
BC Gaming: Quick Yoga Training Review

This latest yoga video game training assistant does not really qualify as a game and furthers mild displeasure with inconvenient navigation and functionality. This companion could use several improvements and might be used initially in more private settings due to the occasionally confusing instruction and required close proximity.

Find a reachable viewing spot even with your eye line, possibly even completing sets by posture (sitting, standing, laying down, etc.) so you can complete several at a time. Once past the considerable learning curve, this title provides a helpful portable yoga companion for players willing to invest the time.

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IGN: Quick Yoga Training Review

The game doesn't do anything it promises to do, especially train you properly, and anyone that could use this program would have no need for it since they already know how to practice yoga.

Presentation - 3.0
Graphics - 7.5
Sound - 2.0
Gameplay - 2.0
Lasting Appeal - 5.0
Overall -