
Nintendo Switch will have Paid Online Multiplayer Starting Fall 2017

Today at the Nintendo Switch reveal event Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima revealed extensive plans for the online multiplayer services of the new cons

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CBOAT2698d ago

Great, another subscription.

GtR35olution2698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

why would people pay for a rubbish online service on nes switch. this console is rubbish. no third party support means this thing will fizzle out fast before holiday season this year . why would people want a $300 switch when days before the console launch they can buy a ps4 for 300 with horizon zero dawn that looks way better than zelda breath of the wild. to each his own. zelda looks good but the game and the switch console are way behind the times

blackblades2698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

Well actually it does have 3rd party support from Namco and square so far.
Hey look even more, capcom and arksys.

Moonman2698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

Zelda is looking like GOTY.

And I get to play both while you grumble. I'll let you know which game is better if reviews won't tell you.

CBOAT2698d ago

Basically have to pay fee to play Splatoon alrighty then.

LOL_WUT2698d ago

Oh man I can't wait to see the excuses people will make when they realize Nintendo is also going to start charging for online. ;)

bouzebbal2698d ago

This is the subscription I will never get, and probably the console I never own. Especially if it's to play 3 online games.

Irishguy952698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

Zelda looks better than Horizon imo

Nintendo have a better record for quality games than GG for sure too. Especially Zelda

Wow, did you just call Zelda behind the times? In what way? Please tell me in what way? If any one here can seriously look at the new Zelda trailer and see something wrong with it I will seriously doubt their integrity as a lifeform and just label them some bot roaming the internet wanking to Sony/MS. Its literally one of the best looking games in years, the gameplay mechanics look great and modern perhaps better than most games that do sword combat, bow, horse etc etc. And this is coming from someone who has skipped almost everything nintendo for the last 5-10 years. Xenoblade (wii) exception

RosweeSon2698d ago

I look forward to seeing you playing Horizon on the Bus with your curved 4K set up.

2698d ago
Huguinho2698d ago

Just dont buy it, stick with your prefered console, games and service buddy, nobody is making you buy it, does it botter you that a lot of ppl are going to buy it or what?

starchild2698d ago

"a ps4 for 300 with horizon zero dawn that looks way better than zelda breath of the wild. to each his own. zelda looks good but the game and the switch console are way behind the times"

How does it look better? In graphics? I game on a good PC and enjoy some of the highest end visuals but even I know there's a whole lot more to a game than how good it looks. I thought Zelda looked really really good. I don't see how you can say it's behind the times in anything but it's graphics, and even then it still looked artistically beautiful and visually appealing.

bluefox7552698d ago

@Rose I don't want to play it on the bus, I don't want to play Nintendo games on the stupid bus either. All I wanted was a regular Nintendo console with a regular controller that plays games on my TV, with enough power to attract 3rd party support. Screw Nintendo and their gimmicks, they're seriously even trying to push motion controls again? They will never learn.

Gazondaily2698d ago

If it's going to be paid then it might actually not be rubbish anymore.

Look at psn with the ps3 when it was free and compare it to what it is now.

I'm all for it IF the online system is good

rocketpanda2698d ago

Stop making stupid assumptions based on some bias. Yeah another subscription sucks but you have no idea how the service will operate on the Switch, unless you want to make another assumption.

Personally I can't be arsed paying for another subscription. If the console proves to be successful and builds up a good library of first and third party titles then I might pick it up.

XisThatKid2698d ago

Wii U had 3rd party support untill investors realized it was dead ground. Also can anyone tell me if it will have FN friend codes still?

morganfell2698d ago

It isn't about the paid online. Its about the games. If the games are there, paid online, power, all that other stuff goes out the window. Now I will say if the games are the same ones on PS4 and And Xbox then they are in trouble. They need exclusives and a lot of them. They have a ton of IPs besides another Mario and another Zelda that were not used on the Wii or Wii U. But Nintendo has shown themselves to be completely risk averse when it comes to software.

PurpHerbison2698d ago

"Zelda looks better than Horizon imo"

You can argue the art style is better, sure, but overall, no. And this is coming from someone with zero bias as I have no interest in either title. Zelda looks great from a certain distance but good lord, 2017 and still no AA?

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2698d ago
Irishguy952698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

Que the Sony and MS fanboys to bitch about something they've supported in waves. Nobody has any place moaning about nintendo FINALLY jumping onto a trend MS started and Sony happily jumped aboard. Nintendo are the last ones to get in on it.

Let me call on the old Sony fan excuse

"oooh but it'll go directly into quality of online service"

Seriously, this thread is going to be the most hypocritical n4g thread yet.

Veneno2698d ago

Sony at least upped the ante by giving out free games to 3 platforms for a subscription that works for 3 platforms with one price. You really think Nintendo do anything competitive with their service? Yeah, didn't think so. ...

The fact that Nintendo wouldn't even tell what features the online subscription

will have other than you will be charged for it should worry you.

Kaneki-Ken2698d ago

Are you smoking something? Horizon look way better than the legend of Zelda and that sound like a typical fanboy. But I can say The Legend of Zelda won in gameplay. In the end both are unique games, we can't tell if they are great games until we play it which may turn out to be amazing after all. Hoping The Legend of Zelda: B correct everything wrong with SkySword.

ABizzel12698d ago

Well when this paid online service sounds like complete BS, then yes those fanboys have every right to bash Nintendo for this.


1 free NES / SNES game per month, with an monthly expiration date to play it.

And how their voice chat reads, makes it seem like you have to have another device to use the feature. If that's true this is the biggest fail of 2017 in gaming just 2 weeks into the year.

EddieNX 2698d ago

Horizon better than Zelda. Lol@kenekiken

FunAndGun2698d ago

wow @ ABizzel1, that link....

You actually have to pay for a sub to use an app on your phone...silly.

starchild2698d ago

I think it was inevitable they would eventually all do it. No company is going to sit there with a walled garden ecosystem and not try to monetize it in that way.

But, yeah, there's going to be a lot of hypocrisy and double standards flying around here as usual, you're right about that.

Wallstreet372698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

Switch presentation was weak and of course Nintendo hiding specs because its last gen hardware at a premium price.

Fans have a right to complain about online pay play wtf are you to say other wise? I've seen ppl.complain about Microsoft and Sony and I saw Nintendo fans gloatbabout not having to pay, now eat crow. You'll get once again the worse online features but pay for it and receive cool SNES games.

Boy some of you fanatics try so hard to defend mediocrity and your console of choice lol its sad than have the nerve to use words like "hypocrite" lol

bluefox7552698d ago

Que the Nintendo fanboys who are suddenly OK doing something they've always bragged about not doing.

rocketpanda2698d ago

Doesn't help fueling the obvious!

Protagonist2698d ago


if any one are being hypocritical, it i as usual the nintendrones. They always argued how "shitty" it was to charge for online gaming and it was free on the Wii U.

JunMei2698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

What do you expect? This place is blind Sony Pony central.

At Veneno. No they didn't those games are rentals. You don't get to keep them. So, they do not offer free games at all. They are offering a paid rental service.

For the record, I disagree with Nintendo locking multiplayer behind a paywall. It's totally BS. Wii U's multiplayer worked just fine. If it's half the price of Sony's I might consider it. If not... I'm not bothering with online multiplayer. Which is totally lame, because I loved playing Splatoon online.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2698d ago
Deathdeliverer2698d ago

The download one Nes or Super Nes game with added online play (which sounds cool as hell depending on the game!) and play it for a month (wtf....) sounds incredibly disappointing. The whole control the online through a smart phone app stuff is sounding like a joke as well. I'm still optimistic though. We also don't know the price point of the online. Could they justify a price equal to PSN or XBL? Not from the sound of things. But what if it's Half the price? Like $25 for a year? I'd be down for that. Plus they said they are working things out so it will be like a beta. The real deal starts when payment starts.

rainslacker2697d ago

Yeah, the time limit makes it hard to be excited for it. Would love to have some NES and SNES games to play on the system from time to time, but having to get to it right away just distracts from what I may prefer to play at any given time. I still have PS3 and PSP games on PS+ from before this gen started that I haven't even gotten around to playing, despite knowing that I'd like to get to them one day when the mood strikes me.

nowitzki20042698d ago

This sub better allow me to play my Switch online anywhere or Im not getting a switch.

badz1492698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

with the tablet not including any 4G capabilities from the rumors, better keep your hopes down for now.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2697d ago
lodossrage2698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

Well, Microsoft started a trend.

I wish Sony and Nintendo didn't follow it. But if you're a business and you saw your competition doing it and the customers for the most part accepting it, you'd do it too. So I didn't blame Sony for it and I don't blame Nintendo for it now. Why should the competition get money for it and you don't right?

Still wish both Sony and Nintendo were free online from a customer stand point, but I understand. But one thing they better realize now is that there are no excuses now. No right to say "please understand" on anything about that online service since you're making the customers pay now.

aconnellan2698d ago

So wait... Microsoft is evil for doing it, but neither Sony or Nintendo are evil for both doing it?

They're all doing the exact same thing, so either they're all wrong for doing it or they're all in the clear because even though you disagree they're still all doing it. There's no in between.

lodossrage2698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )


Where do you see me saying microsoft is "evil" All I said was they started a trend. Don't put words in my mouth please lol.

Edit- @aconnellan

It's ok man. I've been known to jump the gun at times like that too so I get it.

I'm a Sony fan yeah, but that doesn't mean I don't see when they do something stupid or when the competitors have something good on their hands.

aconnellan2698d ago

Gah you're absolutely right, sorry about that. That's the general sentiment floating around whenever I see anyone bring up pay-to-play online services, so I assumed your stance was the same and made an ass out of myself!

RosweeSon2698d ago

Maybe something to do with Microsoft doing this for 10 years previous to the others charging for it.

nitus102698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

I do think you should be using the words "Pay to Play online".

Having a PS+ or XBox Live account does let you play online providing the game you are playing has an online capability but that is not all what these services offer you.

I will use PS+ as an example but XBox Live similar features.

With my PS+ account, I do have access to online gaming, that's a given. In addition, I get two or more free games a month that are mine to play (actually renting is probably a better word) on multiple PS3/PS4 and Vita machines for the life of my subscription, also I can get considerable discounts on digitally downloaded games which I can personally keep for the life of the PSN store or the life of my console(s).

Some of the games that have been offered at greatly reduced prices are AAA games as well as Indies which can be quite good (this is subjective) although you probably never would have played them if you had to purchase them at full price.

Taking all of the above into account I do see considerable value in having a PS+ subscription. Other people views may differ and that is to be expected.

BTW. Let's not get into an argument on the quality of the free games or even the types of games that are offered at discount, since the best games are the ones you like not what other people like.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2698d ago
_-EDMIX-_2698d ago

Not necessarily Microsoft actually never started subscription-based gaming MMOs did that far before Microsoft ever entered the market you have to understand that you're asking for a company to pay for a bunch of servers to have a service but you also don't want to pay for its maintenance.

You also have to understand that Nintendo Microsoft and Sony also still need to pay for the servers of their own titles as well

You could comment on something like steam but steam does not actually house the servers of those titles other than their own

Because they PC can act as its own server most times on PC you're able to have different users hosts, that's something that as of right now can't really be done with console.

Mind you no one's really forcing consumers to pay anything you simply only pay if you wish to actually play multiplayer titles anyway no different than you would have been paying to play something like Final Fantasy 14

lodossrage2698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )


I meant starting a trend of having a paid service on Home systems. Not that they started the general idea of subscription based gaming. Maybe I should have just worded it better

_-EDMIX-_2698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

@lodo- I mean sure I completely understand what you mean, but you have to understand that regardless of where the game is going to be played whether it be handheld console or PC is server still actually exist the house the actual game or service..

So I don't believe Microsoft created the trend of actually paying for a server.

Regardless of where the device is going to be used I'm pretty positive Nintendo and Sony were inevitably going to have to come up with a way to paying for the service to be maintained like any other company would so I don't really believe it mattered whether or not it was on Console or portable, it simply matters that is server was going to exist that would have to be maintained.

I did get what you meant though

Outside_ofthe_Box2698d ago

Oh well. People were mute when MS did it, mute when Sony did and will be mute when Ninty does it.

Can't take a stand now. Wii U had free online, yet sold poorly. PS3 had free online, yet sales difference of PS360 wasn't huge at all.

I wonder if Ninty will offer free games every month at least.

lodossrage2698d ago


They said people would get free NES and SNES games monthly.

I know some people will like that. But to me personally, that's a load of crap.

They need to make the same kind of deals sony and microsoft do for free games. Offering old 8 bit and 16 bit games that predate the 32 bit era isn't cutting it for me personally. Especially since you can get roms and emulators free

rainslacker2697d ago

Im at the point where it's just what it is. Complaining about it isn't going to change anything.

not that I'm really for the idea. Was never too keen about MS doing it, Sony I thought were taking the wrong direction, but wasn't upset because the free games up to that point were good, and with Nintendo, I really couldn't care less. Online gaming on a Nintendo system would be something I'd probably never do. Nintendo for me is purely about their SP games which I do enjoy.

Vegamyster2698d ago

Was hoping they'd keep online free, hopefully it's not priced stupidly.

Vhampir2698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

It'll be $100 year, but you get 1 free nes or snes game a month, no not the metroid, zelda, earthbound/mother, paperboy, castlevania(maybe simon's quest) or other classic you were thinking about. Woohoo! /s

Splatoon 2 would have to be leagues better than the first one to be worth paying a subscription for. As I don't see any other multiplayer games i'd be interested in. This is like a nail in the switch's coffin to me. Wii U LoZ:BotW in 4k on Cemu seem like the better option, imo.

blackblades2698d ago

Well, it was bound to happen anyways without ms doing it 1st. Like @Intentions said down below businesse is business.

ColonelHugh2698d ago

I think you meant to say 'Obama'.

starchild2698d ago

That's like saying we have online gaming thanks to Microsoft. In fact, Microsoft did not invent online gaming nor subscription-based gaming services.

Just because Microsoft was the first console maker to really embrace online gaming as we know it and the first to also charge for it doesn't mean they invented it.

Online gaming on consoles was inevitable. And because it was inevitable it was also inevitable that the platform holders would eventually charge for it. Over time the services would improve and would gradually cost these companies more money to maintain, and at the same time they would also become aware of the huge business opportunity it respresents.

You're being very naive if you believe that if Microsoft had never got into gaming that Sony and Nintendo would have services like they do today and not be charging for them.

LOL_WUT2698d ago

LOL now you want to pay? ;)

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

I payed for PS+ back in 2014. I have no problem paying as long as it worth it.

_-EDMIX-_2698d ago

So first you beg for zero subscription and then you're begging for a lower price?

wonderfulmonkeyman2698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

I'm hoping Nintendo will see the outrage and change their minds, after seeing no one playing their online games and few if any gamers signing up for their subscription service.

I can't blame him for wanting a super cheap price, but as for myself, I'm sticking to what I've said before.
Just like with the PS4, I won't pay a secondary fee just to play with friends. On any system, Switch included.
It will take someone paying FOR me, to get me on board for that.

I doubt anyone has an argument to convince me why I SHOULD pay, either.

Also, someone needs to fire that weak-ass translator from later on in the presentation.
The idiot sounded either half asleep or DRUNK!XD

_-EDMIX-_2698d ago

@wonder- come on bud, if you don't want to pay for online no one's forcing you to but this company still needs to play catch-up with their competitors and I don't think they're going to be able to do that if they're not able to roll out features and fixes in time because of server cost.

Mind you I'm watching the reveal right now and I don't hear them saying you have to pay to connect to Wi-Fi or lan so Something tells me just like their previous handhelds people could just play together face-to-face on the games they own.

But if you feel like playing against someone online you clearly have to pay for their subscription service and I honestly don't see anything wrong with that.

I'm sorry but PlayStation Network being free back in the day was not the norm it was actually quite strange if you consider most services in which they have the product or service on a server charge a monthly fee for maintenance.

Mind you, that is for most companies and services regardless of Gaming.

As PlayStation Network grew I just did not see Sony not having a paid subscription simply because they still have to keep up for the rising cost of their infrastructure

That's Life.

I think it's better that they're able to grow and the quality is able to rise much faster as opposed to everyone having poor quality for free.

Think of this as Nintendo being able to have a stronger infrastructure much faster than if they always kept it for free because they have a lot of catch-up to do.

ABizzel12698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

With the feature set it better be less than $20


I went from hyped for Switch Day 1 to, if my BF wasn't getting it Day 1 then I'd be 2018 at the earliest.

The $299 price (I can easily afford, but the price : performance is just awful), lack of western support, rubbish paid online, and no mention of Virtual Console, best of Wii U ports, lack of full launch game list, etc... put Switch on the back burner for me.

Nintendo's first party looks great, but they dropped the ball big time with this reveal. They are just completely clueless when it comes to the western market. Best of luck Nintendo.

pcz2698d ago

@wonderfulmonkeyman - i told you nintendo would build a pay wall

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2698d ago
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Tzuno44m ago(Edited 43m ago)

TDU Unlimited is the father of Forza Horizon
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Absolutely loved Unlimited

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Both TDU games were great IMO.