
Here's why Zelda: Breath of the Wild is one of the best games of the last 10 years

Nintendo's recently released Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a masterclass of game design, giving players an unprecedented level of freedom. Here's why it is one of the best games released in the last 10 years.

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tastas212628d ago

Lol this game is so overrated. seriously. horizon is much betterr!

pat_11_52628d ago

Sometimes Breath of the Wild doesn't look great, this is true, especially if you're playing on a TV. The game is, however, about so much more than just graphics... and that's what I'm trying to explain in my story.

thekhurg2628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

The game has terrible inventory micro-management. With weapons constantly breaking while also providing you with near unlimited supplies of those weapons.

You're also constantly being pulled out of the game to sift through inventory screens to constantly swap armor, drink potions, eat food, etc.

It's open world formula is that of many large open fields of zero content. The fetch quest side mission nature of gameplay is also something that the industry is working away from.

Very little voice acting and what little it does have is pretty bad by today's standards of AAA budget gaming.

On top of all that you also have the low resolution and frame rate problems. The frame rate problems especially are equal to and worse than other games that I've seen get docked in score over.

The game is being given a full pass because it's Zelda and not being held to the same graphical and gameplay standards that everything else is held to.

Nu2628d ago

BoTW is definitely more impressive than the underwhelming Final Fantasy 15.
Gameplay definitely trumps graphics anyday.

WeAreLegion2628d ago

As good as the gameplay is, Horizon is significantly better in that department, too. That's the problem a lot of people are having. BotW isn't revolutionary. It's just Nintendo catching up with other developers.

EddieNX 2628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

I I love e weapon management. You just need high durability weapons and not pieces of crap that break straight away. You can throw your weapon away and pick up the new one, so need to menu dig. The master sword is unbreakable which you can get about half way through and the rare weapons are repairable.

Its Zelda , but open world , with fun survival mechanics. It doesn't need to be realistic , that's missing the point of Zelda which is supposed to be humerous fun. The game is a true work of art and is deserving of its 98/100 score.

Are we supposed to listen to cry baby Sony fanboys? Instead of critics now? Yh , no....

The gameplay is amazing. You can ride your shield down a hill, take flight, shoot an arrow in slow motion and then do a ground pound in one go. That sums up the 10/10 gameplay in BOTW.

Everything has to look realistic to get a good score? you don't know how shallow you all sound. BOTW is artistically better looking than Horizon, buff said. Its a better painting.

Imalwaysright2628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

Exactly. The physics system and the interactivity that the world game has, to me tech wise is just as impressive as Horizons's graphics.

@ WeAreLegion

"BotW isn't revolutionary." And Horizon is?

The 10th Rider2627d ago


"The fetch quest side mission nature of gameplay is also something that the industry is working away from."

What are you even talking about? The shrines are basically the side quests in the game. Breath of the Wild is a nice change of pace from the fetch quests that plague typical open world games. I've barely done any fetch quests and I'm 15+ hours in.

thekhurg2627d ago


Then you aren't far enough in. There are tons of fetch quests where people want you to go get a bunch of an item and then return to them.

The 10th Rider2627d ago


I've run into side quests like that. I just don't do them if I don't have the necessary items. That's the beauty of the game, you can completely ignore those and do other content. In other open world games it doesn't matter if you ignore them because that's what 90% of the content is. In Zelda there's less side-quests than shrines . . . and not nearly all the side quests are fetch quests. Overall maybe 15-25% of the content is fetch quests, and even many of those are quests that lead to shrines.

3-4-52627d ago

* I've been having a blast playing Botw. Easily one of my top 10 games of all time and I've been gaming since the 1980's and I game on every console, handheld & PC. I don't discriminate......no fanboy here.

Botw is really that good and you truly are missing out or have bad taste in games if you don't make an effort to play it at some point.

Guaranteed 50% of the haters would change their tune near instantly ( within 2-3 hours more likely), and actually start to love this game.

* The sad thing is....NO Nintendo fans are bashing on Horizon....they/we respect Horizon and appreciate it as an awesome game.

Why can't you guys do the same.

* Don't you realize it makes You look bad and not them?

* Nobody wants to be around anybody who constantly complains and nitpicks at stuff, so I'm guessing most of you that hate on any system or console probably don't have any friends because nobody can stand to be around you.

Enjoy life .

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2627d ago
BrandanT2628d ago

Since a lot of people say that, doesn't the make Horizon overrated as well?

EddieNX 2628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

This game is amazing and its not over rated!

Horizon got bitch slapped by Zelda, so did every other open world game except GTAV. You hate Nintendo so its over rated? Lol no, you probably think Ocarina, Mario galaxy were over rated too because you clearly no nothing about video games!

BOTW is easily one of the best games ever.

Erik73572628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

Zelda scored higher than gta 5 so I guess you could say it "bitch slapped" it too lol....

Personally, I favor gta 4 for it's dark tones making a more believable relatable world for me and the physics/driving felt better to me. I'm sure everyone has seen the crowbcat video right? That guy does god work

(source https://www.youtube.com/wat...

2628d ago
rocketpanda2628d ago

Please comeback when the framerate doesn't drop below 20fps docked. But let's overlook technical flaws because it Zelda right?

Can't even maintain 30 unless undocked at 720.

Big_Game_Hunters2627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )

Don't " keep it in your pants". No one said that to anyone after TLOU won the most GOTY awards or after UC4 came out and people were non stop circle jerking them. BOTW is one of the best games of all time and people are going to hae to hear about it for a LOOOOONG time. They need to get over it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2624d ago
Erik73572628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

Sorry Zelda scored like 10 points higher, deal with it. Keep on saying why it didn't deserve it to make you feel better and sleep better at night Tastas21

jeromeface2628d ago

They both should be 95's.. amazing but slight room for improvement.

Gazondaily2628d ago

Lol at the Horizon vs Zelda pissing contest- of course most of the hate was based on that rivalry. Not surprised ONE BIT

Summons752628d ago

Salty fanboy alert.

Couple things, Horizon and Zelda aren't even remotely comparable because they play completely different...try Horizon and Far Cry. Also, why can't BOTH be amazing games? I have both, I love both, both are equally amazing games that really set the standard in quality for their respective systems for the year. There is zero need to be a bitter, close-minded, raging fanboy.

Trez12342628d ago

I've been playing it hardcore and I think it deserves it's scores. It pushes zelda in a new level but I don't think it pushes the open world genre. Some complaints about horizon for example also exist in zelda ( Ubisoft style map unlocking, some fetch quests and some uninspiring side quest) and with that I think the reviews were a bit harsh on HZD.

Graphics isn't a problem at all and I'm playing the wii u version. The game is a masterpiece and proof that this so called Ubisoft style can be awesome when it's well done and that no every open world needs to have witcher style sides quests etc..

ludicrous2628d ago

I don't know about if u guys play Zelda yet but it is probably the first open world game that really utilize all assets (environment, elements, combat, survival, creativity, thinking, etc..) and make them all interactive while promoting creativity, uncertainty, and constant surprises encounters throughout. As good as horizon and witcher or any other open world game up to this point, I really haven't seen such interaction at this level. Here are some comparison of how interactive, creative, and detail Zelda is compare to Horizon (it looks pretty but more like an empty shell in comparison to Zelda).


ShadowKnight2627d ago

I actually think Zelda game play is better than Horizon. But I would give the graphics to Horizon.

Ickythump312627d ago

Both are great games, don't be an idiot.

The 10th Rider2627d ago

Exactly. It's comical in a sad way to see the lengths people go to to discredit a game just because it's not on their console of choice.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2624d ago
Vegamyster2628d ago

It's not the best looking open world game but it's not half as bad as some people make it out to be.

Imalwaysright2628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

It's not the best looking game but its attention to detail and interactivity makes the game's world feel "alive" which is more then I can say about some open world games that look much better because graphics is all they push.

2627d ago
mcstorm2628d ago

I love how people say the graphics are poor. They are far from poor. Yes they don't looks as sharp as games on the xbox one and ps4 but this is a port from the wiiU and its the 1st AAA game on the switch to look at the 1st set of games on the xbox one and ps4 to what they have now.

For me this is one of if not the best Zelda game Nintendo have done it look amazing, its massive, been brought up to date with game play but also keeps the Zelda feel.

Ive not played Horizon yet but this also look a very good game and could be another hit for Sony.

For me no game is better than another we just prefer a game over another like we do with consoles or anything in life.

People who own a sony console should be enjoying Horizon and people who own a Nintendo console will be enjoying Zelda its that simple.

Darkfist_Flames2628d ago

Love how he never mention all those empty large fields between areas xD, and "on an adventure and not just completing fetch quests and other menial tasks" LOL looking at most of the walkthrough videos thats what you do including wasting alot of time grinding.

LightofDarkness2628d ago

Said the guy who admittedly hasn't played it.

Vegamyster2628d ago

There is very few areas in the game where there isn't something to do, i haven't done any grinding, just exploring and doing whatever comes up whether it's a Shrine, quest or side activity, having a great time.

Segata2628d ago

You cannot grind in this game. I have 40 hours in the game and fought only a handful of enemies by choice because I have that choice.

The 10th Rider2627d ago

Yeah, I did no grinding. I went the opposite direction I was supposed to and beat the third or fourth 'dungeon' first. Then I took a loop around the very outer edge of the map, sneaking around and taking down some of the hardest enemies in the overworld.

Pennywise1382627d ago

I love when people just spout nonsense without any bit of proof. I haven't grounded at all and that's what I love. It's a natural progression that doesn't feel forced. And so far from what I've played there are no wasted areas and areas that look empty almost always are hiding some kind of secret to discover. It's up to the player to experiment and see what might be hidden around every corner. This is why the game is getting such great reviews.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2627d ago
masterfox2628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

If that were true I would definitely would be playing it,so putting the Zelda name aside and not moved by fanboyism, this is a bit of my opinion about this game, first of all it looks ok I guess and it has nothing to brag about, some of my reasons:

* Zelda is now in a more open world mechanism, what I can say about this ?, well welcome Nintendo to the type open world games that you are a little late to the party on that, there are dozens of other open world games out there and miles better visuals and with a hell more deep on its gameplay.

* Cartoon Zelda or cel-shaded, I mean I'm fine with that, but since Nintendo is using this kind of visuals today, I pretty much would it expect more details on the world, full HD , 60 fps or even a damn steady framerate, but the reality is that it has this cartoon visuals with sub-HD, empty world and framerates going all the way down to 20 fps ?, and paying 380 plus dlls for this ?, like it or not, NO WAY IN HELL THATS WORTH IT! l

* People saying "but but Zelda it always been cartoony, I mean just look A link to the Past" ,<-- I mean really people do I really have to explain this?, I mean you have to be better than this, I won't go into detail cause obvious reasons but A link to the Past was released more than 20-24 years ago, so if you don't comprehend that well that's so sad and I'm sorry for you.

I'm pretty sure people had or is having a lot of fun with Zelda's new game, well that's definitely a good thing, but calling it one of the best games of the last 10 years ?, that is definitely an exaggeration: nothing new, subhd visuals and with very bad frame rate ? how can that even be praised so much ? I'm really starting to think about payed reviews but oh well that's another story.

Also I wonder what scored would have if it has another name ? lets say:

"Green land: The return of blondeboy".


nitus102628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

Here is a nit pick.

In Zelda BothW, look at the trees. Most appear to be a clone of the other or pretty much identical and slightly rotated, now compare that to the vegetation in The Witcher 3 or an old game like Skyrim and yes there is a day/night and weather cycle in those games which can be quite dramatic.

But wait I hear fanboys say Zelda is cartoony compared to photo-realistic types of games. Ok, point taken how about Kingdoms of Amalur which had vegetation that you could actually see grow as you moved and yes that game was not perfect.

Basically, it looks like many critics were looking at Zelda with rose coloured glasses.

Imalwaysright2628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

And look at how you can cut trees down and how easier is to do it with an axe instead of a sword. Look at how if you throw a bomb at them, they fall. Look at how if you fire an arrow at the trees they get stuck but if you do the same to a rock, the arrow just bounces out of it. Look at how you can use fallen trees as bridges or use them to go down rivers. Look at how you can climb trees. The level of interactivity in zelda is on a completely different level when compared to Skyrim and Witcher 3. These are details that affect gameplay and makes the world feel "alive" despite its stylized visuals.

Big_Game_Hunters2627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )

yes the trees don't look visually amazing, but in those games you can't cut down,climb burn, and use every single tree in the game. You actually need to be careful whe fightng around trees, Ive cut one down while fightng and it killed me on its way down.

Qdog2627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )

Ironically, Zelda pioneered the open world adventure genre and made it popular. The only other game from that time credited with being open world was Mercenaries circa 1985. I suppose you could call metroid open world as well.

Considering that the Zelda series is basically 40 years old and the grandfather of modern open world games, one could easily argue that every other open world game is borrowing something from Zelda.

It needs to be said that although the characters and creatures are cel shaded, the world itself and items in it are using more traditional textures, and really well done ones at that. The art style of this game will no doubt help it age very gracefully just like Wind Waker did.

_-EDMIX-_2627d ago

I completely agree I think it's extremely noticeable when you start to realize a lot of users have a difficult I'm even explaining how this would be a game that receives a perfect score or the best game in 10 years that's extremely exaggerative.

Can anyone logically explain what features this game brought to gaming?

Because it's starting to sound like a lot of Zelda fans are simply new to this open world concept.

I understand but it's a fun game and lots of people like it but I would believe in order to be telling people that it's the best game in the last 10 years it needs to bring something extremely significant to the table.

Imalwaysright2627d ago

"I completely agree I think it's extremely noticeable when you start to realize a lot of users have a difficult I'm even explaining how this would be a game that receives a perfect score or the best game in 10 years"


You can't be serious... go read the reviews that have a perfect score and find out for yourself.

"Can anyone logically explain what features this game brought to gaming?"

What does that have to do with how well the game has scored? Since when does a game have to be revolutionary to be considered a masterpiece?

"it needs to bring something extremely significant to the table." Yes, it does and that's a deeply enjoyable experience.

_-EDMIX-_2627d ago

The fact that you're leaving it at "deeply enjoyable experience" speaks volumes

the fact that you're unable to really list significant features that this game has been able to revolutionize or bring to the table that have never been done kind of proves my point that it sounds like it is biased of personal fans that are giving it this ridiculous score, I'm sorry but it's unrealistic because another game can not be released with a different name and achieve the same scores.

It doesn't really help when your only argument is it's "deeply enjoyable" and it's the best game in the last 10 years in a perfect score but I'm unable to tell you why....

Based on the logic of what you just stated any game can get Game of the Year regardless of performance issues.

Should Assassin's Creed Unity get Game of the Year? It's a large open world game correct? Nevermind at the performance issues because it's "deeply enjoyable correct"?

I'm sorry but in order for a game to get game of the year I believe it must have to do something significantly different than its counterparts within the same genre, it was actually perform well.

As of right now for a matter of fact breath of the wild is not doing anything different than what any other open world game has actually done.

It's why you're having such a difficult I'm actually coming with that list of features

For god sakes this game along with his performance issues actually even lacks a specific amount of voiceovers they went cheap and basically have you reading text smh.

You can't even roll inside of this game they actually removed specific features in regards to controls from the previous games so how could this be better than another game yet also have less features than its previous? Lol

I'm sorry buddy but the features that it's brought to gaming is completely relevant to its score.

In my personal opinion if someone is going to give out a 10 the game must not have performance issues and it must deliver something that is absolutely unique to gaming.

This game for a fact just by examples of other games could have been better in so many areas than it actually was

Imalwaysright2627d ago

"The fact that you're leaving it at "deeply enjoyable experience" speaks volumes "

That's what games are MEANT for. To provide us enjoyables experiences! You are trying to hard. Let it go because nothing of what you'll say will change the scores that were awarded to the game. Again.... Why are you asking me why other people considered that game is deserving of a 10/10 score? Go read their reviews and find out for yourself.

Here let me help you a bit


Believe me... there are MANY more but it's a good start so GO READ and find out for yourself!!

"the fact that you're unable to really list significant features that this game has been able to revolutionize or bring to the table that have never been done kind of proves my point that it sounds like it is biased of personal fans that are giving it this ridiculous score,"

That narrative again! Sorry but I don't believe that EVERY reviewer is a Zelda fanboy. Sure, some might be but to expect that everyone of them is, to me is irrational thinking at its finest. Why do I say every reviewer? Because the lowest score for the game is a 9/10, I repeat a 9/10 😂

"I'm sorry but in order for a game to get game of the year I believe it must have to do something significantly different than its counterparts"

Totally fine but that is for you. For me all it needs to do is to give me an awesome experience. Last year the best game I played was Pillars of Eternity. That game did nothing new, hell its basically an old school PC Rpg in its concept and execution but the fact remains it it provided me with the best gaming experience I had all year. Oh and yes, I know that it wasn't released last year but in 2016 is when I played it.

"I'm sorry buddy but the features that it's brought to gaming is completely relevant to its score."

Sorry but I call BS on that. Overwatch, TW3, U4, Horizon, TloU, Forza Horizon 3, GTA 5, Super Mario 3D world... These games got perfect scores (not as many as Zelda though 😂). What did any of these games brought new to gaming? Hell, aside from the nemesis system what exactly is so revolutionary about this generation?

"In my personal opinion if someone is going to give out a 10 the game must not have performance issues" Totally fine. Dark Souls is one of my all time favorites and had severe framerate drops. When the credits started rolling all I could think about was how awesome the game was and went straight to new game +.

Imalwaysright2627d ago

I already knew this but this conversation was a reminder of how subjective this medium is. Maybe you should just leave it at that.

Veneno2627d ago

OK edmix, sounds likey you played the game start to finish. Tell us what the highlights of the game are . Be sure to follow your own standard of explanation as well.

Qdog2627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )

That may be where you and alot of other gamers disagree. In order to be a great game, it's simply not necessary to bring something new to the genre or redefine the genre at a macro level. Seeing how there is no such thing as a "new" idea it is imperative to have more realistic and consistent standards in order to asses a title's value to the industry moving forward. More importantly, how does it stack up as a Zelda game seeing as Zelda goes back 40 years before anything on the PS4, XB1, etc.

What BOTW does is redefine the Zelda game and it does that in a superb way. Zelda as a series has a grand amount of prestige and BOTW lives up to it very well. It's taken the concept of what if Zelda blended with the mechanics of Tomb Raider with respective elements of Dark Souls, and ran with it in the Zelda universe.

I want to make it clear that I am platform agnostic and enjoy them all, really, all of them. Zelda as a game has alot going for it and will no doubt keep eager adventure seekers hooked on the "if you can see it, you can go there" challenge, among the multitude of mechanics that elevate BOTW above previous iterations, though all previous releases have their place in history.

rainslacker2627d ago


I think what he's asking for is more concise reasonings why this game is rated so highly. I do somewhat agree there is some abstract reasoning to talk this game up, ,because it seems the reasons are nothing new, just something new to Zelda.

If that's the case, then that's perfectly acceptable, because Zelda is generally always pretty good, and applying that to a genre which Zelda has never traversed is worthy of praise. But best game in 10 years? Worthy of ignoring the flaws those same reviews you tell us to read state exist? Not counting off for said flaws when other games which can be just as good, if not better in some areas, get docked points for it?

It shouldn't be that hard to qualify what is so good about the game without referring a person to reviews. The reviews I've seen seem to have flaws which would point out that it's not the best game in ten years, because almost all the reviews have scores which don't match the actual review.

So, what, in your opinion, is so good about the game? What features and special things about the game make it so good?

The door is open to talk positively about the game without vague hyperbole which doesn't explain much. Go for it. Make all these haters a believer.

Just for the record though...I think it's a good game. Best game in 10 years? Worthy of so many perfect scores with nary a trace of even a troll low review score? No. But still a good game for what short time I've had a chance to play it.

Imalwaysright2626d ago

@ rainslacker

"I think what he's asking for is more concise reasonings why this game is rated so highly."

Not this again... he has access to the internet right? He can go read the reviews and find out for himself.

". But best game in 10 years? Worthy of ignoring the flaws those same reviews you tell us to read state exist?"

" I've seen seem to have flaws which would point out that it's not the best game in ten years,"

Every game has flaws. By that logic no one can say: "this is my favorite game in the past 10 years" emphasis on the word "my". You guys have to remember that reviews are by nature subjective, not objective because they exist due to someone's personal experience with the game. Some reviewers gave Zelda a perfect score despite the game having flaws? I say: so what? You don't agree? Fine, but nothing gives you the right to say that reviewer A or B is biased. They just have a different opinion.

Haven't you ever played a game that you thought was a masterpiece despite being fully aware of its shortcomings? I have so I understand why reviewers can give ANY game (not just Zelda) a perfect score.

"So, what, in your opinion, is so good about the game?"

My opinion: the sheer attention to detail that puts every open world game that I played to shame, the freedom, the puzzles are satisfying which is something rare in today's gaming, the interactivity that the game world provides, how even after 10 hours of gameplay the game manages to surprise me and I keep learning new things about the gameplay and the world, how challenging and satisfying the exploration can be which so far allowed me to never feel bored while exploring the world, how the game allows me to tell my own stories, how it doesn't hold my hand and lets me fight much stronger enemies and test my gaming skills Souls games style, the enemy AI is surprisingly good and while the combat might not be as deep as Bayonetta or Souls games, is deep enough and I find it enjoyable and rewarding, how amazing the physics system is and how well implemented it is, the survival elements, I also like the art style and musical score. There are so many good things I can say about this game and I feel that I barely scratched its surface after 10 hours of gameplay. So far the game has provided me with a enjoyable, satisfying and rewarding experience and I feel that it is the most ambitious game I played alongside The Witcher 3. So far: masterpiece deserving of the praise it got.

rainslacker2625d ago

He, and I, have access to the internet, but he wasn't asking what reviewers thought of it. He was asking what people who are talking it up think about it, with more explanation than some generalized, "Best game ever" comments.

I've asked for this kind of analysis from others on several occasions, for other games, and have been dismissed because I wanted more explanation to understand better, and most people who tend to be considered to be on the extreme side of fandom tend to never be able to provide a good explanation on why things may be good, or what they really like about things with a good detailed explanation.

In fact, what they say about the game could be taken straight from a marketing departments mouth, or simply regurgitates anything that exists positively in reviews.

Obviously some of this would be natural, but there is never any more detail beyond the cursory, and never can they seem to say something more than that.

As for flaws, no, no game is flawless. But given how games are scored, some of those flaws being overlooked to give it a perfect score, particularly across the board, is extremely strange. Having played the game some, I can see how it would score highly, but nothing to the degree that it has. There is nothing revolutionary about the game, nothing innovative.

All the innovation being claimed for this game is merely an innovation for Zelda alone, not the open world genre.

It does this stuff exceedingly well mind you, but that's about it. So, it seems to me that the fact that it's Zelda seems to be gaining it a few extra points.

And sure, I've played masterpiece games. TLOU would be the most recent memorable one. I was also well aware of it's flaws. I think of it as a 10 game, but recognize the parts that can bring down it's score. I could go on at length as to why that is. So did many reviewers. If those reviews were fair, and the content of the review backed up their score, that's fair. However, nowhere, for as long as I can even remember have I seen so many reviewers give out high 9's or 10's the way I'm seeing with Zelda. It's inexplicable.

Regardless, all that is rather moot to the fact that what reviews say isn't the same as what the players will say.

Anyhow, thanks for sharing your opinion on the game. I'm not going to discuss that really, because that wasn't really my intent. Perhaps in another thread where it can be discussed without the negative start. You have some points I agree with, and some I don't. I don't think that catapults it up to the best game in ten years though, because that's impossible to qualify and such a comment exists only in the realm of hyperbole.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2625d ago
BigTrain2626d ago (Edited 2626d ago )

I believe that the 10 out of 10 reviews should have come from a gameplay point of view more than anything. Every point you just hit on is a technical flaw outside of art style and I agree with you. I have both games and I stated before in the comments section that I started Horizon first. Once Zelda arrived I began it after being in to Horizon 20 hours. Needless to say once Zelda loaded and began I immediately noticed the lackluster visuals in comparison to Horizon. I stated before that I cut the game off 30 minutes in because I cant enjoy it bouncing back and forth between it and Horizon. Other commenters misunderstood me and thought that I was saying that I wouldnt play the game as a result. I wasn't saying that at all. I was only saying that for me going between the two does not have zelda being portrayed in the strongest light and I want to enjoy without the bias of having horizons superior presentation freshly etched into my brain. I think games reviewed with a single overall score does not give a complete and thorough picture of what the gamer will be getting. I like scores that break things down categorically. Graphics, gameplay, audio, etc. If Zelda was judged like that it would not have a 10 in every category. horizon might not either but it'd be damn close.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2625d ago
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H9826d ago

N4G will be mad at this, how dare you praise Breath of the wild

stupidusername826d ago

To all future comments:
No one is saying Zelda invented anything. BoTW used existing ideas and took inspiration from a lot of games and streamlined it. The game sold 25 million copies, received massive praise and many game developers follow suit. Just like how Apple didn’t invent smartphones, but still made the phone that other companies were inspired by later on.

GhostofHorizon826d ago

I can only speak for myself but I have nothing against the game, it's the same article being written every 3 months that's getting a bit old. There are pleanty of other great games out there that have inspired genres that get barely any recognition.

I think the game did a good job about streamlining some aspects but if it didn't have Zelda in it's name some of the weaker parts of the game would not have been forgiven as easily.

H9826d ago

This, you know it feels like if people don't say that the game invested everything then they are not praising it enough, the best praise that can be given to it is that it did open world right, that's it, it doesn't have to be the first to be the best!

Vanfernal826d ago

It's also about to turn 5 years old... We get it... Botw is great. How about more articles saying RE4 revolutionized 3rd person shooters with the over the shoulder cam. Or how Mario 64 redifined 3D platforming... Or how Street Fighter 2 pushed fighting games into the mainstream... At this point these articles are just redundant.

LordoftheCritics826d ago

BOTW became a copyable form. Thats what makes it special.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 826d ago
ZeekQuattro826d ago

If BOTW is public enemy number one on here Game Pass is a close second. That service is hated with a passion on here. Don't dare praise it either. Only Sony branded content deserve such praise.

H9826d ago

I haven't owned anything Xbox related since 360 because I just don't like their direction anymore yet I can't but be jealous about game pass it's a brilliant offer

MadLad826d ago (Edited 826d ago )

This place is a giant bubble.
I can have a level headed, reasonable discussion on almost any reasonable YouTube video. Even with people of differing opinions.

Here? It's almost always vitriol and dog piling if you're not siding with the majority.

MadLad826d ago

Yeah. It feels like one of the most needlessly hated games here on N4G, honestly.

CS7826d ago

It is such a strange phenomenon? What caused it?

BOTW is known as a masterpiece every where else. But on N4G it is a “Ubisoft game with a Zelda Skin”.

H9826d ago

Yes and yet Ghost of Tsushima, the game that they call Samurai Creed is not a Ubisoft copy

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 826d ago
DarkZane826d ago

I love Breath of the Wild, but stop saying it invented the wheel. Open world games existed before that so I am pretty sure none of those game were influenced by it. Hell Pokemon Legends Arceus is technically more similar to Monster Hunter than an open world game.

Shuckylad826d ago

Let’s be honest for a wii u game botw is great. If inspiration is taken from it then great.

AuraAbjure826d ago

It's why I bought a Wii U. There were no other games worth playing cuz I also had an Xbone.

Terry_B826d ago

Hey..another opinion piece from a website with the word Nintendo in its name about how Zelda Botw influenced other games ..lel.

Flawlessmic826d ago (Edited 826d ago )

Look i love breath of the wild as much as the next guy but honestly ur acting like it changed the game or something.

It didnt it was an amazingly crafted open world game, that its.

Tgat fact tgatva few games steal certain things from it doesnt make it more special. Devs steal things from other games literally the time.

So are we gonna have posts about how a crummy game with nice feature influenced all gamers after it just vecause a few things were taken from it by another dev.

Its weird to say this about such an amazing game but its literally overrated at this point.

Something like gta deserves these articles gta and red dead are exemplary examples on how to do open world and the added bonus of them basically starting the trend and perfecting it

Concertoine826d ago (Edited 826d ago )

There were also articles discussing the influence of GTA 3 and Shenmue when they came out 20 years ago.

CS7826d ago

GTA’s open world is flawed in that the missions can be carried out only a specific and precise way.

BOTW actually fixes that and allows you to do the missions in whatever way you figure out.

GTA is amazing and way more revolutionary but BOTW does push the needle forward.

Flawlessmic826d ago


Thats because the game barely has a story so it can do that, it gave u 4 major objectives which were all effectively the same. It was the envirments tgat made it different and that i could do it any order but thats all because the minimalist story allowed it.

How would a game with a full on story like gta, red dead, horizon work if it was just done in any order?

Zelda did push the need cause it was an brillant game but people overrate it for 2 simple things, not having a map full of icons and the fact u can complete those same 4 objectives in any order.

CBaoth826d ago

So then it copied the gameplay mechanic from Crackdown? That's all you reference. Did you NOT know BOTW copied it from another game? That's pushing the envelope?

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