
Ghost Recon Wildlands 4K Benchmark Very High Preset GTX 1080

Ubisoft’s Ghost Recon Wildlands closed beta is in full swing and those of you who have the PC version can test the performance using the game’s in built benchmarking tool.

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The 10th Rider2676d ago

And there's people out there that think that in 3 or 4 years the next generation of consoles will be doing 4K 60fps. . . An overclocked $600 graphics card can't even run today's games at 4K 60fps. AAA games 3 or 4 years down the line will be even more demanding.

Bigpappy2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

Do you even understand how huge this game is? I think they designed this game to run at 4k and they are using a beta code.

arkard2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

We all know pcs don't come close to the level of optimisation of consoles. We also know that gpus have been increasing in power quite exponentially the last few years. Now I'm not saying consoles will run everything 4k60 in 3 or 4 years but I don't think to will be unheard of.

ShawnardAgain2676d ago

Optimization is the name of the game. Games run drastically better on an Xbone than a pc of similar specs for a reason. I say that as an owner of both. This game has been fun but runs like garbage on my SLI 1070's as it is not optimized for SLI.

Gaming_Cousin2676d ago

Why did you sli the 1070 and not hust get a 1080

Vegamyster2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

The standard PS4/Xone have not had a drastic change in graphical fidelity/performance as a whole since launch, the reason for this is the change to X86 which is much easier to develop for, unlike the previous architectures (Cell/PowerPC ect) which took many years to master and the reason you saw games have a drastic improvements. All optimization means is focusing on the system strengths and building the games around those but that's primarily for the AAA exclusive games, not the vast majority of multiplats or lower budget ones.

4k 60fps is only going to be for the simple games, nothing like Battlefield or Uncharted ect.

ONESHOTV22676d ago

Well I'm not surprised what does consoles do again ? Oh yes only games and movies do they have any thing using power in the back grounds ? No they don't. You talk about optimization like devs just throw the game on PC and hopes it plays lol that is so flawed and you looks stupid for saying it because it looks like you don't know one thing about PC. Now let me give and advice build or buy and rig and get educated then come back

arkard2675d ago

@oneshot speaking of looking stupid......

I've built my pc than you very much. And no where in my original post did I say pc wasnt optimized. I said consoles get better optimization (which is true since there is only 1 (now 2)configurations of a console to worry about .

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2675d ago
Darkwatchman2676d ago

I feel it'll take 2 console generations after the current before a full native 4K becomes a standard across all games

Eldyraen2676d ago

Possibly--next gen could do the whole 1440p+ and checkerboard/upscale with 60fps instead. Some 4K games but best looking ones a bit less for higher frame rate. 4K will be completely possible for some games just like there are a few now--just trade offs exist to do so.

Ashunderfire862676d ago

"I feel it'll take 2 console generations after the current before a full native 4K becomes a standard across all games" #Darkwatchman

I don't think so, especially when you already have the PS4 Pro running really close to Native 4K with 1800p resolutions in many games. Even some games like NBA 2K17 can run native 4K 60fps. PS5 and Xbox 2 (if they call it that) will be a massive leap like PS2 and Xbox to PS3 and Xbox 360. Yes this upcoming generation will run Native 4K in 60fps. These next system will probably try to run beyond 60fps if it ever management to get the power to do so.

The 10th Rider2676d ago

I think 4k will happen on some games, even AAA ones. 60fps 4k on demanding AAA games is nothing but a dream though

Darkwatchman2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )


and there were some games last gen that hit 1080p, but even on base ps4, that's still not a standard across all games. Hell, even Nioh on ps4 pro in the 60fps mode uses dynamic resolution scaling and goes below 1080p. Next gen will see more native 4K games, but demands for games will also increase so 2 console gens is the soonest we can expect every single game to hit native 4K

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2676d ago
2676d ago
2676d ago
Mikey942676d ago

Lol and people keep saying this looks like a PS2 game. Damn what PS2 yall be using

Lamboomington2676d ago

I know ! The game looks pretty damn good on Very High. Some of the best vegetation and terrain detail I've seen in an open world game for sure. They even have tesselation to give minute detail on the ground and stuff.

Some people don't seem to know much about graphics.

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Deathdeliverer579d ago

This should hold everyone off until the next big release. I love me some reward points! [sarcasm]

JBplusVB579d ago

Gamepass has changed everything. Phil, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for Gamepass. I just bought 50 years worth of subscription and I'm so happy.

CBaoth579d ago

Riiight! Thanks to GP I've discovered hundreds of indie fillers I would've never known about otherwise. Best part: team Xbox has discovered how great walking sims and interactive movies really are! And EA Play? Love me some 4 year old sports games!! Why sub up though? Just let MS auto renew that incredible $14.99 a month value. It's so easy!!

JBplusVB578d ago

Gamepass is just so amazing. Adding EA play to it brought the service to a whole nother level. Phil Spencer has the brightest mind in gaming. By far.....


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