
New Sea of Thieves Trailer Shows Cooperative Gameplay and Treasure Hunting

Rare Showcases how you can work together with your crew in Sea of Thieves, and how you can be cruelly trolled by rivals when you go around thinking that the money is in the bag.

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gangsta_red2701d ago

Game looks good. But I'm into Dragons not pirates!

Lennoxb632700d ago

I've got a sneaking suspicion that you're not into either unless their coming from your platform of choice.

naruga2700d ago

if i was Rare/MS i would change the camera to TP ....it would drastically improve the gameplay of the game and its visuals

bouzebbal2700d ago

Not for me but the water effect is one of the best in gaming !!!
I always pay close attention to water effects in games. Started on 32bit systems

Godmars2902700d ago

Wouldn't that be true of anyone? Better to buy a game on something you already own than have to buy a new system just to play one game.

gangsta_red2700d ago

You're right I'm actually into brunettes.

Sono4212700d ago

This game actually does look fantastic!! absolutely cannot wait!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2700d ago
notachance2700d ago (Edited 2700d ago )

definitely looks interesting, but is it massively multiplayer or just 10~ max player per session? Because if it's a massive server like how it is for Ark, there'll be some no-life groups who's online 24/7 monopolizing the map and resource and turning off new players. Ugh, it's like dictatorship in Ark's public servers for new players, you either get destroyed or you join the already too big groups to be their henchmen.

rainslacker2700d ago

I like both, but thinking about it, there really are not that many good pirate games out there. Even Lego Pirates of the Caribbean was bad....and Lego games are usually pretty good.

This game would have filled a nice void if the game play was actually some SP story focused game. What I saw is about everything I don't care for in games....online required, and hoping you can play with people that actually play the game as intended so you can get stuff done. Doing random things with random people isn't really my cup of tea, and this kind of game simply ends up being a series of things happening with no real cohesion to the reason that you're doing those things. Doing them just because one is a pirate is not really what motivates me to become invested in a game. At best, that kind of stuff is just a distraction to extend more substantial stuff from SP games.

GorillaTact2700d ago (Edited 2700d ago )

It would be interesting to know how many paid shills, from both sides, are commenting on this story. I see all kinds of childish nonsense going on. lol

pinkcrocodile752700d ago (Edited 2700d ago )

I agree with Lennoxb63.

I'm thinking Jackanory, Bullsh!t story.

This is the game I've been rooting for!, Scalebound was too japanesey for me but Sea of Thieves for me is the one I care about more than any of the others coming out.

Although I must admit I'm looking forward to That robot being human Detroit thing coming hopefully this year, or next depending on slippage.

Maybe God of War 4 and Zelda, the rest I'm less bothered about.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2700d ago
Erik73572700d ago

Wow, the disagrees you have. Very toxic people. Game does indeed look great.

It's great that you can get it on pc and you don't need a xbox.

christocolus2700d ago (Edited 2700d ago )

Lol. They can keep hitting that disagree button for all I care. Doesn't change my opinion. The game looks amazing and I can't wait to play it. I hope everyone gets to enjoy it.

Stogz2700d ago

This literally happens with every exclusive, not sure why this surprises you.

yomfweeee2700d ago

Or maybe it is because the game doesn't look that great. These graphics aren't anything special in anyway. I think the way the characters move around is actually quite stupid.

Godmars2902700d ago

Think that toxicity goes both ways. Xbox gamers want to see the game do well beyond the possibility that it may in fact not be a good game, just as PS fanboys wont accept it even if it is honestly good.

Nevermind that we're talking about a title that's more dependent on its community, how they perceive and utilize it, than it's game mechanics.

TankCrossing2700d ago (Edited 2700d ago )

I'm going to stare at the map, and then tell people to go the wrong way on purpose. It is going to be SO FUNNY.

Seriously though, I hope the game doesn't place too much emphasis on performing menial tasks. That isn't fun even with friends, and would be absolutely dire without them. Sea of Thieves has a lot to prove imo.

Gr8saiyaman882700d ago

What'd you expect? This place is crawling with Sony fanboys : /

darthv722700d ago

the water effects do look impressive. I like the art style. Very wind waker meets team fortress 2.

quent2700d ago

M$ gets peoples money either way

_-EDMIX-_2700d ago

......Or Gamers happen to have opinions

Deadpooled2700d ago (Edited 2700d ago )

"Lol. They can keep hitting that disagree button for all I care."

Ok I'll hit disagree, thanks for the suggestion :P

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2700d ago
Automatic792700d ago


I agree with you this game looks fantastic. Hope we get a release date soon.

zerocarnage2700d ago

it was February this year dno if it changed though

Bigpappy2700d ago

This is a surprise but welcome direction for rare to be taking this game. I see this having loads of fun if the soils are worthwhile an there are plenty of upgrades to be purchased that make you want to get back out there with your shipmates and explore. Could be really great.

equal_youth2700d ago

Yeah it looks nice and the mechanics shown up until now look cool too, but i'm wondering what else there will be to do. Like building a base or a hideout or real quests beside digging up treasures. All my concerns aside, this is the MS exclusive game i am looking forward to the most.

TankCrossing2700d ago

Don't get ideas above your station. Your job is to man the anchor. When the Captain says "lower the anchor!" you lower it. Then you wait until he says "Hoist the anchor!", and you hoist.

Whatever you do, get it right. The guy that spent 2 hours staring at the map and relaying directions to get you there will be pissed if the anchor boy messes it up for everyone.

2700d ago
jokerisalive2700d ago

Waiting for this game big time.

Mikey942700d ago

Don't get your hopes up to much it might get cancelled

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Stellar Blade Tops Circana April Charts

The latest US sales data is out, and while hardware may be down for the big 3, software is ruling the day, including Stellar Blade topping the charts

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helicoptergirl4d ago

Must be weird for Xbox fans to see Sea Of Thieves at number 4 on the NPD charts

ravens524d ago

The "best selling" game!?!? Lol. The narratives, I swear.

PhillyDonJawn3d ago

No it's more funny than weird. Cause ps fans swore SoT was bad and didn't interest them at all 😂

helicoptergirl3d ago

Everyone knows a game can change in 6 years. The beta testers on xbox one are apparently laughing so you tell me. Well the definitive edition players look to be enjoying themselves. Thanks for your service

PhillyDonJawn2d ago

"A game can change in 6 years" 😂 no game ever.

CrimsonWing694d ago

Well, would you look at that Sony! Guess there’s an audience after all for this stuff.

JEECE4d ago

I wonder where the change from "NPD" to "Circana" ranks on the chart of lamest rebrands? And yes I know it changed awhile ago it just annoys me every time I see it.

anast3d ago

People like this game, despite the big puritan push against it.

Hugodastrevas3d ago

Stellar Blade deserves it, it's just a gorgeous well-optomized working right out of the box game. Would plat all over again.

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PlayStation Store: April 2024’s top downloads

Last month’s most downloaded games chart features newcomers and old favorites alike.

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Jin_Sakai25d ago

This should be a warm welcome to all other Xbox games heading to PlayStation.

XiNatsuDragnel25d ago

A sign that xbox will become 3rd party in the future since there games sell better on playstation

P_Bomb24d ago

Sea of Thieves is a hit! Sadly Hi Fi Rush looks like it fell off.

VersusDMC24d ago

Love to see Stellar blade selling well. 2nd only to helldivers 2 in the US. Currently going for that platinum.

Where the F is Rebirth?! I wonder if people just don't know it's the sequel to remake. It is too good to be overlooked.

solideagle24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

I have been playing Rebirth for few days now but it feels like a mini game galore than an actual Final Fantasy 7 remake sequel. Too many mini games, I still think they could do whole Final Fantasy 7 in 1 or maximum 2 parts rather trilogy. This is my opinion

VersusDMC24d ago

Well i am not one for asking a developer to censor themselves by asking them to cut stuff out of their game...but you do you.

Remake and Rebirth are GOTY to me and you always have the original for you.


Review: Sea of Thieves on PlayStation 5 | Console Creatures

`Court writes, "Sea of Thieves can be whatever the player wants, which is part of the game's magic."

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