
Super Mario Run Grosses $30 Million in 2 Weeks, Only 3M Downloaded Full Game

Super Mario Run launched back on December 15th of last year, but in that short space of time, the mobile sensation has already grossed $30 million.

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Simon_the_sorcerer2709d ago

That´s a lot of money in a very short period of time, impressing!

_-EDMIX-_2709d ago

Agreed like I've been saying don't be surprised when this company goes fully software only

DillyDilly2709d ago

Microsoft exclusive Sony can have MARVEL I say & Microsoft gets Nintendo fair trade

EddieNX 2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

TBH I can see Switch doing well and the it sticking round for a long time with just more powerful iterations being released for the next 10 years+

Edit @ Moonman, You're not alone bro, I also need to be sent to rehab for terrible addiction to Nintendo games!

Moonman2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )


I agree, Nintendo will do fine if Switch has a awesome "on the go" experience. If they nail that aspect, that is enough to differentiate themselves from the pack. I for one can't wait play the home versions of Mario Kart and Zelda on the go. But I am a Mario Kart addict and proud of my addiction..lol.

Zeldafan642709d ago

Funny you don't say that about the others even though they've had mobile games way before Nintendo.

_-EDMIX-_2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

@Eddie- I don't disagree with you Eddie I believe this which is likely going to do very well considering they have a very strong base with handheld and we've actually never seen them fully support a platform in a very long time with 100% of their teams.

I simply mean in the off chance that it doesn't succeed.

I personally think it's going to do just fine. I'm really anxious to see how they perform with 100% of their teams just focusing on one device and install base.

I don't want any more of the fragmentation I was seeing from their portable to Home console.

@zelda- the difference is Sony and Microsoft are very dominant in the Home console Market in regards to exclusively playing on a television, Nintendo is not.

As to why their next platform is portable.

My comment is simply based on if switch happens to fail.

Nintendo absolutely cannot afford to lose their portable Market it is their most dominant market and if the switch happens to fail it means that it is correct that the company decides to go software-only it means that none of their Hardware iterations are able to hold on to a large enough install base to justify spending money on Hardware especially since software technically gives them the greatest return.

That isn't the situation for Sony or Microsoft...

Even in Microsoft situation they're still supporting PC because they have an OS and it allows them to sell more software.

Relax this is simply business and speculation.

I don't need to bring up Sony or Microsoft exiting the hardware Market when they're consistently doing well.

They are currently the market leaders in regards to Home console.

EddieNX 2709d ago

Yh I get you EDMIX , we will see

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2709d ago
Moonman2709d ago

Nintendo is not dumb despite what people think..lol. They anticipated some would grumble about the $9.99 price but they stuck to their guns because Mario is worth the price. As word of mouth gets around...and people are enjoying the game...even made some game developers GOTY lists....it will continue to sell without Nintendo feeling like they sold out Mario for free. It's all profit I'm sure. Nintendo is not crying at the bank.

Zeldafan642709d ago

Yeah all mobile does is give Nintendo more revenue to put towards their real games like Zelda.

TheUndertaker852709d ago

We kinda already heard this "news" over a week ago.

It had 40 million downloads in four days. It was reported then roughly 4% had actually purchased it.

Now we have a gross amount to add another factor. This shows that roughly 3% purchased. $30 million divided by $10 per purchase would show 3 million purchases.

If this article represents current numbers and not previously stated numbers then it actually shows that in ten days numbers haven't risen. Conversion to full product would have decreased by 1%.

_-EDMIX-_2709d ago

But still a pretty big deal it very much shows that lots of people like Nintendo almost more than they like purchasing their Hardware ,40 million in such a short period of time is astonishing.


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Nerdmaster1164d ago

I really liked Mario Run's model. Pay once, unlock everything.
Unfortunately, people prefer to be whales, so Nintendo saw real money lies in microtransactions and gacha mechanics. So now I feel less and less excited for each new mobile game they announce.

1164d ago
BattleCat1164d ago

Paid positive propaganda article by Nintendo. That's the spirit :)


Is Nintendo Ruining Mario on Mobile

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1722d ago
AK911722d ago

No it's ruining Ninty as a brand just stick to Switch games.