
Herald - Review - A 90s Kid

After a sluggish start, Herald delivered an engaging story of alternate reality Colonial ship-life. It provided enough player agency and consequences to reward my time spent, and delivered an exciting climax and cliff-hanger that has me intrigued to see more.


Road to E3: IndieCade Bringing the Unique and Unknown to E3

Josh Griffiths writes: "This year, IndieCade is bringing 28 games and three “partner” games to E3. Each one of them is created by either one person or a small team. Even by indie standards they all have micro-budgets. These are games that would never have been admitted to PAX five years ago, let alone E3. Now, with an E3 open to the public, these games will reach a level their developers could never have dreamed of."


Herald is coming to E3 2017 as part of IndieCade

Wispfire just informed me (Robin Ek, TGG) that their point-and-click adventure game"Herald" is coming to E3 2017 as part of IndieCade. So, keep your eyes open for "Herald" at E3 folks =)


League of Legends Designer Clarifies How the New Rift Herald Will Work

Rioter Sotere clarifies how League of Legends' upcoming Rift Herald changes will work in-game.

2595d ago