
No eSports plans for Halo Wars 2, but 343 says it’s ‘very conscious’ of fan interest

Its passionate community is intrigued by the prospect, and they'll swear by its competitiveness, but Halo Wars may yet be a ways off the pro eSports circuit.

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Erik73572700d ago (Edited 2700d ago )

No Esports for it because it's probably garbage compared to Starcraft

Paytaa2700d ago

Could fill a competitive console RTS niche though. I think that'd be cool.

Erik73572700d ago

Yea for console players. But not many console players will get it...most of them won't even know what a RTS is.

christocolus2700d ago


Have you played it? You call it garbage when you have not even seen a copy of the game talk more of playing it.

Erik73572700d ago (Edited 2700d ago )

I've seen it, and it looks mediocre. I hate the card thing.

But hey, if your a console player you will like it just cause there are no other actual good RTS for you to play like PC.

super_bruno2699d ago

"I've seen it, and it looks mediocre. I hate the card thing. "

Oh boy :/

OpinionSmasher2699d ago

Its a cool console RTS but compared to pc RTS its another mediocre game.

XXanderXX2699d ago (Edited 2699d ago )

Go for it make it happen 343 , screw those that say otherwise.


The 7 Best RTS Games on Consoles: Commanding Excellence

The RTS genre has had a rough ride on consoles through the years, but which are the 7 best games available today?


The Halo Wars Formula Has Potential to Fit More Microsoft Franchises

Halo Wars is still widely considered one of the best and most accessible RTS games around, and that formula could work with other Microsoft IPs.

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gangsta_red456d ago

I think Crackdown would fit in a more turn-based tactics system via Xcom then a RTS type game play. Being able to customize multiple agents, deploying that group in an crime infested urban zone, going against other super powered enemy and fodder type thugs. The potential for that is huge if they won't do another successful, ground breaking, GOTY open world outing like Crackdown 3....

P_Bomb456d ago

I could see that. I feel like State of Decay could spin-off into something strategic as well.

giovonni455d ago

Actually that would be kind of fly if they made it a turn base RTS.

lellkay92d ago

Crackdown tactics would be legit!!


10 Best Halo Games

NoobFeed Editor Joshua Burt writes - There are many games in the famous Halo Franchise that are stellar titles and need to be revered. And some that do not. These games stand out from the crowd and deluge of colossal Halo titles. Games that made Halo great. We do need to iron out what qualifies the game for this list. They have to be in the Halo franchise… Obviously.

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765d ago
765d ago Replies(2)
-Foxtrot765d ago

Halo CE over Halo Infinite anyday

Not to mention the impact it had at the time

Flawlessmic765d ago

Halo 3 at the top is correct the only thing id change is swap infinite and halo ce around.

AuraAbjure765d ago

Halo 4 best campaign and multiplayer. Halo 3 best story.

ChubbyBlade764d ago

Are you trying to give people cancer?

AuraAbjure764d ago (Edited 764d ago )

Halo 4 has the hottest Cortana too which explains why the MC is the hardest in that campaign and why H4's multiplayer is the illest. Chief ain't afraid to take on teleporting enemies that can one hit melee kill.

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