
How Fan Complaints Led to Capcom Taking Resident Evil Back to its Roots

After criticism for Resident Evil 6, Capcom felt it was time to reinvent the survival horror series.

-Foxtrot2677d ago (Edited 2677d ago )

How is this back to its roots where it's looks and plays so differently to the old games

Huge difference between survival horror and jump scare horror not to mention first third person and first

Jeez...if Capcom listened they would have just done what they did for the Remake back in 2002

Batzi2677d ago

I have to disagree with you there. First person is the smartest decision Capcom took for the series and by going back to its roots I think they meant a horror/scary game rather than a survival action game. In my opinion RE7 is much closer to RE3 in terms of horror than it is to RE4,5,6.

NapalmSanctuary2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

Survival action game? Maybe Rev 1&2. 4-6 were straight up action games, 1-0 were survival horror games with no action.

Kombatologist2677d ago

Herbs, limited ammo, puzzles, closed quarters, monsters, fear of the unknown; How is it not a return to its roots? Furthermore, not only did the very first Resident Evil have first-person elements (the front door cinematic, loading screens), but it was originally going to be first-person. The series has never been a stranger to the concept. I haven't been genuinely afraid of a RE game since the original. I love the traditional third-person game play as much as the next fan, but I want to be afraid again, and I'm not going to get that with another third-person game.

And don't forget that we still have the RE2 remake to look forward to.

_-EDMIX-_2676d ago

100% agreed the only people that are saying this crap are also people that I don't believe have been fans of the original in the first place.

If somebody is crying about a perspective change, sorry but you weren't that much of a Resident Evil fan if you want the prospective more than the gameplay itself.

NukaCola2677d ago


- First Person View
- Smooth Controls at 60 frames
- VR

Comparison to RE1 and traditional RE games
- Open Mansion
- Puzzles
- Crazy Keys
- Limited Ammo
- Crafting
- Herbs
- Horror Survival
- Monsters/Nemesis Style Enemies

Each section of the house, enemy you encounter, puzzle etc, pays homage to original RE and over 50 years of Horror lore. Capcom is going all out to deliver and this is going to deliver. I call it Texas Chainsaw Luigi's Mansion, and that makes me happy and giddy... Well until I play it. They I will be very very afraid..lol

MadMax2676d ago

You are correct. I got the game early and it definately feels like they've finally listened to the fans and indeed have gone back to their roots here. Even in first person, it doesn't take anything else away. I'm not big into first person games either and I am really enjoying this. I am experiencing it thru VR, so maybe that's why. This game almost definately should be experienced in VR. I've tried both ways and it's much more intense and a blast on VR! This game alone is worth the admission price of a VR. RE is back!

TheCommentator2676d ago


no zombies
no Stars
no Umbrella

I will admit it's more RE than any of the action BS that started with RE4 though.

CorndogBurglar2676d ago

@ TheCommentator

Umbrella does play a part. And if rumors are true, so does a certain sunglassed baddie from past resident evil games.

Also, traditional zombies might be missing, but many years have passed in the timeline. The virus has become more than simple zombies. Zombies were always just the lowest of the totem poll when it came to the virus.

Also, STARS aren't mainstays in the series. They weren't in a lot of games actually...

_-EDMIX-_2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

Lol Agreed

@thecomment- did you even play the demo? In the demo there is a couple clues that very much so umbrella.

Also until you've actually completed the final game I have no clue how you would know stars or umbrella have nothing to do with this specific Resident Evil.

TheCommentator2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

Corndog, Edmix, you may be right in the long run. I've been burned by the series one too many times to have faith in it yet though. I'll rent it when it comes out and give it a try, but I don't want to play the demo. You guys did inform me of a few details I was unaware of, so thanks for that!

_-EDMIX-_2675d ago (Edited 2675d ago )

@thecomm- trust me I'm in the same boat I don't trust Capcom simply because of the bad Resident Evils like Resident Evil 5 and 6 but from what I've read in regards to the features in Resident Evil 7 it is what we've basically been asking for for a long number of years.

Capcom has clearly made some bad Resident Evils I definitely will not disagree to that but Capcom has never lied about specific key features and being inside of a game before regardless of how the turn up happened to be.

In my personal opinion the limiting of Mo Health weaponry and the return of puzzles as well as simply being inside of a mansion the entire game is enough for me to make the purchase because that is all I really wanted the series to be.

I would not give away any spoilers by saying anything other than , that simply because I don't believe any Resident Evil game has ever been marketed to telling you the specifics of umbrellas involvement in the game that is always been something you find out.

With the Resident Evils always being pretty short I would definitely recommend you at least rent it because if you're an older Resident Evil fan I'm sure you're going to be excited about having a return to those features.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2675d ago
CorndogBurglar2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

Its back to its roots because nearly everything from the original games is back, with the exception of a 3rd person perspective. Next to no ammo. Having to decide when to stand and fight or run. Herbs. Save rooms. Limited inventory space. Creepy, claustrophobic environments. The feeling of being severely under powered. Puzzles of varying difficulty. Monsters.

I mean, seriously. If people could just look past the first person perspective they would see a very true return to form. Unfortunately, some people are incapable of doing that.

Also, this isn't a "jump scare" game. I'm sure there will be plenty of them in it, but just the creepy feeling of the environment and not knowing what is around any corner is enough to show that there is much more to this game than jump scares. And lets not forget that even the original RE had its share of jump scares. Or do you not remember the first time walking down a seemingly empty hallway only to have zombie dogs fly through the windows with a loud crash right when you think you're safe?

I have to question whether or not people like you have actually watched gameplay trailers for this game, or if you really are a fan of the older installments, because your jump scare comment doesn't make sense. And again, being first person seems to be the only big difference.

DeadManMMX2676d ago

Exactly. they didn't make a Resident Evil game they made a PT Clone.

PurpHerbison2676d ago

I agree with you. You can't exactly say it is returning to its roots when all it is doing is borrowing from horror games that came out in recent years, or failed(PT). A return to its roots would include fixed camera angles. Can't really blame them though, a Resident Evil true to its roots isn't for everyone. Sure, for gamers like us that started on RE two decades ago but your average gamer today wants first person action. Capcom doesn't make games for us anymore, they make games for them.

TheCommentator2676d ago

Couldn't agree more. Besides your point, lool at the article for a second. How can we go from, "...taking the series back to it's roots" to, "...reinvent the survival horror series"? Which one is it? It can't possibly be both.

Unfortunately for us RE fans, capcom chose the latter. I've said it before: RE4 ruined the franchise and 7 doesn't have a clue about recapturing the essence of the original concept of the series. Someone can like 7 all they want because it may be a great game to them, but that alone doesn't make it a good RE game.

To each their own, but I'm not buying this crap.

_-EDMIX-_2676d ago

Can you list what is not in this game that wasn't the originals that you're talking about? Be specific in your response because you're way too vague and it sounds like you don't really know what you're talking about.

If you want people to believe your post you need to give a little bit more detail because it sounds like you're scared for someone to counter you smh.

As it stands this game has a
limited ammo
limited health
limited Weaponry
And a return to more puzzles.

PurpHerbison2675d ago

Give it a rest already, your asshat is showing.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2675d ago
tim6662677d ago

I think i give the game a chance
But i would've find it better in 3rd person
I'm not a big fan of first person horror games

NukaCola2676d ago

Did you play The Evil Within?

DeadManMMX2676d ago

The Evil Within was a great more horror filled version of Resident Evil 4. It was basically RE4 reskinned but with more psychological horror. Bring on the sequel.

on_line_forever2677d ago

WTF how they confirm it Back to its Roots ?

there is a difference between the old games ( 0 , 1, 2 , 3 , code veronica ) and this game

there is difference between survival horror like old games and scare horror game like RE 7 .

NO its NOT back to its Roots , its just a normal horror game and guss what its first person !!

gantarat2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

How is normal horror ? if you can shoot enemy back ?
I don't want spoil but some boss are big.

on_line_forever2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

yes its normal horror , Hiding from some psycho mutant family ? is this RE ? really ? really ?

first person ? really ? plus , did you hear how epic the soundtrack in old games ? especially save room song

capcom prove they can not make this game back to its roots again because shinji mikami not here and this his game , he know how make it back to its roots unlike the others they just copy and past what he did in the old games but in a really bad way .

NukaCola2676d ago

What is Scare Horror versus Survival Horror?

If survival means you are limited but non scared, then WTF? RE4-6 were NOT survival Horror. They were really just action games with infected people/creatures. As a fan of the original isometrical RE games, I think this is as close as you will get. This game is not like Outlast and doesn't even feel like a FPS in an aspect. It is a different view and trully just a reboot of the series from the Action-Bro Shooter is was turning into.

DeadManMMX2676d ago

RE4-6 are not really Resident Evil games. They are not survival horror they are more action adventure. This is completely agreed. RE7 will probably be good but it's not the closest we will get. For those of us craving the original formula with a touch of the modern. The closest we will get is Resident Evil 2 Remake coming soon.

Imalwaysright2676d ago

RE4 was a survival horror game.

gantarat2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

Like i said you can shoot stalker (jack baker) enemy and only mansion part that have stalker until jack second boss battle he will gone not come after you anymore.

CommentsOnDemand2676d ago

a Thing where making bubbles at the snow and somebody had eaten it;
a product where created and a lie where saved somebody that had got to eat Shaving Spray, cause a legion of consumers started to live the dream;
Resident Evil where just the made from Lit - on which is about to get so much polluted by the environment that is full on consumer behavior;
Hoots going to VR(and thing) is a wild guess about the availability that makes the Internet and it's content not related to the phenomenal, leading the way at the FPS games;

fenome2676d ago

Not sure if you're a weird bot or if English isn't your native language, this is your first comment on a brand new account so I can't check your history...

fenome2676d ago

Somebody agreed to him twice, maybe it's just really good mushrooms

2pacalypsenow2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

I wouldnt consider an Outlast RE7, "Back to it's Roots" But I have been enjoying the Demo.

gantarat2676d ago

This is not outlast clone.

CorndogBurglar2676d ago

If you've played Outlast and have really been playing the demo then I'm not real sure how you can compare the two....

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Dirty_Lemons111d ago

Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky have to be up there. We're lucky and cursed, equally, to have games that can be updated now. For folks old enough to remember the Sega/SNES into PS1 and even 2 eras, if a game came out that was half baked (*cough*Angel of Darkness*cough*) that was it, no redemption. At the same time, having the option for updates shouldn't be an excuse for half assing games.

thorstein111d ago

I remember when the Nintendo Seal of Approval meant something.

All those games had to release without bugs.

shinoff2183111d ago

Comebacks shouldnt be a thing in videogames. Just saying.


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Yeah I figured it would be ordered like this. For me Leons best game was his debut. RE2.


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