
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Review | TheXboxHub

James writes - "When two powerhouses collide, big things are expected, and rightfully so where it concerns both Marvel and Capcom. Back when the standard version of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 hit the previous generation of consoles, about seven years ago, the hype was strong and I spent a fair few sessions attempting to best my far superior human opposition. Then came the Ultimate version, bolstered with extra characters and additional content, and that’s what’s now been ported over to the latest consoles. Will Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 still hold up well in the fighting genre after all this time? Does it actually bring anything new to the table, or is it a straight port without a hint of extras?"

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neil3632618d ago

This is just a port straight from the old game yeah? My son is begging me to buy it for him but I'm pretty sure he's got it on 360

Kallisti2618d ago

Basically a port but upgraded to 1080p/60fps and featuring all the DLC as well.

If he has UMvC3 on 360 he'd pretty much already have this but due to Capcom losing their license with Marvel the Jill and Shuma-Gorath dlc was no longer purchasable once that license ended so he may be missing them.
If he only has the original MvsC3 this version has 14 extra characters, the 12 extra from Ultimate plus the 2 dlc characters as well. Hope that helps

ZeekQuattro2618d ago

Never got into MVC 3. It felt like a stepdown from MVC2 in every way outside of graphics. The upcoming entry is doing nothing to wow me either.

Kallisti2618d ago

Wasn't impressed with Infinite's reveal either but if Venom returns in this one I'm going to pick it up


Mod Brings Batsu Ichimonji And Bishop To Ultimate Marvel VS. Capcom 3

Batsu Ichimonji and Bishop from the X-Men are joining the fight in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 through a recently created mod for the game.

SinisterMister680d ago

The PC modding community is a gift that keeps on giving.


Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Lives Again Thanks to Mods

Dual Pixels: "After Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite there was a lot of doubt regarding the franchise ever returning in some sort of fashion..."

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gangsta_red856d ago

Capcom seriously dropped the ball with MvC Infinite. You can tell that it was heavily influenced by outside marketing that wanted to promote the characters in the MCU films only. The roster was lacking, the gameplay was slower than the previous game and there just wasn't a lot of the wackiness we come to expect.


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