
IGN: Eternal Sonata PS3 Preview

Around the time of Eternal Sonata's original September release, rumors began to circulate that a PS3 release would be inevitable. An official announcement came down the line soon after claiming that the PS3 version was official and -- even more appealing to Sony fans -- the port would include a number of new features and two new playable characters. Now that October is steadily approaching, IGN would like to cover these new elements in a bit more detail and also post some brand new screens and videos for your viewing pleasure.

Silogon5738d ago

Is this coming out in the states in October? That will be a pretty sweet deal if so. I'll no doubt buy it for the general lack of nothing else like it, other than folklore, which really isn't like it but amazing on its own accord. I'm so sick of FPs and racing games this is going to be a godsend!

meepmoopmeep5738d ago

i always wanted this game but LBP comes out the same day!

i'm asking my sis to buy this for me for Christmas.

pwnsause5738d ago

by the looks of the video, it looks like Namco Bandai has done a good job porting the game to the PS3.

J@D5738d ago

Well, I'm getting this without a doubt that's 4 sure...

But hey guys did u know there a official Eternal Sonata out there?
Here is the link for those that want to join there a bunch of stuff especially prizes for the members ^^

Here the link:

kewlkat0075738d ago

Buy it...

Especially if your into Music and such....

You'll also learn a little during the Period this game took place in...

Shaka2K65738d ago

Another multiplatform game best on Sony PS3.

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TOP 10 of the Most Beautiful Places in JRPGs

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Segata2501d ago

Xenoblade X felt like Avatar as a game visually. The art in that series is amazing.


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2613d ago
MultiConsoleGamer2613d ago

It's crazy to think that Uncharted came out so long ago. I replayed the series last year as part of the Nathan Drake Collection, and the game felt brand new again, even after all these years. Such an enduring franchise.

jokerman272613d ago

I agree, I played all of them, included the Vita game last year just for funsies and they are amazing!

2613d ago
2613d ago
ShwaaMan2613d ago

Seriously, no Bioshock, Orange Box, or Modern Warfare on this list?

jokerman272613d ago

I could only pick 7 ;) They were hard to pick and MW was barely edged out by Halo 3.