
Nintendo Switch Is The Fully-fledged Handheld That Gamers Have Been Asking For

Shannon from Press Start details why he thinks that the Nintendo Switch is the handheld that gamers have been asking for.

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Thatguy-3102639d ago

So gamers have been asking for it now????

darthv722639d ago

Honestly... I have been asking for something like this since the PSP Go. I liked how you could pop that sucker on a dock and pick up a regular controller to play on the TV. And when Sony revealed the Vita i figured it would carry on that tradition that the PSP 2k, 3k and Go had of serving both types of players. Portable as well as stationary. Alas... it did not support hooking up to a TV.

Since then I kept thinking that Sony would be the ones to make a hybrid system and yet it is Nintendo that did it. Now, if sony were to make something similar it would be them following instead of leading. Go figure. Guess they will wait to see how the switch is received before they commit to such a design.

A PS5 would seem likely. All that power in the palm of your hand or docked to a TV. Improvements in battery technology and more efficient chip designs coupled with not having to use physical media (or using improved Vita type media) could give the switch a real run for it's money.

_-EDMIX-_2639d ago


Where are the "it's not a handheld" conspiracy theorist?

I believe with Nintendo's majority install base being there portable devices they were correct to create a handheld that could play on the television.

The biggest problem is Nintendo doesn't even make great use of dedicated console Hardware anyway to even justify creating a dedicated Home console in the first place.

The Wii was only a little bit more stronger than the GameCube

the Wii U was only slightly stronger than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 do you not see the problem here?

So why keep making weak Hardware question mark when it it just make more sense to make that same Hardware on a portable since it's technically feasible and simply allow users to have the choice between both Concepts?

Let's be honest from the Wii to Playstation 3 consumers clearly did not care of the better performance offered on the other platform

so technically speaking why would those same consumers care if this portable was weaker than PlayStation 4 or Xbox One? Did they care that the Wii was weaker than PlayStation 3? So doesn't this actually bring into question why should this company ever create dedicated home console Hardware in the first place?

The concept of their games does not lend well to dedicated Hardware because they don't even use it in the first place so it actually makes tremendous amount of sense for them to exit the Home console Market in to focus on simply being a portable device.

Nintendo Gamers need to understand you guys were playing on weaker Hardware before anyway so why is really any different? At least we're talking about one install base and not the fragmentation of two I personally don't want Nintendo wasting time with another portable device or even another dedicated console they need to officially come out and publicly tell consumers that this is the only device they're going to be working on in the foreseeable future I don't see the point of fragmenting the market when they've already created a device with two options in the first place

Imalwaysright2639d ago (Edited 2639d ago )

@ eddie boy

Right here. The Switch isn't just a handheld. Not when you can connect it to a TV just like any other home console before it and you can play home console quality console games on it such as Breath of the Wild. The Switch is more than just being an handheld or more than just being a home console. It's a hybrid that has the same functionality as an handheld and the same functionality of a home console.

It's no different than a Porsche 918 that has 2 electrical engines and a petrol engine. The 918 isn't just an electrical car or a combustion engine car. It's both, its a hybrid.


I don't care if its what other gamers wanted or not. I just want to experience Nintendo 1st party games regardless of the hardware. I learned a long time ago that what makes games great is the passion and creativity of the devs and how they execute their vision, not how powerful or weak a console is. From what I've been hearing, Breath of the Wild is just the latest reminder of what I learned a long time ago.

_-EDMIX-_2639d ago

@ima- "Right here. The Switch isn't just a handheld. Not when you can connect it to a TV"

You could also connect the PSP to a television as well as the PSP Go as well as telephones and numerous other portable devices how does that negate their portability? At the end of the day this is a handheld regardless of what it could do after the fact.

I'm not even entirely sure what you're trying to say simply because being a portable as nothing to do with the other features that you just brought up it's simply just has to do with its portability in the use of the device itself.

Is my laptop no longer a laptop and no longer portable simply because I could connect it to a television? What does that actually have to do with its portability?

Where did you hear that calling it a handheld meant that it couldn't do those other features? Never once that I state that I'm simply stating that indeed the device is a handheld.

Being able to run on a television doesn't suddenly make something no longer a handheld because that doesn't really make any sense.

So yes the Switch is a handheld that could play off of the television....

Where in my comment did you hear me say it could not do that?

I have no clue what you're talking about in regards to functionality because technically speaking all of Nintendo's previous portable devices have the functionality of clearly playing games when did that actually mean they were not portable?

How is this not a portable device?

The quality of the titles have nothing to do with the device not being portable.

When the remake of length of a pass released on the Gameboy Advance are you telling me that was not home so quality in regards to what the Super Nintendo was? When Mario 64 released on the DS was that not console quality from the N64? How is this any different?

You could play Metal Gear Solid 1 on the PSP so how does that have anything to do with it no longer being a portable because of that?

Do you actually fully understand the definition of what portable actually means?

Imalwaysright2639d ago (Edited 2639d ago )

"You could also connect the PSP to a television as well as the PSP Go"

And where were the games with the budgets that home console titles require such as breath of the Wild for the PSP? Where was Sony saying that they had a home console business model for it like Nintendo said they had for the Switch? http://wwg.com/2016/10/20/n...
Why did Nintendo kill their home console right before the Switch and not the 3ds?

"How is this not a portable device?"

I NEVER said it wasn't.

"technically speaking all of Nintendo's previous portable devices have the functionality of clearly playing games when did that actually mean they were not portable?"

Again I never said that it isn't portable but can I play home console quality games while sitting on my sofa using my TV and a dedicated controller just like I've always done with every home console since I started gaming in the SNES/Megadrive era with the 3ds? Aren't these things home console territory? Doesn't the Switch being portable AND being able to do these things make it more than just being an handheld or a home console?

"When the remake of length of a pass released on the Gameboy Advance are you telling me that was not home so quality in regards to what the Super Nintendo was? When Mario 64 released on the DS was that not console quality from the N64? How is this any different?"

Show me a game of Mario 64 caliber and budget running on the gameboy or any other handheld in 1996.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2639d ago
2639d ago Replies(9)
gangsta_red2639d ago

The idea of a full fledged console on the go has been talked about and wanted by many gamers for a long time now.

It's why a lot of people were excited about the Vita, because it was a dedicated handheld that was powerful enough to play console like games.

gamer78042639d ago

So basically what nec did with the turbo grafx 16 and turbo express. That was fun.

gangsta_red2639d ago

"So basically what nec did with the turbo grafx 16 and turbo express."

Indeed...but only better.
The Turbo Express was ahead of it's time for sure. I remember having only one friend who actually owned a Turbo Grafx 16.

rainslacker2639d ago (Edited 2639d ago )

True, but not one that was a generation behind power wise. The idea of a full game console on the go has always been about getting close, or matching current gen tech. Switch doesn't really do that. It certainly is a substantial handheld, with loads of features, and can serve as a home console as well, but not exactly what people have been asking for. Probably the closest Nintendo has ever gotten to meeting the requests though, and doubling as a home console, does mean it will at least fulfill the requirement of playing the same home console games.


TGE was indeed exactly what people mean when they ask for a full fledged handheld. Current gen specs on the go. TG16 matched it's competition for the most part power wise. Sacrifices weren't made in power, and it played 100% of the games available for the home console counter part.

Switch itself has advantages over it, but it's not like you'll be playing the best or even second best versions of any multi-plat game on the system. If the console can't keep up power wise, then one would be lucky to even play quite a few of those games on the go. That leaves the Switch as a system which gets dumbed down ports, and the occassional exclusive which takes advantage of the system.

rainslacker2639d ago

Guess the Vita was ahead of it's time then. Either that or no one was asking for it back then.

That being said, not sure what a fully fledged handheld actually is.

Scatpants2639d ago

I have been, but I'm a big fan of handhelds.

Knushwood Butt2639d ago

I have a Vita and Vita TV / PS TV.

Pretty much the same thing.

2638d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2638d ago
skydragoonityx2639d ago

A handheld that only lasts 2 hours is not what i asked for

Thunder_G0d_Bane2639d ago

Well you can have your 5-6 hours of handheld games then and not full home console games. Enjoy your Vita/3DS :)

0Day2639d ago

Enjoy missing out because your a pleb

patchzon2639d ago

Then what about using ps4 remote play to play ps4 quality games on your ps vita?! That feature alone makes the underpowered switch outdated before its even released to the general public,and it was implemented almost 4 years ago!

Vegamyster2639d ago


Remote play only works well if you have a great connection on both ends, that's not the same as being able to play games anywhere you want without a connection & zero input lag or having to use 3rd party enactments for R2/L2/R3/L3.

demonicale2639d ago

You'd rather have a less powerful handheld that lasts longer?.

EddieNX 2639d ago

You might wanna read the article that proves it lasts longer than iPad, Vita, 3ds etc hater....

rainslacker2639d ago

I can game for about 5-6 hours on my Vita. Even for demanding games.

conanlifts2638d ago

@rainslacker there is a bit of a power difference between this and the vita though. Switch in portable mode is roughly 10× the power of the vita.

The 10th Rider2639d ago

People keep saying this, but no one can bring up an example of a similar device that runs similar games and has significantly better battery life. My 2016 laptop with an upgraded battery only gets about two hours under heavy load.

jaymacx2639d ago

Battery life is a weak argument... why because you have options.. its also a weak argument because i haven't seen a tablet play demanding games and last more than 3 hrs.

conanlifts2639d ago (Edited 2639d ago )

Plus for me I will simply use an external battery bank with 20,000mah capacity to increase the playing time 4 fold.

2639d ago
conanlifts2639d ago

Zelda lasts closer to 3 hours. Other games will last far longer.

_-EDMIX-_2639d ago

I believe it's a big issue but I believe it's something that's probably going to be resolved within a couple years as I believe Nintendo with the revision will clearly have a battery that lasts substantially longer

AuraAbjure2638d ago

Just get the portable battery charge kit accessory. If it doesn't exist yet it will, Nintendo knows how to make accessories.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2638d ago
Derceto2639d ago

Will see in about 2 years when it's dropped by every major 3rd party, and on the verge of being discontinued.

jaymacx2639d ago

So if that doesn't happen will you and the others stop all the fuss?

The 10th Rider2639d ago

I'd say that's pretty much guaranteed not to happen because of Japan. If the Switch sells halfway inbetween Japanese 3DS and Wii U sales . . . It's Japanese sales alone would nearly pass the worldwide sales of the Wii U. It's also likely to get strong Japanese third part support, which we're already starting to see.

_-EDMIX-_2639d ago

The thing that's sad about this is the article is a very much correct in stating that this is a handheld but the company itself was not properly marketing it as such by continuously saying Home console I think they confuse consumers and they are people they're probably believe that the only way they could play this is near the device sort of like the Wii U so I believe they need to properly marketed as their next handheld because telling consumers that they're working on a 3DS sequel is not necessarily going to help them in the future.

So if Nintendo is indeed working on a 3DS successor what happens to this device? Of course we all know third-party is not going to stick around but it's even more worrisome the fact that they're even spreading their support to other platforms for god sakes that don't even exist yet.

conanlifts2639d ago (Edited 2639d ago )

Nintendo are in a difficult place if they market it as a handheld. If it flops then they cant just release the extra new 3ds in 2 years. If they did people would be outraged at their latest handheld being anandoned after just 2 years. Also for a new handheld it would seem expensive, despite being good value for money. Plus the 3ds is making them money, they do not want this killing the 3ds.
Of course the irony is that if they put all of their gaming resources exclusively into 1 platform then the appeal and number of games would be huge. It would also guarantee a new true Pokémon on the system.

_-EDMIX-_2638d ago

@sd- I agree with everything that you're saying 100%!!!

My problem I have with Nintendo apparently if they're scared to let go of the 3DS and I believe that lack of confidence is showing up on the consumers how can I support a device from a company that doesn't even feel confident about its future?

When PlayStation 4 released Sony had over 80 million PlayStation 3 in existence it would seem rather strange to tell consumers that they're supporting the PlayStation 4 but they're also not going to abandon the PlayStation 3.

The 3DS Road its course and I think it's amazing that they're supporting it but they need to let consumers know that they have plans in the future to support the switch one hundred percent and that the development of the 3DS current games moving forward are going to be switch titles.

The biggest difference in Sony has enough first parties to where they could support a few systems at a time before facing one out I just feel that Nintendo needs to give the 3DS it's one song input 100% support on the switch because I just don't feel comfortable with a company releasing a platform and then continuing to pledge support for another while even suggesting that they're working on its successor so where does that leave the switch?

The most exciting thing for me about this platform had nothing to do with its concept and everything to do with Nintendo supporting a platform 100% and not fragmenting their install base.

If Nintendo simply came out and said this is their handheld it could also be there console and from this day forward they're only going to support that one platform buddy I would be buying this day one simply because I don't have to sit there worried about what's going to happen to it in two years.

Ironically only by happen chance that I end up purchasing the 3DS over the Wii U if Bravely Default shin Megami tensei 4 in Animal Crossing released on the Wii U I would have actually purchased that platform as opposed to the 3D ask I dodged a major bullet siding with their handheld and I don't want to make that same mistake if they indeed are planning another handheld.

I think if they're planning a 3D successor they're making an absolutely huge mistake I believe they need to support the switch 100% simply because it can be and it is both.

I would even be happy if they just released a Slimmer version of the same handheld without the accessory they need to accept that this is their platform and they need to focus on one market because they have proven in the past that they are unable to.

nitus102638d ago

Look at any of the commercials for the Switch and it appears Nintendo is targeting young adults or older teens, not children. Let's put it this way, would you as a parent trust your child to take the Switch out of the house or even trust the child's friends? Say you as the parent have more than one child do you get each child a Switch?

It may be possible that Nintendo is trying to target the casual gamer with mini games but that demographic has predominately gone to mobiles. Somehow I can't see the mobile casual gamer putting in the time or effort to play a game like "Zelda Breath of the Wild" or "Skyrim" for that matter.

The upwardly fashionable traveler? Let's be honest here how many people even fit in this category and even if you do travel how often do you do this and for what length of time?

IMHO the Switch in the majority of cases will be permanently connected to the TV and rarely undocked.

_-EDMIX-_2638d ago

@nit- y I absolutely disagree with that I actually do not believe that the majority of consumers will be playing this on their TV because the majority of Nintendo fans don't even purchase their consoles, they actually purchase their portable devices.

60 million 3DS sold
14 million Wii U

160 million DS sold
100 million Wii

In fact if we go further you'll realize that the majority of their previous handheld absolutely Eclipse their Home console sales.

I believe a parent would trust their child to use the switch just as much as they would trust them to use the 3DS, I see no reason on why they would trust them any more or any less considering they're both portable devices.

Yes I could definitely see Gamers putting time and stuff like Zelda breath of the wild in Skyrim because are you forgetting that Ocarina of Time released on the 3DS? Are you forgetting that Mario 64 released on the DS? What I don't understand is why are you actually criticizing what Gamers would play portable when there's actually been many console ports on portable that have done great?

Mind you what you're actually saying is more so a stereotype of the consumer of handheld games it actually is not the reality if you consider there have been many games of that nature on portable devices that have done just fine.

You might ask yourself why somebody wouldn't want such a grand experience of a third-person RPG like let's say Monster Hunter on a portable but guess what that's series sells huge Millions

It did not stop titles like God of War Grand Theft Auto Final Fantasy Crisis Core Kingdom Hearts or anything like that of that nature from selling well on PSP it did not stop Resident Evil Revelations from being successful on 3DS so please put that stupid Theory to rest it is actually quite offensive to The Gamers or purchasing this platform to suddenly assumed that they would not play a game based on its Grand scale because I'm pretty positive the games that released on handheld are actually still full-fledged games they're not just games that are all filled as many games or sub games or less of a game or anything like that.

I mean if anything you would have to consider if you had no problem playing Link to the Past on your Super Nintendo why would suddenly Link to the Past remake on Gameboy Advance be a problem for you?

Nintendo's marketing may be targeting young adults but at the end of the day I don't believe they're just outright ignoring their casual install base what I find absolutely hilarious as you're actually neglecting to realize that games like breath of the wild Mario Kart Splatoon already exist on the Wii U so what you're telling me is the content of this is targeting young adults, than what was the Wii U targeting? Are you not forgetting that this is the same damn games that they've been releasing on their other platforms for numerous Generations?

Are you going to say when they release a smaller more form friendly switch? Nintendo has revised almost all of their systems why would they not revise this one to beat smaller for the Youth?

If you think people will not take this with them and use it on the go you might as well use that same excuse towards the 3DS XL because looking at side by sides there actually around the same size.

pcz2638d ago

the specs of the wii compared to ps3 didnt matter to consumers at the time because there was a particular mood at that specific point in time for something different. people didnt care about the wiis lack of power because it offered something new and different.

by the time the wiiu came around, that time had passed, people were fed up with gimmicks and wanted traditional gaming experiences.

the switch has potential to be a success, but for it to reach its full potential nintendo need to be really bold about how they support the system. its my opinion that they need to phase out the DS and make the switch THE primary and sole nintendo gaming platform. they need to unify all the development of games for nintendo by third parties, on switch. so instead of having fragmented handheld/console divisions, just have the one platform- switch.

to me, that is the most exciting thing about switch, having the best of both worlds- handheld and console. but that strength isnt going to reach its potential if the games are still split between systems.

the only question is- do nintendo have the balls to phase out the DS?

_-EDMIX-_2638d ago

@pcz- absolutely agreed I believe Nintendo was missing an absolutely amazing opportunity to Market this as their only platform

I agree with you as the most exciting thing about this platform to me was that all their teams would be working on it to hear them possibly working on another handheld is troublesome because I just do not want to see the repeat like a 3DS vs Wii U.

I honestly believe that the only company that could hurt Nintendo is Nintendo they seem to just make so many obvious mistakes.

When I heard them talking about the possibility of a 3DS successor that was something that was extremely Troublesome and questionable considering how do they expect anyone to fully support this platform ever they themselves are pondering another platform?

It makes me mad because there's so many ways that this platform could have been announced or could have been a stray slam dunk simply based on proper messaging.

I think the only thing that seriously hurt this platform is Nintendo's actions in the next year or so

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2638d ago
Miss_Weeboo2639d ago

I want one. But just with more games

superchiller2639d ago

It might have been a great option for a new handheld, if Nintendo hadn't cut corners on its features, like the small battery that only gives a few hours of play, or the 720p screen which could have easily been 1080p. Seriously, they could have spent a few more bucks to give it a beefier battery for longer play sessions, and a higher resolution screen, but just like the Wii U before, they opted to put the bare minimum into the system to keep their profits as high as possible.

kneon2639d ago

A higher resolution screen would have required a more powerful CPU and GPU, which will consume even more power thus requiring an even bigger battery unless you want even less play time.

EddieNX 2639d ago

Nah with the joycon and HD rumble its worth itrs price. IMO they make the console, best control options ever.

wheresmymonkey2639d ago

Thanks to its modular design its entirely possible that they could bring out a more powerful version that does just that in a couple of years. Likewise they can update the controllers whenever they like as well. More over this bollocks about battery life is just that. I would suggest you find the most graphically intensive game you can find on your mobile and play it constantly until your battery dies. I bet you it wont last for more than 3 hours.

Aquietguy2639d ago

It outputs 1080 docked. To do it undocked would eat up battery that people are also complaining about. From all the claims I have read, that 720 screen looks great. I have seen several instances where the game pad screen look better than what was on the TV because of a smaller screen and it's no where 720. Games like the load up screens for Darksiders 2 and Mass Effects 3.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2639d ago
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Nintendo Switch has been officially released in China

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rlow11628d ago

Hey a portable great firewall for the Chinese gamer........those pesky communist....enjoy your switch comrads.

DafunkyRebel1628d ago

A rip off version will come out called Chin Tien Dou

Ninte1628d ago

I'm curious about the eshop because of China strict Internet policy.

TargusX1628d ago

When is Earth Defence Force 5 coming to Switch and Xbox?

AuraAbjure1628d ago

Great I hope they enjoy Super Mario Bros!


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SheenuTheLegend1925d ago

instead of save, i see spend during the sales.
but great deals overall. bought Spiderman.