
Borderlands 3 screenshots from tech demo show location and characters

From PlayStation Universe: "Borderlands 3 screenshots may have leaked. Reportedly from a tech demo, these screens show some of the characters and location."

Fishy Fingers2659d ago

That's the desert for you.

Plenty of variety/colour in the previous games. I doubt these few screens are indicative of the entire game.

2659d ago
InTheZoneAC2659d ago

is this dude serious? My God!!!!......

Lightning Mr Bubbles2659d ago

Borderlands 3!! Heck yeah. I've been waiting for a next gen Borderlands.

sdcard4gb2659d ago

Does not matter. Borderlands is just a self-concious grind-fest that doesn't take itself seriously... I had enough games like these to serve a lifetime, would much more enjoy something dark, gritty and ultimately tragic. These kinds of games actually leave a mark.

Princess_Pilfer2659d ago

So go play one of them instead of asking for it in a duscussion about a game that is most definitely not about what you're asking for.

sdcard4gb2659d ago

I am not asking, I am pointing out.

vickers5002659d ago

Borderlands 2 was a masterpiece. I can get any complaint you might have if you've only played the pre-sequel, but if you hated BL2, you just have bad taste, plain and simple.

BL2 had a pretty good balance of serious and comedy. When Jack killed bloodwing and Roland, that got me more emotional than when Nathan Drakes relationship was on the rocks or when any of the good guys in infinite warfare died, or any cod for that matter (finished IW about 20 minutes ago), or either of the 2 newer ACs (unity and syndicate, also recently finished).

But you're one of those people who have BL in their had as a blank slate wish fufillment franchise, a franchise that if they had done it the way they initially shown it, would have supposedly filled all your desires and wildest fantasies about what gaming could be, it's safe to trash on what bl is now because you let your imagination run wild on what it would've been had they went with the generic art style. Except had they stayed with what that trailer showed, it would probably have ended up as an unsuccessful franchise with a generic gritty story that nobody would have given a shit about.

Borderlands 2 left a huge mark, bl1 to a lesser extent left a pretty big dent as well.

If you're STILL complaining/angry about BL1 going a different direction this far into the franchises lifetime, then you got some shit to work out, and need to let it the hell go. I mean damn, it's been long enough.

And it's not even like you lost anything. The franchise never even existed the way it does in your head.

If you want a generic gritty bullshit story, there are FAR more of them out there than there are "not-so-serious-story&quo t; games.

IceKoldKilla2659d ago

Everyone is titled to their opinion. He wasn't rude. He simply had a comment about a game. He voiced his opinion and you got upset enough to tell him to leave. *smh*

vickers5002658d ago

Actually he was being fairly rude. Saying the game "divolved in bullshit" isn't a very respectful way to criticize something.

He pointed out his opinion, and I pointed out how maybe his beef with the franchise isn't necessary with the franchise itself, but more of a personal problem, with unrealistic expectations.

I didn't tell him to leave, I just told him to get over it, because it's very clear from his comments that he's still pissed off, despite being I don't even know how many years, with the franchises tone set. That's a long time to hold a grudge over something so miniscule.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2658d ago
Mutant-Spud2659d ago

Gods save us from people who play games to "experience" something.

sdcard4gb2659d ago

What is the point of playing anything BUT for an experience ?

EmperorDalek2659d ago

So you want a dark game, go into an article about a game that was never going to be dark... and complain that it isn't dark? There's plenty of dark games out there.

sdcard4gb2659d ago

Why not ? Borderlands almost felt like something dark back when it started, and then it divolved into bullshit by the second game completely.

dumahim2659d ago


Yeah, Borderlands was SO dark at the beginning with Markus telling a story with an over the top accent and laughing, then the bus ramming a skag and seeing it stuck to the bumper as the bus goes along all while Cage the Elephant is playing. Then you start out with Claptrap as your tutorial? Yeah. Felt so dark.

The reason Borderlands became the success that it is, is because everything else was so dour and realistic. The development started out that way, but they knew they had to do something to stand apart from the rest.
Does that really look even slightly interesting?

EmperorDalek2659d ago

Not every game has to be dark, and Borderlands 1 most certainly wasn't. BL2 has the same tone as BL1, it's just they got better at making the characters, dialogue and story more present.

Are you struggling to find something with a serious story/world? I hear Torment: Tides of Numenera has a good world. Deus Ex: Human revolution was excellent, as was Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (If you have a last gen console.) Resident Evil VII has a great dark setting. Some of the Telltale games are excellent. Dark Souls 1,2 and 3 have excellent lore. Inside & Limbo are all about their dark experiences. Dishonored 1&2 as well.

I could go on. But the point is that there are plenty of games with darker stories, and Borderlands doesn't have to follow suit.

Princess_Pilfer2659d ago

Borderlands was never dark. Ever. Did you actually read any of the text boxes? I did. At most, they were grounded. Most of the time they were references, black humor, or slapstick humor. It was never anything even resembling "dark, gritty and ultimately tragic." Dark games do not introduce all the major characters and bosses with brightly colored title cards, complete with an exaggerated pose, joke, and theme music. That was never the point, it was *always* about bullshit, they just got better at presenting it.

gums0072659d ago

sdcard4gb, do you like to harm and torture small animals too?

silvacrest2659d ago

Your pointing out your opinion which no one asked for and going by the disagrees, hardly anyone agrees with either.

My opinion is from someone who put 500 hours into boarderlands 2, with the excellent DLCs it had that much content to keep me coming back, it was not grindy at all, you can complete the game with just gear that drops normally, no need to grind, i have no idea where you got that from,

The game is more of a light heartd adventure with serious tones at points

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2658d ago
ifrit_caress2659d ago

I'm already expecting a terrible season pass, just like the Pre-sequel.

dumahim2659d ago

To be honest, I haven't really enjoyed many of the Borderlands DLC packs. Zombie Island of Dr Ned and The Secret Armory of General Knoxx were my favorites. Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep was pretty good, but I felt a bit let down because the cap had not been raised, so I played through so much new content and not gaining anything.

RedPill862659d ago

Character*. Not multiple. No plausible evidence it's even a character we play. Man. Word it however they can to get hits.

Fishy Fingers2659d ago (Edited 2659d ago )

The orb and robot are also characters. Even the human, be that NPC or player controlled is a character.

I don't see what you're complaining about? The headline represents what's in the article as far as I'm concerned. To the point it's one of the few on N4G that does.

RedPill862659d ago

CHARACTERS. Multiple. There's one.


Misleading and boring. We got a character MODEL. And brown. It's a headline meant to sound like they got something good and there's nothing.

Fishy Fingers2659d ago (Edited 2659d ago )

Shall we count them together? Ready, orb, robot and human. That adds up to three characters fella.

The headline denotes exactly what's in the article. You seem to be upset by the content/colour palette of the screens, that's not the fault of the author or the headline.

Again, no reason to complain. What were you expecting from a few leaked screens? A playthrough video? :/

dumahim2659d ago

Calling an orb a character is a bit of a stretch. And what robot?

Thunder_G0d_Bane2659d ago

Two words you never want to see. 'Tech' 'Demo' - Just wait for actual gameplay...

KwietStorm_BLM2659d ago

What makes you say that? I'm always interested in tech demos.

Thunder_G0d_Bane2659d ago

Cause tech demos rarely ever come to fruition. for example the original showing of Watch Dogs at E3, The original footage of Killzone 2 (even tho the final product was a good game).... When the games came out they looked nothing like the Tech demos that were shown.

Omnisonne2659d ago

Tech Demos aren't always about a single game. It's a good way to see where the industry is going regarding tech and what can be expected of future titles using such tech.

They said it's being used for BL3, but to what extent is uknown.
Killzone 2 was a cinematic demo I believe, not rendered real-time (as proven by their struggle to achieve such visuals in the actual game)

madforaday2659d ago

Did you see a side by side comparison from that E3 trailer to the actual game?The actual game actually looks better because they added visual effects and made the mood of the scene much better. The E3 trailer actually looks dull and bland but of course in 2005 that was a big thing. I always thought what you thought too. I just watched it again and I think you need to re watch that because Killzone 2 the actual game looks much better than that. When I say looks I am talking about the atmosphere, the grittiness, the feel and the vibe. That E3 trailer was lifeless, but man 2005 lol

KwietStorm_BLM2659d ago (Edited 2659d ago )

The initial showing if Watch Dogs and Killzone were not tech demos. Which demo of Killzone are you actually talking about? That target render trailer? Because that was just a trailer. Ubisoft is known to BS with their reveals anyway, and Watch Dogs was a big culprit of that. But what a tech demo usually is is a proof of concept of an engine, not a game, so it's not about coming to fruition.

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fsfsxii286d ago

borderline unplayable lmao

InUrFoxHole285d ago

Really like the series but each one seems more of the same to me. Needs a mix up. Tiny Tina was ok at 1st but overall meh.

gold_drake285d ago

you can only make a 1st person looter shooter so much different.

fans dont play it for the ganeplay but more for the story i would assume.

i know i did. and cause i liked the characters

InUrFoxHole285d ago

Idk but they're solid overall

FalcorMononoke286d ago

The first 3 games were great on the Switch so I'm sure this one will be good.

Profchaos286d ago

Hate to say it but this was a bad game I don't see the merit in porting it unlike the first 2