
Why dooming Nintendo Switch for its bare launch line-up doesn't add up

How does the Nintendo Switch launch compare to its predecessors?

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chrisx2685d ago

There are other reasons people are worried : expensive price, lack of 3rd parties etc, nintendos stubborness will be their downfall unfortunately.

Neonridr2684d ago

expensive price?.. look at everything it does for a handheld and comes in at $299.

You guys are hilarious. You want the power of a PS4, a 1080p screen, a decent battery and a cost of $249. Wake up buddy, that isn't even possible for that price.

Kingthrash3602684d ago

Lol agreed. Crazy how backwards things are now. They forgot how much the vita, 3ds, new 3ds, ps3,xbox,xboxone and 3do costed.. lol. The switch combines them all into one for about the same or less. Who's to say the switch won't have third party games? Why does it need it? The way I see it, I already have a ps4p/xbo...why do I need another one? The fact that the switch us unique should be a selling point. The only thing separatein the xbo and ps4 is the exclusives...the switch is a different console that has different experiences. That's a plus. 299 is a ok price.

freshslicepizza2684d ago

good for those who like handheld gaming, not very good for those who want a game console

The 10th Rider2684d ago

Exactly. Just look at the size comparison between a Switch and a PS4. The Switch and PS4 Slim have the same MSRP, though the PS4 Slim is readily available for cheaper, or bundled with a game.

That being said, I would have gladly paid for something portable that was $400 with PS4 level of power, but I don't know if that'd be possible with a decent battery life.

Mrveryodd2684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )


Yohshida2683d ago

The problem are all the additional costs. You spend at least 470€ before you can play a game on your TV with a real Controller.

DARKKENT2683d ago (Edited 2683d ago )

What about the ridiculous way to chat to friends online? Less 3rd party support than the wii u? Overpriced accessories ?That it comes in at £280 WITHOUT a game and those are £60 a pop...theres alot to criticize Nintendo for the fanboys dont want to hear it...like they didnt wana hear it with the wii u and look where that got them ...

2683d ago
Christopher2683d ago

I just wanted something better than my two year old tablet that has more games and better battery life and doesn't put emphasis on gaming gimmicks. YMMV.

joab7772683d ago (Edited 2683d ago )

You are kidding right? If I went and bought what I needed it would be well over $400 just to start playing or put it on par with it's competitors, accessory wise. As you can buy a PS4 for cheaper, it doesn't make sense!

And no it doesn't combine them all into one! How much are you gonna pay for a mobile game today? Times are changing and the competition is fierce. It's not about what happened 4 yrs ago. It's about Nintendo surviving the current climate!

Kurdishcurse2683d ago

its barely stronger than the wiiu and its for 300$. yaaah im not moronic or egotistic enough to justify that. not to mention im pretty sure we are paying for nintendos research and development of that laughable remote. the online and chat shinanigans etc etc. there are more reasons for this to flop than to succeed. and the wiiu attests to that. having zelda will only save the console for the 1st year. well c.

PapaBop2683d ago

The console price isn't the main problem, it's the price of everything else. You factor everything into consideration and it's the most expensive console on the market without the specs to really justify that plus either has major features missing or implemented poorly. The fact at launch it only has one must buy game that's still available for the Wii U is like the icing on the cake.

XisThatKid2683d ago

there's also the fact tthat with a few people. They've been burned by two systems that had potential and wasn't what was expected in the end. to them this is a repeat of that and most people aren't wrong for being weary of a new console especially if what is offered at launch isn't what you want. I see nothing wrong with that.

feraldrgn2683d ago (Edited 2683d ago )

Although it looks like a handheld, it's really not, at least that's what Nintendo are saying & have been saying since the first announcement.

They've repeated "home gaming console first & foremost" multiple times now (as well as "hybrid"),
they're pricing the games at home gaming console prices,
the advertisements are of people gaming on the TV & then unhooking it to game on the go, not the other way round.
Reggie said they're going to keep it alongside the 3DS.
At their conference they talked about all of the "features" they took from past Nintendo consoles & said the idea of the tablet was the off-screen play feature from the Wii-U.

rdgneoz32683d ago (Edited 2683d ago )

"look at everything it does for a handheld and comes in at $299."

Yet they've said its a console first.

"You want the power of a PS4, a 1080p screen, a decent battery and a cost of $249."

Yet it's out years after the PS4 and weaker, battery takes longer to charge than it lasts for, needs a smart phone app to do voice chat and match making (of which you need to pay serice to do both, when voice chat is free with the other systems and you can match make for many F2P games without a sub), has a weak launch line up, not many big name 3rd party games coming to it, no Netflix / media apps for a while (it was on the Wii and WiiU...), and costs the same price as the PS4 and xbone (when happen to go on sale every so often for less than $300).

Yes, that is hilarious that they think they'll compete with the Pro and Scorpio, when it can't even beat the base systems.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2683d ago
Erik73572684d ago

Lack of 3rd parties, you mean lack of mediocre disappointments?

sinjonezp2683d ago

Your lack of intelligent input is disrespectful. Only one hand full of games at launch and it's biggest release is on the wiiU? Seriously?

_-EDMIX-_2683d ago

You and I have discussed this at length but regardless of how you personally feel about third-party support understand that third-party support is essential to a platform like this succeeding.

Regardless of how you personally feel about it there's over 20 million people that are purchasing Call of Duty every single year on other platforms.

I'm sorry but that's a lot of people not buying your Hardware.

Mind you the way I see Microsoft this generation Nintendo easily could have weaseled them out of the industry.

A Nintendo console that was as powerful as the Xbox One and also had the same architecture as well as the same media format would very likely get more support simply because it is Japanese ie Your Kingdom Hearts 3 your Final Fantasy 15 your Yakuza series etc.

ON TOP if your Call of Duty Battlefield Assassin's Creed etc

In fact Call of Duty showing up on the Wii and Assassin's Creed showing up on the Wii u very much show that these companies are not making games for this platform specifically because of its technical limitation , because they have no problem creating those games for their other platforms when they were degraded to a degree.

But Nintendo needs to bring the hardware if they accept developers to bring the games.

At the end of the day regardless of how you personally feel it is not your decision it is not your call and you do not speak for the millions of Gamers that likely would have purchased this platform if it receives a specific amount of support.

Trust me you could say no to Grand Theft Auto 6 Red Dead Redemption 2 etc, and record number of millions will say yes elsewhere to another platform.

This is a situation where the customer is always right, I see Zero reason to be fighting against Gamers that want more games.

How did the Wii U perform with all of its fabulous exclusives?

I mean you have to consider it that's a 14 million install base versus an install base of a couple hundred million

morganfell2683d ago

The Wii U didn't have those so called Third Party Disappointments. How did that work out for Nintendo?

What console will Nintendo dump the Switch for when their repeat method fails to work again?

Start slow and taper off is not the way to succeed. A robust and continual flow of First Party Exclusives rounded out by solid Third Party Support including all those disappointments. Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it.

Apparently you do not realize that hardware isn't worth the electricity it takes to run if for five seconds if it doesn't have the software support. A multiplatform Zelda and some Mario games are not going to do it alone.

admiralvic2683d ago

The funny thing is how some people, such as the writer of this article, overlook things like cause and effect.

Lets say the number of games launch with the Switch is unimportant, because, reasons. Okay, so the biggest hitter is obviously Zelda, but the difference between the Switch version and Wii U version are not so overwhelming that it releasing on the Wii U is more of a token gesture. This obviously lowers the appeal by a little bit. From there, the next biggest hitter is Mario Kart 8, an enhanced port and then Arms. Again, commenting on how many people will make the shift or buy for the first time over it is hard to say, but it is likely much lower than the number that will over Mario Odyssey.

From there we have Splatoon 2, which is the first "true" system seller. I call it the "true" system seller, because it is a sequel to a popular game and it is truly unique and exclusive for the system. The issue with Splatoon 2 right now, is how the paid online will impact it. If people don't want to pay for the Nintendo service, I suspect Splatoon 2 will suffer, since most of its value is in the online aspect. Finally, we know there is Mario sometime in the holiday season and it will sell because it's Mario, completely new and, if nothing else, it's the holiday season.

So what is my point? Early sales can make a lasting impression on the system and negatively impact it. We already know EA has a "wait and see" approach to anything besides Fifa and I worry that a lack of big games upfront, will cause people to adopt later and later. If GameStop didn't have their great trade in deal for my Wii U, I likely would've waited until Summer for Splatoon or Holiday for Mario if the online stuff isn't for me.

If everyone does this, then the sales will be very low, third parties will yet again avoid it and they will need to do something to recover. As we saw with the 3DS, that isn't impossible, even if they failed to accomplish that feat with the Wii U, but a long standing delay isn't good either. Like if it takes until the Holiday season to get sales that entice third parties, then it could be around a year and a half into the consoles life before it gets any amount of support.

So, while the actual launch isn't a problem per se, I definately think it could lead to much larger issues. Especially since consumers know third party support might not be there, Nintendo now has paid online and a lack of titles.

Antnee5342685d ago

My opinion is that it will pull a vita and suck worldwide but do amazing in japan

Erik73572684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

Disagree, way more software support from Nintendo than Sony did for Vita. Actually has system sellers on it.

The Switch will have the mainline Pokemon RPG series on it, do you not see that as a huge game? Like it will be groundbreaking because we have never seen Pokemon games at this level of quality.

This is something gamers have wanting for a decades and now we are finally getting a true pokemon console game.


The Zelda game LOOKS AMAZING on it.....THE NEXT MARIO GAME looks amazing on it.


Granted, metroid, pokemon, and beyond good evil 2 have not been shown....it is obviously known they are in the works and will be on the Switch exclusively.

WeAreLegion2683d ago

The Vita launched with a significantly better lineup. It's not even close. What are you talking about?

Zhipp2683d ago

The Vita launched with a good lineup, but Sony completely abandoned the system after the first year. It was like the inverse of the 3DS. Launch lineup isn't everything, especially if said launch is so early in the year. The Switch will receive far, far more support from Nintendo than the Vita did from Sony because it will be the only platform they're supporting.

Kurdishcurse2683d ago (Edited 2683d ago )

metroid, pickmen, BGE2 and xenoblade C2...most of which r unnounced titles with god knows how many years in between them. meanwhile, 3rd party support will pepper the console (ps4/xbox) market between anticipated exclusives, the switch will be left bone dry again for years until something like another zelda or metroid. this is just a barely beefed up wiiu, with an overly expensive price tag, for gimmicks rather than power. fuk that crap.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2683d ago
Bronxs152684d ago

Here's the thing. People are not excited for Nintendo anymore. The best thing they have going for them are they games. And people wanted to see Nintendo showing off games and see people taking an interest in them. But sadly that's what nintendo showed.

81BX2684d ago

I disagree. I think many gamers are excited for NIN still.

_-EDMIX-_2683d ago

yes the people that purchase the Wii U in the 3DS but that amount of people is actually shrinking.

ie why they even fused the portable with their Home console in the first place

Bronxs152683d ago

I purchased wii u and 3ds. But won't be getting switch. Too disappointed.

I can't believe they are pitching it as a home console. In 2017. With 32 gb same as the previous wii u. No Ethernet port. So need to get USB adapter to have a wired connection to play online smash and marionkart with good connection. No headphone jacks for headset. You need to have a smart device for voice cigar match making. Writes paid online were u get a free game only for a month.

It's hard to look at all this and say they are being competitive with other home console offerings. Or hard to see the value in it. Especially at it's asking price.

JayPi32684d ago

I didn't know you speak for everyone now, everyone I see claims to be excited and people who complain still say they have the switch pre ordered.

V0LT2684d ago

Speak for yourself. I am excited.. Maybe one day people will realize Nintendo isn't trying to shut down Sony or MS. They do their own thing if it isn't obvious by now. It isn't all about visuals.

sinjonezp2683d ago

So you are excited for a game system with five games at launch and it's selling point is a game that's available for wiiU? Btw paying over 300 for the system and God knows how much for accessories? Okay! Lol

81BX2683d ago

5 games at launch does not equal forever... also zelda looks better on switch so why wouldnt i be excited? I get it, you dont like it but youre confussing your opinion as fact. Using your logic i should never be excited for an xb1/ps4 game if its releasing on scorpio or pro. Cmon man!

Erik73572684d ago

Look at your agree and disagree count. I would say it's been awhile since we've seen excitement like this for Nintendo.

To put this into perspective, just weeks ago your agree/disagree account would of been the opposite. But now as things are starting to add up the hate for this is slowing going away.

Realms2683d ago

Considering Nintendo's current track record I wouldn't be surprised if the Switch under performs it's a very devisive topic right now because outside of Nintendo fans many gamers are cautiously optimistic. I know I am I bought a WiiU and have no intention of picking up a Switch any time soon because I want to see the kind of support the Switch get's.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2683d ago
maybelovehate2684d ago

I don't mind the lineup. In fact I think with Zelda it is quite strong. What I mind is that it is a last gen console. So tired of Nintendo holding back great games such as Zelda with their cheap hardware.

Erik73572684d ago

I'm tired of Sony holding back Naughty Dog, let them develop a game for my pc and it will blow a ps4's graphics away please

zaherdab2684d ago

ummm ? that applies to nintendo as well if that's even an argument let them develop for pc as well ... only problem is a pc games can't be ported to Switch unless they are really 5 years old crap while ps4 is running current gen pc games.
But seriously your argument is just argument for the sake of responding ...

maybelovehate2683d ago

That would be nice, but PS4 Pro is probably 10 times more powerful than the Switch.

Vhampir2684d ago

It's not really "cheap" if you consider it's a 720p handheld. 3 times more powerful than the vita undocked, and 6 times more when docked. I expected consoles to one day end up like the switch. I got a smart phone in 2011 with MHL support, and I knew eventually someone would make a handheld console that outputs its screen to a tv. Original vita's would have been the first but Sony wanted to resell it as it's own thing and never released the cable.

maybelovehate2683d ago

I have no interest in handhelds. I don't have a backpack or a fanny pack. My phone will have to make due because I can't be bothered to haul something around.

RedPill862684d ago

Far so I can tell, nobody is bashing it for that reason. Everyone I talk to wants the games, they don't want the system. Hence why Zelda is being purchased on Wii U. Can't justify this overly costly system.

Erik73572684d ago

Nintendo know's games are what are important I guess

zaherdab2684d ago

RedPill is stating there's not enough games on switch to warrant a purchase WII U owners will just get Zelda on WII U ... probably being the main reason they bought the WII U and kept it while Nintendo continuously delaying it... so do they know games are important ?

Rippcity2683d ago

I think Nintendo actually thinks the opposite thanks to the Wii. The Wii was able to sell millions of consoles because it came with Wii sports. The Wii sold itself based off of the motion controls. They tried agian with the Wii U gamepad to see if that would warrant a success like the Wii and we all know how that turned out. And now yet AGAIN with the Switch and the fact that it is mobile. These consoles don't sell themselves and Nintendo forgot that because of the success of the Wii. Gamers don't care about consoles, they care about what games are on them. If they announced that this thing would have Zelda, a new Metroid game, a new Pikman, a new Animal Crossing and a Pokemon game in the first year, it would fly off of shelves. Because games are what sell systems, not the other way around.

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Sony Says The PS5 Is Its “Most Profitable Generation To-Date"

During Sony’s recent business segment meeting and investor presentation regarding its game and network services, the PlayStation company revealed that PlayStation 5 is the company’s “most profitable generation to-date.”

It’s the top slide of the presentation, showing that in its first four years, the PS5 generation has already hit $106 billion in sales, having almost caught up to the PS4’s total $107 billion generated.

Operating income for the PS5 generation has also already surpassed that of the PS4, having now reached $10 billion.

ApocalypseShadow2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

I wouldn't doubt it. They released a high quality system. A lot of high quality games from themselves and their support of 3rd party developers and indies. They released many high quality remakes and remasters. They released a high quality GaaS game going against the naysayers thinking Sony would abandon single player games. And they most likely are profiting a lot more than PS1, PS2 PS4 and the loss leading PS3 that drained all their profits.

Now, I'll wait to see what's cooking tomorrow. But can you use some of those profits to better support your high quality VR headset? Because, by supporting it, you can sell more games and more systems and make more profits?

jznrpg2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

I want RPGs for PSVR2! Good ones of course

shinoff21831h ago

If it had some rpgs I would buy right fking now. It looks dope and alot of fun, but it's biggest game resident evil 4(maybe) I've got no interest in. I'm not a fan of racing games, even with that metro game coming i was never much into that series. Rpgs would be fantastic.

--Onilink--6m ago

The interesting metric for me is the $106billion in operating income/profit (not sales as mentioned in the article) reaching the same as the PS4 did with only half the consoles sold.

In particular because they all are supposed to be making the most per hardware sold after a few years when manufacturing costs are down.

So even putting inflation aside(and the higher console price), it is interesting that they could reach PS4 $ with just half the consoles sold.

Maybe there is more to the metric thats whats seen at face value, but they have clearly been making a lot more money than before on the software side (with also less games released I suppose, given its only been half the generation so far)

Abnor_Mal1h ago

This will surely shut up all the new trolling accounts trying to spread lies and non facts in other articles comment sections before this article is posted.

Hofstaderman41m ago(Edited 40m ago)

Obscurely, those trolls or troll will not show in these articles as the truth is contradictory to his or their orchard-sized daily dose of copium and hopium.

Tacoboto6m ago

Or... They're intentionally trolling you guys specifically. Because they know it upsets you so easily.

Name-dropping Orchard, after this many months? How long has it been and he's still in your thoughts?

Elda5m ago

I'm quite sure the individual is reading these positive comments downvoting & seething at the same time.

repsahj56m ago

Wow! I am super impressed that in just 4 years, ps5 already caught up to the PS4's. Congratulations.

sagapo39m ago

Not really surprised as Sony barely has any competition at the moment.

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Zotac To Reveal Their Portable Gaming PC At COMPUTEX 2024

This sounds like a very interesting mobile gaming PC. ZOTAC returns to COMPUTEX 2024 to showcase its biggest push yet into brand-new product categories from Handheld Gaming.

smashman986h ago

My last 2 gpus have both been zotac. No issues. I'm interested.

Garethvk3h ago

It will be interesting to see what they have to offer


PlayStation VR2 Official PC Adapter by Sony Is Being Certified

An official PlayStation VR2 adapter for PC made by Sony is being certified. It won't be long before the VR headset is officially compatible.

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Profchaos17h ago

one step closer to unlocking the headsets full power.

I'm extremely underwhelmed with how Sony has treated it's psvr2 customers seriously Nintendo treated it's Wii U owners of which the sales were probably equal in the headsets 2bd year v the consoles far better.

This is the least they could do

ravens5215h ago

I agree. I'm a day 1 consumer too. 😢 For my day 1 Vita. I do not like when Sony does that crap.

14h agoReplies(2)
BlackOni13h ago

Agreed, but to your point, those dollars went a lot further back then than they do now. This should have been a consideration from the beginning.

Imagine buying a monitor or tv that could only work with one device. That's basically what this equates to, so they left a LOT of money on the table by not making it PC compatible from the getgo. But to Sony's credit, even they were unaware of how popular their games would be once released on PC.

Babadook710h ago

I doubt there will be foveated rendering implemented on PC. PSVR2 is already a better experience than PCVR. PS5 Pro will unlock the full power.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 10h ago
Neonridr15h ago

so now Sony is going to sell me an adapter I have to buy so I can use the headset on my PC? Gee, how generous of you :P

While it's great that I will be able to use this headset instead of my Index or Q3 for PC only VR titles, it's still a sad realization that Sony is sorta waiving the white flag here. Here's hoping they at least make some of their PSVR2 exclusive content available on PC as well now.

ocelot0715h ago

I don't see it as waving the white flag. PSVR the first one even though modders did get it working on pc it was a awful experience.

PSVR2 one of the best VR headsets available. Requires just one usb c cable. Even though I truly believe exclusives are what sell consoles. When it comes to VR it's very nich among gamers. I'm ecstatic that soon I can imo use the best VR headset on both ps5 and pc. No need for a pc vr headset. I have said it since PSVR2 was announced that I hope they make it pc compatible. With it being a very expensive headset and pc vr being more popular it just makes sense for Sony to do this.

14h ago
Neonridr13h ago

as opposed to a Quest 3 that requires no cables, or a single cable if you want to pair it with your PC right? ;)

While the tech is better in the PSVR2 for the most part (I own an Index, Q3 and PSVR2), I'm still let down by certain things. Headset rumble is a novelty. Eye tracking has only been used well on a couple of titles.

to each their own I guess, but to me this doesn't give me confidence that Sony is fully investing in their own hardware, more like they are stepping back to allow others to fill in the gaps.

ocelot0710h ago

@Neonridr not owned a quest 3. Did own a quest 1 and 2 both where fairly good. Have used a quest 3 for a limited time and thought it was fine. But comfort wise not as nice as psvr2.

Tried using quest 2 via wireless streaming to my pc and it was so bad I much rather using a single cable and have a solid connection than streaming the game from pc to headset.

14h agoReplies(2)
ocelot0715h ago

It's most likely just going to be a usb c to usb 3 adapter. Even for modern era a lot of new cases and motherboards don't have a usb c ports.

The budget but still fairly fairly high end pc I recently helped my friend build. He went with a b550 motherboard. Didn't have a usb c port or a on board socket to connect a pc case with a front panel usb c. Had to get a cheap pcie usb c.

1nsomniac11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

They developed the headset/attached usb c cable so that it wasn’t possible to run through any port other than a designated ps5 port. The adapter allows all the data to be passed correctly to a none designated ps5 port.

14h agoReplies(1)
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