
Breath of the Wild vs. Horizon Zero Dawn: Which Open World Game Should You Play?

Two great games, how can you choose?

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Deep-throat2624d ago

Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

Gameplay is king.

GtR35olution2624d ago (Edited 2624d ago )

Lol. Zelda botw with all its clipping, pop ins and frame drops isnt better than horizon zero dawn. Its funny people try to throw out "gameplay" buzzword as if zelda has better gameplay. Horizon zero dawn is technologically a way better game with a lot more gameplay advancements than zelda botw. Zelda botw is held back by the console its on and its design. Nintendo games gets a lot of free passes for silly things that would never get by on other gaming platforms. The gameplay and everything seems so dated imo. To each his own

freshslicepizza2623d ago

hmm, how many switch/wii u owners on this site compared to ps4 owners? i think that will tell the true story with the responses.

EddieNX 2623d ago (Edited 2623d ago )

BOTW is genuinely amazing. It deserves its 98 rating, I'm gunna go with the critics instead of a load of crying Sony fanboys on this one. Seems Horizon has better graphics obviously, Zelda is just a better game, period.

Boohoo Zelda isn't on ps4 so that means it sucks! Its just average and overrated... Grow up lol.

Im playing Horizon as soon as I've finished Zelda, and I'm pretty certain already its not gunna be as good.
The game gets better and better the more you play it. At first I was like its not perfect... But now I'm starting to see why. The way this open world plays is crazily good. Its seemless and overhwelming.

Nitrowolf22623d ago

Played, both IMO its silly to say which is better because itll end up to that person.

Is the last of us better than Uncharted? Is uncharted 4 better than Horizon?

You can say they are, but its hard to judge. They all offer different experience.

Some things in Horizon i like more than BoTW, but some things i like in boTW i like more than horizon. Both titles are amazing in their own ways, why must it be a competition.

Eonjay2623d ago

Both if you can but obviously of you only have a Wii U then its Zelda and if you only have a PS4 its Horizon. If you just bought a switch then Zelda seems really essential as there really isn't another big title like that on Switch. I have a PS4 so I bought Horizon but when I get the Switch I will be getting Zelda as well.

DarXyde2623d ago

Having played some of both, I'm digging Breath of the Wild more. Both are fantastic, but Zelda, I feel, is the better game.

I should add, in response to your criticisms of Breath of the Wild, I can replace "Breath of the Wild " and "Nintendo" with "Shadow of the Colossus" and "Sony" and it would be just as true: it was far more of a technical mess on PS2 and was held back by its hardware. At times, the game chugged to an infuriating level. Still a great game though. Sadly, there is no game like SOTC to make a comparison, but why is it so hard to see that Zelda can be considered the better game than Horizon? I've encountered a few issues myself where I get such in a wall and need to reload a save. It's very infrequent, but it happens. BOTW, while not perfect from a technological perspective, more than gets the job done. If you want to talk about free passes, just remember that people still buy Bethesda game at launch. Games from From Software have pretty glaring issues--again, far worse than Zelda. I just don't get it.

You all can disagree, but I'm being objective. As a game, comparing fun factor, I would definitely say Zelda deserves to be rated higher than Horizon...and it is. I'm certain most of the people agreeing with you haven't even played both games, so I have a hard time taking them seriously. GTR35olution, I can, for the most part, respect your opinion. I disagree on the idea that Nintendo is always given free passes which I provided examples for and I certainly don't feel that the gameplay is dated. I would definitely say that, overwhelmingly, most critics agree with me. Don't treat this as a personal attack, I just felt compelled to argue my position.

Well, that's that. Back to my games.

Aeery2623d ago

@EddieNX :

78 users score right now.
Lets cut off a good chunk of fanboy, I do not still think it can reach the 98 ...
So yeah, this game got a nice free pass.

StrawberryDiesel4202623d ago

You played and completed Zelda Breath of the Wild?

2623d ago
magicted2623d ago

Horizon Zero Dawn by far is the game to play. If your looking for next generation gameplay, next generation visuals which are some of the best. Looking for a next generation story and voice acting. Looking for a world and game that hooks you from the start and doesn't let go then that's Horizon.

Now Breath of Wild is good but not great at all. It screams last generation with graphics and the animation. Link approaches items and instead of animation of him picking it up or even touching it. Stats just pop up and now it's in your inventory. So talk to NPC's in the game and we go back to conversation bubbles on the screen. I thought games moved away from this year's ago. 8 different enemies just in different shades. The games drops back and fourth just from him running in open grass. Most games now leave enemies bodies or parts when you defeat them. In this game they poof and vanish in thin air like games 2 generation ago. The fighting mechanics are basic and something you see on a gamecube system. I was bored and disappointed after a few hours. I'm into games moving the genre forward and improving on things. This game takes several steps backwards and has technical issues and is awarded best game ever.

2623d ago
sinspirit2623d ago

Hmm, I both disagree and agree with that. Horizon has more in depth tools to take down its foes. However, Zelda: BoTW does have more variety in its gameplay and freedom. Well, it's one of Zelda's trade-marks to have simple yet solid combat with a few tricks here and there. It's definitely a more accessible game. I have Horizon, but I've been playing Zelda constantly since I got the Switch. Keep in mind it also has many non-combat scenarios thrown in the mix. And, seeing the giant lizard on the volcano in the distance, the walking fortress in the desert, and the dragon near Gerudo Valley. It's quite amazing scope that is delivered pretty well considering the hardware on the Switch. I enjoy it very much. This coming from someone with a GTX 1080 with the AMD 1800X on the way(I mostly game, but I intend to get back into video editing,3D rendering, and other things I can benefit from it).

WelkinCole2623d ago

@Eddie. Just one game and you guys act so arrogant lol!.

What is funny is that Zelda no matter how critics suck up to it is old and gamers have grown out of it. People want games like Witcher, Red dead, GOW, Souls and Horizon now days. Like current AAA games. Watch the sales prove my point.

Regardless I rather something new than Zelda and top it off PS4 gamers have way too many great games to count. Have fun with your Zelda because it will be a while before you folks get any other decent game lol!

You Nintendo folks are a funny bunch.

nX2623d ago

^lmao at the people playing Zelda and thinking how Horizon just CAN'T be better. They're completely different games and you should at least play both before you even dare to call one of them better. To me both come close to being masterpieces but in many ways Horizon offers the superior "experience".

SourtreeDing2623d ago

stop being mean Nintendo fanboys have had nothing to brag about ever since ther consoles fell behind

DeadlyOreo2623d ago

Love the way two Microsoft fanboys are some of the first people to comment on this. Doesn't suprise me, the only competition in software Sony have at the moment is from Nintendo, ain't no games for them to play lol.

davand1142623d ago

Have you seen the user scores? It's nothing but a bunch of dumbass fanboys trolling because they're mad that nintendo has a higher score than any of the games on their favorite console. These are the same asshats that did it to Uncharted 4. The user reviews on metacritic can't be trusted because any dick head can go and make a account to troll a game that they have never even played.

Vegamyster2623d ago

You've made comments weeks ago calling the game garbage and outdated so i don't really take this comment seriously since you made it clear before either game launched which was better. If Zelda was so terrible then how come Greg Miller who's massive Playstation fan loves the game? You can hear why he loves it & the aspects he likes more compared to Horizon which he also loves: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Most of the main issues with the game like the framerate & Popin were brought up in most reviews, they just said it didn't bother them enough to ruin the experience, there is plenty of games that have been reviewed with one or both of these problems that have gotten high scores. I haven't heard any big complaint other then those things yet, all i hear how they're giving the game a free pass on other things that other games would take a hit for but never name them.


"78 users score right now."

Metacritic is one of the worst places to go for user reviews, people make new accounts just to give games they love or hate 10's or 0's, there is hardly any middle ground.


The enemies have a question mark pop up above there head because they don't know that it's a bomb, it's a giant blue orb that according the first minutes of the story hasn't been seen for 100 years.

S2Killinit2623d ago

I think either one you go with is great choice. Such a great month to have to choose between two games of such high caliper.

JackStraw2623d ago (Edited 2623d ago )

Zelda does get a bunch of free passes, though. That cannot be argued. I've consistently seen Nintendo exclusives get praised for things that even 3rd Party games on X1/PS4 get constant flack for, like performance issues or repetition. But anybody who owns a Switch and has played the game (at least in HH mode) cannot argue that it is a masterpiece, just as anyone who has played HZD can acknowledge that it is a brilliant game, and a technologically impressive piece of software. If you really want to see how great a game is using scores, I'd recommend OpenCritic, but you can't solely go off of the critic score or the contributor score, but you can use both of them to determine a fair average for a game. I've stopped using Metacritic because the user reviews on that website are pure fanboy love or pure fanboy hate, and so it's too difficult to create a fair rating for any game because neither the critic or user scores should be exclusively used to determine how good a game has scored. Anyway, when I check OpenCritic and use both scores to create an average for each game HZD comes out to a 90, and BoTW comes out to a 93. This should tell you how amazing both of these games are, and anyone who can't see that is most likely blinded by brand loyalty. If I genuinely had to choose between HZD or BoTW I wouldn't be able to. HZD has created a world that's so lively, immersive, and believable, with a character who initially I was bored to death by, but the game managed to make her one of my favorite game characters ever, and because of all of that it's hard to not get lost in for hours. But my favorite game of all time is Ocarina of Time, and playing through BoTW managed to give me the same excitement and awe I felt as an eight year old playing through that game. Every little thing in OoT amazed me, clearing Jabu Jabu's belly, the perfect execution of Adult/Kid Link, finally obtaining the Master Sword.

tldr - Both games are phenomenal, and will be remembered for years to come.

Kribwalker2623d ago

So the 8.0 user metascore on uncharted 4 means that game got a free pass as well eh
As well as the 8.1 user score for horizon

bouzebbal2623d ago (Edited 2623d ago )


You are always here, sad not to be in either one. 2 games were added to backwards compatibility. Go play them lol
Going back to zelda..amazing open world, but terrible zelda game I'm bored I need dungeons!!!!!!
Shrines are terribly short!!!! Haven't played Horizon but want to play it even more now

Azmatik2623d ago (Edited 2623d ago )

Horizon has some of the smoothest and best gameplay this gen, end of story. If anyone thinks its just a "tech masterpiece for gfx" they are absolutely wrong and havn't left the first area or havn't played the game.

Ceaser98573612623d ago (Edited 2623d ago )


"Im playing Horizon as soon as I've finished Zelda, and I'm pretty certain already its not gunna be as good. "

Try trolling harder next time.. If your pretty certain "ALREADY" that HZD wont suit your style why waste your energy.. Keep playing Zelda till the next Wii title hits..


From what you have written, i bet my ass you didnt even play HZD those load of BS you have just said is proven wrong.. The voice acting was brilliant and its been said by many reviewers but hey! they are prolly paid according to you X1 fangirl.. Yes! few NPCs has the voice lipsing issues but thats negligible and happens in most huge open world game with Npcs including Witcher 3.. The game is polished and runs at 30fps without a frame drop that itself is outstanding and with time more fix will be out and the game will be even better. Fangirls like you have never played the game but still will nit pick on every minor issues and make it look like you know everything and a game on day one should be 100% .. GG is working on fixes bdw..

conanlifts2622d ago

Nitrowolf2 has the best response and sums it up very well.

2622d ago
fungusar2622d ago

If you played Zelda, you would know why it is the best. It did not getter better reviews than Horizon for nothing.

Bwremjoe2622d ago

This is utter nonsense. Have you extensively played both? The gamplay is on the same scale, but Botw wild has a bit more uniqueness. HZD is awesoom, but a direct follow up on games like the Witcher.

Also, you start your critics by discussing graphics and then claim Nintendo has no right to play the gameplay card? Dude. :'l Buy a titanX, buy 28284 good looking games, and never play them. Good day, sir.

Gazondaily2622d ago (Edited 2622d ago )

Lol of course N4G would pick Horizon.

Both games are stellar. Horizon looks astonishing.

Zelda's world has sucked me right in. Dungeons are cack though

+ Show (26) more repliesLast reply 2622d ago
SCW19822624d ago

Gameplay in Horizon is excellent as well so your comment is troll worthy.

nX2623d ago

Not only excellent, it's close to perfect in every way. BotW can't compete with that, it certainly wouldn't have gotten such high scores if it wasn't a Zelda game.

naruga2623d ago (Edited 2623d ago )

i dont like Switch but i m saying ZeldaBOTW ..is more genuinely made ...yes technically is inferior from any aspect but here is where the expert Nintendo dev teams make up the loss with far more appealing world/characters/mechanics-gam epaly /art...Zelda is like an artisantly handmade jewlery while Horizon like a very high tech tool from the best machinery (handmade wins no matter its very few imperfections

thorstein2623d ago

I still don't understand why people can't play both. I am going to play both.

What countries have these bizarre laws that prevent people from playing on more than one platform?

I will get BOTW and I will enjoy playing it. Just like I enjoy playing Horizon Zero Dawn.

Azmatik2623d ago (Edited 2623d ago )

@Naruga lmao honestly people like you who says Horizon is more of a "very high tech tool" obviously hevn't played the game. Horizon isn't an amazing game just because of "tech" Horizons overall entire gameplay is what makes it amazing and nothing on any system so far can beat it 10/10.

SCW19822622d ago

Saying that Horizons characters and world building are not as effective and calling it a high end tech tool is clearly putting your foot in your mouth.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2622d ago
2624d ago Replies(15)
UCForce2624d ago

So you think gameplay HZD is mediocre ? You should try play it than judging it. For me, it's both.

Deep-throat2623d ago

It's good. Typical stuff you see in action adventure games.

UCForce2622d ago

@Deep-throat I don't think you have your honesty.

ninsigma2623d ago

Good job HZD has that nailed then.

BVFTW2623d ago (Edited 2623d ago )

Gameplay is king, that's why I'll play both!

Veneno2623d ago

Quit being and indifferent wuss and just tell us which one you like more.

BVFTW2623d ago

Why so sour Veneno? Both have great gameplay and the question was which one should I play. I choose to play both. I'm not being indifferent, you could've asked which of them I like more, and in that case I'll enjoy this Zelda more but I can see that Horizon is an amazing game and a technical accomplishment, I don't need to throw dirt to a game to justify my opinion, I like both games.

higgins782623d ago

Gameplay is king, but, regarding ABOTW, as is visuals, atmosphere, control, etc, etc, etc...I could go on. ABOTW is not lacking in visuals, FAR from it, but what makes it SO special is it's the entire package, wrapped up in a bow delivered to you by Marilyn Monroe.

1Victor2623d ago

Easy you got PS4 horizon you got switch Zelda you got both you know what to do. Articles like this make no sense or they're going to play Zelda on PS4 or horizon on switch

Wallstreet372623d ago (Edited 2623d ago )

Your talking out your %ss lol i can tell you havent played both. I have both and went back to Horizon. Zelda is good but not great "imo". Based off my playtime id give Zelda an 85 tops. Horizon is way more fun, the gameplay is better, the world is more alive and story is way better. The enemies also rock in Horizon. The world in horizon is way more dense with what seems to be a more populated world and thats even with horizon havibg no fps issues and being technically the best looking game on consoles by a good margin.

Everyone has an opinion but this is mine from owning and playing both. If you dont believe i own Zelda just ask eddienx bcus we just friend request eachother :)

ShadowKnight2623d ago

Both! Well at least Nintendo and PlayStation got something to play 😂

Big_Game_Hunters2623d ago

Oh look all the major Nintendo trolls from this site gathering to say how it's only scoring high because it's Zelda ect.

2623d ago
joab7772623d ago (Edited 2623d ago )

It's my opinion and I love Zelda, though I've only played like a couple hrs. But I love the gameplay in Horizon much more! Zelda is great because of its adventure and unknowing horizon (go figure)!

Each is great! But Horizon is much more polished in every respect including gameplay and combat. I heard about how the melee is terrible because of a lack of targeting. I adore it. It's so fluid! And as someone who played Souls without lock on most of the time, it's right up my alley. Zelda NEEDS a dodge! It is though more akin to Skyrim in a sense because you overlook its faults because you don't wanna leave its world.

Wallstreet372623d ago

I agree! Horizon is just better in most regards even story and combat. Horozon world is denser and has more enemies too. Combat is also better imo.

Pm your friend code ill add you on switch.

IamTylerDurden12623d ago

The gameplay in Horizon is superb. It's like you immediately assume Zelda has better gameplay bc it obviously can't compete graphically or technically, but it's not necessarily the case. How a game runs affects gameplay as well, and Horizon runs like a dream while Zelda BotW has a multitude of technical problems on Switch.

It's really fitting that you took the bait and definitively chose one over the other. Both are great open world games that offer dozens of hours of enjoyment. It really just comes down to preference and console of choice, and if you own a PS4 AND a Switch (or Wii u) i think that both games are mandatory purchases.

Xx_Pistol_xX2623d ago

I love how people just say Zelda is a better game without giving any reason or factual evidence on how it's better.

2623d ago
Skillz12152623d ago

just stop...there both greAt

Stronk2623d ago (Edited 2623d ago )

You know it's a Zelda game when you play an open-world game for 20 hours whitout encountering a single glitch. Owning both games, i haven't even thought about Horizon since i started playing Zelda. I understand that most of the people here haven't played it by looking at the comment section, which really is a shame; the only complaints here being that Zelda looks oudated, and that the game slows down.

The game looks abselutely beautifull, and frame drops are extremely rare, not being nearly as bad as the frame-drops in other games, such as Dark Souls. (Another game where critcs ignore the fps, rendering everyone's "Zelda's free-pass" argument fruitless).

Zelda is currently the best-rated game of all time on metacritic/ gamerankings. I'll let that speak for itself.

gammaray132623d ago

still stuck in 1986 are we, come to 2017 and see what a real game is like for grown ups... Horizon Zero Dawn should be and will be the standard of what games should look, and play like from here on in..oh and Aloy is the greatest character ever created in gaming to date

Seraphim2623d ago

the only correct answer is both. Of course if you don't have a Switch/WiiU then right now it's HZD and Zelda when/if you get one gets a Switch. End of the day though, both should be the only answer!

Aceman182623d ago

I'm playing Horizon first when I'm done I'll buy zelda for the wiiu. Loving the sh*t out of Horizon great and awesome game. I know I'll love zelda when i get it.

Unlike the extreme idiot fanboys here i can enjoy and love both games. The ones who argue seem to be the ones who are insecure lol.

Mr Marvel2623d ago

Both games are great so far, but If we're talking gameplay being king, then Horizon wins out there easily.

Trust me, I know, I've played both extensively & I'm not jaded by it being a Zelda title.

DrumBeat2623d ago

Gameplay in Horizon is excellent. It's addictive and it makes it hard for me to make any progress. I always want to stop and fight everything.

finbars752622d ago

New IP to a overplayed IP. Sorry I am going with Horizon on this one. I am little tired of how you guys can justify a game that constantly comes out because that is all Nintendo has. people must live a De Ja Vu life who love Nintendo and cant stand change. Good lord a new IP is much better then playing any rehashed game now a days.

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 2622d ago
chrisx2624d ago (Edited 2624d ago )

I'll be playing both defo. 2 masterpieces

Lon3wolf2623d ago

Very much this, I chose Zelda first purely as I got it on Wii-U so thought stock might go quick, saving HZD for when I've done Zelda.

CobraKai2623d ago

I agree. Only a narrow minded person would limit themselves to one or the other.

RosweeSon2623d ago

Yeah proper games play games regardless of platform. I'm down to Sony and Nintendo platforms now did Xbox one in 4 months but I'll consider a Scorpio or another cheap S once they get another batch of games worth purchasing the console for. It's all about the games hence why my PS4 isn't going anywhere nor my 3ds Vita is pretty rammed (ps1 games help) and sure Switch will soon be inundated with plenty of quality games, day one might have been lacking quantity but with Zelda I think quality is there for all to see. No it's not 4k sure it's not as sweet as if it's running on a PC proper gamers don't care about that techie gamers might the average gamer cares what the game plays like is it fun will it last, not did the screen refresh 30 times that second or was it 60... dunno you try counting them... nah game on... sure if it's unplayable or something or assassins creed Unity... pretty certain it's far from tho.

ChronoJoe2622d ago

Some people can only afford one system and a few games, or that's all the money / time they want to invest, so some people feel the need to choose. I don't think that makes them narrow minded.

If you have the time, money and desire to play 100 hours of video games then both of these are absolute must plays, but I can understand people wanting to prioritise too, and I don't think it makes them 'narrow minded'.

I got both, but my sister only got Horizon, because she can't afford a Switch right now. I don't think that makes her narrow minded.

Corpser2622d ago

Nobody is calling HorizonzD best game ever in reviews tho

mastiffchild2622d ago

Well, BotW has a HUGE advantage with critics because ninety nine per cent of them will, like ninety nine per cent of us, love the series, have history with the series and trust the series. If BotW was a new IP then the metacritic would probably be a bit closer. It's not bias, just being human.

In the end though, if you have the platforms to play both it's a no brainer-you play both AMAZING games. If you only have a Wii U or Switch you'll play Zelda, PS 4 owners will play HZD. Both sets will be happy and the lucky ones playing both will be spoiled.

Nearly finished HZD and been a bit shocked by it's quality and only played a couple hours BotW on Wii U but it's another great game. I wouldn't want to pick a better game out of the two as it would change with my mood. There's very little quality difference between the two experiences imho and gamers are the winners here.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2622d ago
Bronxs152623d ago

Depends if you want full RPG game then horizon. If you like mobile/ portable games Zelda is better.

pcz2622d ago (Edited 2622d ago )

Horizon dawn is merely a game of the moment. Breath of the wild is game of the decade.

Only a damn fool (or ps4 fan) would choose the former over the latter.

Horizon dawn is one of those games like Infamous, which is impressive on release but as time goes by will become a generic open world game.

Breath of the wild is sublime, a historic moment in gaming that has already joined the gaming hall of fame as a title that redefined gaming and set a new standard by which all future games will be measured by

xX-oldboy-Xx2622d ago

So you haven't played Horizon? Because the description you gave clearly doesn't apply to it.

I won't pass judgement on Zelda because I haven't played it. Does it look good, absolutely - will I buy a system for it, no.

Horizen is really a brilliant game in all regards, if you get a chance - give it a crack, you might enjoy it.

AnotherGameNerd52621d ago (Edited 2621d ago )

I Agree I put over 30hours in Horizon zero dawn so far and I'm getting pretty bored with it. I need something more than just taking down the same goddamn enemies, it wouldn't be so bad if the normal enemies you fight are your games bosses, like wtf? Only took me a day to scan all known enemies in horizon... So xX-oldboy-Xx people actually play the game and feel the same way. I'm still playing it today and get pissed when I don't quicksave at a damn campfire, and I die by something like a red watcher while fighting a Thunderjaw, and lose about 30mins worth of progress. How amazing is horizon zero dawn's save system?

Dark_Knightmare22624d ago

Come on the games aren't even remotely the same so why are you comparing besides for click bait. They are both great games that if you can play both and id you can't play the one that interest you first and the other when you can get the money for

gamerpop2623d ago

They are both critically acclaimed open world games that came out a few days apart. Not everyone has the time or the money to play both. I'd say the comparison is pretty valid.

NotoriousWhiz2623d ago

As soon as I saw this article title, in my head I heard Shao Kahn: "Round 1. Fight!"

Gameseeker_Frampt2624d ago

I'm playing the one with the bow and arrow.

generic-user-name2623d ago

Well I'm gonna play the one that has the open world that appears to be set in the distant past but also has futuristic undertones.

CobraKai2623d ago

I'm playing the one, what with the characters.

Gaming_Cousin2623d ago

Im playing the one that has a person in it

Gaming_Cousin2623d ago (Edited 2623d ago )

And land

sinspirit2623d ago (Edited 2623d ago )

What if Aloy was a girl

Bad joke?

Segata2623d ago

I am playing the one you use buttons to control the game.

Show all comments (410)

Sony Has Added More Titles To The List of Games Leaving PS Plus In May 2024

Sony Interactive Entertainment has added a few more titles to the list of games that will be leaving PS Plus in May, 2024.

Read Full Story >>
darthv723d ago

curious... if a game leaves PS+, does it make it unplayable if you have already claimed it before it leaves? I know on the XB side, games leaving Gamepass are no longer playable. You need to pay for them to be able to continue playing after you installed them from GP.

CrimsonWing693d ago

The 3 monthly “free” games you keep as long as you have PS+ subscription. The PS+ library is like Netflix. They rotate stuff out and replace them with other titles.

MrNinosan3d ago

Yes, PS+ Extra/Premium games are unplayable after the leave the service, just like GamePass and Netflix.
PS+ Essentials games are available as long as you have an active PS+ account.

Profchaos2d ago

Monthly games, special promos like the free games during COVID or PS plus bundle on ps5 are forever yours. Premium and above are time limited

If you claim a game on the premium tier (not yours to keep) and it comes out as a monthly games later e.g. fallout 76 it appears you do not retain ownership on that one.

Notsofast2d ago

The 3-4 monthly games that are free that are part of every service are yours forever I canceled my service over a year and you never lose access. I dont know what these other comments are talking about maybe they are in a different country but in the USA I could play any game I claimed of the free monthly games

MrNinosan2d ago

Then one of the accounts on your PS5 probably has a PS+ Essential subscription.
Because the 3-4 PS+ games you get every month, is not available to be played if you don't have an active sunscription.
It's the same in US, Europe, Japan and everywhere else.

Petebloodyonion2d ago

Essential stays in your library
Extra and premium become locked when titles leave the service.

It's actually one of my gripes with Extra, you can't remove the title from your own library, so basically it countss as one your title but it's locked so you own library become a cluster F... unless you filter your titles.

MrNinosan2d ago

Well you can just chose to hide them.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
-Foxtrot3d ago

Wonder if Horizon ZD leaving gives credit to those remake rumours

Sigh. If true…another remake that’s not Bloodborne.

SimpleDad3d ago

Probably yes cause of a remake.

Skuletor3d ago

I still remember them giving that one away for free, regardless of if you were subscribed to Plus or not

ApocalypseShadow3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

They did. It was during the pandemic and the "play at home" initiative.

Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition. Sony gave away a lot of games just to push gamers to stay home and not get infected by COVID.

Eonjay3d ago

I think you're right.
There is a separate Bloodborne rumor by the remake is allegedly scheduled for next gen.

Kingrizzy903d ago

Yes cause of the remake good thing I got the plat
And is bloodborn really that good? I never played it due to being Incarcerated 8½ years but I read the comics. It's pretty dark

Profchaos2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Highly likely I also bet the remaster will be over priced and under whelming.

I'd also bet most people will simply stick with the PS4 pro and ps5 60fps patch over paying to upgrade when it offers the bare minimum.

I hope Sony has learnt from the last of us 2 and stop remastering games that just came out they have nearly 30 years of content to work with but always remaster games that are like 5 years old and don't need it. I assume this was In development alongside tlou2 so fingers crossed this is the last time we get this because what's next god of war on PS4 to ps5 for 70 dollars probably anything outside of bloodborne

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
Friendlygamer3d ago

Glad I played sundered and the messenger, both great 2d games

gold_drake3d ago

ahh the messenger is such a good game.

u should play sea of starts. same people, its a sort of prequel to the messenger tok

Friendlygamer2d ago

Oh I will definitely play it eventually, chained echoes too

Jingsing2d ago

Can N4G adopt a policy of games leaving subscription services as not being a new story, it is just spam at this point.

Petebloodyonion2d ago

Is it me or have there been a lot of great games leaving the extra tier but barely anything in terms of wow factor joining the service in return?
When was the last time that Sony added a PlayStation studio game?
Now I don't expect Sony to have day 1 like Gamepass but I would expect to at least care to make the offering interesting especially when they raised the price by 30% last year.

MrNinosan2d ago

PS Studio Games:
May - Destiny 2: Lightfall
April - MediEvil, Jak&Daxter: The Lost Frontier,
March - CoolBoarders

What Playstation Studio games is it you're missing?

Petebloodyonion2d ago

let me check my comment again
" Is it me or have there been a lot of great games leaving the extra tier but barely anything in terms of wow factor joining the service in return? "
Yeah pretty sure I mentioned the EXTRA tier and not the PREMIUM tier
but glad that you consider a DLC to a free-to-play game a great offering

MrNinosan2d ago

I repeat my question, what PS Studio games is it you're missing?

And regarding the first part of your comment, lots of great games leaving and nothing added?

What great games iyo has left the service?
For me, "wow-factor games added would be".
Dave the Diver, Tales of Kenzera, Raji, Miasma, The Outer Worlds, Resident Evil 3, Ace Attorney, Rainbow Six Siege, AC: Valhalla, Far Cry 6, Watch Dogs Legion, Both Southpark jrpgs, Fenyx Rising, Tales of Arise, Session, Lego Worlds, Vampire the Masquerade Swansong, Legends of Mana....

And many more.

Compared to what has been removed, the adds are better than the 'offs'.


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the anti-Breath of the Wild

Polygon: "To get back to the way Ocarina made us feel, it was necessary to reject almost everything about it."

LG_Fox_Brazil139d ago

Ocarina of Time changed my life forever, such a masterpiece

Zeldafan64138d ago

Hard to believe it's 25 years old already.

Cacabunga138d ago

The feeling this game gave me the first time i had my hands on it is indescribable.. i still get the chill from that day..
botw is like a spin off of the series.. it’s fun but with many flaws and the most important which is Zelda formula isn’t there..

FinalFantasyFanatic137d ago

I can't even remember how many times I played through OoT, I finished that game, and collected everything so many times.

Vits138d ago

I generally agree with the author here. However, if I had to point out a single game as the 'anti-Breath of the Wild,' that would be Majora's Mask. Pretty much everything in that game is interconnected, relies on something that the player must have done previously, is timed, and can be considered a puzzle in itself.

gold_drake138d ago

but still considered the best of the seties.

i would have liked botw to be more like ocarina.

franwex138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

25 years from today whatever Zelda is out people would too be looking fondly at Breath of the Wild.

Ah the more simple times of the 2020s.

babadivad138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

It isn't...


DF Weekly: Do we actually need The Last of Us Part 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn remasters?

With the details we now have in terms of features and pricing, I don't think there are any significant concerns remaining - just that perhaps that the term 'remastered' in the title is a little misplaced. Essentially, what we're dealing with here is broadly equivalent to a release along the lines of Death Stranding: Director's Cut. It's the original game with a dash of extra content and additional visual modes that tap into the power of PlayStation 5.

Read Full Story >>
-Foxtrot161d ago

Bloodborne, Infamous, Killzone, Resistance, Puppeteer, Jak and Daxter etc are all better choices

Even a full on remake of Drakes Fortune I’d take

PrinceOfAnger161d ago

killzone 2/3 definitely a better choice, i have recently finished the games on pc and thought about that, a full remake like demon souls is even better

darthv72161d ago

2&3 are still fine... I'd take the first one as a full remake before the others. They could flesh out more of the backstory that the sequels touch on. Even go deeper into the lore of Helgan.

specialguest161d ago

KZ 2/3 would be amazing. KZ 2 was a graphical masterpiece back then. With today's modern tech, all of those tricks Guerilla Games did to create the effects like the lighting, storm effects, etc, they could now be done in real-time and more realistic

Cacabunga160d ago

Killzone 2-3
Golden Abyss remake
Infamous 2

RaidenBlack161d ago

Uncharted 1 still got a decent remaster for 8th gen ... a remake is not that much of a requirement ...
instead remake candidates should be from 5th or 6th gen
and as for proper remasters (not just lazy res upscale): Killzone 2 & 3 obviously and also Resistance/inFamous (as well as MGS4 :P)

-Foxtrot161d ago

My point with the list is that I’d rather see those titles than what we are getting…titles which are only 3-5 years old and still hold up today

CrashMania161d ago

Sony own the Demons Souls and Bloodborne IP, I wish they'd do something with Bloodborne at the very least.

vfl523161d ago

The way you worded that makes me think you don't realize they already remade demon souls

161d ago
GamingSinceForever161d ago

Not one of those will sell more copies than TLOU2 Remaster. The sooner we realize that these gaming sites and their followers are less than 1% of the buying public the better off we’ll be.

Sure we prefer newer titles but this is business and a business is what Sony is running.

JackBNimble160d ago

Don't you think they could be doing something better with their time and money, like maybe making something new? Or have they become lazy and just reliving the past with the same old games over and over.

Gez ... do something fresh and new already .

notachance161d ago

I'd rather for them to go Square Enix route and remake/remaster their PS1 libraries instead of these unnecessary remaster

come on, legend of dragoon..

Gamingsince1981161d ago

What's with the "need" anyway ? This is video games, no one needs them at all, we need water , we need air, we don't need games.

Barlos160d ago

I would love a remake/remaster of KZ1. For its time it really pushed the PS2 hard and because of that it had a few issues. This is begging to be given the Bluepoint touch and brought up to date. I'd love to see an updated Killzone trilogy collection for sure.

Yi-Long160d ago

Sony killed the game and the studio behind it, but a Remaster of the excellent Driveclub would absolutely be my favorite release if it happened. Just a delicious racing game.

FinalFantasyFanatic160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

So many better choices, I can't fathom why reasonably recent games are getting picked over Classics that are more deserving.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 160d ago
Battlestar23161d ago

Well I want a Horizon Zero Dawn remaster especially if it's an upgrade to Forbidden West Graphics and Animation.

161d ago Replies(2)
Duke19161d ago

Nope. But HD remasters are an easy cash grab that the masses shovel cash for because while they complain about remakes, they still buy them


Not if they release on a platform that never received the original in the first place like PC.

46player160d ago

No complaint here, I want the updated graphics.

Ra3030161d ago

My thoughts on this is do we need Richard Leadbetter's or Digital Foundry's opinion on anything........ever? I know I don't they do nothing for me and never have.

specialguest161d ago

You may not, but tons of people do since the video has 4,700 Likes to 112 Dislikes

Chocoburger161d ago

That guy is a buffoon, DF Direct is the best gaming podcast around. I look forward to it every week.

BehindTheRows160d ago

By that same token, some may not NEED remasters, while others may/do.

Amplitude161d ago (Edited 161d ago )

DF videos are typically absolutely amazing game reviews first and foremost. They have great intros, explain the mechanics well, tell you if they enjoyed it or not (I usually vibe well with John's games personally), and then they have the best tech breakdowns of a game's performance which is very very important to me. I want to know what settings to run at on PC, and on PS5 I wanna know if the 60fps mode runs well or not because if it doesn't... well I'll just get it on PC (If it isn't completely broken there too). DF Retro is also always unbelievably interesting and super well edited and inspired my YouTube channel which just crossed 1200 subs (wooo!). They helped me a lot with understanding game development and got me interested in goofing around with game engines and PC building in general back in the day.

I don't mean any offence by this but you sound like somebody who skims their analysis videos, selectively scrolls to the stats, says "who cares?", and then closes it. Or possibly somebody who watches (stolen) cut clips on TikTok? Even if you are somehow unaffected by blurry images and fluctuating frame rates (some people are and I envy you) I recommend watching a full DF episode one day. They're extremely interesting and I watch literally all of them even if I have no interest in the game.

VonAlbrecht161d ago

"I personally don't enjoy this extremely well-presented and highly informative content so it shouldn't exist."

-Ra3030, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

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