
Nintendo Switch Reveal was just Horrible

Jason Stettner of Gamerheadquarters writes; "While I'm not sure where to begin with this, I'll start by saying that the Switch presentation reveal was just horrible and hard to sit through."

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FallenAngel19842673d ago (Edited 2673d ago )

It's going to be really awkward walking into a store and see a Wii U and Switch retailing for the same price.

The worst part of the reveal was that Wii-centric trailer of people using those JoyCons in unconventional ways. Nintendo can't seem to move past that Wii era that's already left them.

BrandanT2673d ago

I have a strong feeling that miyamoto made that game.

hiawa232673d ago

But, I don't see Wiiu's in stores retail at all that much anyways.

LOL_WUT2673d ago

I thought they wanted to move away from the "Wii" image or brand? ;)

Fullmetalevolust2673d ago

The focus should have been, plug in on the dock , plug it out and play on the go, here are our megaton games coming to the system... and as an added bonus, here's what you can do with the Joycons.

If their angle is the multiple usage of the Joycons, they'll need to do a massive marketing like they did for the Wii bc at that point it'll be seen as a toy and that's probably where they'll get their audience, like they did w the Wii.

I don't think that's where the market is anymore, that fad has come and gone.

CaptainObvious8782673d ago

Nintendo continuing to be Nintendo again and refusing to learn a dam thing... Stubbornly, to an almost zealot level, living in their own little bubble while the rest of the world has moved on long ago.

I was slightly interested in the switch before, but after this console pres I have absolutely no interest what so ever.

2673d ago Replies(1)
Huguinho2673d ago

They are not aimed at you angel, nor any of the n4g community, it is for ppl that are not alone, have families and/or friends and want to have a little fun.

Major_Glitch2673d ago

How did you come to that dumb conclusion?

NarooN2673d ago

Get a load of this guy, LOL!

rainslacker2672d ago (Edited 2672d ago )

Yeah because games like Xenoblade Chronicles 2, SMT5, Mario Odyssey, Zelda, Skyrim, and Octopath are definately for those who are not alone, have families and friends to play with, and want to have a little fun. I mean, all the compelling games for the system were all single player games. So....why would they make games like that if the system if it wasn't for us losers who apparently have no life, friends, family, and don't know how to have fun.

The dull awkward games were the things like 1,2, Switch, and that punching game. The most cursory of experiences, that just looked like they might be fun for a bit, but ultimately, are very shallow experiences. If that's what it's like to have families and friends, and what's required to have fun, I think I'd prefer the company of the N4G community, which can actually appreciate video games as an art, and not a past time to fill the void of not being able to find something better to do.

MRMagoo1232672d ago

I have a wife and 2 kids this Nintendo switch console didn't get my 5 year old daughter excited or my 12 year old son nor my wife and I. I can bet you this switch will die just as fast or faster than the wiiu did

trooper_2672d ago

The same could be said for other consoles.

Your comment was just ignorant.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2672d ago
joab7772673d ago

Didn't they start pulling WiiU's, and it is crazy that you can buy a PS4 for cheaper than a WiiU.

TalesofEvil2672d ago

U can? where I'm interested into buying another one.

joab7772672d ago

@TalesofEvil You can get a PS4 Slim bundle w/ Uncharted 4 for $279. The WiiU is hard to find now b/c they abandoned us for the Switch, but a quick look and I am not kidding is a Mario Kart Deluz edition for $499, with 1 game, 32 FB storage, a stylus pen and a stand for the game pad.

They will go up in price too in eBay etc. b/c of availability.

RosweeSon2673d ago

If the Wii U's are still freely available on the shelves by then. Discontinued, phased out, snapped up by collectors and severely discounted to clear stock?!. They won't be around too long I would have thought possible tho.

rainslacker2672d ago

I hated that 1,2, switch reveal with the Wii motion control stuff. Thought it was going to be some kind of RDR2 thing, and was sorely disappointed. Beyond being awkward as all hell, the fact Nintendo made it out like you didn't even need the console to play a game by "looking into your competitors eyes" was just dreadfully stupid.

We've been doing that since we were children, and as adults, I'd rather have something a bit more subtantial. If I wanted to play pretend guns with my friends, I wouldn't need a $300 console. The console just makes it less awkward to do that with people in their 30's, and that kind of interaction wears thin after the initial gimmick wears off.

At least with Wii Sports, there was actual game play involved, which helped to keep people engaged, as there was something more substantial to work with.

But think whenever you play gunfighters with your friends....or something similar. How often do the people involved take it seriously? More often than not...you're friend missed you because you were behind a tree.

I think Nintendo may be trying to recapture the Wii success. But those people have moved on, and I'm sure most of them remember how they stopped using the Wii after a while. Nintendo is trying too hard to make it seem like whoever jumps into the Switch phenomenon will somehow be the life of the party, and how it will be a central focus of social events. While it may have that effect for a while, eventually, people grow tired of fads, and go back to more traditional social interaction, like watching TV, or drinking to try and get laid.

Nu2672d ago

The beginning was cringe worthy but the heavy reveals were cool

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2672d ago
wonderfulmonkeyman2673d ago (Edited 2673d ago )

I disagree.
It was really only the beginning few sections, the half asleep translator for the Suda51 bit, the lack of more screen time for the many third party games that are now coming forward to announce games for it outside of the presentation, and the online multiplayer paywall, that were bad.
Outside of that, it was awesome, and the ending was a clincher that brought reactions not seen since the Twilight Princess for GC reveal way back when.

yomfweeee2673d ago (Edited 2673d ago )

Sorry a Zelda release date (which everyone and their mother already knew) and some new footage didn't save that disaster of a show.

Erik73572673d ago

Well it makes the launch of Switch a better launch than Ps4. Seriously, a actual good amazing game at launch.

Utalkin2me2673d ago


GTFOH with that BS. That was a disaster presentation and everyone knows it. They showed nothing but a handful of titles that was a ways off.

NukaCola2673d ago (Edited 2673d ago )

The presentation was probably one of the most horrendous and awkwardly painful things to watch ever in gaming history. Outside of Zelda and Mario everything else was completely underwhelming. The battery life is pretty decent and the jonycon controllers are actually really cool but all the crap they showed was not interesting at all and had no Heavy Hitters coming out that we didn't know about and no surprises. I'm definitely not going to purchase one of these for a long time. Nintendo has hundreds of games across generations of platforms and they delivered next to nothing.

joab7772673d ago

@Erik7357 I have bought every Nintendo, and the WiiU will be the last one for awhile. I will play Zelda in that. The PS4 launch was great. A very powerful machine for a great price that moved console gaming forward and continues to do so. No one has every doubted Diny exclusives, and there was plenty to play!

fromchildren2673d ago

It wasn't that bad.
They showed New Mario, Splatoon 2, Shinmegami Tensei teaser and Xenoblades Chronicles 2 among other things.

RosweeSon2673d ago

It wasn't an Xbox one E3 reveal by any stretch tho.

XanderZane2672d ago (Edited 2672d ago )

I agree. I only have about 20min left to watch, but what I've seen so far is so boring. What a terrible translator for one. No excitement at all. The JoyCon is very impressive though. Can't believe they got rumble, camera, gyros, motion sensory, all the buttons and analog into that tiny little controller. There lies the problem. It's just too small. So far, the games haven't been the greatest either. Switch 1, 2 & Arms are both motion sensor, 2 player meh games. As a group playing game, they'll be fun for a little while, but as a single player game, you'll be bored to tears or too tired to even hold the JoyCon after an hour. The Super Mario Obyssey looked great and Splatoon 2 will be cool. DQ X & XI I want, but are these for Japan market only? SEGA Showed nothing. Bethesda has SkyRim Online. Don't know what the Travis crap was about. EA will bring FIFA Soccer. The show was very lacklustered and nothing overly incredible was shown. Looks like Zelda will be a launch title on March 3, 2017 with the system. Good news. So how many people will be paying $299 for the Switch?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2672d ago
Darkwatchman2673d ago

You just named literally almost the entire show as bad and then say "but aside from that, it's awesome!!"

wonderfulmonkeyman2673d ago (Edited 2673d ago )

How does two or three games that I personally didn't care for (FIFA for example. Big whoop-de-doodle-dandy-man.< _<), plus a paywall and a bad translator, count for most of the show?
Were you even awake when they showed off Xenoblade 2, Dragon Quest, SMT, Disgaea, ARMS, etc?
There was plenty to love in this show.
It's mostly just the Nintendo hating stooges, that scream fanboy whenever someone likes what they don't like, that are actually saying this conference was horrible all around.XD

Scatpants2673d ago

Yeah, it wasn't all bad, just the beginning, middle and end.

bouzebbal2673d ago (Edited 2673d ago )

no one pronounced the word "fanboy", you did yourself.
and no one said the conference was horrible all around, you did again.

The showing was poor, the paid online, the same franchises times and times again aren't what i would personaly call as a revolution.
Wii U had the exact same franchises, now tell me what makes switch stand out? NOTHING!
If people didn't buy wii u for splatoon1, they will for sure not buy switch for the sequel, AND pay for the online to play. Same goes for the rest of the games they have shown, and no matter how good they are.
I love Nintendo as much as you do, but we need to face the truth.. that showing is worth nothing! launch lineup is WEAK!! Zelda is still coming to Wii U, the trailer showed that.

pcz2673d ago (Edited 2673d ago )

the presentation addressed certain issues with previous shows- this one was extremely clear and concise, almost to the point of being patronising.

but the main problem with the presentation was what they were presenting. i mean, 1-2 switch is not a good way to set the tone. its a non-game. the fact they started the presentation with that game says a lot about nintendo's priorities. they desperately want the casuals on board, wii style. its not going to happen, especially with a nothing game like 1-2 switch.

as good as breath of the wild looks set to be, i just cant pretend its a switch game. its a game they scavenged from the wiiu to give the switch a launch title. so really, the switch has absolutely nothing for its launch which makes it a MUST buy.. i mean, i could buy a cheap wiiu with zelda and save myself £150. its alarming that nintendo have no AAA switch exclusive title for launch.

the first and third party situation is a joke.

its actually very annoying because i really love that they have made xenoblade 2, but again nintendo have managed to make a product that is very hard to want to invest in. so just like the wiiu, you end up with a console that has its attractions, but not enough (at the price) to warrant a purchase.

exciting and disappointing at the same time is how i would summarise their reveal

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2673d ago
_-EDMIX-_2673d ago

That announcement may have just confirmed that this company has not really changed anything.

It was extremely apparent that a lot of major third-party developers were not on board with this platform even Electronic Arts only showing one title sort of shows the lack of care they even have for this platform they're basically playing a wait-and-see before they did support which goes to show that this is probably going to be no different than their previous platforms and it very well likely could possibly be their last.

So I'm not entirely sure how I feel about an announcement of the Zelda game coming to launch for switch that's also coming on the Wii U. .....

If someone already owns a Wii U exactly what reason is there for them to even purchase this device at launch?

This was Nintendo's absolute chance to show off multiple titles to show that they're behind their platform firmly and all we got was the port of another game that's already coming to the Wii U.... .

On top of that the sequel to Splatoon looked so much like a port of the first game that many people on this site mistakenly believed that's what it was when it was even first revealed, to tell us that the title we were looking at previously was actually the sequel doesn't really help.

Ohhhhhh so Splatoon 2 looks literally almost identical to the first? If it didn't sell the Wii U what chance is it selling the switch?

I just personally felt Nintendo needed a huge slam dunk to bring in new consumers and all I saw from this event was Nintendo patting themselves on the back as opposed to trying to extend their arm to new consumers they basically may have just sealed their fate.

They are basically still catering to the same audience that clearly with the only ones that were purchasing their platform the previous generations and in my personal opinion that it really isn't something I think they should solely be focusing on I personally believed that there greatest focus should have been bringing in new consumers.

Nintendo is not losing sales from their existing fans they're losing it from fans that have moved on and those are the consumers they should be trying to get back with new Concepts not continuously trying to force them to conform to Nintendo's established properties.

It didn't work with the 3DS or Wii U so why on Earth would it work with the switch?

Nintendo seems to be oblivious to lots of these mistakes and they're basically thinking in their minds "if we show Mario and Zelda then we'll be on top"

Sooooo how much did that help them the previous generation with 3DS and Wii U?

I feel Nintendo would be in a greater position if they simply bought three to four teams and simply made those teams create brand new Concepts that were outside of the norm of Their audience so they can bring in new consumers because the reality is that people who are purchasing Horizon zero Dawn or days gone cannot possibly say they're purchasing those titles because of preconceived notions or based on any concept that they played the generation prior from that publisher.

desy642673d ago

You said it all...i'm really really sad...like that feeling when you brake up with your girlfriend and you move on even though you know there was love between the two of you

Nintendo's only chance (regarding my purchase) is to justify the price with great specs and 3rd party great support...but I feel it won't

Soc52673d ago

Hard to disagree with that. As the saying goes it's better to be safe than sorry, but there is a point when you play it too safe, and Nintendo has been doing that for too long. Look how long it took them to bring Mario to mobile. They could have been making millions on their IP's for years. Think about zelda on mobile or metroid etc they should be raking in the cash.

deathtok2672d ago

Spot on! I love Nintendo games but that presentation was a hype killer. So many missed opportunities...

bow2yoda2673d ago

did anyone else notice that the EA guy looked more excited to get off of the stage then to do his presentation?

BootHammer2673d ago (Edited 2673d ago )

Come on wonderfulmonkeyman, you got your nostalgic glasses on or something. I'm a huge Nintendo fan, but also have been seriously irritated by their practices as of late (Wii, Wii U, and Mini NES shortage wise). They have lost sight of what gamers want and have been stubborn as a mule in changing their ways. With that said, I enjoy their first party offerings and have owned every Nintendo system to enjoy them, but that doesn't counter their logic lately. I pre-ordered a Switch last night, but saying this presentation or what they showed rivaled the Twilight Princess reveal is not even close to realistic. I'm pumped to take their first party titles on the go whenever I please, but it looks like they unfortunately still have a ways to go to return to their roots.

Scatpants2673d ago

Everything they showed other than Zelda and Mario was trash.

Quicksand2672d ago

Xenoblade is as far from trash as it gets.

TalesofEvil2672d ago (Edited 2672d ago )

Fire Emblem warriors, SMT5, Xenoblade 2,New no more heroes game, and of course zelda and mario. The games look very cool but, the console not so much,I have too see more before I judge.

rainslacker2672d ago

I didn't think the show itself was bad content wise.

I just felt it was dreadfully dry, with extremely awkward presentations as they were trying very hard to seem hip with their snapping, and false excitement when announcing or showing stuff.

Japanese presentations do tend to be very dry, so I was kind of expecting that. But all that "showmanship" was pretty lame.

I felt the first couple games, and the showmanship stuff was extremely juvenile, and the rest of it sounded more like they were talking down to everyone. However, that tone may have been serious losses in the actual translation, because the translators weren't exactly that exciting. Ironically, when EA had it's translator for English to Japanese, it actually sounded like it was exciting....even though we know it wasn't because it was FIFA....but it exemplifies how tone is important.

BIGBOSS082672d ago (Edited 2672d ago )

Zelda should have fuckin released in 2015.. They kept delaying the shit out of it so they could launch their new system with it and now you want to act shocked that it's launching with the switch? it better damn launch with the switch.. its about damn time! Stupid ass Nintendo fanboys still living in the 90s. Oooh the reactions zelda got! Get the f outta here!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2672d ago
affrogamer2673d ago

Arguably the 2nd worst (xbox one reveal takes the cake) game presentation ever!
On a side note, imagine if the this new nintendo console had the same specs and price as the xbox one S with the same 3rd party support as MS and Sony are getting right now?? They would without a doubt outsell both Sony and Microsoft in the same time frame. I MEAN WHY COULDN'T NINTENDO JUST DO THAT?? Instead of these gimmicky wack games they made the Joy-Cons for that almost no hardcore gamer gives a crap about?

Fishy Fingers2673d ago

Why couldn't they get 240volt mains power specs out of a battery powered tablet? Who knows...

moegooner882673d ago (Edited 2673d ago )

"They would without a doubt outsell both Sony and Microsoft in the same time frame". No, won't happen sales wise. Besides you can't blame Nintendo after the way the GameCube turned out. Even with all the exclusives support, the hardcore gamers didn't bite. Currently, most of them are spread between PS4, XB1, and PC, with PC, and PS being the majority I would persume.

affrogamer2673d ago

Bro, you're telling me that if you replace the first party games of an Xbox One S that can upscale games to 4K and play 4K blu-ray discs with that of Nintendo's first party games they wouldn't give Sony a run for their money?

dadano2673d ago (Edited 2673d ago )

i think ist is wrong when people always say that the GameCube failed shows that strong hardware doesnt fit to Nintendo.. i believe the gamecube failed because Nintendo ignored DVD. everyone i know bought ps2 because of the DVD Player in the beginng. Nintendo does ignore consumer Trends (CD, DVD, Internet, online & achievements...) thats their issue and they now do it again... Switch + pro Controller and Zelda ist around 500 and ps4 slim+ Horizon bundle maybe 250? how in earth does this Switch make sense...

BIGBOSS082672d ago

I think people just forgot and moved on from Nintendo after the first playstation.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2672d ago
EddieNX 2673d ago

There was quite a few hardcore Games announced.they have to cater to casuals as well which is what 1 2 switch and arms were.

_-EDMIX-_2673d ago


You and I may not really agree with this. I'm sorry but I just didn't see that much hardcore games.

In fact what I saw regarding the shin Megami tensei games the Dragon Quest games as well as No More Heroes only suggested that this is similar to their previous so how is this any different than their previous generations?

What I saw last night was very scary because it literally felt like a repeat of what they were previously doing almost as if they seriously learned absolutely nothing they're basically trying to force their way to do the exact same thing they did before but tenfold.

What I saw was Nintendo not trying to open itself up to Variety in terms of its inner Studios.

What happens when a large amount of these games released on PlayStation 4 or Xbox One? Consider a large portion of the games shown are already going to those platforms....

Nintendo needs to stop worrying about what third-party could do for them and they need to double down on their internal Studios and I think it's sad that they still haven't done this

Do you think Sony seriously sat there worried about if Tekken or Final Fantasy or GTA would be exclusive to them? They literally started buying more Studios the year their system released with the full understanding that they were not in the same position that they were a generation prior.

Nintendo should have Came Out Swinging with a bunch of newly purchased Studios.

In my opinion this is just sad.

Nintendo's focus should be developing their first party in purchasing more teams to be at least where Sony is that if not with more.

There is no reason why something like Horizon zero Dawn cannot be created buy Nintendo, they have the money and I'm pretty positive there's a lot of teams that need a new home that would have no problem being purchased by them.

They need to seriously start purchasing development teams listening to their ideas and essentially allowing them to create games without trying to always make them have this Nintendo Concept in mind.

Consider there is no PlayStation concept you have games from Little Big Planet to Killzone.....

They've spent so much time branding themselves as the family-friendly platform that they might have permanently fractured their install base because of this and it's making it difficult for them to Branch out and offer variety because they've basically marketed themselves to be a specific type of company and I believe that might have been an extremely bad idea.

They just permanently limited themselves to a very small install base because smart phones are now the new place for these type of games

They need to break the habit and get out of that image and quickly because they could still have Mario on Zelda why still pushing brand new properties to bring in all types of gamers.

Microsoft and Sony limit their variety to NO specific concept.

Quicksand2672d ago

If only the would have made a new punch out instead of arms... I think people's reaction would be very different to this show. That and called 1, 2 switch Wario ware switch.

XanderZane2672d ago

Sorry, but Arms and 1,2 Switch was like having Duck Hunt & The Robot game for the original NES. They will be fun for about an hour or so and then put back in the box and never played again. Thought Nintendo was moving away from motion sensor games forever. Those were the worst new IP's I've ever seen, besides what was shown for the PS3 MOVE. Was hoping for some real new IP games. A new Metroid, Yoshi, Mario Golf, Mario Bros., and some new original IP's.

XStation4pio_Pro2673d ago

Sorry. That was worse than the xb1 reveal. I think the switch reveal was the most awkward, disappointing console reveal I've ever experienced hands down. I literally felt embarrassed in parts of it.

_-EDMIX-_2673d ago

I have to agree at least the Xbox One reveal actually had third party games

jholden32492672d ago (Edited 2672d ago )

"Same specs"

You're seriously splitting hairs over numbers on paper when the games look practically just as good? I could understand if it was as powerful as an N64 but gosh dang, Games are practically indistinguishable from other consuls but because it doesn't "officially" have the same specs, it's now the 2nd worst console reveal ever?

Man I don't know what you guys want. It's like you want a 3rd console that is exactly like the other two consoles. EXACTLY like. Complaining about the specs when the games looked gorgeous is just illogical and irrational. I could understand if it was holding the system back from getting games but as we can clearly see that's not the case.

Yes, 1-2 Switch is not for us. And I won't be buying it. But why do you focus only on that one game and ignore all the others? Do people not know Xenoblade is considered one of the greatest RPG's of all time? The sequel looks 1000 times better. Do people not know Splatoon is one of the funnest multiplayer shooters of all time?

Of course they don't. Because people never actually PLAY these great Nintendo games, they just come on websites bashing them complaining about how horrible they are. And literally ignore every single exciting and enticing aspect of the console, utterly close their minds to even the possibility of the fun and entertainment it could offer, instead choosing to make a list of every single possible thing they could ever complain about I just use it to tear the system apart.

It's like there's internet cred and kudos you get now every time you take a jab at Nintendo. Nobody actually intends to play any of their games. Nobody actually wants to be rational about what they're offering. They just want to complain about it not being exactly like the other consoles they already own. Because they want to find reasons to knock it. People here are so attached to their one brand, they don't like the idea of Nintendo having a console people like. And if they smell even the slightest scent of blood in the water they are going to jump on it like a pack of sharks.

sk8ofmnd2672d ago

I agree it would be tough to be worse than the xb1 reveal. You would actually need to try to have the WORST console reveal to top that. I wanted so badly for this reveal for the switch to be great but we all knew (expected) it to be a lackluster yawn fest and we were right... How many other negative assumptions about the switch are we right about?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2672d ago
Summons752673d ago

If you are an entitled brat who loves to hate everything and wouldn't know a good game if it hit you in the face...sure it was a nightmare. Only part I hated was the EA portion, felt bad for Suda's translator but he sounded like a kid trying to get his college credit but that doesn't affect the system and all the awesome games announced for this year.

Nightmar3Demom2673d ago

Wow. Think highly of yourself, do you?

Wallstreet372673d ago (Edited 2673d ago )

Let's play devils advocate here...

Only blind, fanatics, who love regurgitated ips, ports, no innovative ips and weak over priced hardware loved that presentation

See what I did there?

Light 69 hop off stalker lol

Scatpants2673d ago

You must have a terrible opinion. Do you think ice is hot and the sky is red too?

MRMagoo1232672d ago

all the awesome games announced this year ?? like what ? I watched the whole thing with my son I guess I must have blinked because all I saw was a few kids party games, Mario ( who would have guessed) , Zelda ( people love it I guess but I haven't even completed a Zelda game once yet I find them boring I prefer turn-based rpgs) and splatoon 2 ( yay a kids fps)

XanderZane2672d ago

There was really nothing truly innovative. Most of the 3rd party games shown were games we've already played and had already released on other systems. He said there was 50 developers working on games for the system, but I think it's more like 50 developers waiting for the system to launch to see if it will be worth supporting. None of the 3rd party developers had any actually gameplay to show of their games and the system launches in 2 months. I think 3rd party are just waiting to see how the system does. EA was originally going to support the Wii U as well, then when they saw it failing, they jumped ship.

BIGBOSS082672d ago (Edited 2672d ago )

HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHA .. damn man. That post got me bad. I just don't see how anyone can come to this conclusion. The conference was terrible. This is not my opinion. It's a fact. That's how bad it was.

Skillz12152672d ago (Edited 2672d ago )

Ur corny yo

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2672d ago
CrimsonWing692673d ago

I agree. I went into the presentation hoping Nintendo would show me they learned from the Wii U annnnnnnd they didn't. It's still Nintendo being Nintendo. But they did show Shin Megami Tensei so as soon as there's a price drop or a good Black Friday deal I'll buy one if that game is exclusive otherwise... meh

Summons752673d ago

How they showed tons of awesome games and unless you lack some basic logic they were VERY CLEAR on what the system was and what you can do with it, which was their big fault about the WiiU (being unclear). Zelda, SMT, No More Heroes, Mario, Fire Emblem Warriors, Octopath, Splatoon 2, Zenoblade 2, Bomberman, Arms, the entre sizzle real of third party titles and a few first party ones like Mario Kart 8, Skyrim and just about everything (save for the stuff not really talked about in the sizzle real) are all confirmed for this year. This was great.

Masterchief_thegoat2673d ago (Edited 2673d ago )

@summon lol half the game you mention are either summer, Holliday and next year... march is only Zelda and third party games that play better on top sellling console PS4/pro

EddieNX 2673d ago

The switch is portable ps4 pro isn't.

Major_Glitch2673d ago

@eddie The switch being portable doesn't change the fact that it has no games.

Utalkin2me2673d ago (Edited 2673d ago )


If you thought it was great, then awesome i'm happy for you. But you seem to be in the minority in this opinion. It was the worst presentation i have seen ever since i have been watching reveals.


Well i did just took my pro over to friends house the other day, just saying.

_-EDMIX-_2673d ago

@eddie- I don't disagree with you that the switch being a portable offers itself to a completely different Market but at the end of the day it still doesn't have any games regardless of what platform type it is it still actually needs games.

FreeSpeech692672d ago

Suck that Nintendo Cock some more ;)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2672d ago
Scatpants2673d ago

They practically unsold me on the Switch. It was like an anti-advertisement.

XanderZane2672d ago

And here I thought that puppet show presentation was the worse from Nintendo. Even the online gaming information was dreadful.

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Nintendo Select: 5 Switch Games That Deserve A Second Chance

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "The Nintendo Switch has been one Nintendo’s most successful systems ever, both measured by the number of units sold and the quality of its titles, but if there’s one thing this generation has been missing it would have to be the Nintendo Selects line, bringing existing titles that had paid their dues back at bargain prices. With the Switch now entering its twilight years, and there being few new titles in store for the foreseeable future, what better time could there be to bring back this tried-and-true tradition? While the actual realization of it may be doubtful given how rigid both hardware and software prices have become in recent years, that only gives us all the more reason to dream up a hypothetical lineup of our own.

For this article the specific focus will not be on those massive multi-million evergreens that the lineup would no doubt contain a few of to cement its value, but instead on games that for one reason or another fell short of their full potential the first time around and deserve a second chance to reach more players at an affordable price. Let’s get started."

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FinalFantasyFanatic62d ago

I really want Xenoblade Chronicles X on the Switch, can't believe that hasen't been ported. I'm playing Skyward Sword at the moment and I'm almost finished, but it's so long and the controls are so bad, even without motion. Astral Chain is fantastic though, they should make a sequel.


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the anti-Breath of the Wild

Polygon: "To get back to the way Ocarina made us feel, it was necessary to reject almost everything about it."

LG_Fox_Brazil139d ago

Ocarina of Time changed my life forever, such a masterpiece

Zeldafan64138d ago

Hard to believe it's 25 years old already.

Cacabunga138d ago

The feeling this game gave me the first time i had my hands on it is indescribable.. i still get the chill from that day..
botw is like a spin off of the series.. it’s fun but with many flaws and the most important which is Zelda formula isn’t there..

FinalFantasyFanatic137d ago

I can't even remember how many times I played through OoT, I finished that game, and collected everything so many times.

Vits138d ago

I generally agree with the author here. However, if I had to point out a single game as the 'anti-Breath of the Wild,' that would be Majora's Mask. Pretty much everything in that game is interconnected, relies on something that the player must have done previously, is timed, and can be considered a puzzle in itself.

gold_drake138d ago

but still considered the best of the seties.

i would have liked botw to be more like ocarina.

franwex138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

25 years from today whatever Zelda is out people would too be looking fondly at Breath of the Wild.

Ah the more simple times of the 2020s.

babadivad138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

It isn't...


Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Black Friday deals 2023 - save 15% on Link's latest adventure

The best prices we've found this Black Friday for Zelda Tears of the Kingdom as well as the previous game, Breath of the Wild.

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