
GCHD FaceBreaker Review

FaceBreaker is EA's attempt to revive the arcade-boxing genre, last seen in Midway's Ready 2 Rumble series in the early 2000s. As you might expect, it's full of cartoony, over-the-top characters slugging it out in the square ring. It's been two years since EA's last boxing title, Fight Night Round 3, was released and acclaimed by critics everywhere as one of the deepest, most realistic boxing games ever created, and some are looking to FaceBreaker to carry on that mantle, albeit more flamboyantly. But while FaceBreaker is definitely a flashy, attention-grabbing, decently fun brawler, the gameplay just doesn't have the depth to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Fight Night series.

Right from the get-go, FaceBreaker wants you to know it's "extreme"-even something as simple as scrolling up and down through the different options in the main menu is accompanied by brutal punch sounds and shaking-screen effects. At the character selection screen, you get to choose between a wide variety of Saturday morning cartoon rejects, clichés, and weirdos. Most are pretty unoriginal (the fat role-playing nerd, for instance, or the Spanish ladies man); it feels like somebody was trying too hard to come up with a sufficiently "wacky" cast of fighters. There's also a handful of celebrity (although I use the term loosely) guest characters, so if you've ever wanted to pummel Peter Moore or the cast of The Hills, now's your chance. Of course, if you don't like the characters you've got to choose from, you could always just make your own-you've got a pretty robust set of character creation tools at your disposal. You can upload your mugshot to put yourself in the game, or browse the user-created characters at EA's community site.

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How is Real Steel Still Getting Updates?

The ultimate reason is both shocking and disgusting.

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SilentNegotiator4225d ago

How is anyone still playing to find that out?

GamerCheese4225d ago

Sometimes bad things happen on accident

brish4225d ago

From the article:
"Real Steel is, believe it or not, one of the top 10 best selling games on XBox Live Arcade. Considering the prevalence of the DLC, and the number of people playing, it’s a safe bet that Real Steel has become a surprisingly steady source of income for Yukes."

So a company is continuing to update and support a popular title.

... and the problem is what exactly?

SilentNegotiator4224d ago (Edited 4224d ago )

That mediocre game is in the TOP TEN?!?


GamerCheese4225d ago

In the same way that Harry Potter had 20 games

mayberry4225d ago

My 9 year old LOVES him some REAL STEEL!

palaeomerus4224d ago

I think it was originally developed as smartphone game.

Stuntman, Facebreaker, NFL tour come to Games On Demand

3 new games added to games on demand (albeit average games)
NFL Tour
Check after the break for region specific pricing

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GFB Reviews FaceBreaker for Xbox 360

GFB writes: "Facebreaker could have been a spectacular game. I couldn't help but believe that the developers made a genuine effort to create a fun game worth playing. Unfortunately, bad AI and broken elements create an ugly experience that turns most away within minutes of popping the disc in."

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