
Ghost Recon Wildlands' Opt-In Storytelling Means the Real Fun Is Telling Your Own Story - US Gamer

USG: "We finish our series on Ubisoft's upcoming open world action title with a discussion about the game's narrative design."

TheOptimist2694d ago

Ubisoft trash talk again. Ignore lol

Utalkin2me2694d ago

First one to comment, thats showing them.

Goldby2694d ago

aka. story will be extremely weak, gameplay will be repetitive and story one make sense.

mmkk thx bye

SaveFerris2694d ago

Mafia III suffered with amongst other issues, a lack of mission variety. Hopefully Ghost Recon: Wildlands can avoid this.

DillyDilly2694d ago

Im still waiting for the reviews for this one after The Division

zerocarnage2694d ago

sorry I don't agree, the division now is a fantastic game after the last updat, it's the game it should of been on release.most of all the player base returned, there's just tons to do now in and out of the darkzone.

DillyDilly2694d ago

That is the magic of opinions you can disagree

ZombieKiller2694d ago

I want this game to be good in the worst way. That first trailer....I was sold beyond belief. Then I saw actual gameplay the typical Ubisoft way. Downgraded, bland, and not like the original vision. Makes me even more pissed off considering the game looked so good at first and personally, I've been DYING for a co-op experience in Metal Gear Solid V. Just imagine sneaking around with 1 other person.,,. So to see this game's first trailer like I did, lit me on fu--ing fire. I was pumped. Then Ubisoft. I really hope this ends up an amazing experience even though I have my doubts

Bigpappy2694d ago (Edited 2694d ago )

I am still excited for this game. I loved Ghost before Advanced War Fighter. It almost felt like and opened world back then.
If done right, there should be consequences for not reaching your destination in a reasonable time. When you reach a village, the enemy should have no clue you are there. I they spot you, the hostages should be executed, and the village burnt to the ground as they move to escape, then you get an objective change. Things like that could force many gamers to reload and try the mission again using more care in their approach and hopefully the challenge is still there being its not scripted. The narrative can stay in tact as far as the final objectives (cleanup the cartel from Mexico and remove ISIS from Syria). But how and when you engage random baddies, should be made a strategic part of the game so that the players think though what could go right or wrong based on each encounter or avoidance.
I have played any of it or seen it being played yet, but I hope the designers would implement most of what I envision for a good opened world Ghost.

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