
Thank God for the New DOOM

The new Doom, as far as The Zombie Chimp is concerned is the new benchmark for FPS games. But what is it that makes it so special? And why haven't other games come close?

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Trekster_Gamer2684d ago

Wish there was more of a story.. everything else was a blast.

RedPill862684d ago

It's Doom. May as well ask stealth games for more action. Doom isn't a story game, it's a game.

AuToFiRE2684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

You are a space marine fighting hellspawn on mars, how does there need to be more story than that?

Trekster_Gamer2684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

Get a clue . There was no real story.

Did you play Doom III? More like that.

game4funz2684d ago

I think there was enough to be immersed. Atmosphere, sound and characters with some vid logs along the way helped it.

I don't think there needs to be any more then that in a doom.

captainexplosion2684d ago

Didn't like this game. If I had to use a "benchmark" for fps it would be Titanfall 2.

newflesh2684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

Didn't like the game also, somehow it felt too dumb even for Doom. And I love the original Doom and Doom 2. Didn't like Titanfall 2 either though.

RedPill862684d ago

With the bad servers, painful TTK. Awful weapon balance. Good, but consistently clunky and slow movement (on a game that wishes to be fluid). Tons of the items in multi-player are useless to use. A handful of weapons are outright broken. The campaign was about as cookie cutter and predictable as it gets. Top it off? Didn't even bring back the simple and effective horde mode.

TT2 isn't a bench mark for anything really. It's just an entertaining thing that's easily replaceable.

_-EDMIX-_2684d ago

I think FPS titles are too broad to really have any game that is merely in FPS to be some benchmark.

Dying Light, Doom, Titanfall 2 even are all different genres, FPS yes...but that is actually were the comparisons sorta die.

That is like saying Witcher 3, Assassins Creed, Uncharted etc are benchmarks for TP games or something. I mean.....they are in TP, yes.....not really sure thats enough to established anything other then a perspective of the game.

I mean, you wouldn't really compare Witcher 3 to Tomb Raider simply because they were both 3rd person.

I tend to hate when folks do that. Someone who likes Doom, may not like Titanfall 2. Why? Did any of you factor that they may have liked Doom because its a horror and not simply based on its perceptive of being in first person?

I would like Witcher 3 no different if it was in first person because its a great game regardless of perspective.

Consider with Elder Scrolls and Fallout, both series have the option to play in either perspective. So if you like Gears Of War you'd like Fallout in 3rd person, but if you like COD you'd like it in FPS? I mean....consider if someone doesn't like RPGS, they won't like that game regardless of the perspective they are playing it in.

game4funz2684d ago

Completely agree.
I hate how some fools just dump all fps into one bin.

There is enormous diversity in 1st person shooters. The most innovation is in the first person genre. Even with the new resident evil game you can see how theyre trying to break the mold.

DefenderOfDoom22684d ago

I think what the author meant is DOOM 2016 brought back the benchmark of non cover combat focused on smooth gameplay mechanics without long cutscenes .Playing DOOM 2016 is the most fun i had with a FPS since HALF LIFE 2 .

Quoting TOTALBISCUIT (paraphrasing) Unfortunately will not see a FPS this good until ID SOFTWARE puts out another game like QUAKE CHAMPIONS, which does not come until 2018, or some new story DLC for DOOM 2016.

YEP4142684d ago

Give me gears ir halo over doom and titanfalll

_-EDMIX-_2684d ago

...trust me bud, you'll get one of those 2 every year like clockwork, nothing to worry about =)

game4funz2684d ago

Not really. Halo Wars doesnt count.

2684d ago
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shinoff2183115d ago

I've looked and wished we never did get here.


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phoenixwing123d ago

You forgot one and it's a doozy. The weapon is kindness in undertale. :) defeats countless enemies.