
Dragon Ball Fusions Review - Corecade

Dragon Ball Fusions has finally released in Europe, Australia and New Zealand and with some interesting new concepts, how's it fare compared to other games in the series.

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BlakHavoc2640d ago

Ah DBZ, I get a serious nastalgia trip whenever I watch an old episode. And I mean the original US broadcast version of plain old DBZ. Not Kai, or that crap they call Super. 90's kids know what I'm talking about ;)

Valxal2640d ago

Absolutely, the original US broadcast might be "wrong" but it's certainly always going to be the best for the kids who grew up watching it.

BlakHavoc2640d ago

Voice actors were better imo and the music was far superior


Dragon Ball Fusions Review (3DS) - The Outerhaven

Karl: Dragon Ball Fusions is one of those games that you would think would satisfy all Dragon Ball fans expectations when it comes to fan service.

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Dragon Ball Fusions Review | Esperino

Dragon Ball Fusions is the latest in a long line of games based on the Dragon Ball series, and the second to be released outside Japan on the Nintendo 3DS.

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Dragon Ball Fusions Review | GameCloud

Lliam Ahearn at GameCloud writes: "Dragon Ball Fusions is a clever idea executed messily. The sloppy localisation keeps the characters or scenarios from being as fun as they ought to be, while the monotonous structure means things get boring before they get fun. The premise of building a team of Dragon Ball heroes, levelling them up and teaching them special attacks is a great one, and the combat system would be the perfect platform if not for their extended duration. Dragon Ball Fusion, like many Dragon Ball titles, takes a half-step towards a great idea while bogging itself down in attempts to slow down the player rather than entertain them."

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