
The Digitization Of Sierra Classics Initiative (TDOSCI)

An excerpt from GameTyrant's article: "The Digitization Of Sierra Classics Initiative (TDOSCI) is a movement aimed at ActiVision Blizzard (who own Sierra and their catalog). Its creator believes that a large portion of Sierra's games aren't available digitally on GOG.com, a digital distribution platform service primarily focused on bringing DRM-free classic and indie games to consumers for affordable prices and are only obtainable for anything up to three-figure amounts via sites such as eBay, something which they believe is too expensive for non-collectors."

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fenome2672d ago

I used to have a box of old Sierra games but I got rid of them when I moved. I wish I would've done some research, I could've made some money.

CTxCB2672d ago

...Or you could have have played them again? The Sierra Games are amazing, but sadly, a lot of them aren't readily available digitally. Personally, I'd like to see EcoQuest, The Adventures of Willy Beamish and Roberta Williams' Mixed-Up Mother Goose / Mixed-Up Fairy Tales on GOG.

fenome2672d ago

Yeah, they are great old games. I just don't game on PC anymore.

BlackIceJoe2672d ago

It is sad how many great Adventure games were out in the past and very few. I remember the rivalry between LucasArts and Sierra, yet now both companies don't exist. I feel like there is a goldmine if Activision and Disney could bring the old classics out on consoles, plus PC again. A better idea would be a remake, but I doubt that'd happen.

CTxCB2672d ago (Edited 2672d ago )

Sierra has been back since 2014, although now they're basically publishing indie games and lending classic Sierra IP to big name developers to create reimagining of them... King's Quest, which was released sometime last year in episodes, was really good, very well casted and very beautiful. LucasArts though, made great games too... I love their games, I always feel sad when I think of LucasArts because I think of what they could have been today if George Lucas hadn't kept using the studio to make a slew of Star Wars games. There's too many Star Wars games to count, but I can count the good ones on one or two hands.

Derceto2672d ago

This guy has the hilarious misconception that Activision even remotely cares about "preservation" or "making things affordable".

Need to get your head out of your a** bud. Sadly, this will go absolutely nowhere.

CTxCB2672d ago

Well, affordable isn't that you think it'd mean. Before SWAT 4: Gold was on GOG, it was selling for $100 on Bay, and now it's selling for ten percent of that at $10, which is affordable. Also, ActiVision Blizzard isn't ActiVision, or Blizzard Entertainment, they're all separate entities.


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jwillj2k47h ago

My ps5 just froze playing nioh 2 I can’t get jiggy with this shit


I dismiss all trailers without actual gameplay. Any trailer can be made now with AI.

Sonic18816h ago(Edited 6h ago)

This was better than Sony state of play. With Phantom Blade Zero closing the show

P_Bomb6h ago

This was arguably the worst, most boring game show I’ve ever watched. CGI, live skits, just clown shoes.

Sonic18816h ago(Edited 6h ago)

That's the way I felt about Sony state of play. It was very boring to me. But it's a matter of opinion. TBH, *most* of Sony state of plays are boring imo except for the one they showed Resident Evil 4 a year ago

gold_drake6h ago

it was ok, no huuuge revelations.

Inverno5h ago

This was arse. Indie copy/paste, more MP games, Batman with yet another CG trailer lol, a lot of CG trailers, game trailers that try to sell their games as a big blockbuster media are cringe. This was 2 hours yo, where's the excitement? No really, I used to get so excited around E3 and now I tune into these events expecting disappointment and that's what they give. Doritos Pope has casualfy these gaming events. In an effort to make the industry look more mature they've killed its nerdy essence.


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