
Horizon Zero Dawn Review The Guardian

Guerrilla Games’ have created a brave, independent, multi-dimensional heroine to lead this highly satisfying mission.

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UCForce2688d ago (Edited 2687d ago )

"Sigh" I'm very tired about this article. Also, the whole Anti SJW VS SJW BS are just ridiculous. I'm very tired of it. More importantly, there will be a lot of misunderstanding, misjudged miscalculated and mistrust in the future. This is why I don't side with anyone. Because I'm afraid that one day I would hurt wrong person without knowing which one.

Edit : Let me tell you something that you people going to regret it. One day in the future, people will lose their sight of judgment and blame everyone without knowing who right and wrong. It will be no longer SJW vs Anti SJW, it will be free for all, everyone for themselves.

Edit#2 : I really hate this article.

RpgSama2688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

There is no feminist agenda with this game, the feminist agenda is only coming from the media, do not let it kill your hype or feel conflicted and upset, if this game will succeed or not it will not be because the lead is male or female, but based on the quality of the whole package.

UCForce2688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

For me, I really like Aloy it's not because she is strong female character, but she have cool personality. GG said Aloy is inspired by Ripley from Ailen and Sarah from Terminator series especially the personality. Also, her design inspired by Princess Mononoke.

Edit : @SmileManN It's not the game turn me off. It's the article.

SmielmaN2688d ago

I too am tired of all the separatist movements. Everyone wants everyone to be welcoming of all types but also want to be segregated in their separate groups and if you present other opinions contrary to their main objective the name call and attempt to ridicule. It's all just ppl bickering non stop. So sick of today's "movements".

As for this game, it looks awesome. I don't mind playing as any being, human or otherwise.

But please, linking this game to feminism is going to turn me off big time.

game4funz2688d ago

Exactly. Feminism has nothing to do with this game. There has always been strong female characters in the world, politics, and games.

That being said... If there is a feminist agenda within this game. I may not support it. Just like the LGBT crap from the next mass effect.

nyckrazy2688d ago

Game4funz u have a right to be ignorant of injustices towards minority groups and other issues of today. I cant wait for this game though. Already preordered. GG looks like they got a hit on their hands.

Omnislashver362688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

I guess it depends on which wave of feminist and if you're talking about an actual social agenda.

Does it have a strong female heroine? Yes. Does it have an agenda? No. It's what you call well-adjusted. Regular. Normal. It's neither SJW nor Anti-SJW. It's feminist-friendly(depending on the wave) but not feminist nor anti-feminist.

It just normal. Can we all just agree on that? This is what games are supposed to look like. Good female AND male characters.

uth112688d ago


It's loosely called "identy politics". The end result is it inevitably pits every group against every other and causes the chaos we see today

WombBat2688d ago

I dont think its a feminist game.

Not my cup of tea, because of the style of it, but i dont think its feminist.

Deadpooled2688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

"There is no feminist agenda with this game, the feminist agenda is only coming from the media, do not let it kill your hype or feel conflicted and upset, if this game will succeed or not it will not be because the lead is male or female, but based on the quality of the whole package."

This. Exactly how it should be, but nowadays people love to stir agendas to try to change people to their pointless opinions.

... oh wait, just realised the Guardian posted this review. Tbf long may they continue trying to stir the liberal fact-excluding stance in media since they're already dying, less people are believing their tripe, and the quicker they die the better the world would become.

IamTylerDurden12688d ago

I personally enjoy seeing a badass female protagonist.

Death2688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

I'm not sure I would consider females a minority group. As for the LBGT movement in video games, I'm not sure why it's relevant or even wise to shoehorn issues like this into games in the first place. If sexual preference is left out of gaming, no one is offended and gamers can decide on there own. From a personal standpoint I don't understand how the LGBT community expects people to respect and accept their choices. You have about as much a chance to convince someone that is gay to be straight as you do trying to convince someone that is against it to accept it. To me it is a persons right to feel the way they do and decide on what they support as long as their views and actions don't violate the rights of others. The left and the right are both wrong. The answer is much closer to the middle. Most gamers play video games to get away from issues such as this. I'm not sure why devs want to create any kind of division in games.

Fist4achin2688d ago

Yeah, there shouldn't be any agendas in any game. Why can't the game just be?! Sexual preference, race, gender shouldn't be made a point unless it has something to do directly with the story or moves it along in some way...

joab7772687d ago

Exactly. She is a great example, I am guessing of a female characters that works within the context, as opposed to being shoehorned in on purpose. We will see but it sounds great so far...

Is it me or does this article say review. I guess it does review the first 3 missions!

UnHoly_One2687d ago

Why does the hero look like a child? Is she supposed to be a kid?

That is the only thing that bugs me about her. Her face does not match her body.

Her face looks like she is 13, tops.

UltraNova2687d ago (Edited 2687d ago )

I dont give a flying f*** if the lead character of a game is male, female or a fricking pink alien; all I care about is getting off work/gym and all the other shit I have to deal with each day and escape this stinking reality by playing games I like. The moment a dev tries to force-inject a game with even a hint of this overblown socio-political cesspool that it designed to divide people, that dev/company is dead to me.

I would like to beleive that we, or most of us, play games because they allow us to escape reality for a few minutes each day... so what's the point when some start merging our games with the ugly reality?

Now that I got that out of my system...I havent seen anything when it comes to Horizons story/characters that alludes to such influences. That said I will not buy this day 1, I will wait for some trusted reviews/opinions first to see if its clean from any agenda bull.

Utalkin2me2687d ago


You're totally right. And being that it has been so well received so far. Some haters try to stir things up to get people riled up. This game looks 50 times better then the Sea of Sleeps gameplay demo i just watched. I actually bookmarked that video for when i have trouble sleeping.

Uken122687d ago

I feel like she is clearly Ygritte from Game of Thrones. I mean the first time i saw the trailer way back, I was like wow, that is Ygritte.
That being said I feel like these developers with hyper real games copy characters likeness and tend to say other characters are what inspired them. When it looks like it was lifted from something else. Another example is Ellie from TLOU, she was clearly modeled after Ellen Page. So much so that it created an issue. I feel this is the same but people are just ignoring the connection.
All that being said it makes me like the character less. No hate to your opinion, but this is just how I feel. (Huge fan of A Song of Ice and Fire). The game still looks beautiful and cool though.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2687d ago
Liqu1d2688d ago

Social Justice Warrior

yeahright22688d ago

They're the guys that get upset over every little thing. The most hi skinned of us. The reason why Jerry Seinfeld won't perform for colleges anymore, and Michael Keaton had to apologize for mixing up the names of a couple films, or MS being accused of being racists because of a zombie growl.

game4funz2688d ago (Edited 2687d ago )

Social justice warrior... Someone who feels there's an injustice in today's society vs minority groups. And normally also feel that white people have been living in a privileged way.

These people should study history. Racism or slavery has affected all people including white.

@jmac and that's how I know you're ignorant.

bluefox7552688d ago

People that believe your rights end where their feelings begin.

jmac532688d ago

@game4funz "slavery has affected all people including whites". That's how I know your an idiot.

TheRacingX2688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

@jmac53 why is game4funz an idiot? There were slaves in every race..... whites included, Romans enslaved other tribes from Europe. The Arabs, Ottoman etc enslaved over a million white europeans in North Africa during the 1500's, the Egyptians enslaved Jews, The Japanese enslaved Korean and Chinese peoples.... it goes on and on..... so inform yourself before calling someone else an idiot, because you sound like one with your comment.

Mr-Dude2688d ago

Go to Neogaf, there are a lot of SJW there. Mostly hyperbole. Sometimes, but very rare it's just. They would have 8 topics about Aloy if she had bigger breasts or butt.

Godmars2902687d ago

More like SJWs are people who want to judge others based only on an identifying characteristic. The color of your skin, your race, your gender, whatever gender someone wants to identify as, a disability, than anything you actually do in regards to talent skill or ability.

The gaming community didn't get hit with until Gamer Gate, which started because a hack female dev sexed up some game reviewers in exchange for positive press, got outed by her boyfriend, and in the resulting backlash many notable game sites as well as social community sites, namely Reddit, attacked and censored gamers with ethical questions for those very same news sites who in turn began attacking their very audience under the excuse that the female dev was being attacked for only being a female dev. Not that she had "paid" off reviewers for promoting her game.

Though really think SJWs got started with the Occupy Wall Street movement, which began well enough and with good intentions, only to fall apart because of internal politicizing based on the most disadvantaged group, which the establishment media spun and fractured further into irrelevancy in the eye of the public.

But then, largely on the liberal media side, they came back.

Godmars2902687d ago


"That's how I know your an idiot."

What are YOU even talking about.

Indentured Servitude, someone either signing on to effectively be a slave for a specific number of years, such as in order to pay for passage to America, was a thing right besides colonial slavery. Just as slavery existed well before the European colonial period. There were periods in the US up until around the 40s mining and corporate towns rigged the local economies, used their own money, to keep their workers in debt.

Make no mistake, don't be so limited to think, that if they could business would do in the US what they do things like in China with Foxcon.

Utalkin2me2687d ago (Edited 2687d ago )


"@game4funz "slavery has affected all people including whites". That's how I know your an idiot."


+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2687d ago
uth112688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

What do you mean in the future? We already assign blame without knowing the facts today!

G20WLY2688d ago

And who's fault is that??!


uth112688d ago


I don't know all the facts here, but obviously it's the fault of left-wing Islamist fundamentalist Christian transgender Mexican pinko gamergater gundealers who voted for Trump. All 3 of them

Bathyj2688d ago

Was this title changed? This is a review now?

joab7772687d ago

That's relativism for ya! Everything is right in everyone's eyes, and thus...

MyDietEqualsGames2687d ago (Edited 2687d ago )

That is because you are sick of the politics. These kids attending university today, are learning all about this stuff. Then they get angry about issues that have prevailed before their time rather than have clear heads with the means to communicate and discuss based on rationale behavior and critical thinking.

I've never seen our country (U.S) so divided. It worries me when I give it thought.

Which is why I'd rather politics take a fucking hike, when it comes to our games.

Mithan2687d ago

I don't care about SJW, most are biased idiots causing trouble and supported by ignorance.

Mr Pumblechook2687d ago

This is NOT a review, it is a preview.

Mister_G2687d ago

Dude! Chill. It's just a video game. If you don't like it, don't play it. Simples :)

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2687d ago
UCForce2688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

Also, this article isn't killing my hype of the game, but the feminist word that article put it that just made me feel conflicted and upset.

CrystalFantasy2688d ago

Horizon is a femenist game no matter how you look at it. But it also looks like a good game. The only reason you'd feel conflicted is if ur insecure about yourself. Let the females preach their femenism if they want to.

UCForce2688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

"Sigh" No, this is conflicted. I don't like Anti SJW and neither SJW. I have been through like that in the past. I had some people defend it and some people against it. The worst part is that I lost my trust between those two groups. I gave up because it was way too ridiculous. One day in the future, even if you are SJW or Anti SJW, you will hurt wrong person without knowing which one.

OB1Biker2688d ago

Why would it be 'femenist'?
How would you define a feminist game? Besides the fact than neither of us has played it yet.

Eonjay2688d ago

It is not a feminist game. It is a about a female lead. Oh wow, ring the alarms lol.

vickers5002688d ago


I hear you man. It's tough to strike a balance between the two.

On the one hand, you have whiny little sissies complaining that mario is sexist, people who will likely never actually play the games they complain about, even if every game dev did all of a sudden cave to their every whim. Many of these people are just trying to control shit.

On the other hand, you have these inbred racist/sexist/everything-ist-p hobic fuckwits who get upset when they are confronted with the realities of human society. "Oh noez, a gay! My fragile sensibilities demand I get angry and preach my own opinions on what is moral or gross!". Often times, if these scumbags are cowardly pussies, they will take the more subtle argument of not having "an agenda forced upon them" or "politics shouldn't be in my game", or the devs are "pandering".

Don't get me wrong, these reasons are fine, I just hate it when these biggoted pussies hide behind it and wont simply have the balls to just say they hate whatever group of people they're talking about.

It's usually hard to spot these people, seeing as how one hides behind the argument, and one actually believes in the argument, but generally you can tell these people at how butthurt they get whenever a main character in a game is announced as black/gay/trans, even when the game isn't even out yet, and throw fits, automatically assuming because it's not a straight white male, it's "pandering". Which it sometimes is (*cough* Overwatch *cough), but it is very rarely the case.

I myself fall in the middle. Anita Sarkeesian worshipers makes my stomach turn only slightly less than the bigots looking for some group of people to get mad at for existing in public.

I hate it, because too many people on this site are either one extreme or the other.

ninsigma2688d ago

Female lead != feminism.

slinky1234562688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

Feminist by definition is equality among Genders. But they think just because it has a Female playing the lead role it is "Feminist", and never any other way. That's now how most real modern Feminists work...

Technically a game with a male lead can be considered 'Feminist' and technically should be called so if people really believe the above and the word "Feminist" really means equality.

rainslacker2687d ago (Edited 2687d ago )

Just because a game includes a female protagonist doesn't make it a feminist driven game. That's silly. Sometimes, developers just want to have a female protagonist, without the politics.

Right now, I don't think we've seen enough of the game to be able to discern for ourselves what category this game falls in.

I don't think it's right that feminist get to claim anything that has a female protagonist as a game that is about them. It's ego-maniacal, and ignores any actual artistic effort the developer put into the job. Feminist like to take the "bad" representations of women as an insult, and the good one's as some victory for their cause. When a lot of times, it's just an artistic choice with no actual agenda attached to it.


That's how the modern extremist feminist works. The real feminist don't tend to deal with this kind of stuff, because it's superficial, and has little to no bearing on how women are treated in the real world. 20 year or so ago, the idea that women were belittled because of unrealistic representations in media was a thing. When it was realized that those representations didn't actually affect how most people treated women, they moved on to deal with the real problems that women fact in terms of equality.

The new breed of feminist seem to be hated equally by the "real feminist" that are out there and actually strive to be informed and make changes by tackling the important stuff. Most don't bother speaking out about it, because they recognize these current arguments as a passing fad, and they know that engaging heavily in the media is a waste of time in the way that social discourse is conducted nowadays.

kenwonobi2687d ago

Shut up already. I guess you hate Resident Evil then? Ever heard of Tomb Raider? This game has a girl and all the sudden it's the first to do so?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2687d ago
sampson31212688d ago

grow the fuck up and grow a pair. jesus.

2688d ago
rainslacker2687d ago

I've felt that the idea that a game is somehow feminist driven because it has a female protagonist has really ruined the idea that these characters can be independent of any agenda.

It's disconcerting that the good female protagonists are claimed up by the extreme feminists as examples of why their agenda is moving forward, even if the inclusion of said female has no bearing on the agenda at all.

The original Lara Croft was included as a strong female character, the new Lara Croft was made into a SJW pandering mess. The difference between a developer decision based on creative license, and one based on agenda politics is usually quite clear. Same with themes that may present themselves in games....such as Mass Effects inclusion of gay characters....although a lot of that was clouded because Bioware made a big deal about it. Other times it may not be so obvious, like Bill from TLOU, where it was very subtle, but I believe based partially on agenda politics.

It's not always bad it's included, but sometimes it's annoying.

That being said, from what we've seen of Horizon, I haven't felt there are any agenda politics going on yet, so with that limited information, I'm not willing to disparage against it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2687d ago
Cy2688d ago

Jesus Christ, can *anything* escape this BS politicization? You do understand that calling something a feminist game carries a *lot* of negative connotations, right? And it will turn people off who, otherwise, would have no problem with it? Although, this is The Guardian. I shouldn't expect common sense or restraint from them.

Killa782688d ago

Why would the word feminist hurt you?

They can call the game whatever they want, you have enough knowledge of the game to make your own opinion.

And even if this game was made by a bunch of feminists, what difference would that make to you?

If you like it, buy it. If people don't want to buy it because someone labelled the game as 'feminist', their loss

Cy2688d ago

Never said it hurt me, I said it could hurt the game. Only 18% of the US identifies as feminist, and that's largely because modern day feminism is little more than an anti-man hate movement that espouses BS "privilege theory" and tries to claim that women are being oppressed by every man despite having the exact same legal rights men do, and, in some cases, even *more* rights than men do. And even if you don't agree with that interpretation, just claiming something is a "feminist game" adds an expectation of politicization that most likely doesn't exist. Will this main character claim that the deadly robots were made by misogynists? Will she travel from village to village to promote post-apocalyptic abortions? Will every female character in the game be a perfect goddess with no flaws, while every male character is either a "beta cuck" or 100%, irredeemably evil?

The answer to all of that is, most likely, of course not.

But when you say a game is a feminist game, those are the kinds of things that come to mind. And I guarantee you there are going to be people nitpicking all the dialogue and characterization looking for feminist messaging, who might not have before this article.

bluefox7552688d ago

If it were made by a bunch of feminists, it would be agenda pushing garbage, fortunately, I don't think that's the case.

andrewsquall2688d ago

"A game made by feminists"??? Lol I guess that's another way to interpret "a feminist action game" from the title.

BlakHavoc2688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

I think a lot of ppl get the wrong idea about feminism. Some ppl picture radical practices like women hating anything male related, but that's not what feminism is, it's basically just advocating women's rights. Ppl that call it bs are the same ppl that like to pretend racial inequality doesn't exist or isn't a problem. I just have an issue with this article labeling Horizon as such, when I've seen nothing that would suggest the game is pushing a feminist agenda, I feel like they drew that conclusion from Aloy being a female lead, which is ludicrous. The use of the word "feminism" has been taken out of context a lot these days.

FunAndGun2688d ago

Because they are insecure.

Then they will complain, argue, and disagree just like the SJW crowd does.

Look at what one article does to this place. Just the word "feminist" attached to a highly anticipated game makes them uneasy and scared like something is being taken away from them.

uth112687d ago

@BlakHavoc - feminism used to be about equality, but that's not what it is now, at least not among the most vocal proponents. Equality feminists need to reclaim the movement from those that have ruined it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2687d ago
Killa782688d ago

It's just a bunch of man babies afraid of 'feminism', the same type that think terrorists are out to get them and think that they have a birthright to whatever they want.

The term is so broad it means next to nothing in the modern day.

annoyedgamer2688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

"man babies" Did you just assume their gender?

Allsystemgamer2688d ago

The feminists in my area have forced male shelters to close down by cutting funding. As a result many men have been cast out in the street and some have died. The owner of the shelter also committed suicide after this.

It's more than just man babies. They have an actual effect on society and it's not positive.

That's ONE example of what they've done here.

Deadpooled2688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

I remember when the Guardian used to be respected for having a fair stance on news, nowadays it has become a disrespectful liberal baiting tabloid trying to make news instead of reporting what actually happened.

rainslacker2687d ago

Personally, I don't care if a game is a "feminist game" so long as that representation is addressed in a thoughtful and interesting way. I don't turn away from interesting stories or games just because they may have some agenda attached to them.

However, if that agenda is superficial, and uninteresting, then I'd be very crtical of the game, and say how such things tend to cause the game/story/whatever to suffer.

Good example would be Xenosaga. It had some extremely heavy promotion of Gnostic principals within it's story, which is something that the creator believes in. But he did that promotion in an interesting way, and the story didn't suffer for it. I don't think it was written in a way to say one should believe such things though. Then you have things like Passion of the Christ, whose story suffered heavily for the ideas it was trying to promote....even though the original story it's based off of is very interesting.

kenwonobi2687d ago

What completely unprofessional way to talk of a game. It's made by Guerrilla. Not even a American company. Resident Evil 20 years ago had a female lead. What are these idiots thinking? There are games left and right with females and they choose this one?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2687d ago
Pantz2688d ago

sick of politics leaking into gaming which *to me* is supposed to be fun

kenwonobi2687d ago

For real. How did the Guardian get any say? They are not aware games have female leads? They are that far behind the times?

2687d ago
WeAreLegion2688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

Jesus Christ

Give it a rest.

How do we downvote sites?

2687d ago
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Summer Game Fest 2024 exciting leaks, rumors and confirmed studios

Summer Game Fest 2024 is right around the corner, and there are exciting leaks and rumors online in addition to confirmed studios.

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Lightning778d ago

Borderlands 4 is suppose to show up also but meh I didn't like that last one tbh. I beat it and everything I just didn't care for the characters and it was pretty much the same thing. Franchise needs a complete overhaul.

jznrpg7d ago

@Lightning77 I didn’t like the last Borderlands either. 1 was my favorite 2 was good as well but 3 I quit playing early in and I will skip 4 most likely.

anast7d ago

yep, I'm hyped for this one.


I'm hoping that Nintendo shows Metroid Prime 4 in some form, even a 30sec gameplay trailer would be fine. Most likely it will only be on a Nintendo Direct.

thesoftware7307d ago

Switch 2, most likely; they will use it to showcase the new system's graphical power.


Hmm, it might be both, Switch and Switch 2 just like how Twilight Princess came out on GameCube and Wii.

FlameWater8d ago

At least give me Age of Mythology


Sony Has Added More Titles To The List of Games Leaving PS Plus In May 2024

Sony Interactive Entertainment has added a few more titles to the list of games that will be leaving PS Plus in May, 2024.

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darthv7236d ago

curious... if a game leaves PS+, does it make it unplayable if you have already claimed it before it leaves? I know on the XB side, games leaving Gamepass are no longer playable. You need to pay for them to be able to continue playing after you installed them from GP.

CrimsonWing6936d ago

The 3 monthly “free” games you keep as long as you have PS+ subscription. The PS+ library is like Netflix. They rotate stuff out and replace them with other titles.

MrNinosan36d ago

Yes, PS+ Extra/Premium games are unplayable after the leave the service, just like GamePass and Netflix.
PS+ Essentials games are available as long as you have an active PS+ account.

Profchaos35d ago

Monthly games, special promos like the free games during COVID or PS plus bundle on ps5 are forever yours. Premium and above are time limited

If you claim a game on the premium tier (not yours to keep) and it comes out as a monthly games later e.g. fallout 76 it appears you do not retain ownership on that one.

Notsofast35d ago

The 3-4 monthly games that are free that are part of every service are yours forever I canceled my service over a year and you never lose access. I dont know what these other comments are talking about maybe they are in a different country but in the USA I could play any game I claimed of the free monthly games

MrNinosan35d ago

Then one of the accounts on your PS5 probably has a PS+ Essential subscription.
Because the 3-4 PS+ games you get every month, is not available to be played if you don't have an active sunscription.
It's the same in US, Europe, Japan and everywhere else.

Petebloodyonion35d ago

Essential stays in your library
Extra and premium become locked when titles leave the service.

It's actually one of my gripes with Extra, you can't remove the title from your own library, so basically it countss as one your title but it's locked so you own library become a cluster F... unless you filter your titles.

MrNinosan35d ago

Well you can just chose to hide them.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 35d ago
-Foxtrot36d ago

Wonder if Horizon ZD leaving gives credit to those remake rumours

Sigh. If true…another remake that’s not Bloodborne.

SimpleDad36d ago

Probably yes cause of a remake.

Skuletor36d ago

I still remember them giving that one away for free, regardless of if you were subscribed to Plus or not

ApocalypseShadow36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

They did. It was during the pandemic and the "play at home" initiative.

Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition. Sony gave away a lot of games just to push gamers to stay home and not get infected by COVID.

Eonjay36d ago

I think you're right.
There is a separate Bloodborne rumor by the remake is allegedly scheduled for next gen.

Kingrizzy9035d ago

Yes cause of the remake good thing I got the plat
And is bloodborn really that good? I never played it due to being Incarcerated 8½ years but I read the comics. It's pretty dark

Profchaos35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

Highly likely I also bet the remaster will be over priced and under whelming.

I'd also bet most people will simply stick with the PS4 pro and ps5 60fps patch over paying to upgrade when it offers the bare minimum.

I hope Sony has learnt from the last of us 2 and stop remastering games that just came out they have nearly 30 years of content to work with but always remaster games that are like 5 years old and don't need it. I assume this was In development alongside tlou2 so fingers crossed this is the last time we get this because what's next god of war on PS4 to ps5 for 70 dollars probably anything outside of bloodborne

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 35d ago
Friendlygamer36d ago

Glad I played sundered and the messenger, both great 2d games

gold_drake35d ago

ahh the messenger is such a good game.

u should play sea of starts. same people, its a sort of prequel to the messenger tok

Friendlygamer35d ago

Oh I will definitely play it eventually, chained echoes too

Jingsing35d ago

Can N4G adopt a policy of games leaving subscription services as not being a new story, it is just spam at this point.

Petebloodyonion35d ago

Is it me or have there been a lot of great games leaving the extra tier but barely anything in terms of wow factor joining the service in return?
When was the last time that Sony added a PlayStation studio game?
Now I don't expect Sony to have day 1 like Gamepass but I would expect to at least care to make the offering interesting especially when they raised the price by 30% last year.

MrNinosan35d ago

PS Studio Games:
May - Destiny 2: Lightfall
April - MediEvil, Jak&Daxter: The Lost Frontier,
March - CoolBoarders

What Playstation Studio games is it you're missing?

Petebloodyonion35d ago

let me check my comment again
" Is it me or have there been a lot of great games leaving the extra tier but barely anything in terms of wow factor joining the service in return? "
Yeah pretty sure I mentioned the EXTRA tier and not the PREMIUM tier
but glad that you consider a DLC to a free-to-play game a great offering

MrNinosan35d ago

I repeat my question, what PS Studio games is it you're missing?

And regarding the first part of your comment, lots of great games leaving and nothing added?

What great games iyo has left the service?
For me, "wow-factor games added would be".
Dave the Diver, Tales of Kenzera, Raji, Miasma, The Outer Worlds, Resident Evil 3, Ace Attorney, Rainbow Six Siege, AC: Valhalla, Far Cry 6, Watch Dogs Legion, Both Southpark jrpgs, Fenyx Rising, Tales of Arise, Session, Lego Worlds, Vampire the Masquerade Swansong, Legends of Mana....

And many more.

Compared to what has been removed, the adds are better than the 'offs'.


DF Weekly: Do we actually need The Last of Us Part 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn remasters?

With the details we now have in terms of features and pricing, I don't think there are any significant concerns remaining - just that perhaps that the term 'remastered' in the title is a little misplaced. Essentially, what we're dealing with here is broadly equivalent to a release along the lines of Death Stranding: Director's Cut. It's the original game with a dash of extra content and additional visual modes that tap into the power of PlayStation 5.

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-Foxtrot194d ago

Bloodborne, Infamous, Killzone, Resistance, Puppeteer, Jak and Daxter etc are all better choices

Even a full on remake of Drakes Fortune I’d take

PrinceOfAnger194d ago

killzone 2/3 definitely a better choice, i have recently finished the games on pc and thought about that, a full remake like demon souls is even better

darthv72194d ago

2&3 are still fine... I'd take the first one as a full remake before the others. They could flesh out more of the backstory that the sequels touch on. Even go deeper into the lore of Helgan.

specialguest193d ago

KZ 2/3 would be amazing. KZ 2 was a graphical masterpiece back then. With today's modern tech, all of those tricks Guerilla Games did to create the effects like the lighting, storm effects, etc, they could now be done in real-time and more realistic

Cacabunga193d ago

Killzone 2-3
Golden Abyss remake
Infamous 2

RaidenBlack194d ago

Uncharted 1 still got a decent remaster for 8th gen ... a remake is not that much of a requirement ...
instead remake candidates should be from 5th or 6th gen
and as for proper remasters (not just lazy res upscale): Killzone 2 & 3 obviously and also Resistance/inFamous (as well as MGS4 :P)

-Foxtrot194d ago

My point with the list is that I’d rather see those titles than what we are getting…titles which are only 3-5 years old and still hold up today

CrashMania194d ago

Sony own the Demons Souls and Bloodborne IP, I wish they'd do something with Bloodborne at the very least.

vfl523194d ago

The way you worded that makes me think you don't realize they already remade demon souls

194d ago
GamingSinceForever193d ago

Not one of those will sell more copies than TLOU2 Remaster. The sooner we realize that these gaming sites and their followers are less than 1% of the buying public the better off we’ll be.

Sure we prefer newer titles but this is business and a business is what Sony is running.

JackBNimble193d ago

Don't you think they could be doing something better with their time and money, like maybe making something new? Or have they become lazy and just reliving the past with the same old games over and over.

Gez ... do something fresh and new already .

notachance193d ago

I'd rather for them to go Square Enix route and remake/remaster their PS1 libraries instead of these unnecessary remaster

come on, legend of dragoon..

Gamingsince1981193d ago

What's with the "need" anyway ? This is video games, no one needs them at all, we need water , we need air, we don't need games.

Barlos193d ago

I would love a remake/remaster of KZ1. For its time it really pushed the PS2 hard and because of that it had a few issues. This is begging to be given the Bluepoint touch and brought up to date. I'd love to see an updated Killzone trilogy collection for sure.

Yi-Long193d ago

Sony killed the game and the studio behind it, but a Remaster of the excellent Driveclub would absolutely be my favorite release if it happened. Just a delicious racing game.

FinalFantasyFanatic193d ago (Edited 193d ago )

So many better choices, I can't fathom why reasonably recent games are getting picked over Classics that are more deserving.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 193d ago
Battlestar23194d ago

Well I want a Horizon Zero Dawn remaster especially if it's an upgrade to Forbidden West Graphics and Animation.

194d ago Replies(2)
Duke19194d ago

Nope. But HD remasters are an easy cash grab that the masses shovel cash for because while they complain about remakes, they still buy them


Not if they release on a platform that never received the original in the first place like PC.

46player193d ago

No complaint here, I want the updated graphics.

Ra3030194d ago

My thoughts on this is do we need Richard Leadbetter's or Digital Foundry's opinion on anything........ever? I know I don't they do nothing for me and never have.

specialguest193d ago

You may not, but tons of people do since the video has 4,700 Likes to 112 Dislikes

Chocoburger193d ago

That guy is a buffoon, DF Direct is the best gaming podcast around. I look forward to it every week.

BehindTheRows193d ago

By that same token, some may not NEED remasters, while others may/do.

Amplitude193d ago (Edited 193d ago )

DF videos are typically absolutely amazing game reviews first and foremost. They have great intros, explain the mechanics well, tell you if they enjoyed it or not (I usually vibe well with John's games personally), and then they have the best tech breakdowns of a game's performance which is very very important to me. I want to know what settings to run at on PC, and on PS5 I wanna know if the 60fps mode runs well or not because if it doesn't... well I'll just get it on PC (If it isn't completely broken there too). DF Retro is also always unbelievably interesting and super well edited and inspired my YouTube channel which just crossed 1200 subs (wooo!). They helped me a lot with understanding game development and got me interested in goofing around with game engines and PC building in general back in the day.

I don't mean any offence by this but you sound like somebody who skims their analysis videos, selectively scrolls to the stats, says "who cares?", and then closes it. Or possibly somebody who watches (stolen) cut clips on TikTok? Even if you are somehow unaffected by blurry images and fluctuating frame rates (some people are and I envy you) I recommend watching a full DF episode one day. They're extremely interesting and I watch literally all of them even if I have no interest in the game.

VonAlbrecht193d ago

"I personally don't enjoy this extremely well-presented and highly informative content so it shouldn't exist."

-Ra3030, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

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