
Ghost Recon Wildlands Impressive Visual Effects in 4K

Ubisoft are well versed in open world games what with their recent Watch Dogs 2 residing in San Francisco, the last two Assassin’s Creed games in London and Paris respectively, The Division in a snowy New York City. Far Cry went back in time in Primal and now Ghost Recon Wildlands is the next of their popular franchises to go full-on open world after the story driven Future Soldier (what’s next hobo Sam Fisher in a Splinter Cell open world game?).

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KingKionic 2657d ago

Need volumetric clouds that actually react in sunlight and shift realistically during time changes.

Better DOF.

Need much Higher quality foliage.

Also need better animation when going up and down the hills.

The rock detail needs work.

No horizon zero dawn.

Everything looks so static in comparison O__O

Lamboomington2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

"Need volumetric clouds that actually react in sunlight and shift realistically during time changes. "

Every game needs that, but you can't expect them to have it. Even Horizon Zero Dawn has it relatively low res (Still, absolutely worth it - looks amazing). Also, Ghost Recon Wildlands is Third Party Multiplat open world. They can't achieve what Horizon Zero Dawn does on PS4, but they are still limited by console hardware. They won't be able to do volumetric clouds because consoles will never handle them. They don't have the luxury of spending all their time on one system and optimizing for that. That's the problem with underpowered consoles. You get really great looking exclusives, but meanwhile most multiplat games have disappointing advances in graphics. In this case, they are limited by XBOX which is very underpowered.

"Need much Higher quality foliage."
Looks quite high quality to me. I've haven't seen another game with this much density and draw distance as far as foliage is concerned. Witcher 3 doesn't come close to this.

"Also need better animation when going up and down the hills. "
Sure, animation in general is stiff. Horizon's is leagues beyond it.

"The rock detail needs work. "
I agree, but the textures are quite high quality. They do, however, have insane detail on the terrain itself. Tons of tiny rocks and bumps, as well as tesselation and very high res textures.

"Everything looks so static in comparison O__O"
Sure, it definitely isn't as animated and fluid as H:ZD

It still looks absolutely gorgeous though. I've never seen landscapes like that in a game, with that kind of detail. Horizon looks amazing but it is completely different to this in every way. Also, it doesn't deal with such a massive environment. GR:W landscapes and environment actually feel like real landscapes and I really love that.

KingKionic 2656d ago

You basically just agreed with me on everything.

Anyway the game also has some very flat terrain textures even in 4K.


Poor on ubisofts part.

They need to do better. The resolution bump aint cutting it on the PC side.

joab7772656d ago

Foliage is not high quality. Unless there's some setting I am missing. And Horizon spent a lot of time in their cloud system. Though to be fair, comparing games to Horizon that release at the same time is a bit unfair.

In a way, if Ubi is gonna crank out 1 huge open world co-op game a year, maybe they can bring in a guy from Guerilla to teach them some tricks lol!

UnHoly_One2656d ago

I'm glad I enjoy games without noticing or thinking of all the things you guys are talking about.

Never once am I playing a game and thinking about another game because it's rocks have more detail. lol wow.

The game looks amazing, and it will be super fun to play. The End.

KingKionic 2656d ago

This is on line with a tech video showing the graphics.

My comment has nothing to do with enjoying a game.

Stating facts not feelings.

starchild2656d ago

You're not stating facts, you're stating opinions.

I think Horizon Zero Dawn looks extremely good, but you're not giving Ghost Recon Wildlands enough credit, imo.

joab7772656d ago

You are right! I have the Pro and 4k and didn't find any settings. Maybe it's automatic but I found this game to be average for an open world. Yeah, the vistas are beautiful but anything up close is blah!

And it feels very rigid. I didn't play The Division so maybe it's similar, but it is noticeable. Just didn't grab me. Maybe Nioh, Horizon, Zelda and P5 have my bar too high!

XStation4pio_Pro2656d ago

Wow. Fantastic lighting. Would love to see this on Pro and Scorpio.

2656d ago
ps5fanboy2656d ago

Looks almost as nice as horizon .

ps5fanboy2656d ago

I was being nice lol....

starchild2656d ago

Not even close? Get real.

KingKionic 2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

Not even close. No 4k resolution can save a engine which is missing TONS of detail in the world next to horizon.

Just watching both videos side by side its truly embarrassing on ubisoft.

Just look at the canyons in horizon zero dawn and compare it to wildlands.

Its a night and day difference and this game is running on ultra settigns O__O

The Foilage in horizon zero dawn is like some photo realism shots.

TONS of up close detail with high resolution.

the skyboxes are too realistic in horizon it makes it look like its 2d vs 3d animations.

The lighting in horizon is way better then wildlands. The global illumination in horizon vs wildlands is just crazy how big of a difference it is.

Watching this on a 4K monitor was truly mindblowing to me.

starchild2654d ago

Horizon doesn't have global illumination. Watch Digital Foundry's tech analysis.

Corvusplaysgames2340d ago

On PC at max settings, I'd go as far as to say that Wildlands looks better than Horizon. The volumetric lighting in horizon is ok at best, there is absolutely no global illumination in HZD, which is surprising. The terrain looks extremely mediocre at a distance resulting in the ambient occlusion and texture details from afar looking awful. This is clearly due to the limits that the significantly weaker hardware of a playstation 4 provides. Behind the immense lens flare and massive levels of fog is actually a well refined but not that much of a visually impressive game. The limits that a console provides are also reflected by the overall impression I got from playing the game, that up close the visuals look absolutely stunning, but from a distance, they progressively get worse. They compromised visuals and shadows at a distance for up close textures and graphics, which is not surprising and is in fact something that a lot of console ports and exclusives do nowadays. Geurilla Games were not pressured to making objects and shadows and textures from a far look that good because there was little demand for it. Most of the game takes place in your line of sight, and close peripheral vision. On the other hand, when developing Wildlands, Ubisoft Paris were pressured to rendering far objects at high resolution and high fidelity. Whilst horizon players are stressing about much more close range features such as the close quarters combat mechanics, Ghost Recon players are attempting to assault cartel bases from in excess of 750m with a high calibre sniper rifle with an extremely powerful scope, meaning that the textures from a far will have to look very good. As highlighted by the extremely high rendering distance in Wildlands compared to a game like HZD.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2340d ago
BenRC012656d ago

Beta was garbage. Typical ubiverse but done very poorly. 100mph down a Hill backwards on a motorbike straight into a tree, just bounced off. Utter dog poop.


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