
PS Plus: Free Games for April 2017

Posted by James Hallahan:
Happy springtime, PlayStation Nation! The PlayStation Plus lineup for April is here and we’re really excited for this special month of great multiplayer games. Whether you’re looking for couch co-op comradery or fierce online action, we’ve got great some great picks for you this month.

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G20WLY2627d ago

What? Lol

Drawn to Death looks tonnes of fun! After Let It Die, I'm even more pumped fir some silly, frenetic fun for free!

Null19802627d ago

Hmmm, I wasn't that crazy about the Drawn to Death beta. Maybe some people will enjoy it, but I just couldn't get into it. The crazy designs are fun, but the black and white (and red) colors make it feel bland after a while. I understand the aesthetic choice, just doesn't work for me.

ZeroX98762627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )

those are good titles for me, most of the PS plus titles they made free in the last 6 months were titles I already purchased in the past so....

I liked Drawn To Death when I tried the beta. I would love to get a split screen feature, since it feels like the kind of online game that I would play side by side with a friend. As for the other game, I see that it plays coop, so that's a big win for me!

I'm disappointed about the PS3/Vita games though. I wouldn't pay for PS Plus anymore if I only had a PS3 or Vita.

ZeroX98762627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )


For some reasons, I love the art style, but I would've done a totally different genre of game with it.

That's the main downside of the game, it's another online multiplayer shooter at the core. It's not bad per say, but we got so many of them. I barely have time to spend on some of them, so it's unlikely that I'll play this title regularly. Rocket League as been taking most of my online time lately :D

UltraNova2627d ago

I m kinda interested in Drawn to death...all in all its ameh ps plus month as far as I'm concerned.

Kornholic2627d ago

I'm pretty sure this David Jaffe's N4G account.

_-EDMIX-_2626d ago

I wanted to try Drawn To Death sure, but I'd rather still have something else.

Its to the point were we need dat PS3 to be the savor of PS Plus lol

I'm happy they are giving some indies some shine, more power to them and I found some GREAT titles that I otherwise really would have not bought, but .......I still want some main retail titles on Plus.

ie AC Unity, Watchdogs 1, Evolve, you know...titles I'm not going to buy or play unless given for free lol I mean even on PS3, that has a such a deep backlog that I feel they can do better. I remember looking at my PS3 games the other day when i got God Of War HD collection on sale (3 bucks folks, good deal) and I saw I had like 20 pretty good PS3 download games, all AAA retain games and I was like "bruh, what happened to PS Plus"?

I'll still pay each year as I always get my money's worth from some title or the other, but I think they can do better.

G20WLY2626d ago (Edited 2626d ago )

Lol at all the xbot dipshits calling me names for wanting to play a game! XD

Haven't played beta, so looking forward to giving it a try. If that offends the haters and the entitled millennials, I can live with that 😉

2626d ago
rdgneoz32626d ago

I played the beta last year for a while. It was OK, but not ground breaking. Looked great, but 2v2 was seriously underwhelming. Was hoping for at least 4v4 or even 3v3 for an arena shooter. As a PS+ game, it should do well as long as it isn't riddled with micro-transactions.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2626d ago
il-JumperMT2627d ago

Lovers in dangerous spacetime is like one of the most awesome couch co op games ever made.

seanpitt232627d ago

Sony are not doing a great job persuading me to keep on my subscription, this is utter shite. I have only kept it on for bf1 multiplayer but that game is all style over substance so it looks like I won't be keeping psplus on after next week.

2626d ago
Kingthrash3602626d ago

Ok. I don't understand but ok.

tyasia02627d ago

At least they are giving away new games and not games from years ago.

What good is getting a bunch of games you already own?

AngelicIceDiamond2627d ago

Would be nice if they gave away KZS, or Infamous imo or at least Knack considering there's a sequel in the making. I dunno whats wrong with the older titles they're cheap and there are many who haven't play them yet.

Liqu1d2627d ago

@Angelic If they're cheap and you want them then buy them.

AngelicIceDiamond2627d ago

Cheap is good but free is better.

tyasia02627d ago


"Would be nice if they gave away KZS, or Infamous imo or at least Knack considering there's a sequel in the making. I dunno whats wrong with the older titles they're cheap and there are many who haven't play them yet."

I already own all three of those games. I own none of these games because they are new. Getting games I already own has zero value.

XanderZane2626d ago

The point of PSPlus and GWG is that you don't have to waste extra money and buy them. That's just a dumb comment. Would you say that if it was a game you wanted and had not played?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2626d ago
boomtube19872627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )

Another month and more dislikes. If it wasn't for MP for Fifa and CoD. I wouldnt even buy PSPlus.. If i wasn't a MP guy and paid for ps plus...you could assume i was a bonified nerd or a Pedo. PS plus games they give 95% of time are anti console games and not enjoyed by vast majority of console gamers which of whom mostly play AAA. #BanNonAAAIndiesOnConsoles

gangsta_red2627d ago


Lovers is a great game and I wouldn't complain about a free arena shooter....even though it doesn't inspire confidence in the game that Jaffe created going for free. But I definitely won't complain.

S2Killinit2627d ago

I wouldn't say that so lightly. Remember Rocket League was another game Sony gave away for free when it released.

gangsta_red2627d ago


Rocket League had some good reviews and buzz even before it went to PS+ as a free game.

Kaneki-Ken2627d ago

Complete garbage. This is coming from PlayStation fanboy. Both PS4/PSVITA are getting garbage games and there a lot of games that not new but are much better than complete Indie. March had a so what decent month but this month is just worse.

S2Killinit2627d ago

how is it terrible? its a brand new game... I swear some people are just... nvm

CorndogBurglar2627d ago

My wife calls me the 10 Second Ninja.

XanderZane2626d ago

Not as good as GWG this month, that's for sure - https://news.xbox.com/2017/... . I do want to try Drawn To Death though. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime was on GWG like 2 months ago. Already have it. Here is the full list for people who don't want to click on the link.

Drawn To Death, PS4
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, PS4
Invizimals: the Lost Kingdom, PS3
Alien Rage – Extended Edition, PS3
10 Second Ninja, PS Vita (crossbuy with PS4)
Curses ‘n Chaos, PS Vita (crossbuy on PS4)

Looks like Sony is going Indie crazy with their PSPlus games. No more full retail games like Project Cars, The Crew, Darksiders, Assassin's Creed, Evolve, Star Wars: Force Awakening. etc.. Why isn't the PS3 getting anymore retail games for PSPlus. It had a ton of quality games. I'd take Puppeteer, Dragon's Crown, Valkyria Chronicles, GT6, Ratchet & Clank, Resistance 3, etc... Why all these Indies? For the PSVita, it's ok, but for PS4 & PS3 it's getting sad.

yeahright22626d ago

two things, first multiplayer. the amount of subs they lose from the quality of plus games is more than made up for by the amount they gain from new subs coming on just for multiplayer.
second, sales, xbox is lagging behind and they've shown they want to stay in the fight with things like BC and scorpio. so they push a little harder for their GWG titles. Not to mention from the publishers' perspective, putting your AAA game on PS4, that's 10's of millions of free copies, where as with xbox one owners who also have gold, that number is significantly less. There's more to that last bit obviously as we don't know how these guys get paid by MS and Sony.

XanderZane2626d ago

I was talking PS3 games which have already sold millions of copies. Even games like Knack and Killzone: SF have already sold their quota and aren't going to sell millions more. They could easily put those games on PSPlus with pretty much no repercussion. Thet aren't going to lose much. Even Bloodborne has been out over 2 years now. What's holding that game back?

yeahright22625d ago

Oh I'm with you there. not defending not putting old first and second party titles on there. I was more speaking to the lack of motivation to improve the situation. as much as we complain, subs keep increasing.

FITgamer2626d ago

Agreed. DTD is fun for a short while then just like most F2P becomes stale.

thorstein2626d ago

Only a turd could complain about a brand new IP for free.

Orionsangel2626d ago

Having both a PS4 and an Xbox, I find that the options of games every month by Sony is laughable compared to what Microsoft have to offer.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2625d ago
-Ghost2627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )

Drawn to Death is the only one I'm interested in and I might give Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime a shot as well.

peewee110162627d ago

Other then Drawn to death... Lackluster

Darkfist_Flames2627d ago

Drawn to Death looks fun, kinda wish theres a story mode to go with it.

yeahokwhatever2626d ago

theres a story hidden in the game itself. you sort of have to figure it out as you play. its not very in your face.

Vasto2627d ago

Just when you thought it could not get any worse.

WeAreLegion2627d ago

But...they started giving us AAA games. And you all complained. What do you want them to give you? Horizon?

Kaneki-Ken2627d ago

I am not asking for recent AAA games but I would like Knack, Killzone Shadow fall, Infamous Second Son, Assassin Creed Black Flag which release on or around the PS4 launch so PlayStation have no excuse of not giving AAA games because they have plenty that won't affect big publisher sales

Segata2627d ago

March was a good month as we got Disc Jam and Tearaway Unfolded.

nevarDcirE2626d ago

I didn't see anyone complaining...

witwiki502626d ago

@kANEKI-ken . So basically you want what you say, and nothing more. If only the world worked like that right?

gamer78042626d ago

He's giving examples, basically they need to have more variety then just indies...

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Blastoise1901d ago

This game just wasn't good, which is a shame because I was one of five people that actually liked the artstyle. It had a cool tutorial though, I'll give it that much

Snookies121901d ago

I liked the art style a lot, it was really unique. Never actually gave the game a try though.

crazyCoconuts1900d ago

how about in the tutorial when it told you to try the voice commands. i fell for that crap lol

KickSpinFilter1900d ago

I loved the artstyle on this but it was severely lacking in animation between the key frames of animation and was hard on your eyes. If it felt smoother and was 60fps I would have kept playing it.

mastershredder1901d ago (Edited 1901d ago )

I was kind of underwhelmed when Jaffe and crew delivered this one. It felt, looked and played like a leftover ps2 era project. However, it was true to its roots.

AspiringProGenji1900d ago

Go back to Santa Monica and make a new Twisted Metal Jaffe

AnubisG1900d ago

I think that guy is done man. He created GoW and TM but other than that, not so much good stuff. Just like Cliffy B. Let them go.

zombiewombie1900d ago

He's started the planning phase for a horror game. He talks about what hes up to on twitter, all the time.

CanadianTurtle1900d ago (Edited 1900d ago )

Jaffe stated many times that he has no interest in making AAA games anymore. He said that he's already made his mark with the first 2 GoW games on the PS2. He's solidified a legacy with those games. Also, he doesn't want to get back into AAA games mainly because it would tear him apart from his family which he said is his main priority these days.

Hardiman1900d ago (Edited 1900d ago )

He seems kinda bitter really. He also said he hasn't played the new God of War, or at least that's what he said a few months back. Seems strange that he directed the first and with what Cory and Santa Monica did with the new game was incredible! You'd think he'd want to support it. But he's more worried people being pissed about Beyond Good and Evil 2 being multiplayer!

TiredandRetired1900d ago

God of War spoiler: David Jaffe is one of the giants who has fallen and died at the end of the new game. His legacy lies in the mountains though for others to build upon.

Except for Drawn to Death. Let that s*** stay dead. The thing was more like one of the turds the giant sha* out in his pants as he fell to his death.

KickSpinFilter1900d ago (Edited 1900d ago )

No please don't, TM was awful.
And with God of War?...well there's a new God. but thanks for GOW 1,2,3 anyhow.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1900d ago
salmonade1900d ago

I can honestly say that this was the worst PS exclusive in history IMO. I only played it for 10 minutes though.

Kiwi661900d ago (Edited 1900d ago )

Not quite the worst one as Life of Black Tiger comes to mind

thatguyhayat1900d ago

I almost forgot about those... God those were awful

salmonade1900d ago

Life Of Black Tiger doesn't count. It was a tiny game with no advertisement and no press. The only press it got was because it was hilariously bad indie game

1900d ago
AK911900d ago

Sorry Jaffe I love most of your games but this one was a complete mistake.

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