
Why KOTOR 2 Dev's Xbox One Launch Game Was Canceled


Obsidian Entertainment was developing a role-playing game called Stormlands for the launch of Xbox One that was ultimately canceled, and studio CEO Fergus Urquhart has come forward to reveal why Microsoft scrapped the project.

Herbalistic2650d ago (Edited 2650d ago )

I'm not even surprised being as the suits within Microsoft expect everything to have Halo levels of success. Obsidian could have created an rpg gem for Xbox but Microsoft listened to the bean counters like always.

2649d ago Replies(3)
XanderZane2649d ago (Edited 2649d ago )

Well I can understand why. Look who was in charge? https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

He obviously wasn't an advocate for the game and didn't hire anyone to be. Once the game started getting expensive to develop, they just pulled the plug. It's still to do that when the game is almost complete.

Shooters and racers seem to sell better then RPG's, but it realy depends on the game. SW:KotoR sold very well on XBox. Lost Odyssey also sold well in Japan & U.S. RPG's seem more risky to Microsoft it seems.

Trez12342649d ago

Yeah it's a bit of a myth to say xbox is a shooter only brand because I didn't buy a 360 for halo or gears. Hell, gears wasnt even out when I got my 360. games like the first fable and ninja garden from xbox classics, kameo, blue dragon, lost odyssey, blue dragon, both ubisoft's naruto games etc..

They have changed from those times maybe their focus went on those big franchises but I certainly don't remember the 360, especially the first 3-4 years as being a shooter aND racer only console.

Unspoken2649d ago

A JRPG would have been a risk on XB1. The latest Fable wasn't Fable anymore, so I can understand why both if those games had to be shelved.

Bigpappy2649d ago

Not really. They supported Fable for a good run and that didn't sell Halo numbers, neither did Forza.

Obsidian is overrated. All the recent games they did well with, were all co-productions. They are yet the make a block buster of their own. I will like to see them succeed, but don't make them out to be some superstar studio when they clearly are not.

YAO-BLING2649d ago

it was canned for trying new things, wasn't a bro shooter

AngelicIceDiamond2649d ago

Considering MS launch line up didn't include a single shooter.

Yohshida2649d ago Show
G20WLY2649d ago

^I don't know, VideoGameLab, you have to keep the faith, I'm sure he will one day...eventually. Maybe.

XXanderXX2649d ago

So it was cancelled due to not having someone at MS cheering it on and pushing on your behalf . Could it be that no one took such action cause they were not impressed with what they saw .

aconnellan2649d ago

Nah, just remember - every single cancelled game was cancelled for no reason, and would have become an immediate gem upon release


BlackTar1872649d ago

well we have no way of knowing if it would have become a gem or not cause they get cancelled.

Of course some or all could have sucked but you can't say one way or the other as a consumer.

Automatic792649d ago (Edited 2649d ago )

The project was canned because obsidian didn't have a champion to push the game.

Would have been great to see Xbox One have an action RPG along the lines of Mass Effect at launch.

BlackTar1872649d ago

i like obsidian but the games are a mess sometimes(Most of the time)

They still made the best Fallout imo

SuicidalTendencies2649d ago

No they didn't. Go play Fallout 2.

kevnb2649d ago

That's a weird way to title the article, kotor 2 isn't really a recent game of obsidian or their defining moment.

SuicidalTendencies2649d ago

You're being nice. It was a stupid way to title the article. Could have just put Obsidian.

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Venoxn4g1d 5h ago

I really enjoyed Good Job game...too bad that they are closing

mastershredder13h ago

Considering the level of games they made, I'm surprised that more than 2 people worked there. 45 people (+ outsourcing) making mediocre mobile games, like cut the rope. I mean dude....Nintendo stooped to new lows in quality development and entertainment standards.


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gold_drake3d ago

thats so crazy haha.

it will never disappear.

darksky2d ago

The more they try to stop it, the more publicity it gets. The fact is that Yuzu will forever live on torrent and other sites. Nintendo is fighting an uphill battle.

Inverno2d ago

Another 8,500 will take their place. Smh


There is nothing stopping these people from working on Yuzu clones and sharing them on torrent sites. Nintendo or anyone else cannot do shit about torrents or usenet.

lucasnooker2d ago

lol Nintendo keep fighting this but it never ends. Why do they feel the need to persist? I guess they are in too deep now they have to

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