you think alike. Photorealistic graphics can be accomplished by having lots of light source and effects as opposed to having high res textures.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2608d ago
Bigpappy2609d ago

I am sure this game will look fantastic in 1080p or Checker Board upscaling. But GT will do well just one name alone. Its dominated sim driving for a very long stretch.

ZeroX98762609d ago

Um, PC have been graphically running driving games way better than any consoles out there (including Forza Horizon 3 as of not so long ago).
The thing is, I always bought a Playstation console for their exclusives since the PS1 and the gran turismo series is one of the major reasons why I still buy a Playstation even up to this day alongside my PC.

TripleCs2609d ago

Judging from your comment history I seriously doubt you ever had any interest in this game at all.

nowitzki20042608d ago (Edited 2608d ago )

Or anything PS related. scorpio has caused these fanboys to completely go nuts. i cant wait for it to release so we can see what its about.. thats if it has any new games besides multiplats that fully support it.

LexHazard792609d ago

Not me. GT Sport will go right next to Forza 7. In my home they will coexist.

S2Killinit2609d ago

I think you are just scared because Pro can do what scorpio can.

Kribwalker2608d ago

You are seriously drinking the kool-aid if you believe that. I mean, I have a friend that's a Nigerian prince that needs $2000 to unlock his millions of dollars. He promised to share the millions with you if you help. I can forward the email to you if you'd like

gangsta_red2608d ago


Waitaminute, I too have a Nigerian friend that's a Prince! What are the odds of that?

nX2608d ago

^Well you guys are known Xbots, the only group of people more gullible than Trump supporters. A Nigerian prince doesn't even come close to the stories Microsoft has been telling you in the past 10 years ;)

gangsta_red2608d ago


Me and Krib are known xbots? We do nothing but defend niche games and proclaim how are wallets are empty from all these games we're playing!

You're just mad because you dont have a nigerian prince of your own to call snuggles.

S2Killinit2607d ago

@Krib & Gangsta-Red
Is youre Nigerian Prince friend named "Milo" by any chance?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2607d ago
Bathyj2609d ago

Quite a feat considering you had NO interest to begin with. I would say try harder but youre already trying soooo hard.

twiggytree122609d ago

You were never interested in the first place, you don't even own a ps4..

snoopgg2609d ago

Wow its the opposite for me. After what I seen poly d do with gt sport, I have no intent of buying a scorpio.

Pantz2609d ago

both will be nice in their own ways

MagicBeanz2608d ago

You must have seen a lot more the the rest of us then. Nice try, Microsoft appreciates the free propaganda though I'm sure.

ShadowKnight2608d ago (Edited 2608d ago )

I bet this game sells more than Forza 7 LMAO

Lol it will sell more than the Scorpio

2608d ago
2608d ago
2608d ago Replies(5)
YAO-BLING2608d ago

did you want a to go bag on your way out?

Dark_Knightmare22608d ago

I bet how do you feel about og x1 owners

nowitzki20042608d ago

What are they doing with Forza on Scorpio?

2608d ago
The_Sage2608d ago

You've not seen Forza on Scorpio, Vasto... It was a tech demo they had running.

Kribwalker2608d ago

No they had forza 6 running on Scorpio. Turn 10 didn't want to unviel 7 in a spec piece about hardware

Eonjay2608d ago

Microsoft doesn't even require you to be such a slave. Get a grip.

jhoward5852608d ago (Edited 2608d ago )

I'm not really impressed with Forza 6(or GT sports) Scorpio demo because Forza 6 is a first gen game. Not to mention, MS optimised the hell out of Forza 6 to get it to run on xbox one.That said,there's not enough of reflections, refraction, Dynamic skies, fog effects to give it realism. The real magic will happen when MS use DX12.

DigitallyAfflicted2608d ago

Why every single game those days has to be compared to the similar one on the other console and turn the discussion abut the game to the console war. Many of us have just one console so ill be getting GTS and no even buying ps pro for it as in my opinion is a waste of money and just a marketing trick to push 4k TVs as it was with 3d TVs.

To be back on the subject. GT will be good as always and I'm well excited about new painting editor!!!

RosweeSon2608d ago

Adding an extra number on the end for the new year.
Great racing games space their releases out a little rather than banging another one out year after year. Gran turismo 7? Over 20 years Mario Kart 8 over 20 years. Forza 7 in barely 10 years.
Forza the new Fifa

Kribwalker2608d ago

First forza 7 is coming out after 12 years. Second this will be GTs 7 game in 20 years as the first came out In 1997. Now the fun part.

GT 4 prologue released in 2003 as a gap filler between 3 and 4, then GT5 prologue released in 2007, one again as a gap bridge, but both saw full retail releases, and then there was GT for psp in 2009. So that's 10 retail releases in 20 years. Then there were 3 other versions of GT that were japan only featuring concept cars, as well. So it's not so spread out like you make it seem.


RosweeSon2608d ago

Sure there were prologues etc, were they full priced or even full games for that matter no they were glorified demos. Forza also had Horizon and they already on 3.

Kribwalker2608d ago

The prologues were $40 (2/3 of the full price) and with spinoffs, GT has a spinoff tourist trophy which was a motor bike version of GT as well in there made by PD.
And yes there are horizon spinoffs made by a different Dev team and a totally different style game, open world arcade vs sim racer

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 2607d ago
KingKionic 2609d ago

These screenshots look very close or on par with forza 6 car models. Looking great.

aftershock2609d ago

You need your vision checked my friend. This shits all over Forza. As great as Forza is the lighting has never been realistic, giving the cars a weird cartoony look. This looks hyper realism

KingKionic 2609d ago

I wouldnt say its further then Forza 6 and i wont be petty by posting pictures.

But ive played forza 6 and looking at the insides of these cars and the car models they seem fairly similar.

Just keeping it real. Nothing i said before is a negative. Forza 6 is a great looking game.

Razzer2609d ago

Kionic....you are so full of shit

KingKionic 2609d ago

Well now your just being a jerk but now ill be petty :


From these shots here compared to the ones inside this article the both look fairly similar.

Razzer2609d ago

Stand by previous statement. The pics in the link prove you are just a blind xbox fanboy. You just see what you want to see.

nowitzki20042608d ago

He needs more than his vision checked.. lol not sure he can be helped anymore.

SideNote2608d ago

Forzas great, but even drive club had better car models.

Kribwalker2608d ago

Yep it's nice to see GTsport has adopted the cardboard crowd that was mocked so badly on FM5, and those textures man, photorealistic


+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2608d ago
uth112609d ago

With so many racing games pushing towards photorealism, it's going to be hard to tell them apart

dazsarge2608d ago

yup there is need for speed too coming up

mcstorm2608d ago

Your sport on but tbh for me all the shots like this are bull shots and the games never look this this in game. They look amazing don't get me wrong but they never look like these shots never look the same when your playing the game. I hope GT is a step up from the last 2 as I hated the last gen tracks and cars that were put into the game. As for Forza I hope they build on 6 as for me 5 was a let down but I loved 6.

XabiDaChosenOne2609d ago

Forza 6 on the base Xbone looks like complete garbage. Which is a given since its running at 1080p on a console that struggles with 1080p. Had to make them cuts somewhere I guess.

snoopgg2609d ago

Forza never looked this good

badz1492608d ago


I've been playing Forza 6 Apex 1080p/60fps max setting on my rig. I still can't shake the plastic looking graphics. They are trying too hard to make the cars look unrealistically shiny and what's more hilarious is when using the hood cam (my prefered camera when using wheels), the hood are so unrealistically shiny they distract your focus and even the floating name of your competitor in front of you is reflected on it! Ridiculous

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2608d ago
2609d ago Replies(1)
Bronxs152609d ago

1080p? Wow, that's so last mid-gen.

ClayRules20122609d ago

Oh my Lanta...

Bud, no hate to you. But this game looks absolutely amazing, regardless of the "1080p" resolution.

Bronxs152609d ago

Thanks for not hating me, comment was tongue and cheek meant as a joke!

ClayRules20122609d ago

Haha, no problem, bud. No reason to hate!

Show all comments (143)

Gran Turismo Sport Has Been Delisted From PS Store

Sony Interactive Entertainment has delisted Gran Turismo Sport from the PlayStation Store as of January 1, 2024.

ApocalypseShadow149d ago

The great digital future. Where games vanish. The benefits of digital just aren't enough over physical to every buy in 100 percent. Especially when my Atari games still work and can be played to this day over 40 years later. Some of these digital games don't even last a whole generation.

purple101149d ago

But in this case everyone who has it still has it

And they unlocked single player to be allowed to progress offline

ApocalypseShadow147d ago (Edited 147d ago )

But in the case of others, they can no longer can buy it or any delisted game. Just like online only games that get their servers turned off and there's no update for offline with bots.

If you like the idea of any digital game being delisted where it's no longer available at all, then you and others are fools. What's all that presentation bullshit guys like you spew?

There should be no reason any digital game should be removed. Ever.

Bathyj147d ago

Apocalypse no one likes it. But let's be clear here.

If you own the game, you still own it. All that's happening here is they are stopped selling it.

Why? I have no clue. But it's the exact same thing if your local best buy isn't stocking the disc anymore and Sony aren't making any more. Same thing, just in the digital realm.

If you want to complain about servers for an online game being shut down, go ahead. But that's a separate topic and can happen to any online game even with a physical disc.

fan_of_gaming147d ago (Edited 147d ago )

@Bathyj "But it's the exact same thing if your local best buy isn't stocking the disc anymore and Sony aren't making any more. Same thing, just in the digital realm."

It isn't the exact same thing at all. When a game gets a physical release, it is always available even if big-box retailers aren't selling it new anymore. For example, I can go on eBay today and buy a new & sealed copy of Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron for PS3, because it once had a physical release. However I cannot buy a copy of Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron for PS4 today, because it had a digital-only release and was delisted.

If Gran Turismo Sport had a digital-only release, it would be unavailable for anyone to buy ever again. But because it had a physical release, in 5 years someone that wants to play it can still acquire it.

Cacabunga147d ago

People should stand against digitalization

purple101147d ago (Edited 147d ago )

I have only brought one or two digital games in my life
Everything I buy is physical

Often from eBay in perfect condition.
Sometimes from a online shop in uk such as


All, who will ship disk to your door on day of release, cheaper than buying from digital store.

Then I either keep, lend, or sell. My choice

No where, did I say I support digital. And yet someone even called me a fool,
Totally misunderstood, some would say, he’s the fool

With GtSport It ISNT being taken away from anyone who already owns it. So this has all got out of hand with people not even reading the article

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 147d ago
DigitallyAfflicted148d ago

Maybe this will make people realise the future of digital-only games

purple101148d ago

This one won’t though
Because it’s not de-listed and taken away from you
It’s just not on sale anymore and the multiplayer will be shut down soon I reckon. It released 2017 so it’s had a fair run of 5 years online multiplayer lobbies

DigitallyAfflicted148d ago

@Purple, but it could be taken away, like p.t. Demo was, as well is taken away from anyone who didn't purchase GTsport in a digital form and yes I know we can still buy disc version and it's not a big of a deal.

My point is that you can't own something if it's not physical, with digital-only content you pay for the right to download and use and possibly in the future there will be some laws regulating you rights to it…

blackblades147d ago

I mean y'all been whining about that since the ps3 era. To this day im still able to play all the games I payed for.

ApocalypseShadow147d ago (Edited 147d ago )

It won't. Fools like purple think that just because they can still download it now, that it's safe. I've bought multiple games on console and mobile that are no longer downloadable or function. Because the game was either delisted or since it was connected to the Internet, no longer works because the servers were shut down turning those games into coasters. With no update to be able to play some games offline with bots. They're gone.

He won't get it or care until it happens to him and some of his games are delisted and removed or don't work any more even if he "bought it "

EvertonFC147d ago (Edited 147d ago )

If you don't keep your old consoles, your physical disk will be useless too. Do you think console hardware or disk drives will be around in 20 years. Good luck with that.
I'm not saying it's right btw, just pointing out to the physical crowd that digital and physical are very alike when it comes to actually being able to play the games in the future like 20 years time.
When I'm in my care home, I don't expect to be able to play my old digital or physical collection as consoles won't be around or disk drives for playstation.
Unless your keeping the old consoles safe in the attic over time, nobody will be playing there old physical game collections.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 147d ago
EvertonFC147d ago

If you bought a physical launch day copy of GTS you still won't be able to download any of the updates in 20 years when servers are off.
Plus there will be no such thing as a disk drive or a hardware box for that matter in 20 years unless you keep your old consoles.
My point is sadly your physical or digital copy won't work.

Barlos147d ago (Edited 147d ago )

I see this as the digital equivalent of physical games going out of print. They don't continue to make copies forever, at some point they will stop making it, usually when sales dry up and I guess for GT sport that happened some time ago. Also, in the digital world, storage space is not infinite. If a game is no longer selling, why would they waste space on keeping it available?

For those that already own the digital version, they will still have access to it.

frostypants147d ago

I generally agree, but GT Sport is primarily an online game. They probably have some reluctance to deal with the blowback of selling an online-oriented game that may not have active servers much longer. Admittedly that's a whole other issue in itself.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 147d ago
Father__Merrin147d ago

Online based titles like this I wouldn't expect to last forever as the game has been updated iterations as in gt7

Same with if FIFA 20 was delisted as example there's update to game. If something like Uncharted collection was delisted then that's something that's bad

Agent75147d ago

You pay stupid money for digital games and DLC, then it goes missing. Who's laughing?

shinoff2183147d ago

Physical games for yet another win.


Gran Turismo Sport End of Online Services

On January 31, 2024, at 06:00 UTC, the online services of the PlayStation®4-exclusive software “Gran Turismo Sport” will come to an end.

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shadowT247d ago (Edited 247d ago )

Time to get a PS5! New PS5 owners in the USA can currently claim a game for free, but GT7 is not part of this promotion.

purple101247d ago

GT sport was good. Gt7 is better.

For someone who was crap at racers (and still is) and only played kart racers with powerups, I can say GT sport and gt7 balance SIM/ arcade racing to perfection. Easy enough for anyone to play and not crash but with enough depth to master for years.

Totally different to need for speed / Forza handling where the cars feel 'floaty'.

The dualsense is just supreme with gt7 toi

badz149246d ago

So...will they enable offline saves now or what?

VariantAEC241d ago

From Gran-Turismo.com (the article liked above): "All existing cars and personalized Car Settings kept in Garage will be accessible. Gameplay progression required as normal to unlock additional cars and items."

So... yes, as far as I can tell you'll still be able to use all your collected and purchased cars and race on all the tracks in the game and unlock ones you might not already have access to. That's what I'm getting from the post, but time will tell if this actually comes to pass February 1st, 2024.

Agent75246d ago

After Turismo 4 on the PS2, the series was never the same. Although Turismo 4 wasn't a finished game and didn't play as good as Turismo 3. Turismo 5 on PS3 was a mess, Turismo 6 was Turismo 5 finished. Sport on PS4 was another mess, especially VR mode. Sort of back on track with Turismo 7, but so tiring as with the Forza series. Anyone remember the PSP version that had no championship mode? Turismo has always been average at best.

OmegaSoldati246d ago

Thats why i dont like online only games. Cant believe this, this game sold so well. You need to be a fanboy to keep supporting Sony after this. Bought this thinking that it would take 10 years for this. I'm lucky that there are enough classics and single players for a life time.

VariantAEC241d ago

Looks like PD has the potential to set the bar for closing out always online games.
Back when GT Sport launched you couldn't do anything when you couldn't access the servers, but it looks like GT Sport will retain access to SP race modes, custom races, VR, your full garage, and all tracks. This is much more than what was available at launch if offline.

We still will lose custom liveries and race suits, which is nonsense, but hey if you share them online now they will be in the cloud and available to you in GT7 if you're interested. Basically, we lose MP, but players keep everything we earned and whatever was paid for.


GranTurismo World Series 2022 | World Finals | Nations Cup | Regional Finals

30 of the world's top GT drivers arrive in Monaco after a highly competitive 2022 Series. They must now navigate a regional qualifying group featuring drivers from their home regions for a place at the Grand Final.
12 drivers from each respective group including the top three from Asia-Oceania, Americas, and Europe/Middle East/Africa groups, and the top three from the Repechage will qualify for the Grand Final.

Agent75246d ago

After Turismo 4 on the PS2, the series was never the same. Although Turismo 4 wasn't a finished game and didn't play as good as Turismo 3. Turismo 5 on PS3 was a mess, Turismo 6 was Turismo 5 finished. Sport on PS4 was another mess, especially VR mode. Sort of back on track with Turismo 7, but so tiring as with the Forza series. Anyone remember the PSP version that had no championship mode? Turismo has always been average at best.