
Insomniac Games’ video statement on current US immigration policy

Insomniac Games CEO & Founder Ted Price addresses the studio’s stance on current US immigration policy.

Gazondaily2658d ago ShowReplies(1)
DragonDDark2658d ago ShowReplies(1)
Nu2658d ago ShowReplies(20)
bouzebbal2658d ago ShowReplies(6)
Utalkin2me2658d ago

In 2011 Obama did a 6 month refugee ban also. Where was the uproar then?

thekhurg2658d ago

The left doesn't care what the left does. Only the right.

MegaMohsi2658d ago Show
Brugal2658d ago

It was only for Iraq and it was in response to credible threats linked to the refugee program.

Ulf2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

It was congress, not "Obama", and it was based on intelligence data concerning imminent terror threats. Trump's ban doesn't ban a single country that has yielded a terrorist attack on the US, ever. ...probably because he does business in those countries.

WhoCaresWhatMyNameIs2658d ago


Obama didn't place a refugee ban. He placed a freeze on visas. Simple google search would help you idiots out. I'll summarize it for based on a report from ABC news.

Breitbart, Jan. 29: In 2013, ABC News first revealed that two years earlier, the State Department had imposed a freeze over the processing of Iraqi refugees for six months. The halt was the result of the discovery of two al-Qaida members admitted as refugees from Iraq who were living in Bowling Green, Kentucky and who had admitted to targeting U.S. troops in Iraq.

Vhampir2657d ago

Sweden is now the rape capital of the western world, and it has no-go zones where ambulances even need a police escort. There are "sharia patrols" all over Europe harassing people on the streets. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and UAE refused Syrian refugees. They must hate Muslims, right? Keep supporting open borders and holding up those signs, I'm sure it will work out.

Feel free to actually read the executive order:
You'll need to refer other documents listed, like 8 U.S.C. 1187, to understand it all.

GamingIVfun2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

There's a big difference between what Obama did with Iraq (one country) and what Trump is doing with muslims and muslim countries that don't benefit his companies bottom line. Keep defending Xenophobia and Fascism, while the rest of us defend America and freedom.

The problem is that right wingers think they have no faults and change the facts (alternate) to suite that notion.

Stand up for America and against Donald Trump.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2657d ago
Aceman182658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Have to respect IG for their beliefs, I'll always support them because they make some of my favorite games. I look forward to the new Spider-Man game.

I find it funny how people are b*tching that IG is using their right to express their views as is their right too (it's called freedom of speech), ppl complaining here should get over themselves.

1Victor2658d ago Show
ThunderPulseReturns2658d ago ShowReplies(2)
UltimateMaster2658d ago

I do believe that there needs to be a serious discussion on immigration policies in the USA.

I do believe as human beings we are compassionate and accepting when it comes to accepting people as humanitarians, but not necessarily those with malicious ideologies "terrorism" that doesn't behold American values.

A good argument from the left is that we are a nation that welcomes people and that banning certain countries who give the radicals fuel in anti-American sentiment.

A good argument from the right was I lock my doors not because I Hate the people outside but because I Love the people inside and want to protest them.

Both sides agree we need to vent people and do a background check of people to make sure we invite the good people in our country.


How to proceed then, well it needs to be a discussion, to Listen another person's perspective, not just hear them to hear them to make #owned or to overthrow their argument, nor should it be in protest against America for the actions of Trump and only Trump does.

starchild2657d ago

Nice comment. Very well said.

UnHoly_One2658d ago

Nothing about this is "good on them".

It's never a good idea for a business owner to spout off political opinions.

Why? Because all it does is alienate half of your potential customers.

People like me who will remember this when I'm happily never buying any of their games.

2657d ago
Deadpooled2657d ago

At least it's better than what the Starbucks guy announced #BoycottStarbucks

James Vanderbeek2657d ago

good job for saying they support isis? Trump already said the good ones will get in just fine. they just want to keep the bad ones out. you know if you went over to these countries you would probably get killed because of your American ways. clueless people.

Kombatologist2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

You know, if they came over here, they would probably get killed by some white gunman on a shooting spree. Clueless people. /s

Muzikguy2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

I like this. I also like seeing all these other companies around the country stand against Trump as well. When he was campaigning he was talking about going against the establishment and all this, which appealed to a lot of people and in theory that would be a good thing. Not even 2 weeks in and we have more people going against the President himself. It's quite funny. We should stop comparing Trump to Obama too. What Trump is doing is wrong. It's not "ok" because someone else did the same thing (but really, it wasn't the same thing). That to me shows a lot of ignorance and selfishness. Don't justify wrongs because others did it first

GamingIVfun2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

Trump travel ban is on muslim countries that have no known Isol affiliation but leaves out muslim counties that trumps companies have business dealings with, seems indefensible to me but I'm sure some will find a way to defend that. Doing this without proper discussion with key members of his cabinet and other government officials, indefensible. This lone wolf decision is anti american, shows us in his first week of his term what we can expect for the next 4 years. There is a reason we have a government made of of many members and not just one lone wolf running this country, it's to help make decisions that are thought out and beneficial. Doing this helps the terrorist by making us seem anti muslim and punishes people that are doing us no harm. The bad will he has created with this extremely bad decision will linger in peoples memory.

Punishing all muslims for extremist group behavior that the vast majority of Muslims are against and have no affiliation with is wrong, who suffers most from these extremist, the muslims, so in the right wing extremist mind we punish them more. Their are much better ways of protecting our country from terrorist attacks than xenophobia and fascism.

I am not a liberal or a conservative, I am a moderate. Bad decisions or policies no matter the party are bad decisions and are bad for america, it's citizens and the world. Republican's, Democrats all americans need to STAND UP against Donald Trump.

XStation4pio_Pro2657d ago

agreed. this is some bullshit going on. i'm american and i didn't vote for any of this but at least i can say i live in california and we are definitely insulating ourselves from the madness.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2657d ago
TGGJustin2658d ago

Major respect for Ted Price and that entire team for doing this. Good on them.

Highlife2658d ago ShowReplies(22)
xwabbit2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

They flagged our comments Inappropriate LMFAO!!!, unbelievable what a complete joke. The SJW's that cant accept facts so they choose to flag LOL!

xwabbit2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )


You are completely brain dead, you have so much misinformation actual retards seem smarter.

"Trump travel ban is on muslim countries that have no known Isol affiliation but leaves out muslim counties that trumps companies have business dealings with"

The list was made by the Obama administration, the 7 countries where SELECTED by the Obama administration. I guess Obama was working for Trump and btw can you name just ONE Business deal? Btw try learning about The Department of Homeland Security and what they do, sorry you are so "special" and who is isol ?


"Doing this without proper discussion with key members of his cabinet and other government officials, indefensible"

LOL ..... He did discussed it with members of his cabinet, the only members crying are the ones he didn't tell. He cant say something and its done, learn how things work in the government b4 posting something so dumb, theres a reason y there personal for every little detail, he cant approve his own laws LOL! what a joke LOLOLOLOL.

"Doing this helps the terrorist by making us seem anti muslim and punishes people that are doing us no harm"

So completely brainwashed are we ? What about the other 120 countries that have have some of the HIGHEST population of Muslims ? sorry you are so dumb. These countries where selected by the Obama administration and said to have high terrorism.


"Punishing all muslims for extremist group behavior that the vast majority of Muslims are against and have no affiliation with is wrong, who suffers most from these extremist"

Sorry, I forgot only 7 countries represented Muslims all over the world, I forgot those other 120 countries have fake Muslims, logic not your strong suit. I can see you're really good at being manipulated by the media, try researching your self before making a complete fool of your self.

"so in the right wing extremist mind we punish them more"

Its ok when Obama lets the State Department in 2011 stopped processing Iraq refugee requests for six months after the Federal Bureau of Investigation uncovered evidence that several dozen terrorists from Iraq had infiltrated the United States via the refugee program but its not ok if Trump does something very similar USING Obama's list. GGWP

"Their are much better ways of protecting our country from terrorist attacks than xenophobia and fascism. "

LOL omg, you are so brainwashed. Do you even know what fascism is lmfao ? OMG this is so good I cant wait to post this on my Reddit. Can you name just one example of Trump being fascist ? and xenophobia how exactly ? Obama selected that list and Muslims aren't a race btw LOL. Trump didn't select those countries, Obama did so please educate your self and look at actual sources that I posted with actual facts.

"I am not a liberal or a conservative, I am a moderate. Bad decisions or policies no matter the party are bad decisions and are bad for america, it's citizens and the world. Republican's, Democrats all americans need to STAND UP against Donald Trump"

Thank God you don't represent a side because you would make them look horrible with your misinformation and 0 based logic comments.

TheColbertinator2658d ago

Insomniac is based out of Burbank,a a melting pot of diverse nationalities and religions such as Mexican,Armenian,Iranian,Israe li,Indian,Jew,Catholic,Baptist and dozens more.

I'm not surprised they are taking such a firm stance.

"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."

- Thomas Jefferson

starchild2658d ago ShowReplies(2)
hellothere19772658d ago

Great quote...from a man who OWNED over 200 negroes.

Software_Lover2658d ago

Whenever someone brings up "the founding fathers" or this country isn't what it was, I'm like ........ they owned slaves, and lynchings were legal?

hellothere19772657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

@software_lover: "Whenever someone brings up "the founding fathers" or this country isn't what it was, I'm like ........ they owned slaves, and lynchings were legal?"

don't take my response to this guy out of context. i just found it comical that the guy i responded to would use that quote to "herald" insomniac's comical view. i have a great respect and appreciation for much of what the founding fathers did. they had the courage to FIGHT TO THE DEATH for something they believed in. how many whiners here about bush/obama/trump would dare go against the Government's trained elite killers (SS, marines, seals, SWAT, ATF, LR snipers?)

all and all, i'd say T Jefferson did a lot of good...owning human beings just wasn't one of those good things.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2657d ago
ZombieGamerMan2658d ago

I'm willing to concede that this isn't the smoothest possible thing but at the same time we live in a different age than Jefferson did where we can see what the refugee and migrant problem has had in Europe, Trump's action here might not be the best possible action but he is at least trying to fix a very serious issue

cheetorb2658d ago Show
2658d ago
sliggio322658d ago

He's not trying to fix a damn thing! Weird that none of the countries that he does business in (where terrorists have actually come from!!) are on the list. This is Islamophobic and hateful to its core. Does anybody else find it ironic that the people who are so afraid of terrorists live far away from anything that they would consider as a target??

uth112658d ago

The Native Americans didn't control the borders of this country. Look how it worked out for them!

If you freely import people with ideologies that are incompatible with western values, it's going to cause trouble. No two ways about it. We have thousands of years of history to back that up.

2658d ago
memots2657d ago

Shhh there is no problem. Pointing it out makes you a supremacist. You are not allowed to say the truth

WelkinCole2657d ago

Europe situation is vastly different from the US with regards to Refugees.

game4funz2657d ago

I think some groups or ignorants actually want mass rape to happen in the streets like it is in germany and france.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2657d ago
madpuppy2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

"Federal immigration law also includes Section 1182(f), which states: “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate”

This is actual Federal immigration law....(I'm dropping the mike now)...."thud"

RememberThe3572658d ago

He clearly has the power, the complaint is about how the power is used.

therevolution2657d ago

Well stated. A country isn't a country without a people and borders. Both Mexico and Canada have more stringent immigration policies than the US yet we're ridiculed for keeping our country safe

2658d ago
2658d ago
Jiggy7d2657d ago

So it's bad to impose a temporary ban on Muslims, but it's ok to completely rape and pillage their countries, which America has been doing for over 15 years without pause?Logic.

James Vanderbeek2657d ago

Im in cali and most of the middle eastern people agree with trump. you have to remember a lot of these people over there do not believe in our beliefs and the way we live life. they come here believing if they sacrifice themselves and kill us they will go to some promise land. trump is trying to keep those people out. not the people who come here to live the American dream. WHAT IS SO WRONG WITH THAT? HAHA. If you know someone is a drunk asshole who will cause a fight and destroy your place will you invite them to your home? NO.

therevolution2657d ago

They were also one of the first countries to abolish slavery while the middle East and Africa still have it with no real outcry from the west

Muzikguy2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

That's an amazing quote. It's just funny/hypocritical coming from a slave owner. Of course, the whole constitution was written in a different time.

fathertime44642657d ago

Nice quote, however it does not pertain to those that are not in this country or the none citizens

MagicBeanz2657d ago

And I'm sure many standing there dont agree with Ted but have to pretend in order to keep their jobs which is sad.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2657d ago
Rimeskeem2658d ago ShowReplies(1)
littletad2658d ago

Major respect for them. Can't wait for their Spider-man game :)

Deadpooled2657d ago

Would be hilarious if they hid a pro-immigrant easter egg in the game to be found later.

aaronaton2657d ago

yeah like a syrian kid that had been neglected and drowned, then placed on the beach face down.

Deadpooled2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )


Yeah that Syrian kid was found on the rocks nearby, the photographer took the kid and faked the picture. Seeing how many gullible people there are in the world, the "refugees" (because let's face it, the sheer majority are/were not refugees but illegal migrants seeking handouts at the expense of the taxpayer (which in itself the "Muslims" doing this are have sinned as per Islamic principles for trying to take what they don't deserve and haven't earned the privilege, taking advantage of handouts)) were allowed a free pass through Europe thanks to Herr Merkel, which caused utter chaos and the rise of right wing policies, eventually Brexit (the correct decision as the EU became a dictatorship of Germany telling everyone else what to do) and now Trump voted in as POTUS (the first WWE Hall of Famer to be voted in as POTUS. Also wouldn't be surprised if the next election is between Trump and Dwayne Johnson lol)

Also regarding that Syrian kid, his father is a people smuggler who had his own boat and was charging $10,000 per person to take across the Mediterranean. He escaped the manslaughter charge for basically causing the death of his son and escaped to Turkey.

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Report: Sexual Misconduct Investigation Conducted at EA, Suspects Named and What They Did Revealed

EA senior staff has been investigated for sexual misconduct involving female coworkers, and these said people have been named publicly.

isarai15h ago

Aye just call Phil, i mean he somehow made Bobby Kotick's scandal disappear and gave him a few million dollar high five on the way out.

Cacabunga6h ago

I wonder if it will be censored with some in game ads.

XiNatsuDragnel12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

EA about to go down like Activision and then Phil saves the day saying.this is good for the industry and consolidation will help create competition. /s.

ravens5210h ago

What's up with all these horny creeps. You gon be horny, fine. Just not at work take care of that shit before you go in. Rub one out if you have to. Don't be a creep at all. ESPECIALLY at work. But don't be one AT ALL.

Extermin8or3_5h ago

I mean part of the issue is that things transpired outside of work....

KwietStorm_BLM5h ago

You think deviants care where they are? Work sometimes makes it an even better situation for them because they can abuse their power.

NotoriousWhiz9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

"it seems that according to EA, given the events transpired outside of work between two adults, and the fact that once investigation has started that the alleged perpetrators didn’t do it again, the investigation is considered closed. [...] The victim still has to work with the people that harassed her."

Yep, EA is disgusting.

Extermin8or3_5h ago

I mean the fact stuff happened outside of work puts EA in quite a difficult position legally. These women don't seem to have reported the matter to the police which kinda ties EA's hands on what they can do. If they don't file reports of the crimes then yeah from EA's perspective it is stuff that happened outside of work. The only exception is the guy that apparently referenced things in the slack channel for work, spending on what he said proving it may be very hard and he may well be able to get away with plausible deniability. I don't like EA and I think these people need to be dismissed but without any legal action being taken, EA can't really do much without risk of being sued themselves for unfair dismissal etc.

Show all comments (14)

Former Deviation Games Devs Have Formed A New Studio At PlayStation To Work On A New IP

Former Deviation Games developers have formed a new studio at Sony Interactive Entertainment in order to work on a brand new PlayStation IP.

Read Full Story >>
Tacoboto1d 2h ago

Well that's an awesome and very surprising turnaround. Cheers to the new studio and what they'll build!

RaidenBlack23h ago

Likely to continue their FPS project

Cacabunga11h ago

It is not about money it is about talent.. get that talent in and they will take care of you and earn you that money

Eonjay11h ago

I had picked up on this before the Deviation shutdown was announced. It was pointed out that a senior manager of the team had joined PlayStation prior to the close. It was a little suspicious because from the outside in, it appeared had basically poached Deviation's talent.

Reading some of the other comments it seems this is understood to be the case.

In other news it would be wild if Sony winds up announcing a brand new internal studio.

isarai21h ago

That's..... confusing, so shut down but just reformed and same employer 🤔 sounds like pretty much what happened to Japan Studio basically just being rebranded as Asobi

ocelot0721h ago

It is odd one I don't know how business deals work or the law of that kind of stuff. But is it possible Sony reached out and said hey we want you apart of Sony but don't want to purchase you for what ever reason. How about use disband and we will open a studio and hire you guys type of thing. Is that even possible?

isarai20h ago

Maybe it's to void/bypass some contract? I have no clue

VersusDMC16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

I guess the deviation team fell apart and didn't deliver good progress on what they pitched (they overhyped themselves when the team was announced)so Sony shut them down. They regrouped with a new team and a new pitch so Sony is giving them another shot.

And this time they are keeping it quiet to keep pressure down on the team. So people aren't asking everyday what deviation(or whatever the new team is called) is doing.

Edit: Also Sony never owned them. They just ended their partnership with them. Deviation decided to close on their own.

outsider162416h ago

Good point. You know, i was thinking of Days Gone too. They pitch an idea to Sony for Days Gone 2 but Sony didnt like it do they scrapped the whole thing. Maybe if a good pitch came by...they'd reconsider it.

isarai15h ago

That makes a bit more sense

lodossrage14h ago

To be fair, Sony didn't shut them down. Devation was independent. Sony pulled funding on the project they were working on. As a result, they couldn't run so Devation decided to close on their own.

MrBaskerville11h ago

Maybe it's a good team but sony changed plans?

Plague-Doctor274h ago


The management at Deviation was reportedly a problem. Sony cut their funding and when the studio layoffs began they bought the talent back up

Lightning774h ago

It's probably cheaper to grab the talent than to anage a full studio as a second party.

Maybe we see the game at the PS showcase?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4h ago
roboteye16h ago

If this was MS they'd be gone.

Goodguy0116h ago

Maybe make a smaller game this time?

Elda15h ago

Good for them that they were able to work it out. Hopefully they're developing something interesting.

Rainbowcookie15h ago

I think Sony is thinking long term as a replacement for Call of Duty M$ edition.

lodossrage7h ago

If they can pull off at least 2 more games similar to Helldivers 2 they won't have to worry about that COD deal anymore (my personal opinion, not fact)

-Foxtrot5h ago

The best thing they can do is make something old school based

The issue with COD is that it's so over the top and arcade like now where it feels more like you are relying on gimmicks and what you've unlocked rather than skill.

If they can create an old school like first person shooter where "less is more" and not a game that relies on a drip feed road map then they'll get some attention.

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INTERVIEW: Gray Zone Warfare's Success and Next Steps

Insider Gaming sat down with MADFINGER games to talk about Gray Zone Warfare's about the state of the game, its early success, and its future.

Read Full Story >>