
Super Mario Run Purchase Rate on iOS Abysmal

Carl Williams writes, "Super Mario Run received quite a bit of publicity leading up to its release. That is a fact. You could hardly visit a website without seeing something about the debut Nintendo game on the iOS platform. Did you notice much advertising though? That is right, Nintendo made great use of the “free advertising” websites that are willing to garner a few clicks from potential readers. We are no different here at Retro Gaming Magazine, we cover what is good and what we like, whether there is advertising to match it or not (not many Sega Master System ads floating around, but we still love that console and cover it regularly). This release is also interesting to point out that even Mario is not impervious to poor sales conversions in the mobile market."

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TheGamingArt2718d ago

Because people are spoiled and dumb and the entire mobile app market echo system needs to be revamped.

luckytrouble2717d ago

The problem with the mobile market is the fact that anybody can publish anything on widely viewed stores with no process to weed out the pure junk. It's why while major gaming platforms like Playstation and Xbox get their share of crap games, the volume isn't infinitely expanding like it is on the mobile marketplace. This means that there is a very reasonable desire to try before you buy on the iOS App Store and Android Play Store, and for developers to give their games a fair chance at success, the free to play model became prominent. It allows any game to have a chance at succeeding without a paywall pushing people away from even trying. The problem is that while ad revenue is nice, if a developer wants a future, they need money. This is where microtransactions, if implemented smartly, become a critical tool towards funding future success.

It's unfortunate that some developers have gained prominence exclusively by abusing microtransactions, like in pay to win PVP games, but there are many games that have risen to popularity that use a smaller pricetag to promote a one time purchase, or simply use microtransactions to increase the speed of progression without outright locking critical content behind a paywall. Mobile development is a balancing act, and the only way to revamp the way we think about paying for apps is to far more strictly regulate existing app stores.

Mr Marvel2718d ago

Like all other mobile games, this is complete shit.

Immorals2718d ago (Edited 2718d ago )

You get the occasional fun one.

This was just a blatant cash grab turned into a marketing ploy by the ever struggling to remain relevant Apple

luckytrouble2718d ago

Too much is demanded for too little content. Look at the Rayman mobile titles, both at pricepoint and content, and you see where Super Mario Run fell short. When I beat the first three levels in a four level world in all of five minutes, I should have known the game wouldn't last. I purchased with hesitance, got a couple hours out of it, and haven't opened the app since because I have nothing left to do. People aren't opposed to a one time payment. They're opposed to paying a premium for a demo all because Nintendo has an ever skewed value of their own IP. This is hardly an issue restricted to mobile in terms of Nintendo having issues with pricing and working with the market.

Tedakin2717d ago

The price hurt it a lot... and letting people play before buying as well. That's awesome for consumers, but I think hurt sales. While fun, most deemed it not worth 10 bucks

RosweeSon2717d ago

Because they only played 3 levels and can't see the bigger picture their loss. More than enough gaming for £7.99... I've seen DLC priced at more lasting less than 2 hours.

juanroll2717d ago

I love traditional Mario gameplay but I sort of can't stand endless runner gameplay. That reason alone is why I haven't even downloaded it. I'm sure there are many fans of Mario that feel the same way.

RosweeSon2717d ago

Yeah I'm not a fan of the endless run however it's a really enjoyable game, pretty tricky tho as I'm a Mario player who likes to take his time and find all the nooks and crannies ;) always secrets to be had but yeah great little game still.

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Nerdmaster1164d ago

I really liked Mario Run's model. Pay once, unlock everything.
Unfortunately, people prefer to be whales, so Nintendo saw real money lies in microtransactions and gacha mechanics. So now I feel less and less excited for each new mobile game they announce.

1164d ago
BattleCat1164d ago

Paid positive propaganda article by Nintendo. That's the spirit :)


Is Nintendo Ruining Mario on Mobile

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1723d ago
AK911722d ago

No it's ruining Ninty as a brand just stick to Switch games.