
GCM Preview - Guitar Hero: World Tour

GCM writes: "f you can't beat them…copy them. At least that seems to be the general vibe I got after a recent hands-on event with the new Guitar Hero World Tour coming out in October for next-gen consoles and even a token release for those unwilling to part with their aging PS2's. And of course by "them" I am referring to Rock Band, that other music game Neversoft and Activision would rather have you forget about.

Guitar Hero has finally evolved into something so big the name doesn't even fit anymore. Now you'll be rocking out with up to four players including lead and bass guitar, drummer, and vocalist – essentially the same configuration Rock Band launched with last November and again, just a few days ago with Rock Band 2. The lines have been drawn in the sand. Which side will you be on when it comes time to pick which package of instruments will dominate your game room for the next year?

I had a chance to spend a solid four hours with World Tour on the PS3 and 360, playing both the guitar parts and even taking a quick (and embarrassing) turn at the drums. Sadly, I was surrounded by a massive group of press and event guests who must play this game for a living because they were all playing on Expert and kicking ass, whereas I was able to hold my own on Medium and Hard levels. I can still do a 100% performance on Medium on just about any song – even ones I've never seen nor heard before. And I was able to slide into the 80-90% range on Hard on most of my attempts, but anything less than a 90% got me some pretty dirty looks from the others in my band."

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Top Five Discoveries in Gaming Soundtracks

Sometimes, gaming soundtracks can introduce players to bands and artists they've never heard of. This article is all about Matt's five favorites, thanks for gaming.

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Top Ten Video Game Adverts... Ever

Accompanied by Heidi Klum, Mr T, Robin Williams, and Jerry (who's suddenly a chicken), Dan takes a look at his favourite video gaming adverts of all time.

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Top 10 Celebrities Making Appearances Video Games

Unreality Mag writes: "It’s always fun to see something out of the ordinary when you’re playing a video game. Most times it comes in the forms of funny songs or a game glitch you didn’t expect. And sometimes the game will toss in a celebrity which might throw you off (meaning a good thing).

But here I wanted to focus on celebrities who appeared in games that weren’t so obvious. Games that didn’t really have a celebrity focus yet a celebrity appeared in that seemed almost random.

Here are 10 that I enjoyed the most."

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Moncole4497d ago

This lt fails for not having Burt F*cken Reynolds from Saints Row the Third

Unless I am blind and didn't see him