
Atlus Threatens Players Against Streaming Too Much 'Persona 5'

Even though streaming has become big business, it doesn't mean every company approves of it.

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Pantz2596d ago

Streamers are the worst. Good for Atlus. More companies should follow and make streaming illegal.

Pantz2596d ago

They take away game sales. Instead of playing the game people will just watch it for free.

Vegamyster2596d ago

Watching someone play a game is not the same thing as experiencing it yourself, there is no proof that streams have affected game sales. I've watched people play games that never noticed or wasn't interested in before and ended up liking what i saw then bought the game.

Servbot412596d ago

Most games get a boost in sales when a big streamer streams them. They absolutely do not take away from sales and Twitch has started selling the game being streamed directly on the streamers page. The only time streaming would possibly take away from sales is if the game has numerous technical issues and streaming shows it, in which case it's doing consumers a favor. Atlus is really screwing themselves out of free advertising on this one, but what do you expect from an out-of-touch Japanese publisher.

Tapani2596d ago


Exactly my thoughts. I actually met some of the guys in the team for beers coincidentally and they were really nice people and super interested in various mythologies and read a lot. However, they also were very very very domestic and their view of foreign markets probably rests on the Atlus PR guy who handles the west and has no idea what is really going on, because he was just chosen for his English skills. A typical scenario in Japan, but they will get over it! Let them stumble a few times and they will adapt and innovate :) I'm sure Persona 6 will have normal streaming rights and they will have a more open attitude by then!

Pantz2595d ago

They are making money off someone else's product. It's not right.

Vegamyster2595d ago

So i guess you're against tech & game reviews ect then? They make money because people like watching them and they also popularize the game so it potentially reaches a different audience helping sell the game if it's good, you're basically saying you can't show footage of anything unless you've made it yourself, again there is no proof it takes away game sales unless of course the game is terrible mess.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2595d ago
MeteorPanda2596d ago

We better cancel all these cooking shows in a jiffy then! People will watch others cook on tv and wont feel the need to feed themselves! By jove, they'll all starve!

zodiac9092596d ago

Wish more companies would do this, It would enable something like Dark Souls or Bloodbourne, to hold it's secrets for ALOT longer, rather than having a 100% Walkthrough available by Day 1.

Servbot412596d ago

Persona 5 has been out for months in Japan. Secrets are a simple google search away.

2596d ago
Mistry2596d ago

You are acting as if they force you to watch the walkthroughs or streams. No one puts a gun to your head and makes you do it so complaining about spoilers seems a bit of a stretch when all you need to do is not look for it.

zodiac9092595d ago (Edited 2595d ago )

@Mistry What I mean is that months down the road when you want to get into a discussion about it, the vast majority of the community already knows about all the secrets..Pokemon Red & Blue was a prime example of collective groups figuring out secrets together at school/work, ect. And it's impossible for that sort of thing to exist these days.

Mistry2595d ago

I'm sorry but your reply makes no sense. Stopping streamers will in no way affect secrets from being found out. Do you know when Pokemon Red and Blue came out? That was a time where people barely had access to the internet and therefore information couldn't spread as quickly but now it is different. As soon as some one finds something there will be an article or a video or something popping up in the internet. Only way for what you are asking to exist is if the shut down the internet. I stress again all you need to do is not look for it. If you go online and search about the game guess what you will find information on it from guides to vids to pics.

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TheGamez1002596d ago (Edited 2596d ago )

To me, streamers are promotioners raising awareness of a game and show how good or bad they are. Its always fun to watch a person react and commentate on their playthroughs. If you dont want to be spoiled by the game and you watch the playthrough, then obviously its your own fault. With this game out back in september, theres already tons of spoilers out but all you have to do is just avoid them such as videos and comments/discussions around the net. Huge bummer that I cant take any screenshots or record clips for myself. Out of all the ps4 games, I've wanted to use the share features for this game the most. Was watching TheRadBrads playthrough of the game but due to these stupid sharing restrictions, he doesnt want to upload much of p5 videos which is sad since hes a huge youtuber with tons of viewers who dont know about the game but could come to like it watching his videos.

BlackDoomAx2596d ago

And yet n4g is full of major spoilers :)

Toiletsteak2596d ago

"Simply put, we don't want the experience to be spoiled for people who haven't played the game," the company explained in the post. "Our fans have waited years for the game to come out and we really want to make sure they can experience it fully as a totally new adventure."

What a load of BS. It's up to that person if they wanna spoil the game for themselves.


Epic Games Faces $1.2 Million Fine Over "Unfair Practices," Plans to Fight Back

Epic Games is facing a $1.2 million fine by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets over "unfair practices" in the Fortnite shop.

Sciurus_vulgaris11h ago

It might be cheaper to simply pay the fine. Fighting said fine could cost millions due to court and lawyer fees. Fortnite generates well over a 100 million in each month, so Epic has plenty of cash.

franwex3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

But if they did pay it, then they are basically admitting that they did something they weren’t supposed to be doing. If they fight it, they may win and continue to have a sense of urgency for their micro transactions thus making more money long term.


Dev Gets Windows 11 To Run On A Nintendo Switch, Don't Try This At Home

The OS works, but it barely crawls along on the Nintendo Switch's older ARM chipset.

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OtterX3h ago

Yeaaa... no. It's cool to say that you got it running as a bragging right, but this is completely unusable. I like how he hits the screen while trying to type! X'D


The Finals Underperforms for Nexon in Q1 2024

Nexon has released its financial statement for 2024's first quarter, and it looks like FPS The Finals isn't proving the hit the studio was hoping for.

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BlackDoomAx16h ago

Too bad for the best fps there is atm...

Sgt_Slaughter9h ago

The market for games like this is too over saturated to make a dent in other established games' player counts. Trying to start all over with a whole new multiplayer meta and grinding to get better is not feasible when there's already a ton of similar games that have come out before it.