
Race Game Face-Off: Gran Turismo Sport vs. Forza Motorsport 7

New iterations of Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport are set for release this year. Which one will reign supreme?

Overload2715d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

That one that always wins in the racing community. Gran Turismo. Microsoft would kill for the Gran Turismo IP and trade it for the Forza IP in a heartbeat. PlayStation wouldn't make that trade.

17M people (at minimum) bought Gran Turismo between 5 and 6.

14M people have played (not bought) the Forza Franchise on Xbox One and PC (Forza 5/6, FH2/3 and the F2P Forza Apex)

"Forza Horizon 3 became the best-selling, highest-rated racing game in 2016 and the biggest Forza launch to date. The Forza franchise continues to grow and has now seen well over 14 million players on Xbox One and Windows 10."

"Legends Polyphony Digital Inc. and FIA long-term partnership"

All of GT's accolades matters more than a 8 instead of a 9 from IGN.

Metacritic averages

Gran Turismo 5 (84)

Gran Turismo 6 (81)

Forza 5 (79)

Forza 6 (87)

As you can see, it's a myth that Forza is so much better reviewed. Yet GT sells 3/4x as much and that doesn't mean anything.....

2713d ago Replies(6)
Chris122713d ago

Do you never tire of the anti-MS drivel you spin in almost every article? My favourite genre is racing and I much prefer the fun racing of Forza to the sterile experience offered by GT. They are both great franchises and I'll buy GT Sport on release, but your Xbox trolling is just a daily bore.

Overload2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

Showing information from 2 series in an article about comparison isn't trolling.

If this was a Forza review or something like that, that would be trolling.

Chris122713d ago

Show some stats and then make the usual stealth FUD about MS would swap Forza for GT. Absolute BS. Racing games are far better off for having both Forza and GT franchises.

You also only have to look at almost every positive Xbox article for your normal negative troll. But then you've done that on all your previous banned alt accounts too so it should be no surprise.

BizarroUltraman2713d ago

But it is trolling Overload. You just do it soo much that you forget.

Why else would you bring the GT Sports vs Forza 7 up. Lets face it Playstation hasnt had a good racer since PS2. The best of the lot being Driveclub, which I play almost everyday. I got lap times in top 1K global.

I just hope GT Sports has better collision and next gen car models...

Yohshida2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

So basically Sales over Gameplay? Sorry I rather have a great racer instead of a good selling one. The 14 Million is Unique players btw, not copys sold. I bought Forza 5,6 And Horizon 2,3 but count as 1, since im 1 Player.

AcidDvl2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

Forza Horizon is an arcade racer and cannot be compared a simulator like GT. However Forza's original franchise praises it self on being a simulator but pales big time in comparison with GT.

Overload2713d ago

Gran Turismo 6 vs Forza 5: Comparison Test

GT6 wins most of the gameplay comparisons.

Inzo2713d ago

Actually simulation over arcade.

2713d ago
Overload2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )


This is PR, the goal is to maximize everything.

That is actually ridiculous that you think PR would display information like that. Especially Microsoft who break things down as far as "bullets fired".

There is ZERO chance they are not talking about unique players game by game and then adding them up, this number probably includes Backwards Compatibility.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2713d ago
Masterchief_thegoat2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

Gt sales a lot because of Europe.. and the fact forza mainseries, and spinoff come out every year. But quality wise forza beat it.. tell me the last gt game that has 86 and above in metacritic. The last one was gt4 ..while forza Motorsport 6 and horizon3 has no competition..

Overload2713d ago

Forza has a rewind feature, that most likely helps it in reviews a bit. Most gameplay comparisons of Forza 5 and GT6 give the gameplay to GT6. Not to mention GT6 has 6x more cars.

Masterchief_thegoat2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

@ Overload even thou forza 5 was disappointed due to fact it was release with new gen Xbox one due to limitation .. forza 6 bounce back higher metacritic than gt 6.

BizarroUltraman2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )


What the hell rewind gotta do with it?
You do know that rewind can be disabled and is disabled with higher difficulty..

Matter fact its better to disable. If you're like me, you dont use rewind or mods. In pursuit of the best lap times, Forza Motorsports is tough as hell!

Im ok with the disagrees, Im sure they have nothing to do with what I said and more with PS fanboys just not liking the truth or me because Im not blinded by the Sony light, hahahaha.

Masterchief_thegoat2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

Gibreel87 lol i meant 6 I was writing fast on my iPhone 6plus

Z5012713d ago

Why is "86" such an important number?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2713d ago
BizarroUltraman2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

Overload, why when Forza has been the better series for over a decade.

@over, Thats the problem you and I have. You base everything on how it sells. I base everything on how well it plays and I just feel that the overall package Forza is better!

Overload2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

It`s just a secret right..... otherwise Forza would sell lots. It's an Xbox exclusive yearly franchise, with lots of marketing. You can't even go to IGN without seeing an ad for Forza around the time of release.

Z5012713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

Serious question. Not trolling.

Why do Forza fans say they "never" use the rewind feature, but PG keeps putting in a rewind feature? Surely, they can track this metric and know people aren't using this feature.

DarXyde2713d ago

I'm going to say something you're likely to scoff at: personally, I think Forza has become the better series. GT has more endorsements and such, but it's also "the original driving simulator". In terms of being more popular in the real racing community, sure, I give you that. GT make dreams of being an official driver come true, but as a game, I like Forza more.

They're both solid titles, make no mistake. I just have more faith in FM7 being favorably received.

itsmebryan2713d ago

GT 5 and 6 were disappointing games. The sound was awful and the never fixed it like they promised and the game play was lacking. With no damage , bumper car physics, using car models that dated back to PS2, boring AI and sterile feel even with a Fanetec wheel, pedals, and shifter combo. I don't know if you played GT 5 and 6 back to back with Forza 4 like I did ( because I owned both games and consoles) the feel of GT and quality was not even close to Forza 4. And this comes from a person that has been playing Grand Turismo since it first one came out.

Just because it sold more doesn't make it better. Justin Bieber sells a lot of records does that make him the best?

2713d ago
BizarroUltraman2713d ago

You mean the 79 a rushed out Forza 5 game received. Yet still better reviewed than any exclusive racer on PS4 right now!

freshslicepizza2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

sales dont tell you what is better, if that was the case the wii was a better system than both the xbox 360 and ps3. it is clear the team at polyphony digital have become complacent and have no idea how to manage timelines. they have said multiple times that the ps4 would be much easier and gt 7, yes gt 7 not gt sport, would be out years ago and here we are in 2017 and gt sport, not gt 7, still has no actual release date.

gt just like the playstation has a very loyal fanbase. japan will also ignore forza and favor gt which also accounts for quite a few sales in favor of the gt franchise. call it xenophobic just like how japan supports pes soccer much more than fifa.

the fact is both franchises have had its ups and downs but team 10 doesnt sit still and take forever to get a game out and still advances the games enough to get critics to often like it more than gt. those are facts,

another thing to look forward to is scorpio will be more powerful which means forza 7 will have native 4k support, not checkerboard renedering and will also be on the pc. this means more wheel support as well and really no limitations to access to how you want to play.

ShottyatLaw2713d ago

Go by the metacritic scores for the respective series and you'll see why those of us who actually play both series believe that Forza "took the crown" since the 360/PS3 gen.

FM5 was rushed to launch. We were vocal about it, criticized it's shortcomings, and we were then sold a game in FM6 that was absolutely top of its class.

I hope GT Sport is a return to form for GT, but I share in the article's apprehensions. Realize that FM7 is building off of one of the most complete racers ever made. GTS has a tough road ahead.

And if you're going to use sales as the measure of what's the better game than I guess COD wins GOTY again this year...

Gazondaily2713d ago

Lol Sport isn't even out and you're shilling so hard for it against forza with sales figures. Ridiculous

qu1ckset2713d ago

This guy keeps comparing Forza 5, game sucked and it was rushed for the Xbox One , Forza 4 and 6 were much better then 5.

I personally haven't really liked GT as much after GT3 as I found Forza gameplay and customization to be much better. GT Sport looks like it's going to be more of the same with nothing really new yet other then graphics. I will still pick up both GT Sport and Forza 7.

Everyone's entitled to there opinions tho.

It's nice owning PC, XB1, PS4Pro to be able to enjoy most exclusives released and not just some fanboy war screaming ones better then the other.... I want games and compitition.

Whatever2342713d ago

@moldy .Thing is ,pez iiis better and gt is better console sim racer.

demonddel2713d ago

Justin Bieber sells more records than Jaheim doesn't make him better he just have a bigger following who doesn't care

ProjectVulcan2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

I have owned and played every GT game since the series arrived two decades ago, yes, including the prologues and concept games.

I have owned and played every Forza Motorsport game ever made.

Right now in 2017, Forza is leagues ahead. Forza 6 is so much better than GT6 in virtually every metric, it's not amusing. It is very disappointing how uneven the overall quality of the experience is in GT and has been since GT4.

GT sport bringing quality competition would be very welcome, as Polyphony need to step up their game.

I honestly don't care about sales. Sales never meant a game was actually good. Quoting sales figures is a weak argument and usually the last bastion of the desperate when talking about the quality of titles. Always has been always will be.

Talk to the people that own, play and have followed the series since their roots. I would be one of them. Forza currently is the benchmark on console.

Oh, and by the way, you're not convincing anyone by shovelling 3 year old comparisons of GT6 versus Forza 5 when Forza 5 was a rushed hardware launch title and it's vastly superior sequel Forza 6 is well over a year old now. Desperately weak selective links...

BenRC012713d ago

Gt is as dull as your post

mcstorm2713d ago

For me I prefer forza ms over GT. Don't get me wrong GT is very good but I feel it needs to be updates and changed as it's now starting to feel dated compared to other racing games on the market.

I am still getting the new GT and I'll also get forza 7 as I enjoy both games but what wins it for me is the online. For me this is where forza shows its strength over GT and IDE love to see GT improve the most.

Let's face it though if you own a ps4 or Xbox one your going to be happy with any of them. I do hope we see some more SIM games step up to the plate though as we are lacking some great racing games this gen. I was excited by project cars and that game let me down a lot after all the hype.

2713d ago
mark_parch2713d ago

i've been on n4g a lot over christmas and have noticed this OVERLOAD a lot. he doesn't really bring a lot to the debate as he is clearly a hardcore ps4 fanboy or girl. that said gt holds a special place in my heart i remember the first 3 games were absolutely epic and nothing else came close at the time but even though forza 5 lacked content imo forza has been the better racing game since forza 4. we know literally nothing about forza 7 but i expect if they improve on 6 and take some features from horizon 3 like auction house it will end up being the best racer this year especially with the power of scorpio

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 2713d ago
YinYangGaming2715d ago

For racing fans, Forza Motorsport 7 will probably do more in terms of pushing the bar of what we come to expect. GT has always been the bigger juggernaut sales wise but Forza has undeniably been the better actual game in the last few iterations and from what we've seen from GT Sport thus far hasn't been that impressive. Also expect this year's Forza to hit 4k 60fps and blow people's socks off with Scorpio hardware

Overload2715d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

A small vocal group of people on the internet think Forza Motorsport is "undeniably better", but it doesn't show up on charts after 6 iterations. It's not like this is one game people didn't get, they have had 6 iterations and the spin-off series seems to be selling better than the main series.

It's clear as day people who actually BUY racing games don't agree.

Masterchief_thegoat2713d ago

Of course gt sales the most, because gt has support from Europe .. while forza series does not, and the fact gt doesn't come out every year..

Overload2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

"Of course gt sales the most, because gt has support from Europe .. while forza series does not"

For good reason. Hardcore racing fans buy wheels, chairs and all sorts of things, it's an investment.

If they wanted a Xbox for Forza they would get one.


For your enjoyment, for yourself.....

2713d ago
Masterchief_thegoat2713d ago

''If they wanted a Xbox for Forza they would get one.'' they would if Europe was not loyal to death with Sony.. but we all know gt does not go above 1million in the states

BizarroUltraman2713d ago

A small vocal group?
GT Sports is guaranteed to sell a ton but not because it will be better than Forza but because theres no good racers on PS4.

You know thats true when the top played racer on PS4 right now is Need for Speed. Now thats embarrassing.

BizarroUltraman2713d ago


Funny you say that. The top racers on Forza are from the UK so are they just playing Forza til GT comes out?

And you make it seem as tho only hardcore race fans reside in europe and they're the only ones with race setups..haha
Can never get enough laughs

n4rc2713d ago

Hard core racing fans are on PC imo.. at least the couple I know personally lol

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2713d ago
madmonkey012713d ago

for actual racing fans, there is no contest if they had to chose between the two franchises, it would be GT, GT sport is likely to continue that tradition.

UntrainedN00B012713d ago

Actual racing fans buy a proper sim especially if they are serious about racing games.... Gt is not a sim

andrewsquall2713d ago

Forza hasn't blown anyone's socks off with its last gen looking 1080p setup so not sure what 4K will do for it either.

Here is something to put it into perspective for you (hint, one of these is a stunning next gen looking racer, try to figure out which one) https://www.reddit.com/r/ga...

Keep staying "neutral" there.

UntrainedN00B012713d ago

If driveClub was running at 60fps then it's fair to compare them both

kstuffs2713d ago

Let's forget the fact that Forza runs at 60 fps LOCKED and DriveClub runs at 30 fps. Look at DF review of DCVR and what happens to the graphics quality running at 60 fps. Dynamic weather GONE. Dynamic time GONE.


"The cost of 60fps in VR then, is pretty high. Bearing in mind how many people wanted the original DriveClub to have an optional 60fps mode, it's interesting to see this as a kind of alternate vision of the game."

crazychris41242715d ago

It's great having a PS4 Pro and a gaming PC. Get to choose the best game instead of being stuck with one.

Notwithrocksteady2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

good for you kid.

Masterchief_thegoat2713d ago

forza 7 4k plus Scorpio will be lit

G20WLY2713d ago

It's always possible for it to be better on PC though. It just is.

Masterchief_thegoat2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

ofcourse pc will be better. but I'm more of hardcore console gamer than pc

BizarroUltraman2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

Great having a PS4 Pro for GT Sports. Then when Scorpio comes I'll pick up F7.

Haters gon hate! Hahahaha

Yep Im a hater!! I hate ironic fanboys such as yourself. Im a hater for having my own opinions on systems I actually own and games Ive actually played. Im a hater for owning both Xbox and Playstation consoles.
Im a hater because my opinions dont agree with yours.

You guys always want to say Playstation is the best! All Playstation games are the best and as someone whos played almost all of them aside from 1k jrpgs and have owned every single PS console made..I like to give genuine feedback. Like Forza being better than GT.

And as for me hating all the time. Thats also 100% false!!.

Any and all comments that might seems fanboyish or hateful to you was in response to another fanboy comment or one with a single-minded opinion. For the most part I carry my self well in these forums.

And btw, I had 0 agrees and 9 disagrees for "Great having PS4 Pro for GT Sports, then when Scorpio comes Ill pick up F7"

So whos hating who?!? What in that intial comment warranted 9 disagrees?
What? That I was gonna buy F7 when Scorpio came out. No trolling imo...
Then I edit it to include "Haters gon hate"

UCForce2713d ago

You are also hater, too. So yeah, they hate you and you hate them. Simple.

jwillj2k42713d ago

Every one knows forza is GT's little brother. Yea they are good for a laugh or two, may even hold their own depending on what you're doing. But at some point they wear out their welcome and you kick them out the room because, well you know, its your little brother.

vivid832713d ago

no ..... you're not allowed to enjoy more than one racing game

IRetrouk2713d ago

Lol seems that way sometimes

VforVideogames2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

you're only allowed to get one so make sure you get the king of racing...........FM7 its not as pretty as gt but its way more fun and realistic.

MagicBeanz2713d ago

Fun is relative what you consider fun others might not, and it doesn't get any more real then GT, real race car drives use GT to do practice races on. In fact people have raced virtually in GT and then gone on to race as real race car drivers.

madmonkey012713d ago ShowReplies(2)
MagicBeanz2713d ago Show
Show all comments (142)

Gran Turismo Sport Has Been Delisted From PS Store

Sony Interactive Entertainment has delisted Gran Turismo Sport from the PlayStation Store as of January 1, 2024.

ApocalypseShadow159d ago

The great digital future. Where games vanish. The benefits of digital just aren't enough over physical to every buy in 100 percent. Especially when my Atari games still work and can be played to this day over 40 years later. Some of these digital games don't even last a whole generation.

purple101159d ago

But in this case everyone who has it still has it

And they unlocked single player to be allowed to progress offline

ApocalypseShadow158d ago (Edited 158d ago )

But in the case of others, they can no longer can buy it or any delisted game. Just like online only games that get their servers turned off and there's no update for offline with bots.

If you like the idea of any digital game being delisted where it's no longer available at all, then you and others are fools. What's all that presentation bullshit guys like you spew?

There should be no reason any digital game should be removed. Ever.

Bathyj157d ago

Apocalypse no one likes it. But let's be clear here.

If you own the game, you still own it. All that's happening here is they are stopped selling it.

Why? I have no clue. But it's the exact same thing if your local best buy isn't stocking the disc anymore and Sony aren't making any more. Same thing, just in the digital realm.

If you want to complain about servers for an online game being shut down, go ahead. But that's a separate topic and can happen to any online game even with a physical disc.

fan_of_gaming157d ago (Edited 157d ago )

@Bathyj "But it's the exact same thing if your local best buy isn't stocking the disc anymore and Sony aren't making any more. Same thing, just in the digital realm."

It isn't the exact same thing at all. When a game gets a physical release, it is always available even if big-box retailers aren't selling it new anymore. For example, I can go on eBay today and buy a new & sealed copy of Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron for PS3, because it once had a physical release. However I cannot buy a copy of Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron for PS4 today, because it had a digital-only release and was delisted.

If Gran Turismo Sport had a digital-only release, it would be unavailable for anyone to buy ever again. But because it had a physical release, in 5 years someone that wants to play it can still acquire it.

Cacabunga157d ago

People should stand against digitalization

purple101157d ago (Edited 157d ago )

I have only brought one or two digital games in my life
Everything I buy is physical

Often from eBay in perfect condition.
Sometimes from a online shop in uk such as


All, who will ship disk to your door on day of release, cheaper than buying from digital store.

Then I either keep, lend, or sell. My choice

No where, did I say I support digital. And yet someone even called me a fool,
Totally misunderstood, some would say, he’s the fool

With GtSport It ISNT being taken away from anyone who already owns it. So this has all got out of hand with people not even reading the article

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 157d ago
DigitallyAfflicted158d ago

Maybe this will make people realise the future of digital-only games

purple101158d ago

This one won’t though
Because it’s not de-listed and taken away from you
It’s just not on sale anymore and the multiplayer will be shut down soon I reckon. It released 2017 so it’s had a fair run of 5 years online multiplayer lobbies

DigitallyAfflicted158d ago

@Purple, but it could be taken away, like p.t. Demo was, as well is taken away from anyone who didn't purchase GTsport in a digital form and yes I know we can still buy disc version and it's not a big of a deal.

My point is that you can't own something if it's not physical, with digital-only content you pay for the right to download and use and possibly in the future there will be some laws regulating you rights to it…

blackblades158d ago

I mean y'all been whining about that since the ps3 era. To this day im still able to play all the games I payed for.

ApocalypseShadow158d ago (Edited 158d ago )

It won't. Fools like purple think that just because they can still download it now, that it's safe. I've bought multiple games on console and mobile that are no longer downloadable or function. Because the game was either delisted or since it was connected to the Internet, no longer works because the servers were shut down turning those games into coasters. With no update to be able to play some games offline with bots. They're gone.

He won't get it or care until it happens to him and some of his games are delisted and removed or don't work any more even if he "bought it "

EvertonFC157d ago (Edited 157d ago )

If you don't keep your old consoles, your physical disk will be useless too. Do you think console hardware or disk drives will be around in 20 years. Good luck with that.
I'm not saying it's right btw, just pointing out to the physical crowd that digital and physical are very alike when it comes to actually being able to play the games in the future like 20 years time.
When I'm in my care home, I don't expect to be able to play my old digital or physical collection as consoles won't be around or disk drives for playstation.
Unless your keeping the old consoles safe in the attic over time, nobody will be playing there old physical game collections.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 157d ago
EvertonFC157d ago

If you bought a physical launch day copy of GTS you still won't be able to download any of the updates in 20 years when servers are off.
Plus there will be no such thing as a disk drive or a hardware box for that matter in 20 years unless you keep your old consoles.
My point is sadly your physical or digital copy won't work.

Barlos157d ago (Edited 157d ago )

I see this as the digital equivalent of physical games going out of print. They don't continue to make copies forever, at some point they will stop making it, usually when sales dry up and I guess for GT sport that happened some time ago. Also, in the digital world, storage space is not infinite. If a game is no longer selling, why would they waste space on keeping it available?

For those that already own the digital version, they will still have access to it.

frostypants157d ago

I generally agree, but GT Sport is primarily an online game. They probably have some reluctance to deal with the blowback of selling an online-oriented game that may not have active servers much longer. Admittedly that's a whole other issue in itself.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 157d ago
Father__Merrin157d ago

Online based titles like this I wouldn't expect to last forever as the game has been updated iterations as in gt7

Same with if FIFA 20 was delisted as example there's update to game. If something like Uncharted collection was delisted then that's something that's bad

Agent75157d ago

You pay stupid money for digital games and DLC, then it goes missing. Who's laughing?

shinoff2183157d ago

Physical games for yet another win.


Gran Turismo Sport End of Online Services

On January 31, 2024, at 06:00 UTC, the online services of the PlayStation®4-exclusive software “Gran Turismo Sport” will come to an end.

Read Full Story >>
shadowT257d ago (Edited 257d ago )

Time to get a PS5! New PS5 owners in the USA can currently claim a game for free, but GT7 is not part of this promotion.

purple101257d ago

GT sport was good. Gt7 is better.

For someone who was crap at racers (and still is) and only played kart racers with powerups, I can say GT sport and gt7 balance SIM/ arcade racing to perfection. Easy enough for anyone to play and not crash but with enough depth to master for years.

Totally different to need for speed / Forza handling where the cars feel 'floaty'.

The dualsense is just supreme with gt7 toi

badz149256d ago

So...will they enable offline saves now or what?

VariantAEC251d ago

From Gran-Turismo.com (the article liked above): "All existing cars and personalized Car Settings kept in Garage will be accessible. Gameplay progression required as normal to unlock additional cars and items."

So... yes, as far as I can tell you'll still be able to use all your collected and purchased cars and race on all the tracks in the game and unlock ones you might not already have access to. That's what I'm getting from the post, but time will tell if this actually comes to pass February 1st, 2024.

Agent75256d ago

After Turismo 4 on the PS2, the series was never the same. Although Turismo 4 wasn't a finished game and didn't play as good as Turismo 3. Turismo 5 on PS3 was a mess, Turismo 6 was Turismo 5 finished. Sport on PS4 was another mess, especially VR mode. Sort of back on track with Turismo 7, but so tiring as with the Forza series. Anyone remember the PSP version that had no championship mode? Turismo has always been average at best.

OmegaSoldati256d ago

Thats why i dont like online only games. Cant believe this, this game sold so well. You need to be a fanboy to keep supporting Sony after this. Bought this thinking that it would take 10 years for this. I'm lucky that there are enough classics and single players for a life time.

VariantAEC251d ago

Looks like PD has the potential to set the bar for closing out always online games.
Back when GT Sport launched you couldn't do anything when you couldn't access the servers, but it looks like GT Sport will retain access to SP race modes, custom races, VR, your full garage, and all tracks. This is much more than what was available at launch if offline.

We still will lose custom liveries and race suits, which is nonsense, but hey if you share them online now they will be in the cloud and available to you in GT7 if you're interested. Basically, we lose MP, but players keep everything we earned and whatever was paid for.


GranTurismo World Series 2022 | World Finals | Nations Cup | Regional Finals

30 of the world's top GT drivers arrive in Monaco after a highly competitive 2022 Series. They must now navigate a regional qualifying group featuring drivers from their home regions for a place at the Grand Final.
12 drivers from each respective group including the top three from Asia-Oceania, Americas, and Europe/Middle East/Africa groups, and the top three from the Repechage will qualify for the Grand Final.

Agent75256d ago

After Turismo 4 on the PS2, the series was never the same. Although Turismo 4 wasn't a finished game and didn't play as good as Turismo 3. Turismo 5 on PS3 was a mess, Turismo 6 was Turismo 5 finished. Sport on PS4 was another mess, especially VR mode. Sort of back on track with Turismo 7, but so tiring as with the Forza series. Anyone remember the PSP version that had no championship mode? Turismo has always been average at best.